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SECTION 6.3 Determining Weld Size 1, IMPORTANCE OF WELD SIZE Overwelding is one of the major factors of weld~ ing cost. Specifying the correct size of weld is the first step in obtaining low-cost welding. This de mands a simple method to figure the proper amount of weld to provide adequate strength for all types of connections. In strength connections, groove welds must be made all the way through the plate, i.e., 100% pen~ etration. Since a groove weld, properly made, has equal or better strength than the plate, there is no need for calculating the stress in the weld or at~ tempting to determine its size. However, the size of a groove weld may be needed for estimating or other reasons. When welding alloy steels, itis nec~ essary to maich the weld-metal strength to plate strength but this is primarily a matter of proper electrode selection and of welding technique. With fillet welds, it is possible tohave too small a weld or too large a weld; therefore, it is necessary to be able to determine the proper weld size. 2. RULE OF THUMB FOR FILLET WELD SIZE In order to develop the full strength ofa plate by means of fillet welds, it is necessary that the leg size of the fillet be % of the plate thickness: oa kt a this assumes: a) fillet weld on both sides of plate, b) fillet weld for full length of plate, and ¢) t = thickness of the thinner plate, if the two being joined are of different gage. For mild steel, this welded joint will out-pull the plate under any type and direction of loading. When the member is designed to maintaina cer- tain amount of stiffness or rigidity, the stresses are usually ofa rather low value. The weld as such does not contribute noticeably to the stiffness of the built~ up section. The weld size is still dependent on the forces which must be transferred although they are low. In many rigidity designs, it is difficult to com- pute these forces and it is sometimes assumed that the stresses in the adjacent plate are lower than to of the allowable. ‘This means, as a rule of thumb, that a rigidity design would require a fillet weld leg size ¥ to % of that required for a strength design, or in other words, t tome @ assuming, as before, both sides welded full length, and based on the thinner plate. This range in leg. size (%4t to %t) usually results inwell proportioned fillet welds. If for some reason the weld is only made on one side of the plate, weld size should bedoubled. TABLE 1 - RULE-OF-THUMB FILLET WELD SIZES oO Gay [Gan | Gan we | ane aie ae t wis aris Ve > 63-2 / Joint Design & Production TABLE 2 -MINIMUM WELD SIZES FOR THICK PLATES (AWS) PLATE JOIN to a ae cover 1/2" thr ye over 3/4" thay 1172" > | s/s" over 11/2" they 2 1/ 3/8 over 21/4" thru 6" ve Minimum leg size need not exceed thickness of the thinner plate. Table 1 gives the leg size of fillet welds for vari ous plate thicknesses, based on formulas #1 and #2. Values have been adjusted where necessary to con ply with AWS-recommended minimums for thi plates (Table 2). For rigidity designs, the fillet weld may be re- duced by using intermittent welds. Thick P The American Weld ng Society recognizes that thick plates offer greater restraint, and produce a faster cooling rate for the welds. As a result they recommend the minimum fillet weld sizes in Table 2 for various plate thicknesses, based on the thicker plate. This table is predicated on the theory that the required minimum weld size will provide sufficient welding heat input into the plate to give the desired e of cooling slow rat This is not a complete answer to this problem: for example, a plate thicker than 6" would require a minimum weld size of %s", yet inactual practice this would be made in several passes. Each pass would be equivalent to about a ‘ie" fillet, and have the heat input of approximately a So" weld which may not be sufficient unless the plates are preheated. A partial solution to this problem would be the following: Since the first pass of the joint is the most critical, it should be