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Narrative Planner

Part 1: Brainstorming
Directions: Use complete sentences to answer all the questions to help you plan your narrative
based on a conflict you have experienced.

Make a Connection
1. What conflict have you faced in your own life? This will be the basis of
your narrative.

Dealing with countless lies, two-faced people, and betrayal from those closest to me.

1. Who is the protagonist?
Faythe Woodsworth is the protagonist

2. What does the protagonist look like?

The protagonist has lengthy auburn hair, breathtaking emerald green eyes, and
dainty facial features.

3. What is the protagonist’s age and what other factual information is

important (where he/she lives, goes to school, hobbies, etc.)?

Faythe, the protagonist of the story, lives in district 11 of the fictional country of
Phanem with her father. She attends school in the capital and has no hobbies
throughout the narrative.

4. How would you describe the protagonist’s personality and attitude?

Despite being the main protagonist, Faythe isn't the picture-perfect protagonist; she
lies, manipulates, and betrays others when it gives her an added benefit. However,
she also has admirable characteristics such as being ambitious, charismatic, loving
and sincere towards those she genuinely cares about.

5. Who is the antagonist?

The antagonist Coriolanus Snow, the president of Phanem

6. What does the antagonist look like?

The antagonist looks like a small old gentleman with paper white hair and a pale
complexion and snake like eyes

7. What is the antagonist’s age and what other factual information is

important (where he/she lives, goes to school, hobbies, etc.)?

Coriolanus Snow is 71 years old and has been president since he was 23.

8. How would you describe the antagonist’s personality and attitude?

Coriolanus Snows is a sly, vindictive, ruthless, bloodthirsty, cunning, ambitious man
who is willing to do anything to attain power.

1. What conflict does your protagonist face?
The conflict that the protagonist faces is being reaped for the hunger games.

1. Who or what causes the conflict?

The Treason Treaty was instilled by President Ravinstill, thought the barbaric
tradition was continued by President Snow, therefore the conflict is cause by
Coriolanus snow due to the fact he never overturned the Treaty of Treason, which
requires each district to send one male and one female child to compete in the
Hunger Games, in which all tributes must fight until death.
2. Who is involved in the conflict?
The main characters, side characters, and tributes from other districts.
3. How will the protagonist respond to the conflict?
She reacts to being chosen for the Hunger Games by being materialistic, sly, and
cunning, and doing what it takes to win.
4. What is the outcome of the protagonist’s response to the conflict?
The outcome results in Faythe winning the hunger games, and being crowned victor.

1. How will you introduce the characters, setting, and conflict in the

The characters, setting, and conflicts will be introduced gradually as we see them
through the eyes of our protagonist.

2. What events will happen in the rising action to help develop the conflict?
The rising action of the conflict will be Faythe getting reaped for the hunger games
which helps develop the conflict.
1. What will the climax (turning point) be for the protagonist? Think about
the decision the protagonist will have to make as a result of the conflict.
The climax of our story will occur at the start of the Hunger Games, when our protagonist must
decide whether to kill or be killed.
1. What events will happen in the falling action?
The end of the hunger games

1. How will the conflict be solved in the resolution?

The conflict will be resolved with Faythe emerging victorious from the hunger games.

Point of View
1. What point of view will you use to tell the story? Think about who can best
tell the story—a narrator who is inside the story (first person) or a narrator
who is outside the story but knows the thoughts and feelings of the
characters (third person omniscient).

The narrative's point of view will be in the first person.

1. How will your selected point of view influence what readers know about
the characters and the conflict in your narrative?

The chosen point of view will have a significant impact on what readers know about
the characters because the story will be told in first person, so when we read
something for the first time, the protagonist is also dealing with it for the first time.

Part 2: Exposition
Directions: Use the answers from Part 1: Brainstorming to write your exposition. This should
introduce the main characters, the conflict, and the setting. Be sure to include descriptive
(Please keep in mind that my narrative is my own adaptation of the already established Hunger
Games trilogy; I have significantly changed most details from the original trilogy, such as new
characters, victors, and so on.)
The Tales of 63rd Hunger Games

