Basic Education-Learning Continuity and Recovery Plan SY 2022-2023

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Basic Education-Learning Continuity and Recovery Plan

SY 2022-2023
I. Introduction

Pepe-Lonoc Elementary School is ready to adopt the different alternative learning

delivery modes as suggested by the Department of Education, given enough time to
undertake the necessary preparations for the extraordinary challenging school year.
Despite the challenges the world is facing today, the school is trying its best to offer quality
education to the learners. The DepEd’s move of resuming face to face classes gradually is
great. It makes not only the learners happy but the parents and teachers as well.

This Basic Education Learning Continuity and Recovery Plan (BE-LCRP) is the
school’s major response and commitment for the well-being of our learners, teachers and
personnel focusing on 3 key areas: Learning remediation and intervention; Socio-emotional
functioning, mental health, and well-being; and professional development of teachers to
better serve our stakeholders.

Gains of the BE-LRCP 2021-2022

1. Accomplishments

 Enrolment Data

Grade Level Male Female Total

Kindergarten 11 7 18
Grade 1 12 11 23
Grade 2 15 6 21
Grade 3 11 7 18
Grade 4 5 14 19
Grade 5 8 7 15
Grade 6 8 5 13
TOTAL 70 52 127

 Effective Practices on:

Learning Resources
There was regular and updated production of SLMs, LAS, etc. such that every
learner was provided with SLMs per learning area. Kindergarten and Grade 1 pupils
were allowed to write their answers in the modules so that they can develop their
skills in writing, coloring, scribbling, and even sketching. The teachers also
provided other learning resources that can help the learners, especially in the
improvement of their reading and numeracy skills. Textbooks and other reference
materials were also provided to the learners. The school personnel were so happy
and inspired because of the overwhelming support of the stakeholders through
donations for the reproduction of the modules and activity sheets.

Learning Outcomes
The pandemic did not stop the teachers from guiding the children and the
learners in achieving the desired learning outcomes. The pupils were answering
their modules religiously and most of them submitted in the allotted time frame.
Teachers also had their one-on-one remediation and assessment of the learners,
especially in Reading and Mathematics. Integrative performance tests were utilized
and rubrics were used in rating the outputs. Individual Monitoring Tool was also
used to track the performance of those who are lagging behind. Fortunately, all
learners had no failing grades.

Limited Face-to-Face Implementation

The school was not able to implement limited face- to face classes months
before the close of the school year because the rooms are subject to repair but then
we were already validated last July 19, 2022, and we are now ready for face-to-face
classes as evidenced by the MOVs presented in KRA 1 to KRA 4.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The school conducted home visitation, one on one remedial sessions if
allowed by parents and there was close coordination with the parents regarding the
learning status of their children. The school conducted pre, mid, and post Reading
and Numeracy assessments for the pupils. With some innovations conducted, there
was a significant decrease in the number of nonreaders from 13 to 3.

2. Insights Gained from Best Practices

Even during the time of the pandemic, the school can still continue to offer quality
services to the learners if learning resources are available, if teachers are committed to
initiating innovations, conducting remediation, and continuously communicating with
parents. Further, it has been proven that really it takes a village to educate a child as
evidenced by the strong support of the parents. Though they are not so much learned in
terms of content, still with their support and services rendered, nobody was left behind.

3. Issues and Needs for recovery initiatives

It is a fact that the pandemic greatly affected the academic performance of the
learners. Reading and numeracy skills deteriorated because of the absence of face-to-face
instruction. With this, performance in all other subjects was also affected. Aside from this,
the psycho-social aspects of the children were not spared from negative effects. There is
now a dire need for careful and collaborative planning to really address the pressing needs
this coming school year. Further, proper and timely implementation of different programs
and projects especially remediation activities will be of great help in coping with the great
loss brought by Covid- 19 pandemic.
II. Generalization of BE-LCRP for SY 2022-2023

A. Data Analytics

Projected Enrolment

Grade Level Male Female Total

Kindergarten 8 9 17
Grade 1 11 7 18
Grade 2 12 11 23
Grade 3 15 6 21
Grade 4 11 7 18
Grade 5 5 14 19
Grade 6 8 7 15
TOTAL 70 61 131

Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel

Grade Level Teacher per Grade Level

Kindergarten 1
Grade 1 1
Grade 2 0
Grade 3 1
Grade 4 1
Grade 5 1
Grade 6 1

There are only six (6) teachers handling seven (7) classes due to the retirement of
the Grade 2 teacher. There is a need for one (1) teacher to handle the Grade 2 class this
coming school year.
Schools and Instructional Facilities