made with low-hydrogen electrodes and a rather slow travel speed. Re~ Sulting superior weld physicals, weld contou maximum heat input provide a good strong root bead 3. TYPES OF WELDS entire load at If the 2. Primary welds transfer the the particular point where they are located. weld fails, the member fails. ‘The weld must have the same property as the member at this point. In brief, the weld becomes the member at this point. b, Secondary welds simply hold the parts to- gether, thus forming the member. In most cases, the forces on these welds are low c. Parallel welds have forces applied parallel to their axis. In the case of fillet welds, the throa stressed only in shear. For an equal-legged et, the maximum shear stress occurs onthe 45" throat. d. Transverse weld versely or at right angles to their case of fillet welds, the throat is str al (in tension or compression). ed fillet weld, the maximum shear and the maximum throat, ave forees applied trans axis, In the ed in both shear and norn For an equal-le; stress occurs on the stress occu 4. SIMPLE TENSILE, COMPRESSIVE OR SHEAR. LOADS ON WELDS For asimpletensile, compressive or shear load, the given load is divided by the length of the weld to arrive at the applied unit force, Ibs per linear inch, of weld. From this force. the proper leg size of fillet weld or throat of groove weld may be found. 5. BENDING OR TWISTING LOADS ON WELDS The problem here of the welded conr in the weld without design texts suggest ‘size and then calculating the stress in the weld to see if it is overstressed or understressed. If the result is too far off, then the weld-leg size is readjusted. todetermine the properties ion inorder to check the stress jeg size. Some a certain weld-leg rst knowing TABLE 3 ~ DETERMINING FORCE ON WELD sot eee ear ell (5) applies to closed tubular section only This has the following disadvantages 1. Some decision must be made as to what throat section is going to be used to determine the property of the weld. Usually some objection can be raised to any throat section chosen. 2, The resulting stresses must be combined and, for several types of loading, this can be rather com- plicated. In contrast, the following is a simple method to determine the’ correct amount of welding required for adequate strength. This is a method in which the weld is treated as a line, having no area, but a definite length and outline. This method has the following advantages: 1. It is not necessary to consider throat areas because only a line is considered. 2, Properties of the welded connection are easily found from a table without knowing weld-leg size. 3. Forces are considered on a unit length of weld Instead of stresses, thus eliminating the knotty problem of combining stresses. 4, It Is true that the stress distribution withina fillet weld is complex, due to eccentricity of the applied force, shape of the fillet, notch effect of the root, ete.; however, these same conditions exist in the actual fillet welds tested and have been recorded as a unit force per unit length of weld. 6. DETERMINING FORCE ON WELD Visualize the welded connection asa single line, having the same outline as the connection, but no cross-sectional area, Notice, Figure 1, that the area (Av) of the welded connection now becomes Just the length of the weld. Instead of trying to determine the stress on the weld (this cannot be done unless the weld size is known), the problem becomes a much simpler one + t az: d fi d é load bendin isting loa 4 ‘oad fo the welded | “connection treated as line (no area) Fig. 1 Treating weld as a line. Standard design formula Weld Size / 6.3—3 TABLE 4 - PROPERTIES OF WELD TREATED AS LINE FeAl of determining the force on the weld. By inserting the property of the welded connec- tion treated as a line into the standard design formula used for that particular type of load (see Table 3), the force on the weld may be found in terms of Ibs per linear inch of weld. Example: Bending (bending stress) M LS stress Normally the use of these standard design formulas