Grade 7 Science Bridging Lesson

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Saint Vincent’s School

Fr. Sepulchre St., Poblacion
2616 Bontoc, Mountain Province, Philippines

Time Frame: August 23-September 3, 2021

Bridging Lessons
For Grade Seven Science
General Science

Gary Bernardez Suntoy

You can reach me via mobile phone # 09073466295.

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This course is intended for incoming Grade seven learners which aims to bridge the gap
between Intermediate science and Junior High School science, the selected topics discussed here
are fundamentals as well as vital in all Science subjects in different grade levels in junior high school.
This course includes topics from Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

General Science
The Scientific Method

We may not know it but almost every day, we are applying some principles in scientific
investigations. As we wake up in the morning, we observe things. Some of these things make us
wonder. Normally, we try to explain this wonderment especially about things that concern us. Since it
is a nature of man to solve problems, it is important that we that we be made aware of some scientific
principles for problem solving.
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the session, you should be able to
1. describe the components of a scientific investigation;
2. enumerate and describe the steps in scientific method; and
3. apply scientific method in your daily life.
The Scientific Method
The scientific method is a sequence of steps followed by scientists to differentiate truth from
myth and superstition, or validate or refute speculations. It is a systematic and orderly approach to
gathering data and solving problems that involves the following steps:
1. Observation- to identify a problem;
2. Research- to gather related information;
3. Formulating a hypothesis- to predict a likely outcome;
4. Testing the hypothesis- designing and performing an experiment;
5. Recording and analyzing data; and
6. Drawing conclusions.
Scientific Method at Work

Step 1: Observe- Keen observation of one’s surroundings and awareness of what is going on
around you can lead to ideas that help identify a particular problem.
Step 2: Research- Go to the library and read up on information related to the problem you
identified. Review existing records or data. Consult experts who have worked on a similar problem. If
your problem affects a particular community, you can interview officials or authorities who have
jurisdiction over the area.
Step 3: Hypothesize- Formulate an educated guess on the factors that affect your particular
problem. There are two types of hypothesis: the null and alternative. The null hypothesis (Ho) is
written in the negative form. The alternative hypothesis (Ha) in the affirmative form.
Step 4: Test- design your experiment and write the step-by-step procedure that you will use to
test your hypothesis. Gather the materials that you will need. Identify the treatment that you will
implement so that you can compare the results with a reference data. Observe and record what
happens when one variable is manipulated or changed.
Step 5: Analyze- organize your data into tables and graphs so that it will be easier to visualize
your results. Summarize the data presented in your charts and tables.

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Step 6: Conclude- based on your findings and interpretation of the data, draw your conclusions
and see if they agree with your hypothesis.
If the conclusion supports the hypothesis, then accept your hypothesis and recommend other
components for further investigation. Share the difficulties you have encountered in the course of your
study, what you will do differently and how. If the conclusion refutes the hypothesis, then reject the
hypothesis, accept its counterhypothesis, then recommend other ways of solving your problem.
1. How can you use the scientific method in your life?
2. How do you verify what others say or claim?


Our knowledge about cells would not have been possible without the microscope. The
microscope is probably the most popular tool in Biology. It is used to examine objects, tissues and
cells that are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Today, different types microscopes cater to
different applications.
Your basic knowledge on microscope such as its parts and their functions as wells as how to
operate a simple compound microscope are crucial in studying higher Biology subjects. So as much
as possible, you need to be familiarized with the parts to how operate a microscope. In this course,
you are going to learn the basic parts and their functions as well as the operation of a compound
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to
1. identify parts of the microscope and their functions; and
2. follow the steps properly in operating the compound microscope.

Lesson 1. The Compound Microscope Parts and Function

The compound microscope commonly used in schools is equipped with lenses that can
enlarge the view of objects up to several hundred times their original size. This microscope uses light
(sunlight or artificial light) to help biologists examine cells and sections of tissues.
Parts of the Compound Microscope
1. Eyepiece- It is where one looks through to see image of the specimen.
2. Body tube- It is a long tube that holds the eyepiece and connects it to the objective.

