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What is Health in Peru?

It is based on the Political Constitution of Peru, which recognizes and guarantees the
right to health and its free access to benefits by public, private or mixed entities.

What are the 2 types of sectors in Peru?

The sectors that exist in Peru are:

Private Health: It is the private health sector, it is associated above all with large
clinics, insurers, pharmaceutical laboratories and pharmacy chains.

Public Health:The public sector is divided into the indirect contributory system and the
direct contributory system, which is the one that corresponds to social security.

How important is health?

Health is an aspect that we have in our lives that we must take care of not only for the
pandemic, but also a routine that we carry out daily, day after day. Physical and mental
health is essential to carry out our activities, face the stress of life and be productive at
work and personally and thereby contribute to society.

To have good physical health its benefits are:

- Strengthen your bones and muscles

- Reduces fatigue when making efforts
- you stay in a good mood
- reduces stress
- Reduce the risk of disease
Mental health:

Affects the way we think, feel and act when we face life and also helps determine how
we handle stress, relate to others and make our decisions.

Thanks to how mentally and physically we can thus achieve a balance in our
comprehensive well-being, among this we can give some advice to be in very good
Why is health important in Peru?

Because it offers the possibility of finding definitive solutions to health problems and
also allows immediate action.


The COVID-19 pandemic confirms the evidence of the prevailing figures on the range
of restrictions of the health system to address the required question: if you are
The list is long: staff shortages, lack of skills, poor distribution of specialists in the
country, lack of medicines and insurance, poor company conditions, malicious
equipment, lack of medical records, corruption, etc. Given the different problems, it is
clear that they cannot be solved at once, so priority is important. To choose where
there are more serious and those actions that have the greatest impact in the short
term, then it is possible to continue with other problems and actions in the medium and
long term.

Solutions for the short course

1) It is essential to increase human resources, personnel management with change and
crisis management.

2) Provision of medicines and supplies, with all the medicines that exist and it is not
possible to have an adequate distribution.
3) Position primary health care as a strategy, have first-class modern centers, with
resolution capacity and flexible management that focus on the first patients and not on
These three are first given to the patient, usually people. Furthermore, it is organized
according to your actual needs and has not been revised. I have to think about the
health supply if I want to change.

What si nutrition in Peru?

In Peru the topic of nutrition is very important and it is something that should be
improved. For example, according to the Ministry of Health (MINSA) 30% of children
nationwide have a nutritional deficit and in areas of greater poverty the percentage
increases to 80%. Children with this deficit have problems paying attention in classes,
with their physical development and are prone to contracting more diseases.
How is nutrition in Peru?
In Peru, a total of 7 out of 10 Peruvians suffer from overweight and obesity, being one
of the factors for contracting various diseases that complicate a person's health. The
Datum portal, a renowned research agency, also points out that Peruvians do not have
the necessary nutritional information to follow a healthy diet. That is, they do not know
what to eat to have a healthy life. In addition, four out of ten Peruvians say they care
about following a healthy diet and know what impacts poor nutrition has on their daily
Main nutrition problems in Peru:
But he has a variety of nutritional problems, Peruvians have very notable nutritional
problems that happen every day in Peru Example: -Anemia -Obesity -Malnutrition -
Nutritional deficiency
Data on nutrition in Peru:
According to the latest Epidemiological Bulletin of Peru, also prepared by MINSA the
Pan American Health Organization, the indices showed that there are more than 3.5
million deaths of adults due to hypertension and obesity in the Americas. A frame
frightening. And in Peru, based on data collected by the INEI, it was seen that. 60.0%
of Peruvians aged 15 and over are overweight, And 22.7% of Peruvians aged 15 and
over suffer from obesity

The importance of nutrition in Peru.

In Peru the topic of nutrition is very important and it is Something that should be
improved, For example, according to the Ministry of Health (MINSA) 30% of children
nationwide have a food deficit and in areas of greatest poverty this percentage
increases to 80%. According to the Datum portal, a renowned research agency it also
indicates that peruvians do not have The necessary nutritional information To follow a
healthy diet. So, in our country. Nutrition is one of the main careers to follow so that we
have professionals who help improve food issues, that children, youth and adults
prosper, malnutrition is also the cause of. problems that cause diseases, lack of
productivity, etc. According To MINSA, approximately 3 million years of life are lost in
Peru as a result of serious diseases caused by poor nutrition.

1. Streng then your body and mind by eating loads of animal origin daily
2. Do not abuse the consumption of salt.
3. Include fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
4. Control the consumption of sugar.
5. Enjoy the variety of natural foods.
6. Watch your weight by eating rice, bread and noodles in moderation.
7. Do not miss the beans.
8. Hydrate enough every day .

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