results in a unit stress, psi; however, when the weld is treated as a line, these formulas result in a force on the weld, Ibs per linear inch, For secondary welds, the weld is not treated as a line, but standard design formulas are used to find the force on the weld, Ibs per linear inch. In problems involving bending or twisting loads Table 4 is used to determine properties of the weld ‘Same formula used for weld (treating weld as aline) > .3—4 / Joint Design & Production force en fillet weld - hios/in. Fig. 2. Fillet weld leg size for combined forces. It contains the section modulus and polar moment of inertia (Js), ded connections treated as a line. (G.), for bending, for twisting, of Some 13 typical w. ith the weld treated as a line. two dimensions For any given connection, needed, width (b) and depth (4), Section modulus (S.) is used for welds subject to bending loads, and polar moment of inertia (J.) for twisting loac Section moduli (S.) from these formulas are for maximum force at the top as well as the bottom ~~ Fillet Weld sr 1 weld Teg) Groove weld T a (for F weld ickness) Parallel Load ae (shear) (AWS) £60 or SAW - 1 weld 9600 (AW: E70 or SAW 11,200 (A 2 weld | prevent WV weld = 0 o,f base meta or SAW 2weld | (tension) (AWS) 13,100 For bevel joint, deduct fist 1/8" for effective throat, f done by manual portions of the welded connections, For the unsym- metrical connections shown in this table, maximum bending force is at the bottom, If there is more than one force applied to the weld, these are found and combined. All forces which are combined (vectorially added) must occur at the same position in the welded joint Determining Weld Size by Using Weld size is obtained by dividing the res force on the weld found above, by the allowable strength of the particular type of weld used (fillet or groove), obtained from Table 5 (steady loads) or Table 6 (fatigue loads). Howables For a joint which has only a transverse load applied to the weld (either fillet or groove weld), the allowable transverse load may be used from the table. If part of the load is applied parallel (even if there are transverse loads in addition), the allow- able parallel load which is lower must be used, If there are two forces at right angles to each other, the resultant is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of these two forces. f= Vitae @) f there are three forces, each at right angles to each other, the resultant is equal tothe square root of the sum of the squares of the three forces. The chart in Figure 2 can be used for E60 welds to combine two forces and indicate the proper fillet-weld leg size. Partial Penetration ** TABLE 5 ~ ALLOWABLE STEADY LOADS (Ibs/linear in. of weld) tension transverse to axis of weld or shear ~ use table for tension porallel to.axis of weld or compression = weld same as plate or SAW - 2weld 15,800 (AISC) rode | at (The E60 designation applies to all welding electrodes capable of producing weld metal having. a tensile strength of 60,000 psi. Most welding of machinery is done with electrodes in this group.) (One important advantage to this method, in addi- tion to its simplicity, is that no new foraulas must be used, nothing new must be learned. Assume an engineer has just designed abeam. For strength he has used the standard formula 0 = M/S. Substituting the load on the beam (M) and the property of the beam (S) into this formula, he has found the bending stress (0). Now, he substitutes the property of the weld, treating it as. line (S+), obtained from Table 4, into the same formula. Using the same load (M), f= M/Sx ; he thus finds the force on the weld () per linear inch, ‘The weld size is then found by di- viding the force on the weld by the allowable force. Weld Size / 6.3-5 Applying System to Any Welded Connection 1. Find the position on the welded connection where the combination of forces will be maximum. There may be more than one which should be considered, 2. Find the value of each of the forces on the welded connection at this point. (a) Use Table 3 for the