The sun had begun to rise, and it was lovely; the vibrant hues began to fill the blanket of
darkness with their vibrant colors. As the wind rushed past me, I began to close my eyes. Everything felt
ethereal; the weather was warm and crisp. If only today wasn't July 4th, mockingjays sung harmoniously.
I closed my eyes, dreading this day, I swung my legs off the bed and walked toward the window, where a
gentle breeze brushed through my auburn hair and carried an earthy scent. I closed my eyes and
breathed in the aroma; it was a lovely sight. A seemingly endless wheat field, the color burst of the
sunrise, and the earthy perfume of the wind. I kept looking at the beautiful view until the sun came up,
which means the reaping will begin in about two hours. I picked up a bucket and began to walk outside
the hut, which at this point is scarcely even a shelter as most of the wall has fallen off, making the hut
quite compact even for just me and my father. My father is quite a small man who, despite being in his
early 50s, appears to be in his mid-70s, with wrinkles gracing every inch of his skin. Despite his outward
appearance, he is in good health because most people his age are either dead or dying at home. I
wander past the wheat fields, keeping my distance. Everything in district 11 that can be exported to the
capitol is constantly guarded by peacekeepers. The mere mention of peacekeepers makes my blood boil;
rather than enforcing peace, peacekeepers bet on who will end up dying first when there is a food
dispute among the citizens of 11; when the fight escalates, everyone is shot on sight. "Peacekeepers" is
quite an ironic term; they are supposed to bring peace, but most of the time they are the ones who
disrupt it. Thankfully, my father never had to fight for food, even in the harshest of winters when the
harvest was barely enough to get by. Dad never told me how or why, but we always had food on the
table. He never worked, and neither did I, but we always had food at home, not too much food, but
enough to survive. I never pushed the matter any further as food is a very sensitive subject, and if word
got out that we always had food despite neither of us working, we would be killed out of sheer jealousy
and spite. People always raise their brows when they see me as I look terribly different from everyone
else. Everyone in district 11 has dark hair, skin, and eyes, while I look like the polar opposite, with auburn
hair, emerald green eyes, and fair skin. People say that my father also had auburn hair in his youth, but it
had turned white with time, and his eyes are still a beautiful emerald green, but his skin had turned
darker. Most kids my age had started working in the fields, but my father strictly prohibits me from
working. The moment me and my father step out of our house dirty looks follow us who could blame
them all they see is a red-headed girl and her green-eyed father not working but still being able to
survive while the majority of the population works their entire lives but still barely has enough to survive
and everyone in 11 despises us, since they see me and my father more like capitol citizens than district
11 citizens never having to work but always having a full stomach everyone always made cruel
comments when they see me or my dad who could blame them I would have done the exact same if I
were them. Despite having enough food to feed the entire country Phanem, district 11 is the poorest
district before 12. Starvation is the leading cause of death in District 11 which is quite ironic. The capitol
will occasionally feed us to keep the entire population from dying if we all die who will grow food for the
capitol? "District 11 is the district where, despite a plentiful supply of food, the majority of the
population lives in poverty." I muttered under my breath saying anything against the capitol could easily
get you killed, at this point it was better to die than serve this horrible country and its despot of a
president, Coriolanus Snow, and the clown-like citizens of the capitol, with their strange accents. As I
walk past the vineyard, tears well up in my eyes as it was the cause of Jasmine's death. She was my only
friend, the only one who didn't mock me for being different. I hurried past the vineyard and dried my
eyes. I walked and walked, the only image playing in my mind was Jasmine's dead body, who got shot in
the head for getting too close to the vineyard. When I arrived at the river, I quickly began to wash my
face the cool water seemed to have calmed me down. I grabbed the bucket and filled it with cold water
before heading home. I made sure to keep a safe distance from the vineyard, but as soon as I walked
past it, memories flooded my mind. At last I arrive home "Dad," I call out, "where have you been?" he
asks, his voice husky and deep "I just went to the river I bought some water this will last for a while
now," I reply, I notice his eyes it had become swollen and red "Dad, were you crying?" as I ask he breaks
into sobs Dad is probably the strongest man I had met both physically and mentally he never cried I had
never seen him cry "You just look so much like your sister I don't want them to take you too like they
took your sister all those years ago," he sobs. Ether, my sister, died on the second day of the Hunger
Games due to dehydration, according to my father. She had the brains to win but lacked the willpower.
She never hurt a fly and the thought of killing was too much for her "I don't want to scare you, Faythe,
but if you get picked for this year's hunger games, kill don't care about the others you need to live don't
make allies they will most likely kill you after their work with you is done and please go against your
moral judgment. I know killing is wrong, but in desperate situations like this, you will have to kill" all of a
sudden it seemed as if the world had run out of oxygen the only thing that could be heard was the sound
of us breathing "Faythe, promise me something If you get reaped for the hunger, please at least try to
win go against your moral judgment promise me Faythe" after a few tense seconds I replied, "I promise"
his lips stretched into a thin forced smile well its almost time you should get ready "I've got your sister
dress ready for you to wear" he said "Dad” I call out he slowly turned back to look at me "I won't be
picked don't worry my name is only entered 5 times almost everyone has applied for a tesserae except
for me and a few other kids and if I do get picked I will try my best to win" he put a forced smile smiled
and walked out. As I walked inside, my eyes were drawn to a beautiful green dress its color had begun to
fade but it had faded so elegantly that it appeared as if an ombre design had been done on purpose. I
got dressed, and as I began to comb my hair, the angel sleeves of the dress began to flow around
elegantly. "We still have a few minutes before the reaping; do you want to eat now or after?” Dad
inquired "I don't have much of an appetite; do you think we could eat after the reaping?” I reply. "All
right, then, let's go to the town square" dad exclaimed. As soon as we left the hut, whispers followed us.
Everyone was dressed up in their best attires for the reaping, but for most people, their best attire was
hardly acceptable. What could you expect from a district where people had to resort to cannibalism to
survive? Citizens in the capitol will call it barbaric, but what other alternatives do we have? Fortunately,
my father and I never had to resort to cannibalizing. If I had the choice, I would rather starve than eat a
human. Suddenly, my father's voice rang in my head, "Please go against your moral judgment." If I were
in the Hunger Games, would I eat a human to survive? The thought made me sick, but what were my
chances of being chosen for the Hunger Games? I never had to apply for tesserae, so my name is only
entered 5 times. It is unlikely, but not impossible. “Faythe?” I quickly snap out of my thoughts “Yes,
dad?" I quickly corrected myself "Are you okay, you look a little pale," dad inquired. I tried to respond,
but I couldn't form any words. All of a sudden, it felt like a void had opened, filling the town square with
an aura of grimness. Breathe I told myself that you would not be chosen. Breathe, but no matter what I
said, my mind kept replaying an image of me huddled in a corner dying of dehydration. By the time we
arrived at the town square, the film crew had already placed the banner with Phanem’s seal on the few
buildings surrounding the stage. While the camera and lights were being set up, the twelve to eighteen-
year-olds were herded into roped areas according to age, with the oldest in the front and the youngest in
the back. A makeshift stage was also being set up, with four chairs placed side by side. Two people had
already sat on the chairs, the victors seeder and chaff, and beside them sat the mayor of district 11
mayor conifer the fourth chair was left empty which I presume is daisy bonnets chair the escort of
district 11, thanks to her ridiculous sense of fashion many men like to bet on what her ridiculous outfit
would be year after year. The peacekeepers started bringing in giant glass balls filled with slips of paper.
Daisy enters the stage, and her outfit this year undoubtedly wins the award of the most ridiculous outfit
in the history of Phanem. Her dress made her look more like a circus performer than an escort. Daisy has
quite beautiful features, but her extravagant outfit and makeup make her look rather ugly. Long green
spikes of varying sizes covered every inch of her body except her face, which had been dyed a light shade
of brown. Her hair was straight and brown on one side but pink and looked like she had been mauled by
a bear on the other side of her head. Some burst out laughing at the sight of Daisy, while others simply
stared in bewilderment. Mayor Conifer began directing Daisy to her seat, but it was clear that he was
doing his best not to burst out laughing. Once Daisy was seated, Mayor Conifer stood up and began
reading the history of Phanem first. He tells the story of Phanem, a country that arose from what was
once known as America. He recounts America's disasters, which resulted in the birth of Phanem, a
gleaming Capitol surrounded by thirteen districts that provided peace and prosperity to its people. Then
there were the Dark Days, when the districts rose up against the Capitol. The first twelve were defeated,
and the thirteenth was completely annihilated. The Treaty of Treason gave us new laws to keep the
peace, as well as the Hunger Games to serve as a yearly reminder that the Dark Days must never be
repeated. The Hunger Games have some ground rules. As punishment for the insurgency, each of the
twelve districts must provide one girl and one boy, known as tributes. . Twenty-four tributes will be
imprisoned in a massive outdoor arena that could be anything from a scorching desert to a freezing
wasteland. Over the course of several weeks, the competitors must fight to the death. The victor is the
last tribute standing. Taking youths from our districts and forcing them to kill each other in front of us is
the Capitol's way of reminding us how completely under their control we are. What a slim chance of
surviving another insurgency. To make the Hunger Games both humiliating and cruel, the Capitol forces
us to treat them as a festival, a sporting event dividing each district against the others. The last tribute
alive receives a comfortable life back home, and their district is showered with awards, the majority of
which is food. The mayor then begins reading the list of district 11 winners. Despite being the second