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3. Nosepiece- It is a rotating part of the microscope at the bottom of the body tube. It also holds the
objective lenses.
4. Objective Lens- It is attached to the nosepiece; it magnifies the specimen. The objective lenses
may vary in length; the longer the objective lens, the larger the image of the specimen.
5. Arm- It is the part of the microscope that is used to carry the microscope with.
6. Coarse Adjustment Knob- It is a large, round knob on the side of the microscope. It moves the
upper part of the microscope to focus the specimen.
7. Fine Adjustment Knob- It is a small round knob on the side of the microscope used to fine-tune the
focus of your specimen after using the coarse adjustment knob.
8. Stage- It is a large, flat area under the objectives. The slide is placed on the stage for viewing. It
also has a hole in it that allows light to pass through.
9. Stage Clips- There are the clips on top of the stage which hold the slide in place.
10. Diaphragm- It controls the amount of light on the specimen.
11. Mirror- It is the source of light which is usually found near the base of the microscope. The light
source makes it easier to see the specimen to be observed.
12. Base- It supports the microscope.

Lesson 2: How To Use A Compound Microscope

The following are ways on how to use the microscope. To see the image properly, it should be used
1. To transfer your microscope from the shelf to your table, carry it with two hands. Hold the arm with
one hand and place the other hand under the base for support.
2. Place the microscope on your table with the arm pointing towards you.

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3. Check the lighting of the room. Make sure you have enough light to view the specimen.
4. Raise the body tube by turning the coarse adjustment knob.
5. turn the revolving nosepiece. Set the objective lens to the lowest power. The lowest power is the
shortest objective lens. As you revolve the nosepiece, you will hear a “click” sound indicating that you
set it in your position.
6. Place the glass slide on the stage and position it in the middle. Use the stage clips to hold the slide
in place.
7. Turn the adjustment knob carefully to lower the body tube as near as it will go without touching the
glass slide. Look at the stage side to side.
8. Look through the eyepiece to adjust the light that is passing through the microscope. You can
adjust the mirror to reflect the greatest amount of light.
9. Slowly turn the coarse adjustment knob to move the objective lens up. Continue until the image
comes to focus. Use the fine adjustment knob for finer focusing.
10. To turn the highest power objective, look at the microscope from the side. The highest power
objective is the longest objective lens. Turn the revolving nosepiece until the highest power objective
clicks into place.
11. Look through the eyepiece and slowly turn the coarse adjustment knob to focus the image. Use
the fine adjustment knob for fine focusing.
12. When finished, raise the body tube and position the lowest power objective lens. Remove the
glass slide. Return the microscope to its shelf.
Lesson 3: Preparing A Wet Mount

When viewing objects using a microscope, we place the specimen on slides. To prepare
microscope slides, you need microscope slides, cover slips, and micropipette or medicine dropper.
Microscope slides are made of glass or plastic. They are usually rectangular in shape. Cover slips are
square shaped glass used to cover specimen. Be careful in handling cover slips because they are so
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fragile. Most samples viewed under the microscope are placed in a drop of water known as wet
mount. Water keeps moisture on specimens. Living things and liquid substances use wet mount when
viewed under the microscope.
The following are steps on how to prepare wet mount slide:
1. Place the specimen on top of a clean glass slide.
2. Place a drop of water on the specimen using the micropipette. Make sure you place this at the
center of the sample.
3. Place the one end of the cover slip on slide and slowly lower the other end. This will help to avoid
air bubbles being trapped in your slide.
4. If air bubbles are trapped, you may tap your pencil on the glass slide to remove them.
5. Match up the side of the cover slip and of the glass slide.
6. If your cover slip floats, you placed too much water. You may remove excess water by holding a
tissue paper near the edge of the cover slip.
7. If you want to add water, use the micropipette to add a drop of water near the cover slip.
1. Why is it important to follow the steps involve in operating a compound microscope? Support your
Classification of Matter
Matter is anything around us. We may or may not know it but its presence definitely is
significant. To illustrate: we cannot put two books on exactly the same exact area on a table on a
table at the same time. This is because one book occupies the space at the same moment.
The air we breathe, though we cannot see it, has mass. The inflated balloon indicates the
presence of air because it occupies the space inside the balloon. The balance is tilted to the left
because the mass of air at the left is heavier than the mass of air at the right.
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the session, you should be able to:
1. distinguish mixtures from substances based on a set of properties;
2. define mixture and substances.