standard design formula to find the force on the weld. (b) Use Table 4 to find the property of the weld treated as a line. 3. Combine (vectorially) all of the forces onthe weld at this point 4. Determine the required weld size by dividing this resultant value by the allowable force in Tables 5 or 6. TABLE 6 - ALLOWABLE FATIGUE STRESS for A7, A373 And A6 Steels And their Welds 600, 000 ~ 100, 000 ] But Not to cycles cycles Exseed Base Metal a Tension. Connected 2p, By Fillet 3k Pst Welds But not to exceed te B P Base Metal e Compression to 7500 meronee | rs o = IeIrK Pal PEMT Ere | Pipe Butt Weld |= 28,000 a In Tension es K aed foes | Butt Weld ® oon Compression cape ret [arr rs Batt Weld Beles pst | 13,000 pat Fittet 1% sto06 sa / mules S208 tin b/in,_ | 88006 1b/in w= Leg Size 2 = ted from AWS Bridge Specifications, -K = min/max P. = Allowable unit compressive stress for member P, = Allowable unit tensile stress for member. 6.3-6/ Joint Design & Production roblem 1 AR eaten €300)bs| FIGURE 3 see Determine size of required fillet weld for hub shown in Figure 3. The bearing load is 6300 Ibs, Torque transmitted is 150 HP at 100 RPM, or: 63,030 x HP RPM 63,030 x (150) = (100) 94,500 in.-Ibs T= Siep 1: FIND PROPERTIES OF WELD, TREATING TT AS A LINE (use Table 4). r+ “HE Step 2; FIND THE VARIOUS FORCES ON WELD, INSERTING PROPERTIES OF WELD FOUND A- BOVE (use Table 3) Bending “CLT = 451 Ibs/in. Twisting Te fi a (94,500)(2) (100.5) 0 Ibs/in. Step 3: DETERMINE ACTUAL RESULTAN AND ALLOWABLE FORCE ON THE WELD. Linch of fillat weld at hub sebs0 41880 fa\Verha = VG + 1880)" + (250) 1950 Ibs/in. (actual resultant force Since this is fatigue loading, assume service life of N = 2,000,000 cycles and use Table 6 form~ ula. In this case, assume a complete reversal of oad; hence K = min/max = -1 and 5090 K oad 5090 3370 Ibs/in. (allowable force) Step 4: NOW REQUIRED LEG SIZE OF FILLET D AROUND HUB CAN BE FOUND. allowable force [Frtem? | 1/9» /8,000/bs FIGURE 4 Determine the size of required fillet weld for the bracket shown in Figure 4, to carry a load of 18,000 Ibs. Step 1: FIND PROPERTIES OF WELD, TREAT- ING IT AS A LINE (use 1 hoe 2b+d 2G +10) = 125" (@2b+ds_beb+ayt 2 @b+a) (2x5 +10 _ 6G + 10)¢ TB 2x5 +10) = 985.9 in? Ax = 20) Stop 2: FIND THE VARIOUS FORCES ON WELD, INSERTING PROPERTIES OF WELD FOUND A- BOVE (see Table 8). Point a is where combined forces are maximum. ‘Twisting force is broken into horizontal and vertical components by proper value of ¢ (see sketch). Weld Size / 6.3-7 Twisting ontal_ component) fy a Te _— (180,000) (5) (385.9) = 2840 Ibs/in. ‘Twisting (vertical component) fi __ (180, 000)(3.75) (385.9) = 1150 Ibs/in. Vertical shear pes A __ (18,000) 20 = 900 Ibs/in, i Step 3: DETERMINE ACTUAL RESULTANT FOR| ‘ON WELD. fre 2340 fy #1750 ~ 2650 Xs +900 Vie eh = VGROF + 850" = 8540 Ibe/in. Step 4: NOW FIND REQUIRED LEG SIZE OF FILLET WELD CONNECTING THE BRACKET. actual force allowable force = 3540 9600 = 268" or use ¥" NN. 63-8 / J Design & Production 7. HORIZONTAL SHEAR FORCES Any weld joining the flange of a bea web is stressed in horizontal shear (Fig. 5) Normally a designer is accustomed to specifying a certain size fillet weld for a given plate thickness (leg size about 3/4 of the plate thickness) in order for the weld to have full plate strength. However this particular joint between the flange and web is ‘one exception to this rule. In order to prevent web buckling, a lower allowable shear stress is usually used; this results in a thicker web. The welds are in an area next to the ‘lange where there is no buckling problem and, therefore, no reduction in allowable load is used. From adesign standpoint, these welds may be very small, their actual size sometimes determined by the minimum allowed be- cause of the thickness of the flange plate, in order to assure the proper slow cooling rate of the weld on the heavier plate. Outside of simply holding the flanges and web of a beam together, or to transmit any unusually high force between the flange and web at right angles to the member (for