poorest district, we have had our fair share of victories. In the 63 years that the Hunger Games have
been held, we have won exactly five times. Two of the victors, flicker and Xienna, died from morphing
overdoses, while Bruce chose to end his life. Seeder and Chaff are the only remaining victors. Mayor
Conifer then introduces Daisy Bonnet, clearly affected by the laughter. As she cried, her green eye
makeup began to run down her face, subjecting her to even more humiliation. The audience burst out
laughing. Daisy tried her best to hide her embarrassment to avail "Happy Hunger Games" she exclaimed
her voice practically fuming with rage "Let's begin with the drawing of the names shall we" all of a
sudden the slightly cheery atmosphere had vanished everyone held their breaths who would be the
unlucky children the only sound that was audible was the breathing from the anxious parents a sinister
smile formed in Daisy's face. All it took to bring us to our knees. What a privilege it must be to be from
the capitol. “Ladies first” Everyone held their breath as Daisy's hands began to dive into the glass ball. I
caught a glimpse of my father, who seemed to be whispering something to himself. Daisy was taking full
revenge on everyone for laughing at her. She dug her hands deep into the ball and began moving her
hands around, creating suspense. After about a minute, she settles on a piece of paper and pulls it out at
a painfully slow pace please don't be me. Please don't be me. Please don't be me. She finally reads the
unfortunate girl's name aloud. "Faythe Woodsworth" the silence was agonizing. Every single person's
gaze was drawn to me. Some kids started moving away from me as if I had some sort of contagious
disease the moment Daisy caught a glimpse of me she looked rather disappointed she probably
recognized me as one of the few kids who didn't laugh or express anything towards her outrageous outfit
I had bigger things to worry about rather than some capitol escort's outfit "Well come along dearie" her
tone was almost regretful somewhat pitiful. I slowly began to walk toward the stage, trying not to cry,
don't cry, don't cry, don't cry your live on TV, don't cry, don't cry, why me, why me, why is history
repeating itself, why me, I quickly approached the stage, taking care not to make eye contact with the
people I didn't know. Don't cry, I tell myself as I slowly climb the steps, each step becoming more and
more torturous. Once again, I looked straight at the people I didn't recognize, their dark brown eyes
filled with either pity or relief. If I cry, the other tributes will think I'm weak. I need to have a fair chance. I
will not be weak and vulnerable like my sister. I tried not to look at my father because I knew I wouldn't
be able to hold back the tears. "Now for the gentlemen," she seemed to have dropped the suspenseful
act and just randomly picked up a slip of paper, pulled it out in normal speed, and read out loud "Regen
Escherica" All eyeballs fall on a short dark haired dark skinned boy who appeared to be shorter and
smaller than all the other already malnourished his eyes and overall expression reveal nothing Regen just
stood there with a blank stare as the camera pans towards regen I take this opportunity to wipe my eyes
dry. I'm not going to cry. I mumble to myself and start biting my tongue to stop myself from shaking.
Regen begins to look confused, as if he doesn't understand what has happened. A woman who bears a
striking resemblance to regen sobs. Daisy herself appeared perplexed; she didn't know what to do, and
neither did anyone else. Regen simply looked around and smiled; this child must be insane, I thought to
myself. Children began to move away from him as well. "Well come along," Daisy called, but Regen didn't
seem to acknowledge her presence; instead, he began mumbling a few words to himself. We don't have
all day. day a few seconds had passed until a group of peacekeepers violently began to drag him up to
the stage the woman who had been sobbing ran after them "No" she screamed "you're not taking my
son for forcing him to kill before..." before she could finish her sentence a loud gun shot was heard the
woman fell to the ground crimson blood covering the ground some kids began to run more gun shots
were heard everyone began to panic some ran some cried it was pure chaos. Before I could even react, I
felt a sharp pain at the back of my head. Soon, my blood began to fall, coating my arm with shiny
crimson blood. In a panic, I began to look around the scene was madness peacekeepers shooting anyone
who dared to run more and more bodies pilled on the ground I quickly looked away from the dead
bodies their blood coating everything around them. As I turned away, I noticed some men running
towards the stage with makeshift knives. As they got closer, I recognized the men as the fathers of last
year's tributes, Lily and Alden and they were on their way to murder Daisy Peacekeepers tried in vain to
repel them. This was their way of exacting revenge on the woman who had indirectly caused their
children's deaths. Daisy became aware that two enraged men were approaching her. In a panic, I decided
to assist Daisy, hoping that the capitol would favor me after I attempted to save their precious escort.
The men approached closer and closer, and I quickly ran in front of Daisy before the men could reach her.
What should I do? My mind raced with possibilities, and I tried to think but the excruciating pain
wouldn't let me. I screamed right before the two men could strike Daisy "Is this what Lily and Alden
would have wanted?" Their eyes widened at the mention of their dead child, their eyes began to glisten,
their bodies began to shake, and they began to have an epiphany "DROP YOUR WEAPONS NOW."
Peacekeepers urged, but the men remained motionless, their eyes filled with memories of their children,
their dead bodies, and their screams. "DROP YOU'RE YOUR WEAPONS NOW!" Another peacekeeper
urged louder than the first; the two men took a deep breath, looked me in the eyes, and said almost
simultaneously, "Make them pay for their sins." In an instant, the two men took their makeshift knives
and slit their own throats and began choking on their own blood their jugular vein had been slit there
was no way they could survive and even if they did the capitol would let them live just to make them
suffer hell on earth looking at the two men's grotesque bodies made my head spin I felt like I was going
to die Maybe I am going to die Is this the end the next thing I knew I was on the ground still being able to
hear everything the gun shots the scream the pleas everything my world was now engulfed in darkness. I
quickly jolted my eyes open and tried to get up but my body didn’t let me "Hey calm down its okay take
deep breaths alright," I tried to move my head to see who was saying this but was unable to after a few
moments of hesitation I did as she said and slowly took deep breaths "better?" I attempted to respond,
but no voice came out of my throat. After a few moments, I began to feel my body again, and the strange
numbing sensation faded. I quickly turned my head to see who it was. With a warm smile, a short dark-
haired woman approached me. "Congratulations, you've officially won over the heart of the capitol," the
seeder said in a capitol accent, "Faythe Woodsworth bravely risks her life for district 11 escort Daisy
Bonnet you're everywhere in the news, and you're the center of attention both in the districts and in the
capital." Seeder exclaimed excitedly "Where am I?" I mumbled "You're in the capitol you were
unconscious for a few days the other tributes have already begun their training so you have a
disadvantage on that but you have a major advantage over everyone else it that you have won the
capitol's heart you could pull over some sponsorships from the capitol I'd ever go so far as to say you
have a fair winning chance as your mentor I will be doing my best to pull in some sponsors all I need is
some cooperation from you” Seeder exclaimed "How is my father Earl Woodsworth you know him how is
he is he ok?" I inquired Seeders’ face became pale. "Where is he?" I inquired, a thought flashing through
my mind, "Is he dead?" I ask, my heart sinking deeper with each word I uttered, "No he isn't," seeder
replied. "He is perfectly safe at 11, but I can't say the same for everyone else for now you have to focus
only on the games you are probably the only tribute from district 11 that I have mentored who has a
winning chance for now all we need to focus on is the games you're in the games now the outside world
is irrelevant for as long as you are in the games for now all you need to focus on is the chariot parade
which is happening today this is your only chance to win over sponsors For the time being, unless you're
a secret warrior who knows hand to hand combat, your only weapons will be your looks and your words.
You'll need to win over the capitol's heart and be the favorite so that when you enter the arena, you can
live off of sponsors and hide. Soon, when it will be down to a handful of tributes left, it will all come
down to favoritism, and if one tribute is such a favorite, strings could be pulled to make some tribute die
from natural causes.” Seeder exclaimed An image formed in my head was my sister killed and her cause
of death was written as dehydration was she killed because she wasn’t relevant? "Faythe the chariot
parades date was pushed forward for you the capitol citizens nearly rioted when Ceaser flicker man
announced that the chariot parade will be taken without you Faythe, the capitol is obsessed with you
need to seize this opportunity win over everyone's hearts further today we will have the Chariot parade
this parade will either make or break you it is crucial for you to stand out" her voce seemed to have gone
deeper filling the room with a grim aura. "What became of Regen?" I inquire "He got shot his body
wasn't even buried it was severely mutilated it to look like a bloody grotesque eagle then it was hung
and left for display on the stage a subtle reminder for everyone If you dare try to execute any form of
rebellion we can crush you within a moment’s notice" Seeders' face began to show alarm. I closed my
eyes, and the grotesque image that formed in my mind sent shivers down my spine. Would they have
done the same if I hadn't saved Daisy? "Who will take his place?" I ask "His older brother Jasper is quite
strong; he would normally be a significant threat, but given his mother, indirectly caused the death of
many civilians he will most likely be killed due to natural causes. The chariot parade is today, your prep
team will arrive soon, and I can assure you that you will become the Capitol's little rose" Seeder spoke
with extra emphasis on the word rose she began to stand up but before she reached the door handle she
turned back and looked straight into my eyes and opened her mouth it seemed as if she wanted to say
something but stopped she smiled turned around and left I undertook to stare at the ceiling and began
to appreciate the beautiful mural done on the ceiling a white rose with its petals scattered elegantly
thought out the ceiling my thoughts began to shift to my father the capitol can't hurt him especially after
I saved a capitol citizen will they spare everyone? Will they still kill my father just to scare me? Will 11 be
annihilated like 13? If 11 would be bombed would the capitol save my father? Footsteps were heard until
the door slowly creaked open, and two women walked in, looking more like colorful creatures than
humans. The first woman had orange skin, with green jewels embedded in her forehead, onto which her
