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Basic Dream Interpretation

Biblical Basis for Prophetic Dreams:

Over 2/3 or the Bible deals with dreams and God speaking through them. Jesus would not have survived
infancy if Joseph had not developed an understanding of dreams. Culture of searching for signs.

Job 33:14-18 "Indeed God speaks once,

         Or twice, yet no one notices it.
   In a dream, a vision of the night,
         When sound sleep falls on men,
         While they slumber in their beds,
    Then He opens the ears of men,
         And seals their instruction,
    That He may turn man aside from his conduct,
         And keep man from pride;
    He keeps back his soul from the pit,
         And his life from passing over into Sheol.”

Num 12:6 “He said, "Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, shall make
Myself known to him in a vision. I shall speak with him in a dream.”

Dreams in the New Testament- Paul and Peter moved in dreams (night visions) and visions.

Acts 2:17-18

         And they shall prophesy.”

Supernatural, Holy Spirit led free-for-all.

Every dream is like a night parable, and inside every night parable there is a truth, a message, a treasure.

Proverbs 25:2

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.”
God honors us by speaking to us, by becoming intimate with us, showing His thoughts and leading us
through the process of understanding. Wisdom is gained by the journey.

The following are a list of questions to ask about a dream and symbols that will help you sort through
the parable to find the treasure.

But before the screening process, one should be fully aware of the first principle that all valid
interpretation comes from God. Really emphasize this! This is born out in both the Old and New
Testament scripture. To think otherwise would be foolish and even disqualify a person from valid
interpretation, and even hearing from God.

1. All valid interpretation comes from God

 Joseph
a) Genesis 40:8 – “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell it to me please.”
b) Genesis 41:16 – “ It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer.”
c) Genesis 41:28 – “God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do.”
 Daniel
a) Daniel 2:22 – “It is God who reveals the profound and hidden things….”
b) Daniel 2:28 – There is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and He has made known to
King Nebuchadnezzar what will take place in the latter days.
 Peter
a) 2 Peter 1:30 – “…no prophecy if Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, for no
prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke
from God.”

2. Where do dreams come from?

 God
*Healing/Deliverance Dreams:
-to heal broken relationships, healing body, removing demonization and spiritual attacks
*Calling Dreams:
-Reveal vocation and anointing
-ex: Gen 37 (Joseph sees his family bow before him/ his future)
* Warning Dreams:
-warn not to do something; sent to prevent the happening
-ex: Gen 20:3-6 (God comes to Abimelech in a dream and warns him to touch Sarai, Abram’s
wife or he will kill him.), Joseph Being warned by Angel to flee to Egypt with Jesus, U-turn/Family
* Self-condition Dreams:
- a ‘taking tests’ dream; tell you where you stand with God and what He is dealing with in life
- ex: (Solomon)
* Direction Dreams:
-tells something to do; gives specific instruction
-Ex:(Acts 16:9- Paul is told to go to Macedonia)
* Intercession Dreams:
-cause you to pray for someone else or for a situation
-ex: Becky Dream, Madison/Linda Dream
* Prophecy and Revelation Dreams:
-reveal things of the future
-ex: Gen 47 (Pharoh Dreams of Famine)
* Invention Dreams: (Can Also come from the Demonic- Rock musicians)
-creativity is released in a dream; ideas from the Lord
-ex: Guiness, gorgeous dress designs
*Visitation Dreams: (can also have demonic visitation)
- God or Angel Visits you in the night.
- (1 Kings 3:15 Solomon, Gen 28:12 Jacobs Ladder, 12 yr old angel dream, SRA visit… How to deal
with because they can come back and test you)

 Satan

* Dark Dreams/Demonic Dreams:

-Devoid of color or a muted grey scale; from the enemy to reveal what the enemy wants to do,
bring fear, intimidation, etc.
-ex: Jer 29:8 "For thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, 'Do not let your prophets who
are in your midst and your diviners deceive you, and do not listen to the dreams which they
dream.” Sneaky demonic- (Jeannine’s Dream) we call this a False Dream.
* Spiritual Warfare Dreams:
-warring dreams; attacks against us; battle can be done resulting in spiritual breakthrough
-ex: dreams where you kill things that are attacking your family/ you can learn to take authority
in these dreams, John Paul Jackson Bee dream

 Soul Dreams:

* Flushing Dreams:
-Cleanses us from day-to-day encounters that defile us, or things you are processing through
* Cleansing dreams: (Can also be from the Lord)
-Bathroom dreams, shower, nakedness
* Soul Dreams:
-own personal desires; a soulish expression in dreams or fears
In helping to determine the source of the dream, look at the amount of light (or darkness) in the
dream, any vivid colors, and the overall mood of the dream.