Marcos Pre-Fab (Library/Guidance Office/Clinic) Needs Major Repair
Marcos Pre-Fab (Grade 2 Room) Needs Major Repair
Marcos Pre-Fab (Grade 3 Room) Needs Major Repair
Bagong Lipunan (Grade 6 Room) Good Condition
Bagong Lipunan (Grade 5 Room) Needs Major Repair
Bagong Lipunan (Grade 4Room) Needs Major Repair
H.E./Kindergarten Room Good Condition
Demountable Building (Grade 1 Room) Good Condition

Demountable Building (Office/DCP Room) Good Condition

There is a total of six (6) academic classrooms. Of these, only two (2) classrooms are
in good condition and four (4) classrooms need major repair. The kindergarten class is
temporarily housed at the school Home Economics Building. One (1) room of the
Marcos Pre-Fab Building used as Library/Guidance Office/Clinic also needs major
repair. The makeshift canteen also needs improvement.

Learning Resources
Even during school vacation, teachers are still working on the lacking modules and
other instructional materials as preparation for the school opening. As of this time, the
SLM-pupil ratio is 1:1 and the textbook-pupil ratio is also 1:1.

Assessment of Learning Outcomes Strategies

The assessment of learning outcomes was based on the DepEd Order 31 s. 2020. The
use of integrative performance tests was emphasized. Teachers adopted/prepared
rubrics in giving ratings to the learners. For learners who were lagging behind, the
individual monitoring tool was utilized to track their performance and to give
necessary interventions.
Learning Recovery Framework (Transition Plan)

Learning Recovery Framework (Transition Plan)

Objective Activities Time Persons Budge Success

Frame Involved t/ Indicators
1. To give  Conduct psycho- August 22, Learners 5,000.0 Learners
psycho- social activities 2022 School 0 manifest
social by inviting Head PTA, enjoyment
support to trained Teachers MOOE and self-
learners who personnel. Parents confidence
have been  Allocate one (1)
stressed due hour per day in
to pandemic August
the first week of
classes for
2. To  Conduct regular 10, Pupils are
improve remediation in 000.00 good at
reading and reading and PTA, Reading and
numeracy numeracy September School MOOE Numeracy
skills of the  Implement 2022- May Head
struggling “Nanay Mo, 2023 Teachers
learners Partner Ko” Parents

3. To  Conduct LAC August School 5,000. Teachers are

capacitate Session and 2022 Head 00 able to
teachers on invite a resource Teachers provide
how to speaker MOOE proper
provide psycho-social
psycho- services to
social learners
services to
4. To  Strengthen the October School 2,000. Teachers
capacitate LAC sessions and 2022 Head 00 are able to
teachers on attend higher-level Teachers MOOE give
how to training remediation
handle to learners

5. To  Conduct training September- School 2,000. Contextualize

produce on December Head 00 d learning
contextualize contextualization 2022 Teachers MOOE materials are
d learning available
6. To  Encourage November School 3,000.0 Improved
improve teachers to 2022- Head 0 learners’
learners’ conduct April 2023 Teachers MOOE performance
performance innovation/ through
in the research innovations
different  Extend technical implemented
learning assistance to
areas teachers who are
7. To make  Mobilize the PTA July 2022- School 5, Classrooms
classrooms and other May 2023 Head 000.00 are safe and
safe and associations for Teachers MOOE conducive for
conducive to fund-raising Parents learning
learning activities and Alumni
solicitations LGU
 Follow-up

Communication Plan

Communication Plan

Activities Time Frame Persons Involved

Conduct clustered limited face-to- August 2022 School Head
face assembly to disseminate the Teachers
contents of BE-LCRP to the parents Parents
for suggestions and inputs
Utilize an online platform for Year-round School Head
information dissemination Teachers
Post tarpaulin and other IEC Year-round School Head
materials for awareness Teachers

B. Enabling Mechanism

1. Readiness of Schools

 Learners Vaccination

Grade Level Enrollment Vaccinated Unvaccinated

Kindergarten 18 3 15
Grade 1 23 5 18
Grade 2 22 5 17
Grade 3 17 2 15
Grade 4 18 5 13
Grade 5 17 2 15
Grade 6 13 6 7

In terms of learners’ vaccination, the school is not yet ready because some
parents are still hesitant to submit their children for vaccination. However, the
school is planning to invite the RHU personnel for an advocacy campaign during
the first limited face-to-face meeting with parents. For those who are decided to
receive COVID-19 shots, the school will coordinate with the RHU personnel for the
scheduled immunization.