moss-like hair fell, and the majority of her face was covered in metallic green piercings. The second
woman appeared more respectable than the moss-haired woman; her hair was knee length and a
beautiful shade of burgundy; her skin didn't appear dyed; but her nose appeared unnaturally long; she
appeared quite normal except for her nose until I noticed fish-like gills poking out of her neck. "Hello
dearie," the moss-haired woman exclaimed, "we are your stylists castor and Quinton" her voice
unnaturally high and the capitol accent made her sound more like a little toddler "Ever since we saw you
at the reaping we had one image in mind for the parade a Beautiful red rose" the grins on their faces
grew with each passing second So that’s what seeder meant as be being capitols little rose “with the red
hair and green eyes no one will be able to take their eyes off of you especially considering that you took
a bullet to the head but still risked your life for daisy and your from district 11 which is even more of a
shocker considering your from district 11 and everyone there looks super bland no offence” Quinton
gave Castor a lethal look. "Anyway, dearie, we already made your dress, so let's start with your hair, shall
we?" she guided me to a table in front of a vanity, seeing myself in the mirror for the first time was an
odd experience everyone always said I was quite beautiful some kids even mocked me and called me the
capitol girl but for the first time I saw myself and it wasn't in a reflection in a river I saw myself in a mirror
and I did look beautiful "as you can see dearie you have beautiful red hair now, I was thinking we make
an elegant red rose with your hair but leave some hair down and add some green leaves for contrast,"
she said, picking up a lock of my hair. Quinton began picking locks of my hair and twisting it into elegant
patterns and twisting it within a few hours it looked like a rose she began picking some green leaved and
placing it around the rose made from my hair while Quinton did my hair castor did my make up after a
while they were finished as I opened my eyes and saw my reflection I couldn't believe it was me. All I
needed was the capitol accent and no one would be able to tell I was from the district I looked beautiful
“your only weapons will be your looks and your words" my brain kept repeating for the first time I
actually began to believe in myself I could be a victor I could win over the capitol's heart and maybe even
win .Quinton and Castor looked at me with awe, as if I were an exhibit in a museum. "Oh, your dress has
arrived." Quinton excitedly approached the door and carefully acquired the dress inside. The dress was
probably the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen; it looked like something from a museum. The bodice was
designed to look like a rose, and the bottom of the gown had beautiful ombre embedded with red
rubies. I was expecting too much red, but it had the perfect color balance while still retaining the
essence of a rose. Castor and Quinton assisted me in putting on the dress, which must have been at least
few pounds. Castor and Quinton were taken aback, as was I. I did not look like someone from the
districts. I looked like a capitol citizen this could have been my life if only I was born in the capitol if only
“I am going to go get seeder” something about the mention of seeder felt like I had been stabbed all of a
sudden the painful realization came to me, I may be provided with the best of the best for these few
days before the game but once the game start I will have to kill people to survive. I will have to kill
people to survive my heart began beating fast my heart felt like it had stopped breathing became
difficult I am most probably going to die in a few days, the odds aren’t in my favor I may have defied
some odds by surviving being shot but the capitol needed the tributes alive or not who are they going to
watch getting killed Why didn’t I die? If I am going to die anyways why not let me die by being shot in the
head rather than being killed by someone who has to kill in order to survive. Why is life so cruel? just a
moment ago I was imagining myself as a capitol girl now the realization struck me I will most likely be
dead in a few days what will happen to my father will he die without me will seeing two of his daughters
be too much for him will he choose to end his life? "Don't you have the appearance of a capitol girl?" I
snap into reality "Are you sure you're not secretly from the capitol?" Castor started laughing at her own
joke. "Well, we'd better get going, dearie, or you'll be late for the Chariot parade." Castor exclaimed, As
soon as we arrived, my heart felt like it was going to stop. The tributes from districts 1, 2, and 4 appear
to be capable of killing me with a single glance. There is no way I can win, and my heart began to sink as I
realized I couldn't outshine their career tributes while hailing from the second poorest district, "Faythe."
I turn around to see who it was. It was Jasper, and he, too, looked dashing in a green tuxedo that went
perfectly with my red gown. His long brown hair was slicked back into an elegant pony tail, and he
reached out his hand. "We've never formally met Faythe I am Jasper male tribute for district 11" I shook
his hand "Faythe female tribute for district 12" We exchange awkward glances. "Well, I guess we'll be
forced to kill each other in a few days" jasper exclaims the air suddenly turned grim "Not unless we die
before the games even begin" immediately after speaking I regretted even opening my mouth I indirectly
referenced his dead brother who was tortured then killed great heavens Jaspers' face shows shower
alarm panic and fear all at once. "Well good luck Faythe" Jasper said as he began to walk away. I kept my
face unreadable; he shouldn't know I'm panicking on the inside. "I didn't mean it like that," I blurted out
"Of course you didn't," he said as he turned around and began walking away. How could I have been so
moronic first reference his dead brother then apologies how could I win over the capitols heart if I
couldn't even hold a proper conversation with a tribute I began looking around every single tribute
looked stunning their outfits excellently corresponded with their districts. As I looked around, I noticed
that the female tribute from District 1 was giving me dirty looks. I quickly faced her while keeping my
face unreadable. We held eye contact for a few minutes until the district 1 girl broke it off. Maybe I can
win after all. "Faythe there you are" I turn back to see Quinton walking towards me. "Come along dear,
the parade is about to start," she quickly drags me toward our chariot. As soon as Jasper and I are seated
on the chariot, the phanem anthem begins to play. I try my best to avoid looking at Jasper. I began to
admire our chariot it was lovely with the snow white horse and red and white roses. The Phanem
anthem begins to play. The large doors slide open to reveal luxurious streets practically overflowing with
capitol citizens all dressed oddly. The district one tributes ride out first, their attire making them look like
golden statues fitting given that district 1 manufactured luxury products and gold is certainly a luxury.
The other tributes begin to ride out, each looking equally stunning. "It's almost our turn," my heart felt
like it would burst. I start taking deep breaths; no one knows how terrified I am. As soon as we enter the
city, the crowd goes wild, and people start chanting district 11. My hand starts to shake. I start looking
around and suddenly notice myself on a large screen I look ethereal I look like the capitols rose people
started throwing roses in our direction I catch one and give it an elegant sniff the crowd erupted in
cheers Nobody expected a district citizen to be so proper and capitol-like, from my appearance to my
mannerisms. I was the center of attention, and everyone began chanting my name. Not the career
tributes' name, not Jasper's name, but my name. I looked around and began waving at the crown, which
made the crown even crazier. The ride lasted about 30 minutes until we arrived at the city circle. Our
chariot arrives right in front of President Snow's mansion as the twelve chariots begin to fill the loop of
the city circle, every building packed with the most prestigious capitol citizens. "Welcome" his words
begin to echo "tributes we welcome you we salute your courage and sacrifice and your willingness to
defend others" the camera begins to pan towards me "and we wish you happy hunger games and may
the odds be ever in your favor" the crowd began to cheer the camera pans away from us as we exit the
city the door just shut behind us. Our prep team swarmed us, all of their words seemed to blend
together in my mind: "Faythe, you did great" I though. I look back to see that the other tributes,
particularly the career tributes, are giving me dirty looks. Daisy starts walking towards me. Her outfit did
not appear to be as outrageous as it did in 11 "you’re all everyone is talking about the capitols rose” I
spend the rest of the evening being surrounded by people, specifically reporters who are always curious.
As soon as the camera gets pointed towards me, I put on the capitol girl act and even spoke in the
capitol accent. As soon as we arrive at the training center, we are taken to our quarters; my quarter
looked more like a mansion; everything was so clean, pristine, and elegant after admiring the room
quickly walked into the bathroom to wash away my makeup and open my hair; the number of body pins
used to make the rose in my hair could probably be combined to make a thick chain. I grab a Phanem
seal-covered hair tie and tie my hair into a loose pony tail. I walk into the bedroom and changes into
much more comfortable lighter clothes the options in the closet were far too overwhelming. I admire the
clothes until there is a knock on the door and I head outside where a beautiful meal presided on the
dining table. Castor Seeder Quinton, Jasper, and Daisy are already seated, seeder pointer me to sit on an
empty seat beside her.. As I take my seat, everyone begins to eat. I begin with mushroom cream soup,
the thick salty flavor mushroom tasted surreal better than anything I had ever tasted in my life the warm
thick creamy goodness with a burst of flavor then I eat the main course medium rare steak with fluffy
mashed potatoes backed to perfection while still packing a flavorful punch. I finished the meal with
cherries the size of eggs. As we ate, Jasper occasionally looked at me, his hatred for me growing with
each passing second. When we finished eating, we went to the living room to watch today's recap; it was
clear that I was the hot topic of discussion, as everyone began to praise me. I caught a glimpse of Jasper,
who didn't appear jealous, but rather sad. "Well, off to bed you too, tomorrow is going to be a very busy.
Normally, the training segment would be televised, but the training segment has been completely
skipped over completely, but we will still have the interviews, and then it will be the grand finale." Daisy
exclaimed, "The Hunger Games!" The mere mention of the Hunger Games made my heart drop. The
Hunger Games this year will begin a day after tomorrow, usually it begins a few days after the chariot
parade. Everyone else had a chance to train, but I didn't. The odds aren’t in my favor, they never were. I
start to stand up because I need to be alone and no one should see me cry. I rush to my quarter and shut
the door. The moment I shut the door, all of my feelings began to flow out and an endless stream of tears