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Classification of Matter
A. Pure Substances
Pure substances can be elements or compounds. The particles in a pure substance are the
same all throughout. Each substance has chemical and physical properties unique to itself. Also, pure
substances have definite chemical composition. Example: water, salt, aluminum foil, baking soda,
carbon dioxide and oxygen are all substances because their composition is the same no matter
where you find them. All elements and all compounds are substances.
1. Elements

Elements are substances that are made up of only one type of atom. They cannot be broken
down into simpler substances. Atoms are made up of smaller particles, but they are not easily broken
down by ordinary chemical means. Elements are the simplest form of substance.
Example: Gold bar, Aluminum, Calcium, Sodium, iodine, etc.
2. Compounds
Compounds are substances that are made up of different kinds of atoms chemically combined.
It takes chemical reaction to separate a compound into elements or to another compound.
Example: CO2, H20, NaCl, O3, etc.

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B. Mixtures

Mixtures are made up of two or more substances that are physically combined.
Example: soil, blood, seawater, air, milk, rocks, butter, pizza, etc.
2 Kinds of Mixtures
1. Homogeneous Mixtures
-Homogeneous mixtures have only one phase. Any portion of a homogeneous mixture
has the same properties and composition. Each region of a sample is identical to all other regions of
the sample. In a homogeneous mixture, we cannot distinguish one component from the other.
Components are well mixed.
Example: Salt water, rubbing alcohol, syrup, mayonnaise, plain chocolate ice cream, etc.
2. Heterogeneous mixtures
-These mixtures are made up of more than one phase or of different parts and can be
separated physically. The different components are visibly distinguishable from one another.
Heterogeneous mixtures contain components that are not well mixed. Even if the components are
now mixed, we can still identify them.
Example: cement mixture, vegetable salad, halo-halo, pizza, etc.
Exercise: Complete the Table
Write the similarity/ies as wells as difference/s of the following classifications of matter.
Matter Similarities Differences
1. Pure substances and

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2. Elements and Compounds

3. Homogeneous and
Heterogeneous mixtures

Conversion of Units and Scientific Notation
All quantities in the physical world can be expressed in terms of six basic units. However, in
this course you are going to deal on the first fundamental five which includes the Length, Mass, Time,
Volume and Temperature. These units are part of the Systeme International or SI, which is the
current version of the metric system introduced in France two centuries ago to replace the
hodgepodge of traditional units that were then making the commerce and industry difficult. Today SI
units are used by scientists and in most the world in everyday life as well.
Scientific notation on the other hand, enables us to express very large and very small
quantities in a form that is easily understood and conveys the number of significant digits. In scientific
notation, the number is expressed by writing the correct number of significant digits with one non-zero
digit to the left of the decimal point and then multiplying the number by the appropriate power of 10
with a positive or negative exponent.
Lesson Objective:
At the end of the session, you should be able to
1. convert units using dimensional analysis; and
2. solve problems involving scientific notation.

Lesson 1: Basic SI units and Conversion factors

SI Units Conversion factors
Length Meter (m) 1m= 100 cm (cm)
= 1.0936 yards (yd)
1 yrd = 36 inch (in)
1cm= 0.3937 inch (in)
1 in =2.54 cm
=0.0254 m
Mass Kilogram (Kg) 1 Kg= 1000 grams (g)

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= 2.205 pounds (lb)
1 lb = 453.6 g
Volume Cubic meter (cm3) 1 L (Liter) =10-3 m3
= 1000 mL
= 1.057 quarts (qt)
1 in.3 = 16.4 cm3
Time Second (sec) or (s) 1 day (d) = 86 400 sec
1 hour (hr) = 3600 sec
I minute (min) = 60 sec
Temperature Kelvin (K) 0K= -273.15o Celsius (C)
= -459.67 Fahrenheit (F)
F= ( ) oC +32o
C= (5/9) (oF-32o)

