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1. Tell me about your mother, _______________________?

2. Tell me about your house,_________________________? (far)
3. Tell me about your bedroom, _____________________? (dirty)
4. Tell me about your pet, ________________________? (fuzzy)
5. Tell me about the weather ____________________? (cold)
6. Tell me about your friend _____________________? (short)
7. Tell me about your father_____________________? (strong)
8. Tell me about your best friend,________________? (easy-going)
9. Tell me about your homework ________________? (boring)
10. Tell me about your favorite actor _____________? (handsome)
11. Tell me about you _________________________? (tall)
12. Tell me about your house ______________________? (new)
13. Tell me about the rock_________________________? (soft)
14. Tell me about your aunt __________________________? (happy)
15. Tell me about your uncle _________________________? (angry)
16. Tell me about the chips ___________________________? (healthy)
17. Tell me about the ice-cream _______________________? (hot)
18. Tell me about you________________________________? (talkative)
19. Tell me about the baby __________________________? (old)
20. Tell me about your cousin ________________________? (thin)
21. Tell me about your living room _____________________? (clean)
22. Tell me about your pet ____________________________? (pretty)
23. Tell me about your English school _________________? (ugly)
24. Tell me about your favorite hobby _____________________? (fun)
25. Tell me about your favorite video game ____________________? (boring)
26. Tell me about your sofa _____________________________? (comfortable)
27. Tell me about your bed _____________________________? (new)
NAME: ________________________________________________ GROUP:__________ DATE:__________

Catch a train to working Take a shower Brush the teeth

have breakfast

1- First the went to the __________ to __________________

2- Then he went to the ___________ to ________________

3. After that he went to the __________ to _____________

4. Then he went to the ____________ to ______________

Do my homework have my English lesson meet some friends
buy some fruit help my mom

1- First the went to the __________ to __________________

2- Then he went to the ___________ to ________________

3. After that he went to the __________ to _____________

4. Then he went to the ____________ to ______________

5.And finally he went to the ____________ to_________

4. What did you do yesterday?

See my uncle buy the meal buy some shoes

take out some many ask for my notes

1- First the went to the __________ to __________________

2- Then he went to the ___________ to ________________

3. After that he went to the __________ to _____________

4. Then he went to the ____________ to ______________

5.And finally he went to the ____________ to_________

NAME: ________________________________________________ GROUP:__________ DATE:__________


1. Where did you go last night? (Grocery storel)

2. Where did you go on Saturday afternoon? (cinema)
3. Where did your mother go at the weekend? (church)
4. Where did you father go last Saturday? (factory)
5. Where did your teacher go this morning?(café)
6. Where did Sandra go on Sunday morning? (market)
7. Where did Mark go on Friday afternoon? (library)
8. Where did Tony and Sam do last night?(park)
9. Where did you go at the weekday? (school)
10. When did Peter do last Monday? (hospital)

1. Where did _______________________? She went to the school

2. Where ___________________________? To learn about math
3. ________________ you parent __________? I went to the zoo to _____________
4. _______________________________________? _______________ Hospital to _____________
5. _______________________________________? They _______________ park ______________
6. _______________ _ your bistle _________? _______________party to _______________
7. ______________________________________? ______________________________________
8. ______________________________________? ________________________________________
Complete the sentences in the correct form

In this picture I can see that: They

________ _____________ soccer in the
park because ________________________
besides _____________________________.

In this picture I can see that: She _____

______________ a sandwich in the school
because _____________________________

In this picture I can see that: The girl

_____ _______________ some books in her
house because ________________________
besides ______________________________.
In this picture I can see that: The
baby ______ ___________in his bed
because ____________________.

In this picture I can see that: My

father and I ______ ________________
in the pool because
________________________ besides

In this picture I can see that: They

_____ _____________ in the park
because _____________________
besides _____________________.

In this picture I can see that: Michael

____ ___________ some beer in the
discoteque because
____________________ besides
In this picture I can see that: Peter and
Lisa _________ ___________ in a TV
show because _________________
besides ____________________.