which slowly streamed down my face. I don't want to die. I am not ready to die. Why me? First my sister,
then me. Why me? I never even applied for tesserae, so my chances of being reaped were slim. Despite
being surrounded by all of the world's luxuries, I am still a prisoner, a slave, a slave to the capitol, and in
a few days will be forced to kill. Is this how my sister felt? I don't want to kill, but I will be killed if I don't.
My heart sank deeper and deeper today I truly understood the quote “life isn't fair”. "Faythe" I heard
someone say, and I quickly wiped my eyes before opening the door. "Can we talk?" said Jasper. "Alright,"
I respond, jasper's eyes widening. "Back in District 11, my mother said something before she got shot,
were you able to hear what she said?" I recall the calamitous scene in District 11: "You're not taking my
son?" I say trying my best to keep my voice from sounding like I had been crying "I guess that's what she
said," I respond, "but after that, she said something else?" Jasper continued "Look, we both know I'll
most likely be the first one killed; the capitol wants me dead in a moment’s notice, the capitol Is keeping
me alive just so that they can set some sort of example with my death" he says. I don’t want my little
brother deaths to go in vain there is no point in trying to concealing the truth anymore, the capitol has
no weapon against me anymore. Regen used to be quite a smart child in fact he was even smarter than
the kids older than him Regen always aspired to be a peacekeeper, but peacekeeper back in 11 found it
hilarious don’t get me wrong Regen had the brains and wits to become a peacekeeper but not everyone
saw it “Regen was smart, but he was also quite gullible. One day, the peacekeepers in 11 called him to go
with them. I don't know what they said to him, but he agreed Regen to go with them. Keep in mind; this
happened when he was 6 years old. They …they..” Jasper hesitated his eyes glistening with tears “they
forced him to shoot another kid in the head ever since that day something inside of Regen died he
became detached from reality he was barely able to talk Regen was never able to tell me any of this the
peacekeepers did they told it to me as if it was some funny joke" Jasper paused. His voice began to
shake. His hands began to tremble "Good night." Jasper turned around and went inside his chamber guilt
began to swallow my heart the poor kid had been through so much, and no one knew about it I walked
back inside my chamber. I once again find myself sobbing but this time not for myself but for the tragedy
that has befallen everyone at district 11, hundreds of people killed just for a woman trying to expose the
truth an innocent child being permanently traumatized then tortured and finally killed, I crawled into
bed and attempted to sleep, but my consciousness kept rewinding the image of Jasper's mother being
gunned down. After a few hours of tossing and turning, I finally fall asleep; however, a slight knock on my
chambers door wakes me up. I instantly open my eyes and amble into the restroom; as soon as I see my
reflection, I can't believe the girl in the mirror is me. Huge purple bags have formed under my eyes, and
my face has turned paper white. I thoroughly rinse my face with freezing cold water, the exact
temperature of the creek back in District 11. I start changing into an oversized green top and dark denim
jeans as I leave the chamber I am welcomed with the smell of fresh apricots as I sit down at the dinner
table everyone began to stare at me like I was some sort of alien a few moments later jasper arrived also
looking miserable everyone seated at the table began to stare at me and jasper You look like you haven't
slept in ages," Quinton commented , "I wasn't able to get much sleep last night," I reply “Same here”
Jasper added "Why so?" Cassidy Jaspers' stylist inquired, "Oh, I don't know, maybe because we're going
to be forced to participate in a game where I have to kill other kids to survive." Jasper snapped Seeders
and Chaffs widened. I, too, looked at him in astonishment; I feel the same way about the Hunger Games,
but I won't say any of it out loud especially not in the capitol. No one dared to utter a single word as
everyone ate breakfast in silence. Chaff attempted to start a conversation, but it quickly died out. "I
believe you two are aware of today's agenda." Chaff exclaimed "The tribute interview takes place today,
this will be the most important interview of your life, please don't mess it up” Chaff explains while
keeping intense eye contact with jasper. Once we are done seeder and I walk into my chamber "So
Faythe, as chaff said, the interview takes place today, how do you want to come off to the capitol
audience, so far they have seen you during the reaping and the chariot parade, as of now the capitol
thinks of you not as a district citizen but more of a capitol citizen. I say you keep the Phanem loyalist act,
speak in a capitol accent, act like a capitol girl, and I know you'll hate me for even suggesting it, but call
District 11 barbaric." Call. District. 11. Barbaric. Is she insane? Call my home barbaric. "No," I argued, "I
can't just betray my home like this." I snapped at her, "It's either betraying your home or never seeing
you home again, Faythe the capitol, President Snow, in particular, adores anyone who disparages the
districts. You've already mastered the capitol girl act; just keep doing it and the game makers will favor
you. Would the capitol want a victor who is undyingly loyal to their respective district or would they
want a victor who points out the flaws in their district and is undyingly loyal to the capitol?" her points
are valid; if I keep doing this act, I might even win. "Fine, I'll call District 11 barbaric" I exclaim, Seeders
eyes start twinkling with delight. “That’s the attitude which the Capitol adores now for the interview
you’ll need to look elegant and proper, your prep team can easily make you a dress which does that now
let’s talk about the way you did the capitol accent, and I have to say it’s pretty natural and your overall
demeanor rebels one of an actual capitol citizen though you can hide your emotions quite well, I can
discern what your feeling through your body language you’ll need to work on that and make sure what
you're saying doesn’t sound hackneyed; you need to stand out even more”. Seeder began to teach me
some body language tips and how to effectively fool everyone into believing what I want them to
believe. She also began to teach me ways to twist words to my advantage, "I heard what Jasper told you
last night it is quite heartbreaking but please don't mention it or reference it anywhere you don't want to
be on the capitol's bad side." I did not respond. "Faythe, please promise me that this isn't your problem,
as heartbreaking as it is, you can't bring justice to everyone in the world, so please don't talk about
Regen at all." Seeder exclaimed after all, Regen is already dead, and mentioning him will only cause me
problems. "OK, I'm not going to talk about Regen." I reply "Good, and don't talk much with Jasper
because he doesn't have a chance of winning, and talking with him only lowers your chances." I nod my
head in approval "You will do great for today's interview, I just know it," I nod. "Come on, let's go eat
lunch, I'm starving." Seeder exclaims. We both leave my chamber and enter the dining room, where
Jasper and Chaff are already seated; both appear to be in a bad mood. "Why the long faces?" Seeder
inquires. Instead of responding, Jasper and Chaff simply give Seeder a lethal stare. I take a seat and begin
eating. I begin the meal with bite-sized finger sandwiches made with the freshest ingredients. For the
main course, we have thick warm mushroom chicken soup with an overwhelming variety of cheeses on
the side, and for dessert, we have blueberry tart pie. After we finish eating, our prep team begins to get
us ready, and I get seated in my chambers vanity, and Quinton begins doing my hair, but instead of
making a rose, she curls it at the end. "Close your eyes dearie; I want this look to surprise you."    Castor
dabs my face with all sorts of brushes each being a varying level of softness after a few hours After a few
hours, Quinton and Castor helped me into the dress, which felt lighter than the one I wore in the tribute
parade as I opened my eyes I couldn't help but stare I was radiant glowing like the moon every time I
look in the mirror I see a different version of myself today it's the capitol version everything "What do
you think, dearie?" castor inquired, her gaze fixed on me. "It's lovely." I respond a beautiful white gown
elegantly drapes down my body. Castor and Quinton did an amazing job of making the gown not look like
a wedding gown, and my auburn hair had turned blonde. Castor quickly begins rummaging through a
bag and hands me a lovely white rose. "Just one question, why am I blonde?" I inquire, Quinton and
Castor begin to giggle, "It’s a surprise dearie, just make sure to wave that rose over your head during the
interview, and it’ll explain everything." Quinton exclaims as I look at the clock; there are only a few
minutes left. The interviews will take place on a stage in front of the training room. We soon meet up
with the rest of the district 11 crowd, Jasper, too, stands out in an all-black suit with gold accents, and his
hair has been dusted with gold powder. As we continue walking, we reach the training room, where the
other tributes are already lining up to take the stage. I'll be the fourth last to take the stage, and as I
catch a glimpse of the city circle, my breathing slows. The city circle appears to be brighter than the sun
itself. The prestigious guests get seated on an elevated seat, with the stylists commanding the front row.
A large balcony has been reserved for the game makers, and the film crew has claimed most of the
balconies. Homes and community halls across the country we will be televised. Every television in the
country will be turned on, and every citizen of Phanem will be watching us live. Caesar flicker the man
who has hosted the interviews for more than three decades leaps onto the stage, still sporting the same
face beneath a thick layer of makeup, the same hair, and the same ceremonial blue suit with a thousand
electric bulbs. Ceasar cracks a few jokes to get the audience warmed up before getting down to business.
The district one girl tribute takes the stage. Her hair was golden like the sun, her smile was warm and
welcoming, but her eyes were vicious and bloodthirsty, and she was dressed in a golden diaphanous
gown. Each interview lasts three minutes, then a buzzer sounds, and the next tribute is up after an
excruciating wait. It is finally my turn I quickly shake Caesar's hand while maintaining the capitol girl
demeanor and wish the crowd a good evening we both take a seat. “Well faythe, you made quite an
appearance in the reaping so tell me what were you thinking when those barbaric men were running
towards the stage” Caesar asked “Well, as you can see wasn’t able to think straight as I literally hade a
hole in my head” the audience began to laugh “at first I had no idea who they were coming for or why,
but then I remembered last year's games and in a few seconds I realized they were after Daisy. It's not
Daisy's fault that Lily and Alden don't know basic survival skills." The audience burst out laughing. “well
barbaric people don’t seem to have common sense” Caesar reply we both begin laughing “So Faythe the
capitol is quite a change from district 11 what would say is your favorite thing here in the capitol” Caesar
