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➢ Explain the relationship between mass, molecular weight, and number of atoms or
molecules perform calculations deriving these quantities from one another.
➢ Perform mass to mass stoichiometric calculations via conversion to mole
➢ Identify the limiting and excess reagents in a chemical reaction yield
➢ Define Avogadro’s number and describe the mole quantification of matter.
The chemical changes observed in any reaction involve the rearrangement of billions of
atoms. It is impractical to try to count or visualize all these atoms, but scientists need some way to
refer to the entire quantity. They also need a way to compare these numbers and relate them to the
weights of the substances, which they can measure and observe. The solution is the concept of the
mole, which is very important in quantitative chemistry.

Amadeo Avogadro first proposed that the volume of a gas at a given pressure and
temperature is proportional to the number of atoms or molecules, regardless of the type of gas.
Although he did not determine the exact proportion, he is credited for the idea.

Avogadro’s number is a proportion that relates molar mass on an atomic scale to physical
mass on a human scale. Avogadro’s number is defined as the number of elementary particles
(molecules, atoms, compounds, etc.) per mole of a substance. It is equal to 6.022×1023 mol-1 and is
expressed as the symbol NA.

Avogadro’s number is a similar concept to that of a dozen or a gross. A dozen molecules is

12 molecules. A gross of molecules is 144 molecules. Avogadro’s number is 6.022×1023 molecules.
With Avogadro’s number, scientists can discuss and compare very large numbers, which is useful
because substances in everyday quantities contain very large numbers of atoms and molecules.

The mole (abbreviated mol) is the SI measure of quantity of a “chemical entity,” such as
atoms, electrons, or protons. It is defined as the amount of a substance that contains as many
particles as there are atoms in 12 grams of pure carbon-12. So, 1 mol contains 6.022×1023 elementary
entities of the substance.

Avogadro’s number is fundamental to understanding both the makeup of molecules and their
interactions and combinations. For example, since one atom of oxygen will combine with two atoms
of hydrogen to create one molecule of water (H2O), one mole of oxygen (6.022×1023 of O atoms)
will combine with two moles of hydrogen (2 × 6.022×1023 of H atoms) to make one mole of H2O.

Another property of Avogadro’s number is that the mass of one mole of a substance is equal
to that substance’s molecular weight. For example, the mean molecular weight of water is 18.015
atomic mass units (amu), so one mole of water weight 18.015 grams. This property simplifies many
chemical computations.

As introduced in the previous concept, the mole can be used to relate masses of substances to
the quantity of atoms therein. This is an easy way of determining how much of one substance can
react with a given amount of another substance.

From moles of a substance, one can also find the number of atoms in a sample and vice versa.
The bridge between atoms and moles is Avogadro’s number, 6.022×1023.

Avogadro’s number is typically dimensionless, but when it defines the mole, it can be
expressed as 6.022×1023 elementary entities/mol. This form shows the role of Avogadro’s number
as a conversion factor between the number of entities and the number of moles. Therefore, given the
relationship 1 mol = 6.022 x 1023 atoms, converting between moles and atoms of a substance
becomes a simple dimensional analysis problem.

The molar mass is the mass of a given chemical element or chemical compound (g) divided by the
amount of substance (mol). The molar mass of a compound can be calculated by adding the standard
atomic masses (in g/mol) of the constituent atoms. Molar mass serves as a bridge between the mass
of a material and the number of moles since it is not possible to measure the number of moles directly.

Chemists can measure a quantity of matter using mass, but in chemical reactions it is often
important to consider the number of atoms of each element present in each sample. Even the smallest
quantity of a substance will contain billions of atoms, so chemists generally use the mole as the unit
for the amount of substance.

One mole (abbreviated mol) is equal to the number of atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12; this
number is referred to as Avogadro’s number and has been measured as approximately 6.022 x 10 23.
In other words, a mole is the amount of substance that contains as many entities (atoms, or other
particles) as there are atoms in 12 grams of pure carbon-12.

Each ion, or atom, has a particular mass; similarly, each mole of a given pure substance also
has a definite mass. The mass of one mole of atoms of a pure element in grams is equivalent to the
atomic mass of that element in atomic mass units (amu) or in grams per mole (g/mol). Although
mass can be expressed as both amu and g/mol, g/mol is the most useful system of units for laboratory

Molar mass is the mass of a given substance divided by the amount of that substance,
measured in g/mol. For example, the atomic mass of titanium is 47.88 amu or 47.88 g/mol. In 47.88
grams of titanium, there is one mole, or 6.022 x 10 23 titanium atoms.

The characteristic molar mass of an element is simply the atomic mass in g/mol.
However, molar mass can also be calculated by multiplying the atomic mass in amu by the molar
mass constant (1 g/mol). To calculate the molar mass of a compound with multiple atoms, sum all
the atomic mass of the constituent atoms.

For example, the molar mass of NaCl can be calculated for finding the atomic mass of sodium
(22.99 g/mol) and the atomic mass of chlorine (35.45 g/mol) and combining them. The molar mass
of NaCl is 58.44 g/mol.