example, bearing supports, lifting lugs, ete.), the real purpose of the weld between the flange and web is to transmit the horizontal shear forces, and the size of the weld is determined by the value of these shear forces. It will help in the analysis of a beam if it is recognized thet the shear diagram is alsoapicture Of the amount and location of the welding required between the flange and web. 2 Fixed ends Simply supported | concentrated loads oo, | fii Shear Diagrams Fig. 5 These flange~to-web welds are stressed in horizontal shear and the forces on them can be determined. A study of Figure 6 will show that 1) loads ap- plied transversely to members cause bending mo— ents; 2) bending moments varying along the length of the beam cause horizontal shear forces; and 3) horizontal shear forces require welds to transmit these forces between the flange and web of the beam. Notice: 1) Shear forces occur only when 1 bending moment varies along the length. 2) It is quite possible for portions of a beam to have little or no shear--notice the middle portions of beams 1 ‘and 2--this is because the bending moment is con- stant within this area, 3) If there should be a dif- ference in shear along the length of the beam, the shear forces are usually greatest at the ends of the beam (see beam 3). This is why stiffeners are 3 Simply supported Fig. 6 Shear diagram pic- tures the amount and location of welding required to trans~ mit horizontal shear forces between flange and web. sometimes welded continuously at their ends for a distance even though they are welded intermittently the rest of their length. 4) Fixed ends will shift the moment diagram so that the maximum moment is less, What is taken off at the middle of the beam is added to the ends. Even though this does happen, the shear diagram remains unchanged, so that the amount of welding between flange and web will be the same regardless of end conditions of the beam. Ti mer H ee : Fig. 7. Shear diagram of frame indicates where the amount of welding is critical. To apply these rules, consider the welded frame in Figure 7. The moment diagram for this loaded frame is shown on the left-hand side. ‘The bending moment is gradually changing throughout the ver= tical portion of the frame. The shear diagram shows that this results in a small amount of shear in the frame, Using the horizontal shear formula ‘(f = Fig. 9 Examples of welds in horizontal shear. Weld Size / 6.3-9 Vay/In), this would require a small amount of weld~ ing between the flange and web. Intermittent weld- ing would probably be sufficient. However, at the point where the crane bending moment is applied, the moment diagram shows a very fast rate of change. Since the shear value is equal to the rate of change in the bending moment, itis very high and more welding is required at this region, Use continuous welding where loads or moments are applied to a member, even though intermittent welding may be used throughout the rest of the fab- ricated frame. Finding Weld Size ‘The horizontal shear forces acting on the weld joining a flange to web, Figures 8 and 9, may be found from the following formula force on weld, Ibs/lin in. V = total shear on section at a given position along beam, Ibs a = area of flange held by weld, sq in. y = distance between the conter of gravity of flange area and the neutral axis of whole section, in, I = moment of inertia of whole section, in+ umber of welds joining flange to web load 8 Locate weld atpoint o of minimum stress, Horizontal shear force ismaximum along nevtral axis. Welds in top 70g ‘example must carry maximum force shear force; there is no shear on welds inbottom example. 