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© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.

org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)


Praveen Kumar
Ph.D. Scholar in Business Administration
School of Management
Annamalai University
Annamalainagar,Tamilnadu, India

Dr. J. Tamil Selvi

Associate Professor
School of Management
Annamalai University
Annamalainagar,Tamilnadu ,India

Dr. R.Arulmoli
Professor & Head, Anatomy unit
Faculty of Medicine
AIMST University
Semeling, Kedah


The relationship between customer and brand has gathered a unique attention in the marketing
environment and consumer behaviour literature. Brand literature reveals that brand resonance is nothing but
the extent to which the customer develops a strong psychological and social bond with their favourite
product which they consume. This study attempts to verify the predictors of brand resonance based on
consumers’ perception of Royal Enfield bike owners and to investigate the relationship between product
inviolvement, brand awareness, brand association, brand equity, perceived quality, and customer satisfaction
which leads to brand resonance.
The primary data was collected from 150 Royal Enfield bike owners from Puducherry city
through a structured interview schedule. The study concludes that there is a strong influence brand
equity, brand trust, customer satisfaction on brand resonance.

In today’s competitive market, building and creating a brand resonance is essential for every
marketer. Many companies and business firms acknowledge that creating a brand resonance for their brand
will create a competitive advantage and also leads to overall reputation and credibility of their brand.

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© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Indeed, the changing marketing environment makes one to study the concept of brand resonance in order to
survive in the market.
A brand is defined as name or symbol, term, design or combination of all which is required to
identify the goods and services of one seller to another seller and to differentiate uniquely from the
competitors. In marketing a product, brand name plays a major role for selling the product and most
important tool for whole product personality. Hence the marketers must create a strong brand image in the
minds of the customer that results in brand association .This positive brand image created by marketers
helps the consumer in the evaluation of the product quality.
Brand resonance is a systematic understanding of the customers , competitors and current marketing
environment. According to Aaker brand resonance is based on appropriate identity of the brand that needs
to reflect the marketing strategy of the marketers and the firm’s willingness to invest in the programs needed
for the brand to live up to its promise as well as commitment to customers.

Literature Review:
Product Involvement:
The product involvement construct was linked to marketing and consumer behaviour (Krugman, 1967)

and measurement of involvement with advertising (Michaelidou and Dibb, 2006). According to Miller

and Marks (1996), product involvement is an on-going commitment on the part of the customer with regard

to their thought, feeling, and behavioral response to their favourite product. Richins and Bloch (1986)

explored that customers with high product involvement would find their favourite products interesting and

this would help the customer to buy the product. According to Cheung, Lee and Jin (2011) the consumer

brand engagement for online community had a positive product

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness denotes how the consumers are familiar about the availability and accessibility of firms’
product and service. If a firm creates a successful brand awareness it denotes that the firms product and
service have a good reputation in the market and acceptable by their consumers (Gustafson & Chabot,
2007). According to Leila Andervazh and Mozhedeh (2016) there is a meaningful relation between
perceived quality and brand loyalty to brand awareness.

Brand Association

Aaker (1991) stated that the brand association is anything linked in memory of a consumer to their favourite

brand. This link becomes stronger when a customer makes a frequent experience with a specific brand or

IJRAR1904886 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 715
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

frequent purchase of a brand. Kevin Keller (1993) explored that the brand association reflects the

customer’s image of their favourite brand. Furthermore he stated that brand image is defined as perception

about consumer’s favourite brand as reflected by the brand association held in customer’s memory.

Perceived Quality

Perceived quality can be defined as the consumer’s perception of the overall quality or superiority of a
product or service which the consumer use with respect to its intended purpose, relative to alternatives.
According to Sik and Gede (2012) the perceived quality has more significant influence over customer
satisfaction compared to perceived price.
Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction can be defined as the overall customer attitude which is based on the consumer’s
experience after the purchase of the product or service in the customer mind. Muhammad Ghafoor and
Hafiz Iqbal (2015) revealed that both the customer satisfaction and brand image have positive significant
influence on brand loyalty.
Brand Trust:
According to Kotler (2012) brand refers to name, sign, symbol or design or the combination of all which
identifies the product category and makes it different from the competitor. Assael (1998) explored in their
study that brand trust is a cognitive component of the behaviour of the consumers. Rai and Medhna revealed
in their study that brand trust is the expectation of the agents involved in a transaction and the risk related to
the expectation and behaviour of the consumer.