In a chemical reaction, the limiting reagent, or limiting reactant, is the substance that has been
completely consumed when the chemical reaction is complete. The amount of product produced by
the reaction is limited by this reactant because the reaction cannot proceed further without it; often,
other reagents are present in excess of the quantities required to react with the limiting reagent. From
stoichiometry, the exact amount of reactant needed to react with another element can be calculated.
However, if the reagents are not mixed or present in these correct stoichiometric proportions, the
limiting reagent will be entirely consumed and the reaction will not go to stoichiometric completion.

Stoichiometry Calculation. In this you will learn about Avogadro's number and the correlation of the
molecular weight, mass and number of molecules.
Balancing Chemical Equations
• Lab coat
• Goggles
• Chemical Container
• Work Bench
• Wall Displayed
• Gloves
• Scale
• Weighing Dish
• Tare
• Unlabeled Chemical
• Balance Analysis
• Spatula
• Lab Journal
• Trash Can
Before you start to your mission
- Find a lab coat and pick it up. Wear goggles in the lab to protect your eyes before you proceed
to the mission
- Enter the lab to start the experiment
- Proceed to the chemical storage room and discovered a chemical container where the label has
been partly destroyed.
- In this mission you need to figure out what is inside you can re-label it correctly.
- Go to the work bench
- Take a look at the wall displayed and click it to start balancing the chemical equation. For your
first challenge.
- Put a pair of gloves
- Press the bottom on the scale to open it, then place the weighing dish inside and press the tare
button. Make sure the analytical balance is closed to avoid incorrect results.
- After that open the analytical balance, place a weighing dish inside and press tare.
- Click the unlabeled chemical to examine it
- Place the unlabeled chemical by the balance analysis
- Pick up the spatula
- Use spatula to transfer 3 grams of the unlabeled chemical to the weighing dish
- After that dispose your gloves to the trashcan
- Proceed to your lab journal to and list the result of the examined and calculate the missing
numbers as part of the challenge
- In that we can try to visualized how large number it is.
- Next look at in a very important equation. That shows in the wall display.
- Calculate the molar mass.
- Go back to your lab journal.
- Pick the correct formula in the drop-down menu to calculate the number of moles, n. Repeat the
step for all three possible compounds.
- Move on to the experiment.
Gravimetric Analysis
• Pair of Gloves
• Conical Flask
• Heating Plate
• Weighing Dish
• Measuring Cylinder
• Demineralize Water
• Magnet
• Nitrate
• Lab Journal
- Put a pair of gloves
- Pick up the conical flask and place it on the heating plate.
- Transfer the contents of the weighing dish to the conical flask
- Use the measuring cylinder to transfer 50 ml of demineralized water to the conical flask.
- Place the magnet in the conical flask and turn on the heating plate
- Dispose your gloves
- Wait for the sample of unlabeled chemicals to dissolve and find out how mush nitrate we
should add.
- Now you can find the number of moles of AgNO3 to use by multiplying the number of moles
of BeCI2, MgCI2, and CaCI2 by two.
- Proceed to your lab journal and calculate the number of moles of AgNO3 to use in each of the
three cases in your journal.
- Put again a pair of gloves to proceed to your analysis.
- Use the measuring cylinder to transfer 100 ml of the silver nitrate solution to the conical flask
- Put again a pair of gloves to proceed to your analysis.
- Use the measuring cylinder to transfer 100 ml of the silver nitrate solution to the conical flask
- -Set up the equipment for a suction filtration
- Turn on the in-house vacuum system on the twisting the knob
- Squirt a little water onto the filter paper to make it stick to the funnel
- Filter your product
- -Transfer the filter cake from the funnel to the watch glass.
- Place the watch glass into the oven
- Dispose your gloves
- Wait for your product to dry in the oven
- Calculate the mass product you would obtain in each of the three cases
- Put again a pair of gloves, and pick up the product you dried in the oven
- Put it into analytical Balance
- Dispose again you gloves, and exchange it into clean one.
- Note the mass of the product in the lab journal
Balancing Chemical Equation
In Balancing Chemical Equation. The researchers figured out the chemicals and re-label it
correctly according to its form. The researchers used unlabeled compound to react it with the solution
of silver nitrate. In analyzing the data. The researchers count atoms and molecule the same way count
it in any small or tiny items according to its mass. The researcher stated an example. Just like as eggs
are counted in dozens- a dozen just being another word for 12, in the researcher determine that the
atoms and molecules are counted in mole. The researchers stated that the result is very useful for
may purposes in chemistry and it can be practical to the research in terms of chemical equation.
The relationship between M, m, and n. Where m is the mass and M is the molecular weight
in the given substance. The molecular weight, M or MW2, is the mass in grams per one mole (g/mole
or g/mole^-1) of a substance. It can be calculated from the atomic weights of its constituent atoms,
but when you look at the unit (g/mole) you can see that it can also be calculated if you know the
mass of a substance (g) and how many moles that corresponds to (mole).
Gravimetric Analysis
In the Gravimetric Analysis; the researchers determined that the same sample of unlabeled
chemical should be dissolve in demineralized water. The researchers want to precipitate the ions that
they are analyzing for as an insoluble salt so that they can weigh them. In result the amount of the
product you would obtain if the reaction went to 100% completion and the researchers recovered all
of the product with no loss. If the product is not completely dry it still contained water and its mass
would have been higher than expected, and the percentage yield would have been above 100%.
In order to perform the gravimetric analysis, the same sample of unlabeled chemical should
be dissolved in demineralized water. In gravimetric analysis, the researchers what’s to precipitate
the ions that they are analyzing for as an insoluble salt so that we can weigh them. The researcher
should add more silver ions than chlorine ions. When the silver ions are incess we can be sure that
all the chlorine ions reacted.
Balancing Chemical Equation
The researcher needs to figure out what is inside the chemical and re-label it
correctly. The chemical jar was standing on the shelf of alkaline earth metal compounds, and the
label still reads as 'chloride' so you need to find out which of the alkaline earth metals the compound
is a chloride of: BeCI2, MgCI2, CaCI2, SrCI2, RaCI2
(Notice that all the compounds have general formula)
To find out what the unlabeled compound is we will react it with a solution of silver nitrate,
In a large jar containing 500g. It is very unlikely that it is SrCI2 or BaCI2. RaCI2 is also a
highly radio- active so we can rule that too.
After analyzing, we can say that we count atoms and molecules the same way we would count
it in other small items in mass. In counting them by the mass and comparing them to small items.
Just as eggs are counted in dozens- a dozen just being another word for 12- so atoms and molecules
are counted in moles
A mole is also referred to as Avogadro's number: 6.02214x10²³
It is a large amount of number. In the picture that provided by the lab. In the first picture it is
the Sahara Desert. Let's say that the layer of sand is two meters deep. In the second picture, we can
see a shot glass of water, that contains 18 ml. In the third picture is iron bolt, that has a mass of 56
grams. If you dig up all of the sand in Sahara Desert two meters deep, then you will have a mole of
sand grains. Sand grains are small, but they are huge in comparison to atoms and molecules: A mole
of water molecules takes up only 18ml. In terms of drinking a glass of water you ingest more water
molecules than there are sand gains in the Sahara Desert.
This equation is very useful for may purposes in chemistry and it can be practical to find a
mnemonic to memorize it.
Gravimetric Analysis
In order to perform the gravimetric analysis, the same sample of unlabeled chemical should
be dissolved in demineralized water. In gravimetric analysis, the researchers wants to precipitate the
ions that they are analyzing for as an insoluble salt so that we can weigh them. The researcher should
add more silver ions than chlorine ions. When the silver ions are incess we can be sure that all the
chlorine ions reacted.
Reaction of Chlorine and Silver Nitrate