asks “The people aren’t barbaric” I reply. ”Are you sure you secretly aren’t from the capitol? when I first
saw you at the tribute parade I have to say my heart literally stopped I thought they kidnapped a capitol
girl” Ceasar replied “Speaking of the capitol can I show you something” I ask “The stage Is yours” I walk
towards the middle of the stage and do as Quinton instructed, carefully wave the white rose above my
head while maintaining the capitol mannerism. the audience begins to gasp and the rose slowly begins
turning red my hairs slowly starts turning back to auburn the white crystal of the crown begin turning
red, with the rose also turning red the top of my dress slowly turns red while sprouting some roses at the
end of my dress the audience begins to applause “My oh my you keep surprising me every minute
Faythe now you truly look like the capitols rose Ladies and gentlemen I think this deserves another
round of applause” Caesar exclaims just as the audience begins to applaud joke the buzzer goes off “Well
folks that about it ladies and gentlemen Faythe Woodsworth the capitols rose” Ceasar exclaims as I exit
the stage the other tributes begin to give me deathly glares all of pure jealousy Seeder immediately runs
towards me “You did great” she says and gives me a warm reassuring smile seeder and I sit down and
begin to watch jaspers interview Jasper walks onto to the stage with a deathly glare in his eyes then
seats himself down “my oh my what an angry boy we have here” Ceasar exclaims “What do you want me
to be happy? Happy to kill? Happy that my family was killed?” jasper replies his voice becoming huskier
by the second Caesar begins to look at the stage uncomfortably “So Jasper why don’t you tell us about
yourself” Caesar asks while trying to lighten the mood “First of all I am not a hypocrite like someone I
won’t discredit my home just for the sake of being alive I will die with the truth I will not lie just to live”
and audible gasp his words were directed towards me. "Your people murdered my mother and forced my
brother to murder you’re ..." The broadcast was cut before he could finish his sentence. Peacekeepers
tackled him to the ground and sedated him but before falling unconscious jasper muttered one final
sentence “You can kill me, you can silence me, but the truth lives" whispered overtook the stage Caesar
looked around uncomfortably we will be back after a short break Ceaser exclaimed before leaving the
stage just as Jasper's unconscious body was being dragged out. Peacekeepers jolted towards each
tribute, their weapons raised and ready to attack. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed some tributes
being directed towards empty rooms containing a game maker and a few peacekeepers. "Leave your
weapons behind," Commanded a voice. “move along you imbecile” the peacekeepers moved revealing a
tall man I immediately recognized him as this year head game maker Casius Kingston “Let’s have a little
chat shall we” Casius directed me towards a room one of the peacekeepers followed him “Klaus stay
here with the rest of the peace keepers” Casius exclaimed “But sir” Klaus protested “Klaus do you think I
can’t defend myself from a 16 year old girl?” Embarrassed Klaus quickly walked back with the rest of the
peacekeepers we both walked into the room which consisted of a table and two chairs at the opposing
end “Take a seat” Casius commanded. As I did so, I heard the door lock, and my heart began to pound.
"So Miss Woodsworth, shall we have a little chat?" my heart felt like it was going to explode, and my
mind raced through scenarios that could happen to me. Will I be turned into an avox? Too Painless "Will I
be killed?" Unlikely I tried my hardest to appear calm and composed on the outside; no one should see
or sense that I am freaking out. I used all of the body language tricks that Seeder had taught me. “Miss
Wooodsworth how was your father’s attitude towards you?” Cassius asked. Out of all the questions I
expected him to ask a question about my father, just reply truthful I thought to myself one slip up is all
they need to accuse me of blasphemous crimes “Loving, Caring and sincere” I dropped the capitol accent
his lips formed a sinister smile “You really are a true hypocrite miss Wooodsworth, but I don’t blame you
I would have undoubtedly done the same of my life depended on it” after a moment of silence he spoke
once gain “Miss Woodsworth where in Phanem are you from” I thought about it for a bit which sort of
question is this “District 11” I reply throughout my interrogation or should I say “Little chat” Casius’ tone
remained consistence and professional, and now all of a sudden he is laughing like a mad man. I am
definitely going to be killed “How do you are from district 11 and not from the capitol? Casius asks I
begin to think about it for a bit “so you’re implying that, hypothetically I am from the capitol? Well that
case it’s highly unlikely that I will move to the districts. I doubt any capitol citizen would want to leave
the luxuries of the capitol to work in the districts unless of course your implying I was baby when I when
I came to the districts and my father was a capitol citizen, that brings us back to my first point no capitol
citizen would want to leave the luxuries of the capitol to work in the districts another    possibility I was
kidnapped as a child and bought to the districts if that were to happen the capitol would have tracked
me down and killed my kidnapper in a matter of hours” I replied Casius began to look at me he looked
genuinely impressed “you forgot a fourth possibly the capitol wouldn’t have killed your kidnapper if they
wanted you to stay in the districts” Cassius replied “you remind me very much of someone hypocritical
but veracious selfish and selfless at the same time I believe it’s quite late miss Woodsworth we both do
have a busy day ahead of ourselves” he walks towards the door and opens the lock “Klaus could you
walk miss Woodsworth back to her quarter” in a few moments I find myself in front of my chambers
door. As I open the door and enter my chamber, my head begins to spin, my hands begin to shake
violently, and my vision begins to blur. Is my father not my father? Is he a kidnapper? My breathing
worsens. I slowly walk into the bathroom and open the faucet to the coldest setting and vigorously wash
my face the water seemed to have calmed me down don't be irrational I tell myself everything he said
was just a tool to break me down mentally I will stay strong I tell myself I grasp a glass of water and finish
it in one gulp my head begins to spin even faster. I manage to change into some comfortable pajamas
and collapse on my bed time truly is a strange this a moment ago I was in my chamber questioning
everything I had ever known and now I suddenly find myself in a closed room with Quinton helping me
dress into clothes that will be wearing for the hunger games which consisted of a thick sweater followed
by a large coat despite its size and insulating properties the coat was quite light I could easily run I this
judging by the thick coat this year’s arena will defiantly be somewhere cold Seeders last advice kept on
playing in my head in repeat “Ditch the cornucopia the moment the gong sounds run and don’t look
back find water it’ll be your best friend make allies but kill them once your work is done” "Well, dearie,
you're ready," Quinton exclaimed I promised Dad, I will be going against my moral judgment if I had to
kill I will kill. "Now all we have to do is wait for the call," Quinton exclaims. I avoid looking into her eyes,
my heart beating faster and faster, my nervousness turning to terror, I will die, I trace my fingers over the
spot where the tracking device had been placed, I bite my tongue to distract myself from the pain, I stare
into the ceiling until a woman announces it's time to prepare for launch, I slowly walk over and stand on
the metal plate, my heart pounding, I will die. "Best wishes, dearie" Quinton's voice is shaking almost as
much as my hands as the cylinder slowly closes and ascent begins. I'm in darkness at first, but then I'm
greeted by the scent of alpine and snow. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the sixty-third Hunger
Games." Vivianne West makes an announcement Sixty seconds is how long we have to stand on the
metal circle; if you dare to step off before the timer goes off, death will approach you slowly and
painfully. I start scanning this year's arena; it's a snowy alpine forest. All of the tributes' metal planes
form a circle around the cornucopia, which has remained unchanged for the past 40 years, with the
same golden horn shaped like a core with a curved tail beneath it containing the necessities for survival.
Food Water weapons, medical supplies, and fire starters The objects become more valuable as they get
closer to the cornucopia. If I don't want to die of hypothermia, I'll need a fire. Seeder warned me not to
approach the cornucopia, so what choice do I have? A few yards ahead of me, I notice a box of matches.
The other tributes from the outskirts districts began staring at it with greedy eyes as well. Both tributes
from district 12 stare it their gazes fixed and unmoving. I am undoubtedly one of the weak tributes, but I
am unquestionably stronger than the district 12 tributes. I scan my surroundings once more when I
notice a tiny silver dagger just a few meters ahead of me. I decide not to risk the box of matches, so final
plan I take the dagger 8,9 "Please disregard your moral judgment." "I know killing is wrong, but in
desperate situations like this, you have no choice but to kill," my father says in my head. Final plan take
the dagger and kill the female tribute of district 12. the gong is heard I sprit toward the knife and quickly
return to the metal plate all the tributes begin to scatter I notice the district 12 girl retrieving the match
as soon as she picks it up she begins to run I sprint after her she doesn't seem to notice I am going after
her I position my dagger within a few seconds she is on the ground choking on her own blood I grab the
match box in her hand she also managed to take a piece of beef jerky I stuff my modest haul into my
pocket and run into the alpine forest as I venture deeper in the forest I notice some footsteps all leading
to different directions as I inspect the footsteps. I notice that one of them look significantly smaller than
the rest of the foot prints it must be the district 12 tribute Hort’s footprint. Should I follow it? I hesitate
for a bit and decide to raid him once the blood bath is over I venture deeper into the forest and find a
sturdy tree to rest on I sit down and catch my breath    the sudden realization struck me I killed a person
maybe she isn’t dead yet I try to reassure myself but I killed someone I killed a human being I look at my
hands the sight of it made we want to puke her shiny blood still fresh on my hands. I climb a tree and
wipe the blood off my hands on a nearby tree from a bird's eye view I once again begin to scan my
environment far to the north lies the cornucopia towards my left a few tributes had gone to hide I look
judging by the location the sun its around 1 or 2 in the afternoon despite the sun being up the weather is
extremely chilly especially this high up on a tree I huddle myself into a little ball trying to preserve what
little body heat I have left. I consider lighting a match, but it is too dangerous. I breathe into my hands
and rub them together for a few seconds as my mind replays the image of the District 12 girl, her blood
slowly seeping into the snow, her eyes full of fear, hatred, sadness, and agony. I don't want to die like my