In this picture I can see that: I _____

_______________ in a race because
_________________________ besides

In this picture I can see that: They ______

__________________ in the school because
______________________________ besides
__________________________________ .

In this picture I can see that: Madonna _____

_________________ in a concert in Mexico because
_____________________________________ besides
Who’s Lorena?

She ______________________________who__________
Who’s Samantha?

She ______________________________who__________

Who are Kim and Path?

They _____________________________who__________

• 1 - There are 2 cats and they are sleeping.

• Your answer: (YES or NO)

• 2 - The small robot is on the floor.

• Your answer: (YES or NO)

• 3 - The orange fish are bigger than the yellow fish.

• Your answer: (YES or NO)

• 4 - The boy with brown hair is reading a book.

• Your answer: (YES or NO)

• 5 - There are four drawings on the wall.

• Your answer: (YES or NO)

• 6 - There is one robot on the bed and it's red.

• Your answer: (YES or NO)


Find this! It’s between your eyes and your mouth. _______________

After your dinner, your food is inside this. _______________

This is hair on a man’s face. It’s under his mouth. _______________

You stand on these. They are at the end of your legs. _______________

These are white and you have a lots in your mouth. _______________

This is under your head and above your shoulders. _______________

You have five of these in each hand and you write with them. ___________

Girls like to paint them, specially with a red color. _______________

Some people wear glasses to protect them to the sun. _______________

This is in the middle of your waist and your ankle. _______________

This is inside your mouth and you taste food with this. _______________

In this organ are all of your memories also you think with this. ____________

These hold your arms and you can carry your backpack with them._____________
These are long and you walk with them. _______________

These are small, and you have five of them in each foot. ______________

You are bald because you don’t have this. _______________

This is hair in your face. It’s above your eyes. _______________

When something smells bad you use this to know it. _______________

You have two of these and you take things with them. _______________

You can go to a café to (0) ________________ lunch in
many countries of the world and eat fries there. Many
people have fries at home too. Some people have fries (1)
____________ day for lunch or dinner. They eat them
with food like burgers, chicken or fish. You can (2)
__________ hot fries in some shops and eat them in the
You can get bags (3) _________ cold fries in
supermarkets. Then you can take them back home and cook
them (4) ____________. Some people make fries from
potatoes. English people (5) ___________ fries ‘chips’!

have be do
1 most all
buying buy called
from off
4 here there
5 calls call where
NAME:________________________________________ GROUP:MOVERS DATE:_________

1.- Look at the next texts. In the blanks write the opposite words.

Hi Claire, let me tell you about my new school. It is very big and quiet. All my
classmates are very intelligent and my teachers are very fun! I like my school
because I am always playing and happy!

Hi Daniel! Your new school sounds great! My (1) ________school was horrible! It
was very (2) ________ and (3) ________. My classmates didn’t learn anything, they
were very (4) ________ and the teachers were very (5) ________. I didn’t like my
school because I was always studying and (6) ________.

Hi Maria! I am very happy today, I saw my parents today. My mother is tall and
beautiful. My father is handsome and strong but my brother is a little fat. I
also have got a new car and it is very fast!

Hi Miguel! I am not very happy, I am very (1) _______. I didn’t see my parents, I saw
my uncles and they are horrible. My aunt is (2) _______ and (3) ________. My uncle
is (4) _________ and (5) ___________ and my cousin is too (6) __________. They
have got a new a car too but it is (7) _________ and (8) _______
3.- Choose the best adjective for each sentence.

1. Ricky Martin is very ____________. He is a singer.

A) Famous B) Ugly C) Fat

2. Mr. Botija is very ____________ because he eats a lot of food!

A) Thin B) Hungry C) Fat

3. I have got a girlfriend and she is very ______________ , I like her a lot!
A) Beautiful B) cold C) talktive

4. Basketball players have to be very ______________ so they can play.

A) Short B) Tall C) Fat

5. Soccer players are very ________________ because they run a lot!

A) Fast B) Clean C) Slow

6. My brother does a lot of exercise that’s why he is very ____________.

A) Thin B) Fat C) Strong

7. My sister is very __________________ and she doesn’t have a boy!

A) Ugly B) fast C) lasy
Hi Jack! I’m sad today. My computer is old, my new jeans are dirty
and I don’t like my hair. It’s very long now. And I can’t go outside
because it’s cold today

Hi Paul! I’m very (1)________ today. I’ve got a (2) ______ computer
and my (3) ________ jeans are (4) _________ today. I like my hair it
is very (5) ________. I’m going to go outside because it’s (6) ______.