Brand Resonance:
The last step in the brand equity pyramid model focuses on the final relationship and the nature of
identification that the customers have with the product or brand they use. Brand resonance reveals the
extent of the relationship and the extent to which consumers feel that they are in sync with the brand they
use.David Moore and Dayna Wurster (2007) explored that brand resonance helps in customer relationship
management between customers and the brand. According to Aric Rindfleisch, Nancy wong,(2004) the high
materialistic consumers are not selfish status seekers but are communal meaning seekers.

Objectives of the study:

1.To find out the influence of Brand awareness and Brand association on brand equity
2.To find out the relationship between brand equity,brand trust ,customer satisfaction on brand resonance.
3.To find out the relationship between Perceived quality on brand trust ,customer satisfaction and brand

IJRAR1904886 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 716
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Frame work of the study:

Research Methodology:
Descriptive research design was adopted for the present study. Descriptive research study is a
fact-finding investigation with adequate interpretation. It focuses on particular aspects or dimensions of the
problem studied. This research is based on primary data collected from well framed and structured
questionnaire to ensure good opinion of the respondents. This study explored the Royal Enfield bike owners
of Puducherry city. Due to financial constraints the study covers only Puducherry city and convenient
sampling method was adopted. A total of 150 respondents were chosen from different age group and with
help of structured interview the information was gathered. The survey was conducted during the three
months period from July 2018 to September 2018.The interview schedule has 120 questions divided into
eight sections namely product involvement ,brand awareness, brand association, brand equity, brand trust,
customer satisfaction, perceived quality and brand resonance.

Brand Selection:
Royal Enfield is a trusted name which always comes first in the mind of a person who wishes to buy a
motor bike with traditional features and reliable technology. Royal Enfield was established in India since
1955 and for the past 60 years it has become a trusted name in the two wheeler sector. Most of the
customers prefer this motor bike because they think it is their pride to own it and the price of the product
starts from 1.09 lakhs to 4.25 lakh rupees. Hence the researcher has selected the Royal Enfield bike as the
brand to be studied in two wheeler segment as Royal Enfield has official brand community and active
movement of Riders Mania event conducted every year.

IJRAR1904886 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 717
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Data Analysis and Interpretation:

Table 4.26.1: Model Fit Indication


84.034 0.001 0.113 0.919 0.812 0.940 0.939
Source: primary data
From the model indication table it is found that the calculated chi-square value is 84.034. The p
value is 0.001. This is less than 0.05. It is found that RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation)
value is 0.113, which is greater than 0.08, which is nearby eight percent. This indicates that it is moderately
fit. Here GFI (Goodness of Fit Index) value is 0.919. This is less than 0.90 also represent it is a moderately
fit. AGFI (Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index) value is 0.812. This is less than 0.90 also represent it is a
moderately fit. The calculated CFI (Comparative Fit Index) value is 0.940.NFI (Normed Fit Index) value is
0.939. These values are greater than 0.90. This means that it is a perfectly fit.
Figure 2: Path analysis of Brand Resonance

The above path analysis is run on a sample of 150 owners of Royal Enfield bike to identify the
relationship between exogenous variables and there is influence of exogenous variables on endogenous
variable with respect to mediator variable. Likewise the exogenous variables are brand association, product
involvement and brand awareness. The variables perceived quality, brand equity, brand trust and customer
satisfaction are considered as a mediator. Brand resonance is considered as an endogenous variable.

Table 4.24.2: Regression Weights of Brand Resonance

DV IV Estimate S.E. C.R. B p

Perceived Product
<--- 0.123 0.027 4.549 0.176 0.001
Quality Involvement

IJRAR1904886 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 718
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

DV IV Estimate S.E. C.R. B p

Perceived Brand
<--- 0.778 0.046 16.860 0.651 0.001
Quality Awareness
Brand Brand
1.965 0.072 27.474 0.364 0.001
Equity Awareness
Brand Brand
<--- 0.038 0.040 0.936 0.009 0.349
Equity Association
Brand Perceived
<--- 3.161 0.046 68.790 0.700 0.001
Equity Quality
Brand Product
<--- 0.091 0.028 3.254 0.029 0001
Equity Involvement
Brand Perceived
<--- -0.048 0.055 -0.863 -0.044 0.388
Trust Quality
Brand Brand
<--- 0.243 0.012 19.835 0.58 0.001
Trust Equity
Customer Brand
<--- 0.354 0.023 15.304 0.78 0.001
Satisfaction Equity
Customer Perceived
<--- 0.742 0.105 7.098 0.688 0.001
Satisfaction Quality
Brand Perceived
<--- 0.862 0.039 21.834 0.286 0.001
Resonance Quality
Brand Brand
<--- 0.060 0.013 4.574 0.090 0.001
Resonance Equity
Brand Brand
<--- 1.535 0.033 46.305 0.559 0.001
Resonance Trust
Brand Customer
<--- 2.299 0.018 130.823 0.822 0.001
Resonance Satisfaction
Source: primary data

Null Hypothesis (H1): There is no influence of product involvement on perceived quality.

