The Role of Electronic in Developing Our Country

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Nama : Nafisa

Kelas : EK2C
No : 17
The Role of Electronic in Developing our Country

good morning everyone, how are you? I hope you are always healthy.
My name is nafisa, I am now studying at the Semarang state polytechnic aka polines. I was in
semester 4 and was in ek2c class. In Semarang I live in a boarding house in sumurboto area
which is located not far from the polynes.

Then, do you know the important role of electronics in our country? here I will explain about it.
Here I will explain the role of electronics in the agricultural industry. electronics cannot be
separated from the technology in this country. In Indonesia, agriculture cannot be separated
because the State of Indonesia is still an agricultural country. Therefore, agriculture plays an
important role in advancing the community's economy. Indonesia's agricultural sector is never
free from problems that every year always make it difficult for farmers. One of the problems in
the agricultural sector in Indonesia is agricultural technology. With the role of agricultural
technology, it is hoped that it will be able to improve the quality of agricultural products, as well
as make it easier for agricultural sector managers to get optimal work results. Agricultural
technology innovation plays an important role in increasing agricultural productivity, given that
increasing production through land expansion (extensification) is difficult to implement in
Indonesia, in the midst of increasingly widespread conversion of productive agricultural land to
non-agriculture. Progress and development in any field cannot be separated from technological
advances, the agricultural revolution is driven by the invention of machines and new ways in

Examples of technological innovations in agriculture are sensor technology and automation

technology. First, sensor technology can provide concrete and real time data to farmers. Sensor
technology that is currently being developed is sensor technology for plants that use drones to
obtain various data, such as the growth of pests, diseases, and other problems. Both automation
technologies, the application of automation like this is still fairly simple. But now a more
complex automation system has been developed in the Netherlands. Eldert Van Henten
developed detection technology and automatic harvesting tools for pears, bananas, peaches and
bananas at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. This tool can detect the level of chlorophyll
and athocyanin pigments through a device embedded in the observed fruit. In addition, this tool
is also equipped with a color combination detection camera (RGB) to detect color depth so that
the size of the fruit can be known. After the data shows that the fruit is ripe, the tool will harvest
the fruit in just two seconds. In addition, all data on fruit and plant health, maturity level, and
other statuses will be integrated on the smartphone so that it can be monitored in real time.
With that, the existing electronic technology plays a very important role for our country. The
existing technology shows developments that can advance this nation. maybe that's all I can say
this time. thanks for your attention.

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