63-10 / Joint Design & Production The nomograph in Figure 10 maybeusedto find he required weld size where two welds are used ‘one on each side of the web, If a continuous fillet weld isto beused, read t qreld ‘size on the right-hand side to the next latyes fraction inch, If inter the weld "e to be used, read divide this by the ._ When expressed as a percentage this will give the length of weld to be ‘or convenience, Table mittent wel calculated leg size actual Teg size used (Interm Figure 10 - REQUIRED LEG SIZE OF CONTINUOUS WELD For Joining Flange to Web of Fabricated Beam Weld Size / 6.3—11 Figure 11 - REQUIRED LEG SIZE OF INTERMITTENT WELD For Joining Flange to Web of Fabricated Beam “Weld lo eg seg determined Nomertef "5 ae : on) Length es otal eae continnons Seed ¥ 3 e y MA: L ats po Hae 27 Intarmittent Fillet. Weld Requirad thickness of Thinnar Plate so Shear stress does not exceed [3,000 psi (Een though there may be welds, for practical reasons is Seat ndits pot tee smal Said ona thick plate’ Fable 2can be used as @ guide ag site of fillet weld need not exceed thickness of thin ser plate 7 pera + los exomple egy J Problem find weld length & center ocenter distance for the 30" 19 a oo \=30% Cont. meld problam 2p Cas |2 “ean be changed fe 8 , ng Nomograph to Calculate Intermittent Weld Size The nomograph in Figure 11 will be helpful in deciding the spacing of intermittent welds after the required continuous weld size has been determined. ‘The left-hand axis is the required continuous fillet weld size determined from the formula: Vay °= 39600 xT 6) or from nomograph, Figure 10. The right-hand axis is the size of intermittent fillet weld used. It is importantthat the leg size of weld used in determining weld spacing is not so large that it will overstress the plate. Sometimes the allowable shear stress in the web of the plate girder is held to 13,000 psi. Therefore, in this ‘lomagseana one Mo nda ound trom cox Ye) ‘plate ticeness a ) Intermittent Het leg ze used And amore oF Hr eihes mald fo ba 4-7 (Yong 87ches $e 450 and tesale tad 16:7 sasings in wed cost case, the maximum leg size of fillet weld used for design should not exceed # web thickness. Be sure that the actual weld-leg size chosen on this right hand axis does not indicate a plate thickness greater than the web of the girder. Ifso, then move upward along this axis to the actual web thickness and use this value to determine proper weld spacing. ‘The middle axis is the resulting weld spacing expressed as a length of intermittent weld and dis- tance between centers, Also on this axisis the re- quired length of intermittent weld for 12" centers. To use this nomograph, draw a line between the left axis (calculated fillet weld-leg size if conti tuotis) and the right axis (actual intermittent weld. size used or the thickness of web), taking into ac count the information in Table 7. ‘The proper weld spacing is read on the middle axis. 63-12 / Joint Design & Production Problem 3, For the fabricated plate girder in Figure 12, determine the proper amount of fillet welds to join flanges to the web. es eye where eno V = 189,000 Ibs Ieee eee oats 28 a= 215 in ag seas dels +4 force on weld (289, 000) (27.5)(24.375) 1720 Ibs/in. Required leg size of weld » = Actual force © * ‘allowable force This would be the minimum leg size ofa contin- Uous fillet weld; however, # fillet welds are recom= mended because of the thick 2%" flange plate (see table inserted in the nomograph, Fig. 11). In this particular case, the leg size of the fillet weld need not exceed the web thickness (thinner plate). Be- cause of the greater strength of the mittent welds may be used but must not stress the web above 13,000 psi. ‘Therefore, the length of weld must be increased to spread the load overa greater Tength of web. For this reason the size of intermit- tent fillet weld used in design calculations or for determination of Tength must not exceed % of the web thickness, oF here 4% of 4" (web) = .333" The percentage of continuous weld length needed for this intermittent weld will be-- continuous leg size intermittent leg size Hence, use a2" (see Table 7) This may also be worked out on the nomograph Figure 11. It undoubtedly would be faster to use '4" continuous fillet welds and make them with the submerged-are automatic process. [Problem A fillet weld is required, using s/s" 4 2! that is, intermittent welds having leg size of" and length of 4", set