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30/5/22, 08:22 New

Mine Planning & Design | Deswik.CAD | Menu Commands | Draw | Solids | Link Polylines Interactively | New

Seleccionar idioma ​ ▼ 1/17
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1. On the Draw menu, click Solids | Link Polylines Interactively | New.

2. The Link Polylines Interactively Inputs dialog box appears.

3. Use the following table to assist you with the options in this dialog box.

Field Description

Polyline layer Browse for the existing layer that contains the polylines that
you want to link to generate solids.

Tie line layer Optional; use tie lines to connect specific points on the
input polylines to limit and control the shape of output
solid. If tie lines already exist in the active file, browse for
the existing layer that contains them. To create a new layer
to save new tie lines to, type the layer name in the field. If a
layer of the same name already exists, the output saves to
the existing layer.

If you are not certain you want to use tie lines, you can leave
  this field blank. If you later decide to create tie lines during
the linking process, you will be prompted to select an
existing layer at that time. 2/17
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Field Description

Bifurcation line layer Optional; you can use bifurcation lines in the linking
process. If bifurcation lines already exist in the active file,
browse for the existing layer that contains them. To create a
new layer to save new bifurcation lines to, type the layer
name in the field. If a layer of the same name already exists,
the output saves to the existing layer.

In order to use the bifurcation lines when linking polylines, you

  must snap them to a node on the polyline. Snapping
anywhere on a polyline will automatically insert a node for
you at that location.

If you are not certain you want to use bifurcation lines, you can
  leave this field blank. If you later decide to create
bifurcation lines during the linking process, you will be
prompted to select an existing layer at that time.

Solids validation layer As part of this process, you will be given the opportunity to
validate the current solid. If you specify a Solid validation
layer, validation polylines , or 'markers', will automatically
be generated as part of the validation process. Browse for
an existing layer for these markers. See Modify | Solids |
Validate | Simple setup for more information.

Output solid layer Browse for an existing layer for the output solids. To create
a new layer during the output process, type the layer name
in the field. If a layer of the same name already exists, the
output saves to the existing layer.

4. Click OK .

5. The Link Polylines Interactively window appears, which has two tabs. The following table
contains snapshots of each tab, along with instructions for all fields.

In its default location, this window sits on the left side of the Model Space. To learn how to
  move it to another location, see Managing Dock Windows in Getting Started. 3/17
30/5/22, 08:22 New

6. Use the following table to assist you with the options in this window.

Field Description

OK Click to generate the current solid, save it to the Output

solid layer, and then close the Link Polylines Interactively

You should always validate your solid before you click OK ,

  because the command will not generate an invalid solid.

Cancel Click to delete the current solid, and then close the Link
Polylines Interactively window.

Tools As you link polylines, the 'active' polyline (that is, the polyline
  that you are linking from) is always bold and highlighted in
yellow in the Model Space. 4/17
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Field Description

Link count: Autopopulated; a count of the polylines

currently linked in the solid. 5/17
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Field Description

Bifurcation number: The number of solids that the

command must combine together at the end of the

By default, this number starts at '1'.

  Add By default, each time you click a new polyline,
the current solid is expanded to include the new
link. Click Add to treat the next polyline selected
as the first polyline in a new set of linked polylines.
In other words, after you click this button, the next
polyline that you select will not be linked to the
previous polyline, and a new solid will be started

Any solids created using the Add feature will still be

  combined into a single solid when you click OK .
To create multiple solids in the same session, use
the Start new solid feature instead.

Use this feature as another way to split the polylines

  (as opposed to using bifurcation polylines). A
video example follows these instructions.

Pick polyline Click to generate a link from the

'active' polyline to a selected polyline. A new solid is
generated each time a new link is made.

Pick polylines by line Click to link polylines in the

order that they cross a digitized line. When
prompted, select two points to define the line. This
is a batch command. Prompts continue to appear
until you right-click or press Esc to end the

Bifurcations are ignored in this process.