Hi Maria! I am very happy today, I saw my parents today. My mother

is tall and beautiful. My father is handsome and strong but my
brother is a little fat. I also have got a new car and it is very fast!

Hi Miguel! I am not very happy, I am very (1) _______. I didn’t see

my parents, I saw my uncles and they are horrible. My aunt is (2)
_______ and (3) ________. My uncle is (4) _________ and (5)
___________ and my cousin is too (6) __________. They have got a
new a car too but it is (7) _________ and (8) _________.

Hi Memo! Let me tell you about the school where I work. I have got
some new students but they are not very good. My student Tania is
very slow to learn. My student Carlos is very handsome but he isn’t
intelligent. My student Joanna is tall and she has got short hair.
Hi Sergio! My students are the opposite to yours. They are (1)
_________ students but they are very (2) ___________.
My student Katya is very (3) ________ to learn English. My student
Joseph is a little (4)___________ but he is very (5) __________.
Finally my student Karen is (6) _________ and she has got a beautiful
(7) ___________
Bill and Mary Rice

John and Anna Page Sam and Vicky Rice

Sue Jane Ben Peter

My sister, _______, and I love everyone in our family! Our parents are great! Dad’s name is _________.
Our mother’s called ____________. We’ve got a really pretty ___________, too. She’s called ___________
and our uncle’s name is ___________. He’s very ___________! We’ve got two ____________. They’re both
boys and their names are_________ and ___________. Our grandparents’ names are ___________ and
__________. We like going to see them a lot! They’re happy because they’ve got
_______________________ now, Ben, Peter, Sue and me!

John and Paty Green

Bill and Kathy Wilson Peter and Mary Green

Kim Flor Lucy Ann

My sister, _______, and I love everyone in our family! Our parents are great! Dad’s name is _________.
Our mother’s called ____________. We’ve got a really pretty ___________, too. She’s called ___________
and our uncle’s name is ___________. He’s very ___________! We’ve got two ____________. They’re both
girls and their names are_________ and ___________. Our grandparents’ names are ___________ and
__________. We like going to see them a lot! They’re happy because they’ve got
_______________________ now, Lucy, Ann, Kim and me!
David and Kim Park

Tony and Daysi Ruiz Peter and Mary Park

Nick Michael Rick Ben

My brother, _______, and I love everyone in our family! Our parents are great! Dad’s name is _________.
Our mother’s called ____________. We’ve got a really pretty ___________, too. She’s called ___________
and our uncle’s name is ___________. He’s very ___________! We’ve got two ____________. They’re both
boys and their names are_________ and ___________. Our grandparents’ names are ___________ and
__________. We like going to see them a lot! They’re happy because they’ve got
_______________________ now, Rick, Ben, Nick and me!

William and Sandy Cruz

Robert and Sue Park Tom and Mary Cruz

Emma Helen Betty Katy

My sister, _______, and I love everyone in our family! Our parents are great! Dad’s name is _________. Our
mother’s called ____________. We’ve got a really pretty ___________, too. She’s called ___________ and
our uncle’s name is ___________. He’s very ___________! We’ve got two ____________. They’re both girls
and their names are_________ and ___________. Our grandparent's names are ___________ and
__________. We like going to see them a lot! They’re happy because they’ve got
_______________________ now, Betty, Katy, Emma and me!

Michael and Sarah Pérez

Tom and Betty Forest Ben and Helen Perez

Sally Mony David John

My sister, _______, and I love everyone in our family! Our parents are great! Dad’s name is _________. Our
mother’s called ____________. We’ve got a really pretty ___________, too. She’s called ___________ and
our uncle’s name is ___________. He’s very ___________! We’ve got two ____________. They’re both boys
and their names are_________ and ___________. Our grandparents’ names are ___________ and
__________. We like going to see them a lot! They’re happy because they’ve got
_______________________ now, David, John, Sally and me!
Read the text and then complete the sentences.

On holiday at the farm.