on 12" centers, A %" fillet weld usually requires 2 passes, unless the work is positioned. A 2-pass weld requires more inspec- tion to maintain size and weld quality. The shop would like to change this toa %e" weld, This single- pass weld is easier to make and there is little chance of it being undersize. Using the nomograph, Figure 11, aline is drawn from the weld size of %" on the right axis through 4" 12" on the middle axis, tothe left axis. This point on the left axis becomes a pivot point, from which a line is drawn to weld size of %e" on the right axis, the answer of 4"—10" (length of weld, then distance between centers) being read on the middle axis where the line crosses it, In other words, %" intermittent fillet welds, 4" long on 12" centers, may be replaced with %s" welds, 4" long on 10" centers, providing same strength. This change would permit welding in one pass instead of two passes, with a saving of approx. 164% in welding time and cost. 8. HOW TO MEASURE SIZE OF FILLET WELDS ‘The size of a fillet weld is difficult to measure without proper gages. Fillet shapes are concave, convex, or flat. They may have equal or unequal legs. However, the true fillet size is measured by finding the leg-length of the largpst isosceles right triangle (a triangle with a 90° corner and legs of equal length) which can be inscribed within the weld cross-section, with the legs in line with the original surface of the metal. ‘The gages shown in Figure 13 give quick, easy measurement of fillet size. Two gage types are available: one for a convex fillet, another for a concave fillet. Figures 14 to 18 explain their use. Weld Size / 6.3-13 oe ue + Fig. 13 Two types of fillet weld goges. Fig. 14 With equal legged 45° fillets, Convex fillets may be meatured with gage either type gage (concave or convex) may of type shown on the right; in this case it be used, Both will indicate the same size measures the leg size. Concave fillets are fillet. measured with a gage like the one on the left; in this case it measures the weld throat. 5 wronot wrono! nok 8 ments mecace mares rion weaunns rie |B (seesenves ugar snetsmcannecr | CORRECT SIZE S16 eee sania S ma SS 15. Measuring convex fillets. Notice . 18 It may not be readily apparent that the largest isosceles right triangle whether the above fillet is flat, slightly which can be inscribed within the cross concave, of convex. But by checking the | section of the fillet is determined by the filletwith both types of gages, it would be apparent that the vertical leg issmaller than thebottom leg and that this is the true fillet ize. The concave gage would give the impression that the fillet is larger than 5/16" and this would be incorrect. shorter leg's dimension. WRONG! sor sis 4) WRONG! or RIGHT! 5/16" uct aie BIE a mae } Fig. 17 Right and wrong method of gaging Fig. 18 Right andwrong method of gaging a concave fillet. a convex fillet. 63-14 Joint Design & Production 20" dia _s*{0) FIGURE 1 6” std pipe 216" Determine the leg size of fillet weld for the base of a signal tower, Figure 19, assuming wind pressure of 30 Ibs/sqftor pressure ofp = .208 psi. FIND PROPERTIES OF WELD, TREAT- 1 69)" 1386 in? adit reese = 14 int Total In = 1500 in? ~ a2 1500 102: 146 in? Step 2: FIND THE FORCE INVOLVED. Moment acti on tower due to wind pressure M = (208) (=20") ao + 209) (242) (088) ea + (208)(220%) 216) +. (.208) (556) (160.5) (296.3) 4+ (208) (0%) (216) (108) = 20,000 in-ibs Bending stress in pipe (column) Me 1 00)(8.815 @Bidin#) = 28,600 psi ep 3: FIND FORCE ON FILLET WELD AT COLUMN BASE -M 100,000 in Ibs 146 in = 1370 Ibs/linear i, NOW FIND REQUIRED LEG SIZE OF 143" but use Ye" Nall around, the ‘minimum fillet weld size for 1" base plate Weld Size / 6.3-15 [Problem ii Axle of trailer Treot weld as o line FIGURE 20 Determine size of fillet weld on wheel spindle, Figure 20, to have equivalent strength of member. Toad P is unknown. 2a in. ‘Step 2: FIND THE FORCES INVOLVED. In the 1 20,000 psi, x 3" bar, stressed to an allowable of \¢ bending moment is—— ol M 000 pai) (.25 in.) = 10,000 in-tbs M a 10,000 in.