 Teaching and Non-Teaching Vaccination

Vaccinated Unvaccinated
Teaching Personnel - 6 5 1
Non-Teaching Personnel - 1 1 0

For teaching personnel, one (1) unvaccinated teacher will just use a modular
or online delivery modality.

 Ways Forward on Booster Vaccination Program

Encouraging pupils and teaching personnel to be vaccinated is a continuous
campaign of the school. The school will request from Rural Health Unit to make a
school visit for the vaccination and booster shots.

 Learning Facilities

Classrooms and CLCs

In providing a conducive place for learning, the school will double its time for
preparation, especially for the repair of facilities by strengthening the connections
for fast implementation of the repairs before the school opens. Brigada Eskwela
will be well-planned and properly coordinated with SB in charge of Education and
other stakeholders for the successful conduct of all activities.

School Canteen
The school canteen needs to be improved and be functional for the health
and safety of the pupils. The school canteen committee will be called for an
orientation on food safety. Health cards will be required and health protocols will
be strictly observed. Regular monitoring will also be done.

The school library, although it is quite small will be provided with
appropriate reading materials and other references. Big books especially for
struggling learners will be procured. Updated learning resources will be provided
through donations from internal and external stakeholders.

Computer Laboratory/e-classroom & Equipment

Since the computer units are not functional, the school will write a letter to
the Division office informing them about the status of the units. The school will also
mobilize the PTA to reach out to Alumni for some donations.

Contingency Plan
In prioritizing the health and safety of the learners, the school has infection
control strategies. The parents will be regularly reminded not to allow their
children to go to school if they have flu-like symptoms. Likewise, the learners will
be reminded to observe social distancing and other health and safety protocols.
Regular disinfection will be done after class for frequently-touched surfaces and
spraying with Lysol in the classrooms and pathways every Friday.

2. Learning Facilitators
Teacher Training
There will be a well-planned In-Service Training for Teachers (INSET) based
on PPST results to equip them with needed teaching strategies for better
instruction. This will be strengthened by the regular conduct of LAC Sessions.
Teachers will also be capacitated through the regular giving of TA.

Wellness Program (Teaching and non-teaching, and Learners)

To help teachers and learners in their mental health, conducting a
symposium with an invited speaker for the activity is what we are looking forward
to. In addition, having a Zumba session every Monday after the flag ceremony with
“kumustahan “can greatly promote wellness among the teachers and learners.

The school recognizes the role of the parents in the education of their
children. As such, the “NANAY MO, Partner Ko” project will be implemented. The
parents of the identified Grade 1 struggling learners will be mentored on how to
teach beginning reading. Teaching them the letter and letter sounds as well as basic
Mathematical skills will enhance their capacity to teach their own children at home.

3. Partnership/Stakeholder Engagement
The school cannot stand on its own. Establishing a strong relationship with
stakeholders is a must. Resolutions will be sent to the Local Government Unit for
funding of the different programs and projects. Communications will be forwarded
to the office of the health authorities for health-related concerns and to the office of
MSWDO and MDRRO for psychosocial and rescue services respectively. Active
participation and support of the different associations will also be sought for the
successful implementation of the different programs and projects so that the school
can gradually recover from the serious effect of the COVID-19 pandemic.

4. Utilization of Fund
The MOOE fund should be utilized as per the approved RCA. Prioritization of
the projects to be funded will be done collaboratively. All other local funds that may
be raised by PTA and other associations will be judiciously spent for the good of the

5. Technical Assistance
To further enhance and develop managerial skills, seeking technical
assistance from PSDS and other colleagues will be done. In return, technical
assistance will be extended especially to the teachers for the improvement of the
teaching-learning process.
III. Pool of Support
With the absence of face-to-face classes for two years, interaction and
communication with internal and external stakeholders were hampered. Since
there are a lot of programs and projects to be implemented as stipulated in the
recovery plan, the school needs to establish a strong pool of support. At the
beginning of the school year, the PTA, SGC, Alumni Association, Child Protection
Committee, Teachers’ Association, and other support groups will be organized.
Moreover, the farmers’ association, community elders, local and groups abroad will
also be tapped so that all what the school dreams for will turn to reality.

To ensure the effectiveness and proper implementation of the school’s

programs, activities, and projects, close monitoring and evaluation are needed. This
could be done daily, weekly, or quarterly depending on the needs.

Monitoring and Evaluation Tool

Name Objectives Date of Accomplishments Issues/Problems/ Recommendations

of / Targets Monitoring to Date Challenges

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