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ISSN 2319 – 1953

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies

Brand Resonance of Royal Enfield Bike Owners

in Puducherry
Dr. J.Tamilselvi, A. Praveen kumar
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University
Ph.D., Research Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University

Abstract- In marketing a product, brand name plays a

major role for selling the product and most important II. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE
tool for whole product personality. For achieving brand REVIEW
promotion of the various products, the marketers
According to Keller (2003) a brand is more than a
should realise that the consumers are extremely brand
conscious. Hence the marketers must create a strong
product because it has many dimensions that can
brand image in the minds of a customer that results in differentiate in a unique way from other products to
brand association. This positive brand image created by satisfy the needs of the consumer. Keller (2003)
marketers helps the consumer in the evaluation of the states that Customer based brand equity occur when
product quality. The relationship between various the customers have a high level of brand knowledge
resonance dimensions and overall brand resonance of and familiarity with the brand and strong favorable
Royal Enfield bike owners are identified using unique brand association in their memory. In some
correlation analysis for sample strength of 100 owners situation, brand awareness alone is strong enough to
of Royal Enfield. Brand resonance is classified into four
create favorable consumer response, for e.g. in low-
dimensions like brand loyalty, brand attachment, sense
of brand community and active engagement.
involvement decision making process when
customers are willing to select their choice with their
Key Words: Brand Resonance, Brand Loyalty, Brand familiarity to the product or services. However, in
Attachment most other cases, the strength of the brand,
favorability and uniqueness of brand association
I. INTRODUCTION plays an important role in determining the differential
A brand is defined as name or symbol, term, response of the consumer that create brand equity. If
design or combination of all which is required to the consumers think that the brand is only
identify the goods and services of one seller to representative of the product or service category, then
another seller and to differentiate uniquely from the the consumer will respond as if the offering is
competitors. Branded products have higher quality unbranded.
than the unbranded products and hence brand names
Brand Resonance
are effective signal for the consumers to select the
product. Furthermore consumers who believe this Brand resonance reveals the extent of the
concept accept that branded products have good relationship and the extent to which consumers feel
quality claim. This can be achieved by firms by that they are in sync with the brand they use. For
advertising and promotional efforts so that the example, the brands with high brand resonance like
product can be positioned by the consumers as Harley Davidson, Apple and Royal Enfield bike.
known and unknown brands. Brand resonance generally states the intensity or the
The brand managers should convince the depth of the psychological bonding of the consumer
customers about the meaningful differences among with their product or brand they use as well as the
brands. Customers will not think that all the brands in nature of activity engendered by this brand loyalty
the category are merely same. Establishing a unique (repeat purchase rates and the extent to which the
brand image in consumer’s memory by adopting a consumer gets the information, event details from the
strong, favorable and unique brand association helps other users). The brand resonance is divided into four
in creating brand awareness to build strong customer sub dimensions namely, Behavioral loyalty,
based brand equity. Attitudinal attachment, Sense of brand community
and Active engagement.

Volume 7, Issue 5 (September 2018)
ISSN 2319 – 1953
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies

Behavioral loyalty describes in terms of repeat other resources for their favorite product or brand
purchase of the consumer and the amount or share of beyond the expected purchase intention or
category volume attributed towards the brand, that consumption of the product.
is, how the consumer share the category
requirements,for example how many times the Objectives of the Study
consumer buy the brand and how much amout they  To study the various dimensions of Brand
purchase. In order to achieve brand resonance, it resonance
requires a strong personal attachment of the  To find out the brand resonance of Royal
consumer. Consumer should think beyond having a Enfield bike
positive attitude to see the brand as something  To find out the relationship between
special to them in a broader concept. For example, if dimensions and overall brand resonance
the consumer with more attitudinal attachment
decribes that they love the brand and tells that it is III. METHODOLOGY
their favourite brand or product to buy and also they Research Design: Descriptive research design is
express pleasure to buy the brand. adopted for the present study.
The consumer can view the brand on broader Sampling Design: Royal Enfield bike owners are
concept by conveying the community attachemnt. selected by convenience method and a sample of 100
Identification of the consumer with a community owners are taken for the study.
attachment may reflect an important social Data collection tool: Data is collected using
networking in which consumers feel a kinship or interview schedule with the help of a developed
affiliation with other conusmers associated with the questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 2
product, whether fellow product owners or sections. First section with demographic details and
consumers , or employees or representatives of the the second specific section include 30 statements
organisation. A brand community can be either measuring the four dimensions of resonance (6
online or offline mode. statements each) and 6 statements for measuring
Finally brand loyalty occurs when the consumers overall brand resonance.
are actively engaged or invest their valuable time,
hard earned money, valuable energy and various

Statements Mean Deviation
I feel Royal Enfield is the only brand of Royal Enfield product I need. 4.14 0.970
When buying product Royal Enfield brand will be my first choice. 4.12 1.157
I wouldn’t mind even the price of Royal Enfield brand is higher than other
4.04 1.355
brands of Royal Enfield product that offer similar features.
If Royal Enfield brand is unavailable I won’t buy another brand. 3.64 1.409
I feel Royal Enfield is only brand of Royal Enfield product
3.51 0.965
I love to buy.
I consider myself to be loyal to Royal Enfield brand. 3.45 0.924
Source: primary data