 6/17
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Field Description

Unlink last Remove the link to the last 'picked'

polyline and regenerate the solid.

When using this feature after running Pick polylines

  by line to link multiple polylines, only the link
between the last two polylines in the set will be

Unlink to selected Click to remove all links up to a

selected polyline, and then regenerate the solid.

Draw tie line Click to draw a tie line. If you did not
specify a Tie line layer, you will be prompted to
select an existing layer to save digitized tie lines to.
This is a batch command. Prompts continue to
appear until you right-click or press Esc to end the

Use tie lines: Select this check box to follow

existing tie lines when linking, where
possible. Note that these tie lines can be
those created using the Draw tie line tool
or they can be existing lines on the Tie
lines layer.

We recommend that you insert tie lines as you

  go (instead of waiting until the end) to
ensure the solid is valid.

Draw bifurcation line Click to draw a bifurcation
line. If you did not specify a Bifurcation line layer,
you will be prompted to select an existing layer to
save digitized polylines to. Bifurcation lines are only
used the first time a polyline is picked. They are
ignored afterward. When a polyline is selected, the
Select Split Approach dialog box appears. 7/17
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Field Description

In order to use the bifurcation lines when linking

  polylines, you must snap them to a node on the
polyline. Snapping anywhere on a polyline will
automatically insert a node for you at that

When linking through a bifurcation, the closest unused

  polygon in the bifurcation is always used.

An example of each follows:

Split In 8/17
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Field Description

Split Both

Split Out

Generate solid Click to generate a solid based on

the polylines currently linked in the current solid.

Auto-generate: Select this check box to

generate a new solid each time a new link is
made (or an existing link is removed). Clear
the check box to use the Generate solid
tool to do this manually.

When making a lot of edits to a large solid,

  auto-generation can be time consuming.
We recommend clearing this check box in
these instances, and using the Generate
solid tool to update the solid when
needed. 9/17
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Field Description

Validate solid Click to validate the existing solid

based on the links made up to this stage. If a solid is
valid, the button will turn green. If the solid is
invalid, the button will turn red. In addition,
validation errors will be written to the Output
window. If you specified a Solids validation layer,
polyline markers (used to indicate problem areas)
will also be generated. If you did not specify a
validation layer, the validation will be performed
without generating markers.

We recommend that you insert tie lines as you go

  (instead of waiting until the end) to ensure the
solid is valid.

Auto-validate: Select this check box to

automatically validate the solid each time it
is regenerated (that is, each time a polyline
link is added or removed).

WP from polyline Click to set the working plane to

the plane defined by the 'active' polyline.

Use this feature if Clipping is turned on. Each time you

  pick a new polyline to link to, the clipping will
move with the working plane.

Hold Shift while pressing this button to move the

  working plane to the currently selected polyline
instead of the 'active' polyline. 10/17
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Field Description

WP from polyline

Shift+ WP from polyline

Auto-move working plane: Select this

check box to automatically set the working
plane to the plane defined by the 'active'
polyline each time you pick a new polyline.
Clear the check box to use the WP from
polyline tool to do this manually.

VP from polyline Click to set the view plane to the
plane defined by the 'active' polyline. 11/17
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Field Description

Hold Shift while pressing this button to set the view

  plane to the plane defined by the currently
selected polyline instead of the 'active' polyline.

Auto-move view plane: Select this check

box to reset the view plane to the plane
defined by the 'active' polyline each time
you pick a new polyline. Clear the check box
to use the VP from polyline tool to do this

Hide linked polylines Click to hide polylines that

have already been linked.

Auto-hide linked polylines: Select this

check box to automatically hide selected
polylines as you link them. Clear the check
box to use the Hide linked polylines tool
to do this manually.

Show all polylines Click to show all polylines on

the input Polyline layer.

Interrogate Click to interrogate the current solid.

To use this feature, you must first create your
interrogation settings using the Tools |
Interrogate | Batch Interrogation command. If
these settings do not exist, you will be prompted to
create them. A dialog box appears with the
interrogated values. As you continue to interrogate,
additional columns are added.

