Meeting 1: Introduction and Greetings

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Introduction and Greetings

Raahil Muhammad Wildan

Mr Muhammad Richsan
1 Greetings

Purposes: (1) To know the basic information of introduction and greetings

(2) To know the pattern to use the greetings and introduce their personal

Goal: (1) The student is able to understand the basic of introduction and greetings
(2) The student is able to understand and practice the greetings and introduction
2 Greetings
2 Introduction

§ Introduction
(1) Greetings
- Good morning, good day/noon, good afternoon, good evening
- How are you, how do you, what’s up, what’s going on, how’s everything’s, how are you doing.
(2) Background
- My full name
- My name
- Im
- People usually call me
- You can call me
- I’m studying …
- Currently, I proceed my study at …
- I graduated from …
- My ambition, my dream, I want to be,
(3) Living
- Presently, I’m living in Jakarta (general)/on Ancol Street (specific)/at (ancol street, no 12 jakarta (more
3 Introduction
4 Introduction

§ Subject pronoun merupakan pronoun yang bertugas

sebagai pelaku dalam sebuah kalimat
§ Object pronoun bertugas sebagai korban terlaku dalam
sebuah kalimat.
§ Possessive adjective pronoun adalah kata ganti orang
yang menunjukkan kepemilikan dari sesuatu. Biasanya
bentuk pronoun seperti ini diikuti dengan noun milik
orang yang bersangkutan
§ possesive pronoun adalah kata ganti orang yang
menunjukkan kepemilikan terhadap sesuatu. Bedanya,
possesive pronoun didahului oleh noun yang dimiliki.
§ Reflexive pronoun adalah kata ganti orang yang
digunakan untuk merujuk sesuatu ke diri sendiri
- I don’t know what to say now
- They sleep in my room every day
- Annabelle never calls me in the morning
- The teachers teach us about English
- My stomach is hungry, I need to eat now
- Her children are beautiful like their mom
- This book is mine
- My home is beside theirs
- I go to the market by my self
- This homework did by the themselves
5 Listening (AUDIO 1)
6 Listening (AUDIO 4)

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