-Ibs, “eae 1540 Ibs Bending force on weld. M z (1540) (6) fi = 2940 Ibs/in, jertical shear on the weld eee Ae 1540 = 245 Ibs/in, Step 3: FIND ACTUAL RESULTANT FORCE ON WELD. Vivre = V 29408 + 245 = 2950 Ibs/in ep 4: NOW FIND LEGSIZE FOR FILLET WELD. actual force allowable force 950 3600 6.316 / Joint Design & Production Probl Determine the required size of connecting weld on lifting element of fork truck, Figure 21. ; The maximum capacity is assumed tobe applied at the outer end of the fork. This whole unit tend: to pivot about the lower corner where it bears up against the lower crossbar. The resulting horizon tal force (Fi) at the upper end of the fork is taken by the top crossbar. The crossbar is welded to the vertical member of the lifting element. Here Fi, (15") =P (30") Fu = 2P = 2 (3000) = 6000 Ibs In this case, the horizontal force (Fi) is ap~ plied at the tip of the bar at some eccentricity (e) fo the weld’s center of gravity, Figure 22. This subjects the connecting weld to some bending forces as well as to uniformly distributed transverse forces and v% tical forces. Treat weld os 2 line FIGURE 22 D, TREATING IT AS A LINE Se =bd4 5 aay 4 83 Step 2: FIND THE VARIOU Bending force n-M 3. (6000)(3) (7.83) — 2300 Ibs/in Step 1: FIND THE REQUIRED PROPERTY OF FORCES ON WELD. 2000 Ibs each fork | ep 8: FIND ACTUAL RESULTANT FORCE ON ELD, AND THE ALLOWABLE FORCE, f=Ve+ = V(2300 + 7507 + = 8070 Ibs/in. Assuming a fatigue cycle of K = (min stress (max stress) = 0 and required life of N = 2,000,000 cycles, the allowable force on the weld is- (from Table 6) step 4: NOW FIND LEG SIZE OF FILLET WELD. actual force allowable force If it can be assumed that this load of P = 3000 distributed equally between the two forks, of fillet would be reduced to half, or Ibs Weld Size / 6.3-17 If it can be assumed that the actual number fatigue cycles is only N = about 600,000 cycle (representing an average lift every 2 minutes, per °= 7070 Schr day, for 10 yrs), the allowable load would b ee eens And if it again can be assumed that the load is distributed equally between the two forks, this leg size of fillet would be reduced to half, or and the required leg size of the fillet weld would be a= ts" or mse 4" BS [Protiem =] M+I2;360.000in Ibs. fV= 750,000 Ibs. 1 Y om M.31090,000 ints vor] | Moment diagram Shear diagram FIGURE 23, Determine the required size of welds to jointhe 4" flange plate to the 1%" web plates ona large welded press frame (Fig. 23), which must withstand, a 750-ton (1,500, 000 Ibs) vertical load. Although the horizontal portions of this frame have a changing bending moment (M) and this causes a shear reaction (V) of 750,000 Ibs, the vertical portions have a constant bending moment and there~ fore no shear reaction. This means that the main requirement for welds occurs only inthe horizontal portion; the welds on the vertical portion onlyhave to hold the sections together. Step 1: FIND PROPERTIES OF FRAME’S SECTION. T= 67,800 in a = a5) cROSS- 216 in? y = 11.9" - 2" 9.9" YV = 750,000 Ibs n = number of welds 2 63-18 / Joint Design & Production 2; FIND THE step VARIOUS FORCES ON WELD. '50-ton load spread out over 00,000) Fr 60) = 12,500 Ibs/in. @) 45° bevel Step 3: DETERMINE ACTUAL RESULTANT FORCE ON WELD. p= VERE fz + 11,800 Vans + = 17200 Ibn Ps “eS 72 ‘ fc + 12,500 Step 4: ZE OF WELD. ne decision as to whether a{fillet weld or some of groove T-weld will be used depends mostly illustration. type on cost. See the following roove joint (©) 60° bevel, 60° fillet par- Force on joint is 17, 200 Ibs/in, _tially penetrated joint Allowable load on nt is Force on ea Ss 3, 000 Ibs/in 4x1 8600 Ibs/in 9600 Tbs/in (for ‘a throat of 1") Allowable load on this weld i (for a leg size of 1”) minimum throat is , _ 17,200 11, 780 1bs/in. eg size is: ,, _ $600 _ gy 3,000 leg size 83600 _ 9600, 1.33" throat or 1” leg size. If full penetration of the 1 plate is desired, this wil .73" leg size, be more than adequate. FIGURE 24

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