3. What type of dream have you received? (There are three types of dreams from God)
 Very direct dreams needing no interpretation whatsoever. An example of these would be
Joseph’s dreams (the husband of Mary).

Notice that all of these direct dreams deal with the fulfillment of prophecy. While that might not
always be the case, it is something to consider if you receive such a direct and specific dream
spoken by an angel or even the Lord.

Kevin Dream OR Cheikh Dream.

 Simple symbolic dreams (ONE SCENE)

a) Gideon’s dream.- Judges 7: 13-14
b) Paul’s Macedonian dream/vision – Acts 16:9
c) Joseph’s dream of sheaves and wheat – Genesis 37:5

These examples may not appear so simple to beginners, so explain the nature of their simplicity.

 Complex symbolic dreams (More than One Scene)

a) Pharaoh’s dream of the cows and grain – Genesis 41
b) Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of a stature – Daniel 2
c) Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of a great tree – Daniel 4

Go over some of the complexity of the above dreams, and how some of these dreams gave
application and accurate timing.

4. What is your role in the dream?

 Are you participating in the dream? (The cupbearer’s dream of Genesis 40:9, or even Pharaoh
who was both participant and observer, but mostly an observer.)
 Are you an observer in the dream? (Paul and the Macedonian.) (Morning Star Dream)
 Are you the focus of the dream? (Jacob)
 Are you the focus of the dream, but you are someone else? (Queen Elizabeth Dream)

In any of the above, you may want to give examples from personal experience.

With the screening process finished, use the following three questions to “refine” the ore you
have screened. These questions often reveal and clarify the interpretation as well as the

Other People
1. Someone known to the dreamer:
a. Family member may mean ‘family’
b. The name may have meaning
c. What physical or emotional quality stands out about that person?
d. Do they portray an occupation/spiritual quality that is relevant to the dream?
e. What is the dreamer’s feelings towards this person?
f. Have they appeared in a dream before?
2. Someone unknown to the dreamer: (relevant to the dream’s central point)
a. How are they described by the dreamer?
b. From their actions, what name/occupation do they resemble?
c. What role do they play in the dream? How much of the dream do they impact?
d. What qualities are they portraying, positive and negative?
3. Faceless person
a. Is this person dark or light?
b. What feeling does this person cause?
c. Does this person hinder or help the dream’s direction?
d. Does this person have special powers?
4. Named person unknown to the dreamer:
a. The name may be the meaning
b. Is the name in scripture?

5. Three important questions to ask about any dream:

 Was there anything particularly unusual in the dream?

God will very often speak from the things that appear to be unusual. Mention the unusual nature
of the cows in Pharaoh’s dream, especially the thin cows remaining thin after eating the fat
cows; the loaf of barley in the Midianite’s dream. Explain the concept of Moses and the burning
bush. Most everyone is already familiar with the unusual nature of many dreams; let them
understand this is important.

There was a huge tree growing INSIDE my house!

I was marrying my brother!

I was using the bathroom- IN PUBLIC!

 Why would the Lord show you (or any dreamer) this particular dream?

If this dream is from the Lord, there is a valid reason it was shown to a particular person. For
instance, Pharaoh’s dream would not have had the same effect if shown to the average citizen of
Egypt. When a dream is from the Lord, there is always a purpose. Often the recipient (or the
interpreter) is part of God’s purpose.
In the beginning many dreams are for training, or intercession. Ex: Why would God give you a
personal dream with a prophetic word for the president of the United States?

 Was there anything that might indicate timing or application in the dream?

Describe the timing significance of the cupbearer’s dream of Genesis 40:9, Pharaoh’s dream of
the cows and grain, Daniel’s interpretation of the writing on the wall. Consider telling examples
of timing from your own dreams.

Mention how symbols, numbers, events, and even names may be used to indicate timing. Begin
with examples from scripture, and finish with examples from your own experience. Once again,
emphasize not getting rigid with the symbols and numbers.

Explain that while dream interpretation may be a bit more complicated than these seven basic
principles, explain that these foundational concepts apply to even advanced dream
interpretation. Explain that in the event they do not receive an interpretation or much
understanding, to stay encouraged, the next dream may take them to a new level.

6. What type of symbolic language is used in the dream?

 Are the symbols from scripture?

…a lampstand, a rainbow, a city on a hill, and ephod, a mustard seed, someone sowing seed.
Explain the dichotomy of the various lion and serpent symbols, and along with that, explain why
an interpreter should never get rigid in their interpretation of symbols or numbers.

1 Peter 5:8

Be of sober spirit, be on the alert Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion,
seeking someone to devour.”

Revelation 5:5 “And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of
Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals

Dream of two Lions trying to eat my hands.

 Are the symbols from local culture or familiar history?

