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Feb 23, 2022 Recitation a. If there is no cause in the

dismissal of the employee, what
1. What are the provisions of the is the effect? For example, the
constitution which apply to labor? employer observes procedural
due process, but not the
- Bill of Rights substantive due process, what is
- Art 13, Sec 3 the effect?
b. What if the employer is engaged
a. What does the phrase “The State in the restaurant business and
shall afford full protection to saw employee X steal from the
labor both domestic and cashier of the restaurant. The
international” mean? manager fires him immediately.
b. What’s the legal basis for the Will the suit for illegal dismissal
protection of our laws to prosper? Will there be reliefs
international labor if the person granted to the employee?
is a filipino? Nominal damages.
c. For example, a filipino citizen is c. What are the just causes for
employed to work in the US and dismissal? Art 282 LC
he executes a contract where he d. What are the authorized causes?
will be a doctor in the US. Will Art 283 LC
the PH law govern the validity e. When is nominal damages
of the stipulations of the awarded in cases of dismissals?
contract? f. How much nominal damages?
d. What if the contract is entered 30k for just cause. 50k for
in the US? Authorized causes
e. Example: What if a Filipino is 3. Jaka Food Processing Corporation v. Pacot,
directly hired by an offshore G.R. No. 151378, 28 March 2005.
company, which is a foreign (dismissal due to authorized cause, nominal
company. The employment damages awarded - 50k because procedural
contract provides that the laws due process is violated (giving of 30 day
notice to DOLE and employees)
of the UK shall govern the
4. Abbot Laboratories v. Alcaraz, G.R. No.
contact which provides that they
192571, 23 July 2013. (Probational
may terminate the employment employment - just cause dismissal - nominal
at will. Subsequently, the damages 30k - proper procedure for the
company decided to terminate regularization of a probational employee)
the employee without just cause. 5. Duncan Association of Detailman-PTGWO
The employee sued the v. Glaxo Wellcome, G.R. No. 162994, 17
company without for illegal September 2005 (Glaxo does not impose an
dismissal. Will the suit prosper? absolute
f. Non-impairment clause, would prohibition against relationships between its
employees and those of competitor
it apply in the example stated?
companies. What the company merely seeks
to avoid is a conflict of interest.)
2. Due Process in Labor, how does it 6. Example: X Colleges operates in Cebu and
work? opened a law school and hired professors.

The requirement is that the professors must

be fluent in Cebuano. One professor from
Manila, non-fluent in Cebuano, was hired
because they could not find someone, they
told him that it is temporary employment.
His employment will only continue if within
one year, he proves to be fluent in Cebuano.
He did not meet this condition. Is the
condition valid?
7. What is the rule with respect to the right to
8. Punzal v. ETSI Technologies Inc., G.R. No.
170384, 9 March 2008
9. Example: An employer suspects that one of
the employee is stealing from the company.
They send the employee a notice to submit a
written explanation why he should not be
dismissed for stealing from the company. 5
days is given for him to submit the
explanation. And a hearing will be
conducted. The employee failed to submit
and attend the hearing. Thus the company
dismissed the employee due to his non
submission and appearance at the hearing. Is
the dismissal proper? Is this not proper
process that the company must give the
employee ample time to defend himself?
Silence can be taken as an admission of
10. Right against self-incrimination
11. Social Justice Society v. Dangerous Drugs
Board and Philippine Drug Enforcement
Agency, G.R. No. 157870, 3 November
12. Can the employer for imposing the mandate
of drug testing, single out a particular
employee if there is a suspicion that he is
using drugs?
13. Example: An employer gives an employee
his own office with a lock, with a cabinet
with locks and provides him with the key.
Subsequently, there is suspicion of theft.
The employer instructs the personnel
holding all the duplicate keys to search
everywhere by unlocking the door and the
cabinet. They found the missing items in the
cabinet of X. They thus dismissed X. Is the
dismissal valid?

03/02/2022 a. Control on path to take

1. Test to determine the employer- 21. Orozco case
employee relationship? 22. Matling case
2. Payment of wages? a. His position is VP right? Is that
3. If nothing is paid, there can be no expressly appearing in its by-
payment of wages? laws?
4. In a situation who rendered some b. Who are considered corporate
service, and he is not paid, there is no officers?
payment of wages? c. Requirements why it should be
5. What if X asked Y to be a clerk in his appointed/elected?
business, and in exchange of which he 23. Republic v. Asiapro
will receive 600 per day and he will be a. How can they be both employer
paid 15th and 30th. On 15th and 30th he and employee of the
did not receive such wage, is there cooperative?
employer-employee relationship?
6. What if in same scenario, in exchange of
working he will get leftovers, will that
amount to payment?
7. In order to determine, payment of wages
what must be received must be legal
tender and if something else it will not
be considered payment of wages? Why?
8. same raw ba yung element of payment
of wages, sa wages na need maging
legal tender
9. THEN HE BENEFITS PA kung di nya
finollow yung payment?
a. Form of payment of wages?
10. Other elements?
11. What do you mean by control?
a. Give an example?
12. LVN Pictures v. phil Musician’s guild
13. Dy Ke Beh
a. Control
14. Tongko v. Manulife?
15. Difference between independent
contractor and employee
16. What is an independent contractor?
17. Corporal v. NLRC
18. Sonza v. ABS CBN
19. Calamba
a. Isn’t residency still a part of
their training?
20. Jardin case