The above given hypothesis was tested through path analysis model. The result shows that the
critical value is 4.549. Standard regression weight is 0.176. This is 17.6%. The obtained p value is 0.001. It
means that is significant. It can be declared that there is influence of product involvement over perceived
quality contribute to 17.6 percent. Hence, the alternative hypothesis has been accepted and null hypothesis
has been rejected. Thus, it is concluded that there is an influence of product involvement on perceived
Null Hypothesis (H2): There is no influence of brand awareness on brand equity.
The above given hypothesis was tested through path analysis model. The result shows that the
critical value is 16.860. Standard regression weight is 0.651. This is 65.1%. The obtained p value is 0.001. It
means that is significant. It can be declared that there is influence of brand awareness over brand equity

IJRAR1904886 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 719
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

contribute to 65.1 percent. Hence, the alternative hypothesis has been accepted and null hypothesis has been
rejected. Thus, it is concluded that there is an influence of brand awareness on brand equity.
Null Hypothesis (H3): There is no influence of brand awareness on brand equity.
The above given hypothesis was tested through path analysis model. The result shows that the
critical value is 27.474. Standard regression weight is 0.364. This is 36.4%. The obtained p value is 0.001. It
means that is significant. It can be declared that there is influence of brand awareness over brand equity
contribute to 36.4 percent. Hence, the alternative hypothesis has been accepted and null hypothesis has been
rejected. Thus, it is concluded that there is an influence of brand awareness on brand equity.
Null Hypothesis (H4): There is no influence of brand association on brand equity.
The above given hypothesis was tested through path analysis model. The result shows that the
critical value is 0.936. Standard regression weight is 0.009. This is 0.09%. The obtained p value is 0.349. It
means that is not significant. It can be declared that there is no influence of brand association over brand
equity. Hence, the alternative hypothesis has been rejected and null hypothesis has been accepted. Thus, it is
concluded that there is no influence of brand association on brand equity.
Null Hypothesis (H5): There is no influence of perceived quality on brand equity.
The above given hypothesis was tested through path analysis model. The result shows that the critical
value is 68.790. Standard regression weight is 0.70. This is 70%. The obtained p value is 0.001. It means
that is significant. It can be declared that there is influence of perceived quality over brand equity contribute
to 70 percent. Hence, the alternative hypothesis has been accepted and null hypothesis has been rejected.
Thus, it is concluded that there is an influence of perceived quality on brand equity.
Null Hypothesis (H6): There is no influence of product involvement on brand equity.
The above given hypothesis was tested through path analysis model. The result shows that the critical
value is 3.254. Standard regression weight is 0.029. This is 2.9%. The obtained p value is 0.001. It means
this is significant. It can be declared that there is influence of product involvement over brand equity
contributes to 2.9 percent. Hence, the alternative hypothesis has been accepted and null hypothesis has been
rejected. Thus, it is concluded that there is influence of product involvement on brand equity.
Null Hypothesis (H7): There is no influence of perceived quality on brand trust.
The above given hypothesis was tested through path analysis model. The result shows that the critical
value is -0.863. Standard regression weight is -0.044. This is 4.4%. The obtained p value is 0.388. It means
that is not significant. It can be declared that there is no influence of perceived quality over brand trust
contributes to 4.4 percent. Hence, the alternative hypothesis has been rejected and null hypothesis has been
accepted. Thus, it is concluded that there is no influence of perceived quality on brand trust.
Null Hypothesis (H8): There is no influence of brand equity on customer satisfaction.
The above given hypothesis was tested through path analysis model. The result shows that the critical
value is 15.304. Standard regression weight is 0.78. This is 78%. The obtained p value is 0.001. It means