Some examples could be the Liberty Bell, and aircraft carrier, a radio tower, or a cell tower. Try
to give examples you’ve seen in dreams, and what they mean; why a cell phone tower is different
than a radio tower, etc.

The Eagles Dream. Darth Vader.

 Are the symbols from your own language or experience, possibly unique to you and God?
Give some specific examples of this from personal experience. Give an example of how a symbol
might indicate timing.

Wooden Spoon Example


Buildings –note the size and purpose of the building

1. House
 Ministry/ church/ Personal life situation
2. Buying, or living in, the house of a known person in the ministry
 God has a similar call to that of the other person
 Does not mean an actual relationship with that person
3. Two-story house
 Double anointing
4. Castle
 Authority/ Fortress/ Royal residence
5. Barn/Warehouse
 Place of provision or storage
6. Mall
 Marketplace/ Provision for all needs in one place
 (negative: materialism/ self-centered)
7. Stadium
 Place of tramendous impact
 (note capacity of stadium and how it is filled)
8. Elevator
 Rising/Descending of anointing
9. Staircase
 Elevator-like—can be a portal in the spirit
10. Foundation
 Important foundational issues
11. High-rise buildings
 High spiritual calling
12. Hotel (note context)
 Place of transition, temporary
 Place to relax and receive
13. Tent
 Temporary dwelling
14. Windows
 Vision and letting in light (Revelation “Windows of Heaven”)
15. Garden
 Love and intimacy
 Growth
16. Porch/Yard
 Front porch: Vision and future
 Back porch: history
17. Hallway
 Transition, usually direct
18. Hospital
 Place for healing
19. Garage
 Place to rest and refresh
20. Auto repair shop
 Ministry restoration, renewal, and/or repair
21. Gas station
 Place to receive power
22. Roof
 Spiritual covering
23. Shack
 Poverty (location may give context)
24. Farm
 Place of provision where you learn to grow
25. Door
 Place of transition
26. Parking Deck
 Place for many people to rest

Rooms in a House
1. Bathroom
 Place of cleansing/Spiritual toxens are removed
 If the bathroom is in full view, other people will be aware of the cleansing
2. Kitchen
 Prepairing spiritual food
 Restaurant Kitchen: greater influence in prepairing Spiritual food
i. Also, a place to get food already prepared but at a cost
3. Dining room/eating
 Partaking of Spiritual food/fellowship
4. Living Room
 Place of fellowship and rest
5. Attic
 History/past issues
 Things that have been stored/kept secret
6. Basement
 Hidden issues
7. Foundation
 Dealing with foundational issues
8. Bedroom
 Place of intimacy and rest
9. Closet
 Place for things to be stored and closed off

Transportation –vehicles usually are ministry (of life too) or vocation/destiny/calling

Ground Vehicles

1. Airplane- (position is important. Is it grounded? Going up or down?)

 Ability to go to hights in the spirit
 Size of plane correlates to the impact
2. Automobile
 Personal ministry or job
3. Covertible
 Open heavens
4. Bus
 Church or ministry
5. Truck (for delivery—type of truck is important)
 Semi-truck/18-wheeler- transporting large amounts on assignment (semi could mean
 Tow truck- ministry of helps, gathering the wounded
 Fire truck- rescue/ putting out fire of destruction (negative: putting out fire of the Lord)
6. Tractor
 Slow/ Powerful/ Needing to plow
7. Bicycle
 Individual ministry
 Calling that requires perseverance and commitment
8. Motorcycle
 Fast, powerful, maneuverable
9. Armored car
 Protection of God
10. Taxi Cab
 If the driver is the dreamer: they may be hired by someone else to take the other
person where they need to go
 If the rider is the dreamer: they will have to pay a price to get where they are going
11. Rollercoaster
 Exciting, but temporary thrill
12. Limousine
 Being taken to destiny in style (color of limo may change/add to interpretation)
13. Train
 Movement of God

Water Vehicles: represents moving in the Spirit

1. Ocean Liner
 Impacting large numbers
2. Sailboats
 Powered by the wind (what was the speed? Context of boat?)
3. Speedboat
 Fast, exciting power in the spirit
4. Submarine
 Undercover, active, but not seen by many

Other Vehicles

1. Subway
 Undercover, but not emphasizing the Spirit (similar to a submarine)
2. Helicopter
 Mobile, flexible, ability to get into the Spirit quickly
3. Chariot
 Like a stage-coach, but not as rough, but not like a car
 If from earth to heaven, major spiritual encounter
4. Spaceship
 To outer limits in the Spirit