Brand loyalty is assessed with six items in the five Brand loyalty. The statements that Royal Enfield is
point scale. Computed mean score is assortment the only brand of the need and of the first choice has
among 4.14 to 3.45. It is observed that the royal scored higher mean values.
enfield bike owners have an above average level of

Volume 7, Issue 5 (September 2018)
ISSN 2319 – 1953
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies


Statements Mean
I really love Royal Enfield brand 4.45 1.128
I will really miss if Royal Enfield brand is unavailable in the market. 4.42 1.092
I feel good whenever I use to ride Royal Enfield brand. 4.05 0.956
Royal Enfield brand is so special to me. 3.97 0.945
Royal Enfield brand makes me happy. 3.64 0.989
Royal Enfield brand gives me ultimate pleasure. 3.30 1.146
Source: primary data

Brand attachment is assessed with six items in the (4.45), they will really miss if Royal Enfield brand is
five point scale. Mean and standard deviation values unavailable in the market (4.42), they feel good
are calculated for the each and every item. Computed whenever they use to ride Royal Enfield brand (4.05)
mean score is assortment among 4.45 to 3.30. It is and Royal Enfield brand is so special to them (3.97)
observed that they really love Royal Enfield brand show higher mean values.

Statement Mean
I am really interested to talk about Royal Enfield brand to other bike
4.36 0.863
I can have a deeper connection with others who use Royal Enfield brand. 4.28 1.039
I can identify the people who use Royal Enfield brand. 3.98 0.968
I belong to the club with other owners of Royal Enfield brand. 3.95 0.954
I feel proud to be member of Royal Enfield brand community officially. 3.75 1.032
I will participate every year in Riders Mania event organized by Royal
3.47 1.245
Enfield brand.
Source: primary data

Brand community is assessed with six items in the other owners of Royal Enfield brand (3.95). It shows
five point scale. Computed mean score is assortment that they feel proud to be member of Royal Enfield
among 4.36 to 3.47. It is observed that the owners are brand community officially (3.75) and will
really interested to talk about Royal Enfield brand to participate every year in Riders Mania event
other bike owners (4.36), and that they have a deeper organized by Royal Enfield brand (3.47). Overall the
connection with others who use Royal Enfield brand owners have shown an above average level of sense
(4.28). They identify the people who use Royal of Brand community.
Enfield brand (3.98) and they belong to the club with

Statement Mean
I like to visit the website of Royal Enfield brand whenever I am free. 4.54 0.859
I regularly seek news and information about Royal Enfield brand. 4.38 1.027
I would be willing to pay a premium price for Royal Enfield brand 4.04 0.865
I am interested in learning more about Royal Enfield brand. 3.81 1.486
I would be interested to merchandise products with Royal Enfield brand
3.61 1.030
symbol/logo on it.
Unlike others, I follow campaigns and trip stories about Royal Enfield
3.28 1.179
brand closely.
Source: primary data

Volume 7, Issue 5 (September 2018)
ISSN 2319 – 1953
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies

Active engagement is assessed with six items in willing to pay a premium price for Royal Enfield
the five point scale. Mean and standard deviation brand (4.04) and are interested in learning more about
values are calculated for the each and every item. Royal Enfield brand (3.81). It is also found that
Computed mean score is assortment among 4.54 to Royal Enfield bike owners have moderately
3.61. It is observed that Royal Enfield bike owners perceived that they would be interested to
have highly rated that they like to visit the website of merchandise products with Royal Enfield brand
Royal Enfield brand whenever they are free (4.54) symbol/logo on it (3.61) and would follow campaigns
and they regularly seek news and information about and trip stories about Royal Enfield brand closely
Royal Enfield brand (4.38) and also they would be (3.28).

Brand Resonance
r p

Brand Loyalty 0.789 0.001**

Brand Attachment 0.891 0.001**

Sense of Brand Community 0.879 0.001**

Active Engagement 0.948 0.001**

Source: primary data ** significant 1% level

Hypothesis (Ho): There is no relationship between they feel a sense of brand community they need to
brand resonance dimensions and overall brand actively engage themselves with the brand thereby
resonance of the Royal Enfield bike owners in increasing the brand resonance.
Pearson correlation analysis is applied to find the V. CONCLUSION
significance of the above stated hypothesis. Brand Behavioral loyalty may be needed for the
loyalty and brand resonance obtained correlation consumer to show their purchase intention but it is
value is 0.789 and obtained p value is 0.001, it is not sufficient for brand resonance to occur. If a
significant at 1 percent level. Brand attachment and consumer possesses strong sense of community
brand awareness obtained correlation value is 0.891 attachment among the loyalist owners then they can
and obtained p value is 0.001, it is significant at 1 express positive brand attitude and strong behavioral
percent level. Sense of brand community and brand intention. Also the consumer can visit product related
awareness obtained correlation value is 0.879 and websites, blogs. In rare cases the consumer can
obtained p value is 0.001, it is significant at 1 percent identify himself as brand evangelist and ambassador
level. Active engagement and brand awareness to communicate the brand with the other users. Hence
obtained correlation value is 0.948 and obtained p strong behavioral attachment or social identification
value is 0.001, it is significant at 1 percent level. of the consumer is necessary for active community
Hence, the obtained p values are less than 0.010, it is engagement to occur for the brand they use.
concluded that there is positive relationship between
dimensions of brand resonance and the overall brand REFERENCES
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