Hello! My name’s Ben. I live in the town centre with my parents and my brother, Peter. Peter’s younger
than me. He’s five and I’m twelve. Last Saturday, Dad took us all to our grandparents’ farm in his car.
Grandma and Grandpa live on a farm that’s near the sea. We love going there.

1. Ben’s home is in _____________________

2. _________________ is Ben’s brother
3. The family went to the farm last _________________
4. Ben, his brother and father travelled by _________________.
5. Ben’s _________________ live near the sea.

There’s always something exciting to go and see at their farm. On Sunday, my brother asked, ‘Can we
go and see the horses, Grandpa?’ ‘Yes!’ Grandpa said. ‘And I can show you our two new baby horses!
They’re only one week old. I’d like you to choose names for them!’ ‘Good idea!’ Grandma said.

6. Ben’s brother wanted to _______________ the horses on Sunday.

7. There were two ____________________ on the farm.
8. Grandpa asked they boys to choose the baby horses’ _________________

Peter and I laughed when we saw the baby horses! They had pretty brown eyes and made funny noises
when we said ‘Your new names are Cloudy and Star!’ On Monday, we both rode Mr. Jim, grandpa’s
oldest horse, round the biggest field. Peter and I really loved that holiday.

9. The boys called the two baby horses __________________

10. They rode Mr. Jim round grandfather’s _______________
11. Ben and his brother enjoyed _________________ a lot!
Hi! My name is _ but many people call me

. I am years old.
I am from , it is _ and
Actually I don’t like it at all.
I live in a house with
My lives .
We all love animals!
I have got a _ . Its name . It
sleeps in the .
My has got a _. Its name
. It is
small windows

Morelos Peter white son cake pet

soccer chocolate six red soup guitar

Hi! I live in _____________ Street. There are only about

__________ houses and flats in our Street.
I don’t know everybody but we’re friends with the Fish
Family. They live in a ___________ _________ house.
It’s got lots of __________ and a funny
_____________roof. Mr Fish is a sports teacher and likes
cooking ______________ on his balcony! Mrs Fish gives
dancing and music lessons. She can play the
___________ really well. She can make really great
_____________ __________ too!
Mr and Mrs Fish have got a ________ who’s called
___________. He’s got a ______ too! I really like playing
____________ with him in their garden after school.
Snakes and ladders

Mina Karly yellow twelve puppy big

banana violin pink soup niece rooms

Hi! I live in _____________ Street. There are only about

__________ houses and flats in our Street.
I don’t know everybody but we’re friends with the Fox Family.
They live in a ___________ _________ house. It’s got lots of
__________ and a funny _____________roof. Mr. Fox is a Math
teacher and likes cooking ______________ on his balcony! Mrs.
Fox gives singing lessons. She can play the ___________ really
well. She can make really great _____________ __________ too!
Mr. and Mrs. Fox have got a ________ who’s called ___________.
She’s got a ________ too! I really like playing
____________________ with her in their garden after school.
daughter rooms

Hidalgo Sandy chicken big cookies puppy

rope roast ten purple yellow violin

Hi! I live in _____________ Street. There are only about

__________ houses and flats in our Street.
I don’t know everybody but we’re friends with the Park Family.
They live in a ___________ _________ house. It’s got lots of
__________ and a funny _____________roof. Mr. Park is a
music teacher and likes baking ______________ on his
balcony! Mrs. Park gives swimming and music lessons. She can
play the ___________ really well. She can cook really great
_____________ __________ too!
Mr. and Mrs. Park have got a ________ who’s called
___________. She’s got a _________ too! I really like jumping
the ____________ with her in their garden after school.

orange exercises

kitten daughter purple pies doors Helen

eleven strawberry trumpet cards small Pine

Hi! I live in _____________ Street. There are only about

__________ houses and flats in our Street.
I don’t know everybody but we’re friends with the Wilson
Family. They live in a ___________ _________ house. It’s got
lots of __________ and a funny _____________roof. Mr.
Wilson is an English teacher and likes doing ______________
on his balcony! Mrs. Wilson gives music lessons. She can play
the ___________ really well. She can make really great
_____________ __________ too!
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have got a ________ who’s called
___________. She’s got a ___________ too! I really like playing
___________ with her in their living room after school.

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