1. Snakes
 Deception and lies (long tale= fib)
 White snakes: deception associated with the Religious Spirit
2. Horse
 Power/Authority
3. Ox/Cow
 Slow change/Spiritual Meat
4. Rat
 They feed on garbage, so they represent a creature of darkness
5. Bat
 And airborn type of rat
 They eat mice, so they could represent removing a rat
6. Crow
 Witchcraft
7. Fish
 People in general
 Often non-believers
8. Spider
 Occultic attack
 Webs: deception/Traps
9. Scorpions
 Attacks on peace (because they go after the feet)
10. Bee/Hornet
 Painful, strong demonic attack
 Honey Bee: bringer of anointing
11. Flies
 Occultic activity, living off of dead things
12. Wolves
 False authority/ False teaching
 Picking on the weak
13. Frog
 Lust (Rev 16:13-14)
14. Monkey
 Mockery spirit
 Ape: more powerful representation of the mockery spirit
15. Black Panther
 High level witchcraft and occultic activity
16. Sheep
 Humility/Submission/Sacrifice
 Could be prosperity
17. Goat
 No discernment (because they eat all things)
 Context: could also mean prosperity
18. Donkey
 Gentle strength/Burden bearing
 (negative: stubborness)
19. Dinosaur (the kind could be important)
 Ancient/Extinct
20. Elephant
 Great impact/Big issue
 Long pregnancy (24-months for them)
 Old memories/Good memory
21. Whale
 Great impact with emphasis on moving in the Spirit
22. Bear
 Judgement and strength
 Polar Bear: Judgement/Strength in the form of a Religious Spirit
23. Cats
 Independent thinking/Willfullness
 Black cat: associated with witchcraft
24. Eagle
 Prophetic and the calling to prophetic
25. Dog
 Friendship/Loyalty
26. Lion
 Lion of Judah/God in Strength
 (the negative could mean the enemy)
27. Dragon
 Satan and his plan
28. Fox
 Intimacy being stolen/Cunning

7. Were there any numbers in the dream?

 Are the numbers from scripture?

Do the numbers relate to a specific scripture such as 3:16 referring to John 3:16, or perhaps the
number 40 referring to the completion of a test; i.e. 40 years in the desert?

Have you ever seen Evan Almighty?

 Are the numbers from local culture of familiar history?

Could the number 911 refer to September 11 in America? Your Area code?

 Are the numbers from your own language or experience, possibly unique to you and God?

Could the number 911 refer to your home address of 911 Sycamore Street; or perhaps you work
as an emergency dispatcher taking 911 calls? Give specific examples you have seen in your own

Once again, emphasize why a person should never get rigid in their interpretation of numbers in
dreams. The three different examples of “911” are given for just that reason. Explain how
numbers may indicate timing.
Number Meaning
1 God
2 Multiplication/Division
3 Godhead (Triune God)
4 God’s creative works (the four directions)/ The Holy Spirit (the four winds)
5 Grace/redemption
6 Man
7 Perfection/Completion
8 New beginnings (Teacher)
9 Judgement (Evangelist)
10 Journey/wilderness (Pastor)
11 Transition (Prophet)
12 Government (Apostle)
13 Rebellion
14 Double anointing
15 Reprieve /Mercy
16 Established beginnings
17 Election
25 Begin ministry training
30 Begin ministry
37 Firstborn/Prime Number (3x37=111)
40 Generation and completed rule
111 My beloved son
120 End of the flesh
153 Kingdom multiplication
666 Full lawlessness
888 Resurrection
1500 Light, power, authority

8. Are there any colors that stand out in the dream?

Positive Negative
RED Anointing/Wisdom/Power Anger/War
BLUE Communion/Revelation Depression/Sorrow/Anxiety
GREEN Conscience/Growth/Prosperity Envy/Jealousy/Pride
BROWN Compassion/Humility Compromise/Humanism
GOLD/AMBER Holiness/Purity/Glory Idolotry/Defilement/Licentiousness
PURPLE Authority/Royalty False Authority
ORANGE Perseverance (a fire test)/Creativity Stubborness/Strong Will
SILVER Redemption/Grace Legalism/Slavery/Domination
YELLOW Mind/Hope/Gift of God Fear/Cowardice/Intellectual Pride
PINK Child-likeness/Love Child-ishness
GREY Maturity/Honor Weakness
WHITE Righteousness/Holiness (God) Religious Spirit
BLACK Death (dying to self)/Mystery Sin/Darkness
Bronze, Copper- Mixture of high qualities and low qualities, noble yet weakened by immaturity
or impurity

-Good heart, intentions, and motives that are restricted by false doctrine and lack of

-The soul, temporal

Maroon--Honor, valiant

-Deep root of darkness, perversion

The “Kingdom of Heaven is Like…” Activation


Keep a Dream Journal. Title all dreams. Also label.

Right side and left side of brain. Different ways to record dreams. Record in weird ways. Draw
pictures. This will open up your brain and help you remember more.

Graphing dreams.

Graphing Activation

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