sister; I need water. I get down on the ground and start walking west. I could melt the snow, but where
would I collect it? I start to hear the cannons fire, each shot representing a dead tribute. I come to a halt
and start counting the shots. One…two…three…four…five…six…eight…Nine. Nine dead that means 15
remain did jasper die I ask myself most probably the capitol wants him dead especially after the stunt he
pulled at last night’s interview the last time I saw him he was eating breakfast his face swollen and red.
There is no need for me to be concerned about dead people because I need to find water. As I walk
further, I hear quick footsteps and quickly climb a tree as high as I can to conceal myself. The footsteps
grow louder and louder within a few seconds. I notice a short boy walking with her eyes wide open with
fear. He looks around and decides to rest on a nearby tree. As I investigate him further, I notice his lips
are wet, which means she has water. I keep a close eye on her for a few minutes until she pulls out a
water bottle; upon closer inspection, I realize it's the water bottle that Seeder was referring to which
automatically heats up anything inside it. I look at him, he's short and skinny and I could kill him like I did
the District 12 girl. It's now or never I slowly climb down the tree and sneak behind him, he seemed to
sense something as he began to look around uncomfortably he tried to get up but before he could move
a muscle I delivered the killing blow I slit his throat he fell to the ground his blood splattering
everywhere. “Your quite the killer” a voice spoke from a distance I quickly took the district 12 boys water
bottle and sprung up my dagger in a position to attack the voice approached closer “Drop your weapons
sweetheart there are 6 of us and one of you” a male voice spoke six of us and one of you a painful
realization struck me this is the career pack. the career pack came forward to reveal themselves all six of
them evenly spread out surrounding me this is the end, I have no possible escape way six tributes who
have practiced their entire lives for the hunger games there is no way I can dodge death this time my
heart began pounding “Drop your weapon” the boy from district one commanded. “And if I don’t” I reply
my reply took them by surprise “well let’s say you’ll visit your sister” the girl from district for replied
“Why do you need me to drop my weapon than as you said there are six of you guys and one of me are
you guys afraid that with a weapon I will be able to kill all of you” All six of them begin looking at each
other raising eyes brows confused thinking as if asking each other what they should say take this
opportunity with the dagger in my hand I sprint between the district 4 girl and the district 2 girl the
district 4 girl seemed to have realized she stretched her hand out trying to grab my dagger while doing so
she slipped and slit her wrist by accident. As chaos overtook the career pack ran as fast as I could within
seconds I began hearing another set of footsteps behind me then another than another there is no way I
could escape them now. I had always been a fast runner this was my one chance to fully test out my
abilities after a few minutes of running I felt like I was running out of breath I need to stop but it’s too
risky but I can’t breathe I look back the careers footsteps still sound slow I take this opportunity to catch
my breath I look up the sun had started to set I quickly take a sip of my water and climb a tree my legs
feel numb I feel way too exhausted to run I climb the tree as high as I can until my legs give up on me the
career pack soon arrives close enough for me to hear them but not see them sun had already set
“Where on earth did she disappear” the district 1 boy ranted “This is all your fault Lucinda at least Anne
tried to grab her dagger you just stood there like the fool you are” a moment of silence “Says the person
who just stood there making empty threats instead of trying to capture her by force” Lucinda snapped
“How many times do I have to tell you imbecile If we capture her by force she wouldn’t want to forge an
alliance with us then we’ll have no choice but to kill her she needs to die but now isn’t the time” ‘but.”
Lucinda tried to protest before being cut off by Anne “Look we will get nowhere by pointing finger at
each other I say we calm down and hunt her down tomorrow she can’t go that far besides its already
night she is most likely resting” “Fine” the district one boy grunted “Who is taking guard duty tonight?”
district one girl asked “Anne and Theodore” district one boy commanded the Phanem anthem starts
playing at first the Phanem seal appears then appears both tributes from district 3 boy second the
district 5 boy after that both tributes from 6 and 7 and 9 then the district 10 boy and both tributes from
12 then the anthem stops Jasper isn’t dead no.. no.. no.. he will come after me the career pack and
jasper with 12 tributes dead and twelve remaining out of which 7 want me eliminated the odds clearly
aren’t in my favor    I decide to stay awake sleeping is too risky once it becomes darker I will move
somewhere lot further within a few hours The tributes of 1 and 2 are sound asleep. “Anne” Theodore
calls “Yeah” Anne replies “half the tributes are dead do you think it’s time to split up” Theodore asks “I
do think it is time to split up but Rubeus will kill us for even suggesting it” Anne replies “we could always
kill him in his sleep” Theo jokes “Don’t say things like that what if he heard it if he did he would kill us in
the most brutal way imaginable” Anne replies “Anyways why does he want the rose girl so badly?” Anne
asks “he thinks she knows jaspers whereabouts he wants her so that he can torture her into revealing his
location” Theo replies “I think he should’ve done it the other way around the rose girl she is pretty smart
and calculated she escaped even though all of us were surrounding her” Anne exclaims ‘I agree she is a
bigger threat than jasper with six people around her fully equipped with a weapon she escaped all while
having a small dagger not to mention making you slit your wrist speaking of which how is it?” Theo asks
“it’s been worse” Anne exclaims “What do you mean so you’re saying you’ve had worse injuries how?”
Theo asks “My mother she is a horrible woman she only ever sees me as a pawn to acquire more wealth
she forced me to get engaged to the mayors son when I protested she poured boiling water over my
hands and forced me to tell everyone that I accidentally burned myself she also hurts father but he never
says anything he just brushes it off’ Anne exclaims “I am sorry” Theo replied “my father is the horrible
one at my house being a victor himself he wants to raise a family of victors being the oldest he forced me
to participate he said if I don’t volunteer he’ll kill me” Theo exclaims “I am sorry” Anne replies “Why did
you volunteer Anne” Theo asks “I didn’t want to get married my mother was forcing me to get married
she even bought the wedding dress I had seen how hurt my father is being married to an abusive woman
I don’t want the same fate as my father I don’t want to return home in fact I want to be killed in the
arena but not in a painful manner a calm serene manner “ Anne replied “I too don’t want to return
home to my father I too want to die in here” Theo replies “do you think they are televising our
conversation?” Anne asks “Highly unlikely the last thing they want to televise is tributes pointing out the
flaws of perfect district 4” Theo replies. They are both engaged in conversation. I think to myself that this
is the perfect opportunity to flee, so I quietly go down the tree and run in the opposite direction to the
cornucopia. The careers couldn't possibly carry everything in the cornucopia they must have left
something so far I have an endless supply of water some match sticks and a piece of bread which I had
been nibbling pieces off of now I need food. There are a few hours until sunrise. I should go to the
cornucopia get some supplies and hide at the opposite end of the arena I slow my pace no one should
know that I am here I grab my dagger in a position ready to attack I look out into the horizon and notice
something shining in the moon light it must be the cornucopia as I walk further the cornucopia becomes
clearer I want able to admire how beautiful the cornucopia truly was the beautiful twist of the shell to
the golden shade shimmering in the moon light as I arrive closer I see some shinning weapons maybe I
should take a larger dagger. Suddenly I felt someone's hand on my mouth and tried to stab whoever it
was, but my dagger was taken away from me. I'm going to die; someone is trying to kill me. “Faythe calm
down it me jasper I am not trying to kill you calm down there are some tributes in the cornucopia don’t
go there yet” he whispers into my ears “I’ll remove my hands and give you back your dagger but don’t
scream or you’ll get both of us killed” I nod I slowly feel his grip over my mouth loosening I also feel my
dagger back in my hands “The careers want to kill you” I blurt out “Especially the boy from district 1”I
exclaim ”well talk later” he says “we’ll raid the cornucopia once those tributes are gone”. We wait for a
few minutes until jasper begins to run towards the cornucopia I follow him as soon as we arrive we both
rummage through the supplies we both take our weapon of choice I take a larger dagger which is two
times sharper while jasper takes an axe we both equally divide the beef jerky between us once were
done raiding the cornucopia we continue our venture at the opposite direction “you were saying the
careers want to kill me?” jasper asked “yes they do and district one boy is especially eager to find you?” I
reply “Strange” as the sun begins to rise we both find a sturdy tree and settle down “Faythe I apologize
for calling you a hypocrite to be fair if I had something to loose I would also not be so open about my
opinions towards the capitol” jasper exclaims “Apologies accepted does this mean we are allies now” I
ask “I guess” jasper replies “The tributes left now are all six careers girl from 5 both tributes from 8 and
the girl from 10” I exclaim “I know where the tributes from 8 are we have formidable weapons should
we pay them a visit” jasper asks “We certainly shall” I reply “the girl is awake and on guard duty we kill
her first then we’ll kill the boy they’re right around the corner” We walk for a while until we see both
tributes from 8 the girl who is supposed to be on guard duty has fallen asleep and we both slowly creep
up behind them On the count of three, I slit the girl's throat while Jasper completely decapitated the
boy, sending blood flying everywhere the boys head falls onto the ground. The moment I still slit the
girl's throat, she woke up and tried to scream, but before she could, Jasper dug his exe straight into her
brain, killing her instantly two cannons are fired 14 tributes dead 10 alive we walk away from the dead
bodies and wash our hands with the water, then I refill the bottle with snow and wait for it to melt. Two
more cannons get fired who could it be? Who could’ve died? “Who do you think died” Jasper asks
“probably the district 10 and 5 girls if they are dead that just leaves us and the careers maybe the
careers have already split up I heard the district 4 tributes talk about splitting up” the sun had already
begun to rise Suddenly I began to hear a ringing I look up it was a sponsor parachute it angled itself
above us dropped the package I caught it and began to open it the package contained 6 darts specifically