You cannot use this feature to interrogate solids on the

  Output solids layer after you close the Link
Polylines Interactively window. This feature applies
to the current solid only.

Auto-interrogate: Select this check box to

automatically interrogate the current solid

each time it is regenerated. Clear the check
box to use the Interrogate tool to do this
manually. 12/17
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Field Description

Command: Use the options in this section to run a

set of user-defined Datamine commands, using the
solids generated by this process as the input. For
example, you could use the following commands to
create (and fill) a block model from the solid. If you
were to have the block model open while running
the command, it would update on the screen if the
Auto-execute check box was selected.

Name: The name of the rule to run.

Click to display the Datamine

Commands dialog box. Create a rule
using one or more commands. See
Tools | Geological Models |
Datamine | Commands for
detailed instructions on this

Execute Click to run the list of commands

in the selected rule without closing the Link
Polylines Interactively window.

Auto-execute: Click to run the

selected command each time a new
solid is generated in the Model
Space. Clear the check box to use
the Execute tool to do this

Color from polylines: Select this check box to apply

the color of the first polyline selected to the output
solid. Clear the check box to apply the color
specified in the field to the right. See Color Picker
for detailed instructions on this process.  13/17
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Field Description

Transparency: To change the transparency of the

solid, slide the scale from left to right (where the far
right is completely transparent and far left is
completely opaque).

Start new solid By default, the current solid is

regenerated and expanded as new polylines are
linked. Click to end cap the current solid at the last
polyline selected, and start a new solid.

When using this feature, solids will not be combined

  when you click OK .

The current solid is automatically saved to the Output

  solid layer. In other words, if you use this feature
to start a new solid, and then click Cancel to
close the Link Polylines Interactively window without
saving the current solid, the solid generated
previously will not be deleted.

Schematic: Autopopulated; a schematic diagram of

the polyline sections and their links (including the
Link count). Use this feature to help you visualize
the process. Click the icon in the upper-right
corner of the schematic window to expand the

General options 14/17
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Field Description

End cap: Select this check box to triangulate the

first and last polyline contours to form a closed


End cap 15/17
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Field Description

End cap

Linking method: Select the algorithm to use to

connect polylines, that is, Minimum distance,
Proportional distance along polyline length or
Brute force. When using Brute force as the linking
method, you can choose from Minimum Length,
Maximum Length, Minimum Area, Maximum
Area, Minimum Volume or Maximum Volume.

If the Use tie lines check box is selected and Brute

  force is chosen as the Linking method, if a single
tie line has been specified, there will be little
difference between the results produced from the
different methods.

Open polylines can only be linked using the Brute

  force method.

Linking direction:

If using Brute force as the Linking method, No

  alignment will be the only option available.

No alignment: Select to link polylines in

the order they were selected. In the images
that follow, we demonstrate how changing
the order of selection can generate very
different polyfaces. 16/17
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Field Description

Selecting polylines using a fence for this option

  will not yield predictable results. We
recommend selecting polylines in a
specific order, one by one.

The effectiveness of this method is data-

  dependent and not suitable for all cases.

Automatically align polylines by plane:

Select to link polylines in the order
determined by their 3D planar alignment.

You cannot use this option if you specify Brute

  force as the Linking method.

Define linking direction through a plane:

Select to search for matching points
between polylines along a selected plane. If
you do not set a plane, the algorithm will
use the average plane of the polylines to
determine this direction automatically.

Plane: Select the plane to use to

define the linking direction, that is,
Plan, Working or View.

You cannot use this option if you specify Brute

  force as the Linking method.

7. Click OK .

8. To modify solids created using this command, use the Draw | Solids | Link Polylines
Interactively | Existing command. All inputs (linking polylines, tie lines, bifurcations,
and validation markers) are embedded on the output solid in this process, and will be
used automatically by the Existing command. 17/17

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