IJRAR1904886 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 720
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

that is significant. It can be declared that there is influence of brand equity over customer satisfaction
contribute to 78 percent. Hence, the alternative hypothesis has been accepted and null hypothesis has been
rejected. Thus, it is concluded that there is an influence of brand equity on customer satisfaction.
Null Hypothesis (H9): There is no influence of perceived quality on customer satisfaction.
The above given hypothesis was tested through path analysis model. The result shows that the critical
value is 7.098. Standard regression weight is 0.68.8. This is 68.8%. The obtained p value is 0.001. It means
that is significant. It can be declared that there is influence of perceived quality over customer satisfaction
contribute to 68.8 percent. Hence, the alternative hypothesis has been accepted and null hypothesis has been
rejected. Thus, it is concluded that there is an influence of perceived quality on customer satisfaction.
Null Hypothesis (H10): There is no influence of brand equity on brand trust.
The above given hypothesis was tested through path analysis model. The result shows that the critical
value is 11.835. Standard regression weight is 0.58. This is 58%. The obtained p value is 0.001. It means
that is significant. It can be declared that there is influence of brand equity over brand trust contribute to 58
percent. Hence, the alternative hypothesis has been accepted and null hypothesis has been rejected. Thus, it
is concluded that there is an influence of brand equity on brand trust.
Null Hypothesis (H11): There is no influence of perceived quality on brand resonance.
The above given hypothesis was tested through path analysis model. The result shows that the critical
value is 21.834. Standard regression weight is 0.286. This is 28.6%. The obtained p value is 0.001. It means
that is significant. It can be declared that there is influence of perceived quality over brand resonance
contribute to 28.6 percent. Hence, the alternative hypothesis has been accepted and null hypothesis has been
rejected. Thus, it is concluded that there is an influence of perceived quality on brand resonance.
Null Hypothesis (H12): There is no influence of brand equity on brand resonance.
The above given hypothesis was tested through path analysis model. The result shows that the critical
value is 4.574. Standard regression weight is 0.090. This is 9%. The obtained p value is 0.001. It means that
is significant. It can be declared that there is influence of brand equity over brand resonance contribute to 9
percent. Hence, the alternative hypothesis has been accepted and null hypothesis has been rejected. Thus, it
is concluded that there is an influence of brand equity on brand resonance.
Null Hypothesis (H13): There is no influence of brand trust on brand resonance.
The above given hypothesis was tested through path analysis model. The result shows that the critical
value is 46.305. Standard regression weight is 0.559. This is 60%. The obtained p value is 0.001. It means
that is significant. It can be declared that there is influence of brand trust over brand resonance contribute to
60 percent. Hence, the alternative hypothesis has been accepted and null hypothesis has been rejected. Thus,
it is concluded that there is an influence of brand trust on brand resonance.
Null Hypothesis (H14): There is no influence of customer satisfaction on brand resonance.

IJRAR1904886 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 721
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

The above given hypothesis was tested through path analysis model. The result shows that the
critical value is 130.823. Standard regression weight is 0.822. This is 82.2%. The obtained p value is 0.001.
It means that is significant. It can be declared that there is influence of customer satisfaction over brand
resonance contribute to 82.2 percent. Hence, the alternative hypothesis has been accepted and null
hypothesis has been rejected. Thus, it is concluded that there is an influence of customer satisfaction on
brand resonance.

1. The analysis found that there is influence of product involvement and brand awareness on brand
2. It is found that there is no influence of brand association on brand equity.
3. There is influence of brand equity, brand trust, customer satisfaction on brand resonance.
4. From the path analysis, it is found that there is influence of perceived quality on customer
satisfaction and brand resonance.
5. It is identified that there is no influence of perceived quality on brand trust.

Conclusion and Recommendations

 These research result reveals that there is no influence of perceived quality on brand trust. The

analysis also highlights that the Royal Enfield bike owners bought the bike because as they have

more trust on the brand and not of explicit quality factor.

 Important to note about the study findings is the fact that there is an influence of product

involvement on perceived quality; there is an influence of brand awareness, brand association

and perceived quality on brand equity; there is an influence of brand equity on brand trust; there

is an influence of brand equity and perceived quality on customer satisfaction and there is an

influence of brand trust and customer satisfaction on brand resonance. Hence it is recommended

that to achieve this and for longer sustainability of brand, the strategists should discover the

touch points of the Royal Enfield bike owners and need to tap frequently and make drum beats in

the market, so that the customers listens to and observe the brand and the brand can withhold the

position of power brand and high brand resonance customers.

IJRAR1904886 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 722
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)


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