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Camarines Sur National High School

City of Naga

Detailed Lesson Plan in Art 9

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. Identifies representative artists from the Neoclassic and Romantic Periods. - A9EL-IIIa-3
b. Reflects and derives the mood, idea, or message from selected artworks- A9PL-IIIh-1
c. Creates artworks guided by techniques and styles of the Neoclassic and Romantic Periods. -

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Arts of the Neo-Classic and Romantic period

Subtopic: Artist and art elements of Neoclassicism and Romanticism.

Reference: Grade 9 Learners Material for Music and Arts

Valuing: to understand the importance of Arts in our life

Strategy: inquiry-based instruction, collaborative learning

III. Learning Activity:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Procedure
Good morning class -Good morning, ma’am
How was your day? -My day is absolutely okay ma’am

That’s good to hear, so before we start let us put ourselves in the

presence of our Lord.
(Prayer video clip)

please turn off your microphone and cameras while I am discussing

if you have questions just click the raising hand button.
Are you ready class for our next lesson?

Okay, For today’s discussion it’s all about Neoclassical and Romantic
Artworks. Please listen carefully to the lesson and take notes -Yes, ma’am.
because we will be having activity after the discussion.

B. Motivation
Class, before we formally start our lesson, I will be showing you a
picture tell me what is your concept while observing the pictures.
Picture Analyzation:

Okay anyone what can you say about the picture?

- Ma’am the pictures is an artwork

Thank you for your answer, yes, that’s correct the picture that I
present to you is an example of artwork.
So, do you have any idea what is our topic for today’s discussion? - Ma’am I think it’s about artwork

So, as you can say our lesson for today is about artists and Art
Elements of Neoclassicism and Romanticism. let’s begin are you
ready for class? - Yes, ma’am.
C. Lesson Proper
( Across curriculum- AP subject - History)

As I’ve said earlier, we will be tackling today the artists and art
elements of Neoclassicism and Romanticism.
Is anyone here know what is Neoclassicism and Romanticism? Just
give me a simple definition of these two. - Ma’am I will try, for me
Okay, thank you for sharing your answer. That’s correct you can see romanticism in the terms of arts it
in the picture that I showed to you a while ago the difference of is the attitude and feelings of artist
artworks between neoclassicism and romanticism. towards in their artworks, while
neoclassicism it’s based on the art
So, in our discussion, you will find out who is the artist and the art of Greece.
elements of neoclassicism and Romanticism. I will present a
PowerPoint presentation for our discussion. I ask you to listen and
understand the lesson.

(ppt presentation)

• Activity

Activity 1: Identification
Directions: identify the artist from the Neoclassic or
Romantic Period.

A. B. C. D. E.
Francisco Jean Louis Antoine- Jean Antonio
Goya Theodore Louis Auguste- Canova
Gericault Barye Dominque Answers:
Ingres 1.J
F. G. H. I. J. 2.B
Eugene Francois Bertel Jaques- Robert 3.D
Delacoix Rude Thorvaldse Louis Adam 4.H
n David 5.G
____1. He was known as the Palladian architect of the Neoclassical 7.A
who designed two well-known American buildings- The White House 8.F
and the United States Capitol. He had also designed many country 9.I
houses. 10.E
____2. First French master and the leader of the French realistic
school. His masterpieces were energetic, powerful, brilliantly
colored, and tightly composed.
____3. He is regarded as one of the great exemplars of “academic
art” and one of the finest “Old Masters” of his era.
____4. He was the first internationally acclaimed Danish artist. He
executed sculptures of mythological and religious themes
____5. He rejected the classical repose of the late 18 th and 19th
century French sculpture in favor of a dynamic, emotional style and
created many monuments that stirred the public for generations.
____6. He was the most famous animal sculptor of all time. He
studied the anatomy of his subjects by sketching residents of the
Paris Zoo.
____7. He was a commissioned Romantic painter by the King of
Spain. He was also a printmaker regarded both as the last of the
“Old Masters” and the first of the “Moderns”.
____8. He was considered the greatest French Romantic painter of
all. He achieved brilliant visual effects using small, adjacent strokes
of contrasting color.
____9. He was an influential French painter in the Neoclassical style
and is considered to be the most prominent painter of the era.
____10. He is a prolific Italian sculptor who became famous for his
marble sculptures that delicately rendered nude flesh.

Activity 2: Just what I think

Directions: choose one (1) from the pictures below. In 3-5
sentences, come up with writing about the mood, idea, or message
that the artwork is trying to portray. The italicized words will serve
as your clue or guide. Write your answer in the space provided.

 Analysis
Okay, class what was the activity?

 How did you feel upon looking at the artwork? -it’s interesting ma’am.

- Upon looking in the second picture

which is the “Bravery”, I felt strong
 What mood, idea, or message is evident in the artwork
that you have chosen?

- The message that the artwork is

trying to tell us is to be brave, the
courage to face challenges in our
 How can you relate the concept of the painting to a real- life and to win battles.
life situation?

- I can relate this artwork in real life

by being strong and to surpass any
challenges that I experiencing now.

Okay, what a wonderful answers class thank you.

 Abstraction Ma’am my realization about this

topic is that you can make arts in
As our discussion end who will in the class give a reflection or anytime anywhere like for example
realization about our topic? romanticism they made an artwork
based on their feelings or emotions
and attitude.
Okay Ms. Fea you can start

Kindly complete the following sentences:

- I learned a lot in arts
- I’m happy because_______________________ - I able to know different artist in
- I feel great because______________________ Neoclassic and Romantic Period
- I am interested now in art because____________ - I am interested now in art because
- Art is beautiful because_____________________ it motivated you
- You can express your feelings/
emotions through arts.

Thank you for an amazing answer.

As we can see art had a big impact on our life, Art gives meaning to
our lives and helps us understand our world. It is an essential part of
our culture because it allows us to have a deeper understanding of
our emotions; it increases our self-awareness, and also allows us to
be open to new ideas and experiences.

Thank you, class, for your participation and also, I hope this class will
encourage that loving an art will make you happy.

 Application

For your last activity.

Direction: supply the equivalent characteristics of Romantic art to
the given Neoclassic art. Choose from the words in the box.

IV. Evaluation
Directions: (please use long size bond paper)
*create a simple artwork depicting the traditions or history in your locality.(
* You may apply the styles used in the Neoclassic and romantic Periods in your artwork.
* Write a short description of your artwork.

V. Assignment


 Enumerate in your worksheet the festivals that you know and are familiar with.
 Make a short description of each of the festivals you have enumerated.
 Classify whether they are religious or secular/ non-religious festivals.
 Give at least 3 positive effects of festival dancing or [participation involvement in festival dances
to yourself, family, and community.

Self: 



 

Prepared by:

Mary Ann Monreal

Student teacher

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