It from the balanced chemical equation, that one molecule of XCI2 reacts with two
molecules of AgNO3, so you should have twice as many molecules of AgNO3.
Even though 0.075 mole would be enough to ensure excess if the unknown compound is
CaCI2 or MgCI2, we can still need 0.100 mole to ensure excess in case the unknown compound is
The AgNO3 or silver nitrate has already been dissolved in water with a concertation of 1.0
mole per liter. That means you should use 100 ml to get 0.100 moles. In change of chemicals by
transferring 100 ml silver nitrate solution to the conical flask. The solution went from clear to
opaque, which means that something has precipitated. That is silver chloride formed. Then you can
calculate how mush chloride was in the solution to begin with.
The product should be dried on watch glass in the oven. Tare the watch glass before using it
in the lab journal. the number of moles of AgCI formed the same as the number of the moles of
AgNO3 consumed.
The researchers know how many moles of AgCI would be formed in each of the three cases.
The researchers now can calculate the mass of AgCI that would be formed. The researchers
calculated called the theoretical yield of the reaction.
This is the amount of the product you would obtain if the reaction went to 100% completion
and the researchers recovered all of the product with no loss. If the product is not completely dry it
still contained water and its mass would have been higher than expected, and the percentage yield
would have been above 100%.
In Balancing Chemical Equation. The researchers figured out the chemicals and re-label it
correctly according to its form. The researchers used unlabeled compound to react it with the solution
of silver nitrate. In analyzing the data. The researchers count atoms and molecule the same way count
it in any small or tiny items according to its mass. The researcher stated an example. Just like as eggs
are counted in dozens- a dozen just being another word for 12, in the researcher determine that the
atoms and molecules are counted in mole. The researchers stated that the result is very useful for
may purposes in chemistry and it can be practical to the research in terms of chemical equation.
In the Gravimetric Analysis; the researchers determined that the same sample of unlabeled
chemical should be dissolve in demineralized water. The researchers wants to precipitate the ions
that they are analyzing for as an insoluble salt so that they can weigh them. In result the amount of
the product you would obtain if the reaction went to 100% completion and the researchers recovered
all of the product with no loss. If the product is not completely dry it still contained water and its
mass would have been higher than expected, and the percentage yield would have been above 100%.
After conducting the experiment and the analyzing chemicals the researchers completed and
success the mission by learning about Avogadro's number and the correlation of the molecular
weight, mass and number of molecules.

“I affirm that I have not given or received any unauthorized help on this report and that this
work is my own”

OCTOBER 20, 2021

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