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Speech Elements 詞類[cilei]

12. Aspect and Structural Particles 動態和結果助詞[dongtai he jieguo zhuci]

Particles 助詞[zhuci]

They are added to words, phrases[without subject or predicate]or sentences[subject and predicate]to express a grammatical relation.

Structural Particles 的,得,地

The 的 and 得 particles do not have an independent meaning 沒有實在意義[meiyou shizai yiyi]and are spoken in the neutral tone.
However, the 地 particle independently means earth 地[di]and spoken in the third tone.

Words 單詞[danci] 》我的 》看得。 》快地。

Phrases 詞組[cizu] 》很好吃的菜。 》 吃得慢。 》 慢地吃。

Sentences 句子[juzi] 》他有很好吃的菜。 》 他吃得慢。 》 他吃地慢。

They express 表示[biaoshi]

Supplementary meaning 補充的意思[buchong de yisi] 》好的。 》寫得快。 》快地寫。

Grammatical relations 語法的關係[yufa de guanxi] 》 我的朋友。 》 我們聊得好。 》 我們高興地聊。

Mood 語氣[yuqi]. (relating to continuation or change) 》他的好。 》他生氣得喊叫。 》他快地哭。

的 describes and show possession of nouns or pronouns. 》她的衣服很漂亮。[衣服 is attributed to 他 ]

的 can only be placed after an attributive modifier 定語[dingyu]

得 complements a verb. 》他跑得快。 [跑 is a verb 快 is the(stative verb)complement]

It must be after a verb or stative verb and before a complement 補語[buyu ]

地 modifies preceding adverb, verb or stative verb into an adverb. 》他刻苦地學習。 (the stative verb 刻苦 acts as an adverb)
Therefore 地 can only be placed after an adverbial adjunct 壯語[zhuangyu]or an
existing adverb. 地 is followed by a verb or stative verb.

Aspectual particles 動態助詞[dongtai zhuci]著, 過 ,了

These particles are placed after certain verbs add further meaning 附加意義[fujia yiyi]Aspect means the state of completion of an action or a state of non-action[著]. Chinese
usually uses verbal suffixes as a means of indicating this information > 他昨天到了北京。 The verbal suffix 昨天 is used.

An aspect is not the same as an English tense. Tense refer to when the utterance is actually spoken, and so as most other languages can have only three tenses: past, present and
future. Aspect, on the other hand, can occur in any tense, so that even completed action can be spoken of in the future.
past 》他昨天到了北京。(arrived)Present 》他現在到了北京。(arriving)Future 》他明天這個時候已經到了北京。(will arrive)

着 is added to a verb or stative verb in order to indicate that an action is in progress or in a particular state at a certain time or that a particular state continues 某種狀態在持續
[mouzhong zhuangtai zai chixu]. The modal particle 語氣助詞[yuqi zhuci]呢 is often added. [compare 我看著 / 我看這呢]

He played / playing / will play the guzheng. Past perfect 》他昨天彈著古箏。 Present cont 》他正在彈着古箏。 Future》他明天要彈著古箏。

I opened (it was open) / open / will the door. Past perfect 》昨天門開著。 Present cont 》門開著。 Future 》我要把門打開(了)。

We were / are / will / sitting / sitting / Past perfect》我們以前坐 Present cont》我們正在坐著聊天。 Future 》我們要坐著聊天(了)。
sit down and chatting / chatting / chat. 著聊。

過 is added to a verb or stative verb to indicate that an action has taken place, but does not continue up to the present.

Used after a verb / stative verb Verb 》我吃過午飯就去。 Stative verb 》他年輕的時候胖過。

了 when following a noun is usually a modal particle 語氣助詞[yuqi zhuci]indicating a new situation[present continuous or future]> 天氣變冷了。

了 when following a verb is usually an aspect particle 動態助詞[dongtai zhuci]indicating completion of an action or a new situation > 天氣冷了。

了 with an adverb 副詞[fuci] Aspect particle (went) 》我去了。 Modal particle + adverb (will) 》我要去了。

Basic pattern: (no object) 》我學了八個半小時。 小時 is noun so 了 cannot follow as aspect. Placed after verb predicate 學.

Verb repetition: (with object) 》 我學中文學了兩年半。 學 is part of predicate and takes an object 中文 therefore verb duplicated

Verb-omission: (with object) 》 我中文學了兩年半。 Noun 中文 placed before verb 學

的-insertion (with object) 》 你已經學了兩年半(的)中文。 的 is optional

Pre-position (with object) 》老師問的問題, 他想了半天,終於說。 想 is a verb so 了 aspectual. 終於 is an adverb indicating future so no 了

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