poisoned darts. “do they want us to attack the careers” I ask “Probably six for each career” jasper replies
“where do we go now?” jasper asks “Where we wind takes us” I reply jokingly but the moment the
words slip out of my mouth the wind seemed to blow terribly strong towards the cornucopia “whoa
what a coincidence” I say sarcastically “Indeed what a coincidence it’s not like there are game makers
who trigger these sort of stuff” jasper adds to my sarcastic comment “Let’s go where the wind” I fake
cough “Game makers” another fake caught “want us to go” we gather our supplies and head towards the
cornucopia “we got a weapon from the sponsors do you think the careers also got a weapon from
sponsors” I ask “highly likely” jasper replies as we walk further I begin to feel wind hit my face “Jasper do
you also feel the wind from the opposite direction” I ask Jasper stops and think for a while “I do the
game makers are trying to lure use and the careers and the careers to us” jasper replies “So this is what
the grand finale feels like? Wind being strategically moved to guide us” we both find ourselves laughing
the stress of nearly dying is clearly beginning to show we both become twitchy and odd “when does our
allegiance end” I blurt out the thought began bothering me ever since we started becoming allies I don’t
want it down with just the two of us though the capitol is trying their absolute for making just that
happen my heart begins pounding as seeders voice begins to play in my head “when it will be down to a
handful of tributes left it will all come down to favoritism if one tribute is such a favorite strings could be
pulled to make some tribute die from natural causes” what if the capitol kills the careers from natural
causes because they want me and jasper to fight till one of us dies all the other killing weren’t personal
but killing jasper he could’ve killed me near the cornucopia but he didn’t my heart begins pounding
faster and faster jasper never gave me a reply “Jasper” “shhh” jasper whispers I look into the distance
and see the careers lined up arguing with each other me and jasper watch them carefully from a distance
suddenly both tributes from 4 grab a dagger and slit their own throats few seconds later 2 cannons are
fired “why did they kill themselves” jasper whispers “if the girl wins she will be forced to marry district
fours mayors son if the boy wins his father will continue to force his kids to participate in the games they
both were forced to join they saw a way out of the games and took it” I whisper “it’s just us and the
tributes from the tribute of one and two left jasper when do we split?” just as my words leave my mouth
Jasper picked up one of the dart and shot it directly at the girl from district twos neck I pick up the
second dart and as soon as the girl from district one approaches the girl from two I shot it also lands
directly on her neck the tributes from 1 and two begin running towards our direction I quickly hand
jasper 2 darts and keep two for myself and we begin to run as we begin to run two cannons go off its just
the four of us left as the boys from district one and two after hearing the cannon they both look at each
other an intense eye contact is formed their thirst for blood rising by every passing second. Before the
tribute from 2 could even react the tribute from one picks up his axe and shoves it staring into his
abdomen. The boy from district twos eyes begin to fill with tears “See you in hell” he blurts out before
his eyes close forever his blood spilling everywhere the cannon goes off I take one look at jasper and run
I don’t want to die the same way the boy from district two died I’d rather slit my own throat I jolt up and
sprint as fast as I can. Jasper begins to run behind me the boy from district one notices both of us and
begins to follow I run towards the cornucopia and quickly climb it and hide behind one flap of the
cornucopia I begin to hear 2 sets of quick footsteps I position my dart ready to attack I carefully peek out
and notice jasper and The boy from district one dogging each other I pick up both darts and throw them
both together the first dart flies away completely missing the target by a few meters the second dart flies
towards jasper but as fate would have it at that very moment the boy from district one came in his place
just as the dart hit the boy from district ones neck jasper makes the killing blow which resulted in the
boy from district ones neck being partially decapitated “Jasper” the boy called out “The capitol killed my
little brother too if you win make them pay for their sin” his voice being barely louder than a whisper “I
won’t let your death go in vain” jasper swung his axe once again over his head completely decapitating
his head the canon went off now it was just me and jasper but as Jasper looked down he noticed
something shinny in the pool of blood he picked it up it was the poisonous dart. He began tracing from
where it could have possibly be thrown from his eyes reached the cornucopia and he began to smile
“Faythe” he called out “you asked when our allegiance would end I never replied because it wouldn’t
end you have a family to go back to I don’t I just have one request for you Faythe I know you can hear me
please for your sister Ether, for your friend Jasmine, for Regen, for every single innocent soul that has
been slaughtered in the hand of the capitol please Faythe make them pay for their sins” jasper pulled
out my old dagger and slit his own throat he fell to the ground his blood splattering everywhere his he
took his last breathe then he breath no more. I tried to get up but my body didn’t let me I noticed that
something had been injected in my veins allowing me to not move hover crafts begin to appear Cassius
came out of the hovercraft. “Congratulations for winning the hunger games but all of Phanem doesn’t
know you’re the victor yet now all you have to do to officially claim the title of victor is to kill jasper”
Cassius exclaimed tears had begun flowing down my face “I don’t want to the victor kill me besides how
can I kill him he is already dead” I protest my voice shaking “Oh don’t worry we have backups” a boy
who liked exactly like jasper was being bought in chains heavily guarded by peacekeepers “crazy what a
little bit of plastic surgery can do now all you need to do is kill him the same Iconic way on how you kill
the other tributes by slitting their throats” I look straight into his eyes the eyes of a madman the eyes of
the personification of evil “No I won’t if you have to kill me then so be it use the footage you already
have oh wait you don’t want the truth to be revealed or kill me and make some other girl do it kill me” I
reply “then what would happen to your poor father if both of his daughters died in the arena perhaps he
would go mad kill himself even” the threat was enough to make me comply with every single one of his
requests like a slave we reenacted the last moments but this time I sneak behind jaspers look alike and
slit and slit his throat “see that wasn’t so hard was now if you will follow me” we walk into the hover
board as the door closes the hover board begins to rise “why do you need me now just kill me I don’t
want to face my father anymore I have become a monster who ruthlessly kill other kids please just kill
me” I beg my heart began to sink lower and lower and lower. “he is not your father I am” 7 words is all it
took he is lying he is trying to break you down mentally once again “Your lying” I protest “I knew you
would say that your sister Ether is actually your mother she never died in the games I wanted to marry
her but her father Earl didn’t give his blessings therefore I had no choice but to bring her to the capitol
through the games. Her death was faked as you see allot of things are faked for the games her death was
faked me and your mother secretly got married and you were born a year later, but your mother died
during childbirth she had one wish before dying and that was for you to have the same childhood that
she had in the districts who do you think sent you the food all those years now that your sixteen the
same age in which your mother came to the capitol. Earl Woodsworth is actually your maternal
grandfather while I am your father” no no no this can’t be this man who is the literal personification of
evil is my father “If you are my father why did you make me kill all those people? why did you make me
kill all those people all those innocent souls why did you make me claim lives which weren’t mine to
claim? if you are my father why didn’t you think twice before making me corrupt my own soul I doubt
any father would want their child to look into the mirror and all they see is a killer a vicious killer who
claimed lives” I blurt out a endless stream of tears flowing down my hear my hands shaking vigorously
“why you truly do take after your father I wasn’t corrupting your soul believe me when I say everyone’s
soul gets corrupted at one point or another. I was preparing you for what’s to come clearly you inherited
my intellect, therefore you would make a fine game maker after I retire I was preparing you. if you
become a game maker straight up without ever killing you would feel an enormous amount of guilt for
tweaking the system to kill of one tribute, but now you have killed some of with your own bare hands
now if you kill someone by tweaking the system the guilt won’t be so much” Casius replies “what makes
you think that I would want to be a game maker and hurt more innocent lives” I exclaim “because I know
leave weaken even the strongest of men that was your mothers last wish just how she was saved from a
horrible fate from dying in the games. she wants you to do the same save people from a horrible death”
Casius exclaims “How I know you’re not lying” I blurt out he handed me a notebook as I open it
immediately recognized my mother’s handwriting “when your mother found out she was having you she
had a horrible gut feeling that she would not be able to see you grow so she started writing a journal
everyday she wrote something I never read it but before she died she strictly forbade me to read it she
said only you can read it once you have won the games” Casius exclaims I flip through the pages this
couldn’t be faked I look up straight into the eyes of the man who was the just the head game maker a
few seconds ago now he is my father I calm myself down and try to think straight I will get nowhere by
rebelling against the capitol and my father for now my only choice is to comply, but once I get the chance
I will fulfill Jaspers last request I will make them pay for their sins “What’s next?” is ask “The victory tour
after that you will begin your training as for a gamemaker” I close my eyes wishing I was someone else or
I had died alas fate cannot be changed. The games are barbaric Phanem in its entirety is corrupt barbaric
and bizarre if someone rises to overthrow the capitol I will seize the opportunity and help them till my
last breath I promise myself .A few year into the future I have taken my father’s place as head game
maker “Ladies and gentlemen brace yourselves as this is the third quarter we have a target that needs to
be eliminated Katniss Everdeen” I command to all of the game makers my words perfectly contradict my
intentions as I look at Katniss my mind shifts to myself in the arena how confused scarred I was little did I
know the entire thing was set up and I would win regardless. Don’t worry Katniss you will live the rebels
will break you out. The revolution will live The mockingjay will live.

The end

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