March 9, 2022

1. What is Job -contracting?

2. Labor-only contracting?
1. Why is it prohibited?
3. Who are the parties in a job
contracting arrangement?
4. What are their respective
5. Tenic Automotive Case
6. What can be validly outsourced?
7. Can a principal contract out a major
part of its business?
8. What are the requirements for a
contacting arrangement to be valid?
9. Substantial capital?
10. What is the rule with respect to
11. What is the effect if there is no
service agreement?
12. What if the principal contacts out
work and no service agreement is made,
what is the effect to the relationships?
13. What if the contractor fails to pay
the employees?
14. Can they sue the principal directly?
1. Without first directing to the
contractor for their unpaid wages?
2. They can implead one?
15. What if the principal and contractor
decides to dismiss one of the employees
because the employee tried to make a
1. Can the principal be held solidarity
16. The contractor hires employees
which it deploys to the principal. 2 yrs is
the term. Before the end of the 2 yr
period, the principal decides to
predeterminate the contracting

March 23, 2022


March 30, 2022 a. Does the absence of

AEP prevent the
1. What is direct hiring? existence of an EE-ER
2. What about Local Employment relationship?
of Foreign Nationals? 8. Normal Hours of Work?
3. Do all foreign nationals require 9. How do we know that an hour is
the AEP to work in the a work hour?
Philippines? 10. Rada v. NLRC
a. They do not need to do 11. University of Pangasinan
anything to have Faculty Union v.University of
employment in the PH? Pangasinan
(Certificate of 12. Rule for Health Workers
Exclusion) a. Who are health
b. Exceptions and workers?
Exclusions, are they the b. Are orderlies included?
same? What is the c. Are janitors included?
difference? d. Are they disqualified
4. What are the requirements in from a compressed
securing an alien employment work week?
permit? 13. What is Compressed Work
5. Labor Market Test Week?
a. Rules on Publishing? a. The reasons for the
b. What is published? CWW?
c. When shall it be b. Is it only availed of to
published? avoid losses of the
d. Where is it published? company?
6. Renewal of the AEP c. What if the employer
a. What if a foreign unilaterally changed the
national applies for schedule, reducing the
AEP valid for 2 yrs, hours of work from
before 2 yrs he resigns, 48hrs to 40hrs, will this
is the AEP still valid? be valid?
b. What is the ground for 14. Requirements for a CWW
renewal? a. Are employees entitled
7. What if an employee, a foreign to OT pay for the excess
national, wants to engaged by a of 8hrs?
filipino employer in the b. When are the
philippines, and they enter into employees allowed
a contract for a period of 2 yrs. overtime pay?
They sign a contract without 15. Linton Commercial v. Hellera
securing an AEP. Without any 16. What is Telecommuting?
cause he was dismissed in 6 a. Rights granted to
mos. What are his reliefs, if workers rendering
any? telecommuting work?

17. Rule on Brownouts?

18. Durabilt Recapping Plant v.
19. Rule on Meal Breaks?
a. When Compensable?
20. Pan American World Airways
System v. Pan American
Employees Association
21. Sime Darby Pilipinas v. NLRC
22. Philippine Airlines v. NLRC
23. Difference between “waiting to
be engaged” and “engaged to
24. Arica v. NLRC

April 20, 2022 26. Auto Bus vs. bautista

27. David vs. Macasio
1. Rules on Commute 28. Can the employer deny the application for a
2. What is Overtime work? leave?
3. How is it compensated?
4. What is the regular wage?
5. Does it include ECOLA?
6. Who are entitled to OT pay? Exceptions.
7. How much is OT pay?
8. The rates of OT pay?
9. What is a special working day?
10. Illustration: Employee works 8am-5pm.
Required to work until 7pm. Wage 480.
1. How much is he entitled?
2. Rest day
3. Rest day and Special day
4. Holiday
5. Holiday and rest day
11. What if he comes late? Will it affect OT?
12. Is employer consent necessary? Is right to
OT absolute?
13. Can the employer compel the employee to
perform OT work?
14. Rule to rest days?
15. What is a regular holiday?
16. What do the employees enjoy during a
regular holiday? Does it include ECOLA?
17. What if 2 regular holidays fall in the same
date? What will happen then?
18. What if the employee was absent on Holy
Wednesday, is he entitled to Maundy Thurs and
19. What if he took a leave? With pay? Without
20. What about special holidays? Depends
whether working or non-working.
21. What are the special non-working holidays?
22. Who are Night Workers? 10% Addtl pay,
health assessments, transfer, mandatory
23. Illustration: Normal WH: 12nn-9pm. 2hrs
OT work. Daily wage is 480.
24. What is service incentive leave?
25. Are all employees entitled?

