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Even though Naomi went through hard times, she could find solutions to her problems and
get through. Two years ago Naomi’s parents talked to her, they told her they were going to
divorce. When she heard that, her world broke into pieces. Having known that she was not
going to see them together was painful for her, but she thought she could always count on
her brother and her parents. After her parents’ divorce, her brother didn´t help her when
she needed and her parents could not see at each other otherwise they would end up
fighting. As a result of this she felt lonely and realized she didn’t have support from any of
them. In addition being alone and not having support caused that she had some toxic
attitudes like anger and rancor against her family. Her toxic attitudes consumed her in
different ways for example she couldn’t focus well on her studies, always having arguments
with her parents and walking away from her friends. After that Naomi decided to change her
way of thinking, she began accepting her parents’ divorce and then telling how she was
really feeling. To changer her toxic attitudes, she looked for help and she found that going to
the psychologist would be a way to help her, so she did that. In summary despite her
obstacles, she created solutions to overcome them.

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