K= oC + 273.15o

Rules that Apply in Converting Units

1. Units are treated in an equation in exactly the same way as algebraic quantities, and may be
multiplied and divided by one another.
2. Multiplying or dividing a quantity by 1 does not affect its value.
3. Cancel similar units.
Convert the following using dimensional analysis.
1. Convert 2 Km -> m
1 km= 1000m
Sol: 2 km x 1000 m = 2 000 m

2. Convert 1 Km -> in
1 km= 1000 m; 1m= 1.0935 yds; 1 yd= 36 in
Sol: 1 km x 1000 m x 1.0936 yards x 36 in = 39 369.6 in
Km m yd
3. Convert 100 C -> F
o o

F= (9) oC+ 32


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F= (9) 100oC + 32
= 900oC + 32
= 180oC + 32
= 212oC

1. 2 hr -> sec

2. 2 Km -> meter
hr sec

3. 5oF -> oC

Lesson 2: Scientific Notation

The numbers used in Chemistry and Physics are often either extremely large or
extremely small. Such numbers are conveniently expressed in the form
N x 10
Where N is a number between 1 and 10, and n is the exponent.
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1 200 000 is 1.2 x 106- Positive exponent
0.000604 is 6.06 x 10-4 –Negative exponent
It is convenient to think of the negative exponent as the number of places the decimal point
must be moved to the right to give a number greater than 1 but less than 10.
In the system of exponential notation, with each shift of the decimal point one place to the
right, the exponent decreases by 1.
4.8 x 10-3 = 48 x 10-
Similarly, with each shift of the decimal point one place to the left, the exponent increases by 1.
4.8 x 10-3 = 0.48 x 10-2

The following rules are useful for carrying exponents through calculations:
1. Addition and Subtraction
In order to add and subtract numbers expressed in exponential notation, the powers of 10
must be the same.

(5.22 x 104) + (3.21 x 102) = (522 x 102) + (3.21 x 102)
= 525 x 102
= 5.25 x 104

(6.25 x 10-2) – (5.77 x 10-3) = (6.25 x 10-2) – (0.577 x 10-2)

= 5.67 x 10-2

2. Multiplication and division

When numbers expressed in exponential notation are multiplied, the exponents are added;
when numbers expressed in exponential notation are divided, the exponent of the divisor is
subtracted from the exponent of the dividend.
(5.4 x 102) (2.1 x 103) = (5.4) (2.1) x 102+3
= 11 x 105
= 1.1 x 106

3.2 x 105 = 3.2 x 105-2 = 0.49 x 103

6.5 x 102 6.5

3. Powers and roots

When numbers expressed in exponential notation are raised to a power, the exponents are
multiplied by the power; when the roots of numbers expressed in exponential notation are taken, the
exponents are divided by the root.
(1.2 x 105)3 = 1.23 x 105x3
= 1.7 x 1015
√3 2.5 x 106 = √3 2.5 x 106/3
= 1.3 x 102

Sample problems (show your solution)

Solve the following:
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1. (1.2 x 103) + (2.2 x 102)
3. (1.2 x 103)3

2. (2 x 10-1) – (2 x 101) 4. 3.5 x 104 ÷ 2.1 x 103

Parent’s signature over printed name



Martindale, David G. et. al. Fundamentals of Physics: Combined Edition. DC Heath Canada Ltd.
Canada. 1992.
Brown, Theodore, et. al. Chemistry The Central Science. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey 07632.1985.
Delfin, Angeles C. et. al. Science Vistas. Salesiana by Don Bosco Press, Inc. Antonio Arnaiz cor.
Chino Roces Avenues, Makati City. 2013
Ferrols-Pavico, Josefina Ma. et. al. Exploring Life Through Science The New Grade Seven. Phoenix
Publishing House, Inc. 927 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City. 2013.

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