May 18, 2022 28. When you say, “integral part”, what do you
1. Wages? 29. How is that different from Boie Takeda?
2. IS vs. Quisumbing 30. So, because the commission was from their
3. What’s a minimum wage efforts, the compensation should be credited
4. Prevailing wage rate in Metro Manila? towards their wages?
5. Who are exempted? 31. What are service charges?
6. What is a BMBE? 32. What are the rules with respect to service
7. X owns an apartment complex. He hired a charges?
caretaker who collects rent, 3 janitors to clean.
Are they entitled to receive the minimum wage 33. Can the employer opt not to charge/collect
rate? ‘service charges’ on their customers?
1. Is the exemption automatic? 34. But how can they be included in the basic
2. Only registration is required? wage?But service charges are not fixed
8. Doctor wants to establish a clinic. He hires a amounts, how do you determine the amount to
nurse, a driver, a helper? Entitled to min wage? be distributed to the employees?
9. What about those who are paid on a task 35. What is 13th month pay?
basis? Entitled to min wage? 36. Who is not entitled to receive 13th month
10. What about a per piece basis? pay?
1. What if he produced less? 37. Central Azucarera de Tarlac v. Labor Union
11. Difference between wages and salaries?
12. Gaa vs. CA
13. What is a COLA?
14. Who are entitled to receive?
15. X is a construction worker who receives
600 daily wage? Entitled to ECOLA?
16. What are facilities?
17. What are supplements?
18. What is the difference between facilities
and supplements?
19. How do you know if the benefit is a facility
or supplement?
20. Mayon Hotel vs Adana
21. Our Haus vs Parian
22. What are commissions?
23. Does it not form part of his wage?
24. X is the owner of a spa. He employs
attendants (5). Their compensation is
commissions earned after they perform
25. Is the employer obliged to pay the
difference ?
26. Even if paid purely on commission?
27. Philippine Duplicators Case

May 25 , 2022 17. Can the employer make deductions from an

employer’s wage?
1. What is non-diminution? 18. Exceptions?
2. What does “ all benefits mean”? 19. Difference of requirement for written
3. What if employer is based on reg 6, the mw authorization
is 500 a day. Employee is transferred in Manila 20. The employee approaches the employer and
with mw of 537 a day. After a day, the asks for a salary advance in the amount of 2000
employee is transferred back. Can he return to on the 5th of the month. The employer agrees
the original wage rate? and gives the advance. The employer deducted
4. Is he entitled to the difference? in the 15th the advance. Can the employee
5. That does not equate to diminution of complain?
benefits? 21. What if the employer made an error and
6. If an employer wishes to transfer employees credited the salary of another employee to
from 1 region to another, there is no another? Employer decides to deduct the error
expectation that the employer would pay them on the 30th from the recipient of the erroneous
the higher prior wage? salary.
7. What is company practice? 22. Rule on deposits
8. What does “long period of time mean?” 23. What are the other prohibitions with respect
9. How many years? Is 2 years enough? to wages?
10. During the course of the year, employee 24. What does interference in the disposal of
was able to prove the benefits given to him. wages mean?
13th month pay was computed based on that. 25. Can the employer pay the employee in
Employer did this for 6 years. 7 years, they goods?
found that the 13th month law requires only 26. Payment in bitcoin? is it allowed?
basic salary. Company recomputed based on 27. Milan vs NLRC?
basic salary only without the benefits for the 28. What is wage distortion?
13th month? Is this violative of non-diminution 29. What are the requisites?
of benefits? 30. What if the employer has different classes
11. During CBA negotiations, the employers of employees paid in the prevailing min wage
and employees agreed that employer shall of 500 pesos. 2nd group was paid in 560 pesos.
provide employees 15 days of vacation and sick Employer increased the salaries of 1st group to
leaves. And any accumulated sick leaves may 540 but did not increase the 2nd class? Wage
be converted to cash and vac leave is rolled distortion?
over. This is effective in 5 years. Upon renewal 31. Does this fall within the legally defined
of the agreement, the employer refused to give wage distortion? Even if it is brought about by
the same incentives. Can the employees the employer rather than the prevailing wage
demand the same incentives in the old rate?
agreement citing that it is company practice? 32. What is the remedy to wage distortion?
12. Requisites for a company practice? 33. What if for example, employers based on
13. Bonus? Manila, it exectued a CBA with employees.
14. How is it different from other benefits? The employers and employees agreed that on
15. Lepanto Ceramics? June 1 of every year from CBA, the employer
16. Protacio vs Laya? shall increase the salary of the employees of 33
pesos. June 1, salary was implemented. 537 -

570. June 3, mw took effect. Can the

employees demand additional to wage rate?
34. What if the mw is applied before June 1?
35. What if the employer borrows from a bank
10M in order to finance the purchase of a lot
and constraction of a building. The employer
executed a real estate mortgage over the lot and
bldg in favor of the bank. Blg was built but due
to business losses, it decided to close down. It
laid off employees and some were not paid
their salaries. These employees claim that the
assets should be made for the unpaid benefits
and wages?

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