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The following act/acts committed by the candidates at the University examinations shall
be construed as indiscipline:

i) Any attempt to prevent/disturb/boycott the University examinations.

ii) Carrying or any attempt to carry lethal weapons into the examination hall or its
premises. Acts of intimidation or insult or assault of fellow examinees and/or of any
officers responsible for the conduct of University Examinations.

iii) Acts of intimidation or insult or assault of fellow examinees and/or of any officers
responsible for the conduct of University Examinations.

iv) Any misbehaviour on the part of a candidate/candidates during the actual conduct
of the examination.

v) Any attempt to tamper with or steal question papers or answer scripts.

vi) Acts of cheating like substituting the answer books, or inserting readymade answers
in the answer books supplied by the University.

vii) Any attempt to impersonate. In such cases of impersonation, both the candidate who
impersonates and the candidate who is impersonated shall be guilty of indiscipline.

2. Candidates who indulge in any of the above types of indiscipline shall, after due
enquiry, be debarred from taking any University Examination for an appropriate period
not exceeding three years.

3. The enquiry under this Part is independent of any criminal proceedings.

1. The following act/acts committed by the candidates during the conduct of the university
examinations shall be construed as malpractice:

i) Carrying into the examination hall or possessing any books, notes, slips of papers or any written
material pertaining to the subject of the examination, any other gadget/device/object like electronic
watches with memory, logarithmic/mathematical/statistical/scientific tables, calculators, laptop
computers, personal stereo systems, walkie-talkie sets, paging devices, mobile phones etc. of unfair

ii) Receiving assistance from other examinees or giving assistance to them in the examination hall
on any matter pertaining to the subject of the examination.

iii) Copying from any papers, books or notes.

iv) Allowing any other candidate to copy from his/her answer books or attempting to copy from
the answer books of other candidates.

v) Having any written matter on the person (like palm, hand, legs, clothes etc.) relevant to the

vi) Disclosing identity in the University Examination by:

a) Writing the Registration Number of the candidate at any place in the answer script other than the
space provided for it in the front page of the main answer book.

b) Writing the name of the candidate anywhere in the answer script.

c) Writing/drawing religious or other symbols/names/designs, etc., at any place in the answer script.

d) Using colours while answering except in subjects where they are essential for an answer.

e) Underlining the key answers in colours other than colours used for writing the answer.

f) Writing the whole answers in colours other than blue or black.

g) Drawing/making designs around the question numbers such as making square around the
question number, encircling question numbers with or without colour pens.

h) Attempt to disclose the identity by any means other than those mentioned in (a) to (g).

vii) Using obscene or abusive language in the answer books or writing any appeal in the answer
book for more marks or offering inducements/threats to valuers.

viii) Passing the question papers or answer books to other candidates with anything scribbled or
written on it.

ix) Tearing off or spoiling the pages in the answer books or drawing sheets/graph sheets/maps etc.,
supplied by the University.

x) Destroying or attempting to destroy any evidence of malpractice.

xi) Taking away the used or blank answer book/ additional sheets/ MCQ question papers outside
the examination hall/room.
2. Candidates who indulge in any of the types of malpractice under this Part shall, after due enquiry,
be debarred for not more than three University examinations, including the one in which the
candidate is found guilty of malpractice.



1. In all cases of indiscipline as defined under Part I above, the Chief Superintendent shall prevent
the candidate from writing the examination and report the matter to the Registrar Evaluation
immediately. He shall also lodge a complaint with the police, in case of necessity.

2. On receipt of such a report, the Registrar Evaluation shall take appropriate action to deal with
the matter/and later place the matter before the Malpractice Committee for enquiry.

3. In all cases of malpractice, the Chief Superintendent shall submit a report to the Registrar
Evaluation in the prescribed proforma, and follow the procedure described hereunder.

4. As soon as a case of malpractice is detected in the examination hall, the Chief Superintendent
shall be called at once. In the meantime, the Room Superintendent / Invigilator shall prevent the
candidate from writing further, and shall not allow the candidate to remove, displace or destroy the
material involved in the malpractice. Unless it is unavoidable, the Room Superintendent /
Invigilator shall not take possession of such material till the Chief Superintendent comes to the

5. The Chief Superintendent shall take the candidate out of the Examination Hall and question him
in the presence of two responsible witnesses like the Deputy Chief Superintendent or any other
Supervisory staff, and record his statement, which shall be attested by the witnesses. If the
candidate refuses to give any statement, he shall be asked to record his refusal in writing and sign
it. If the candidate refuses to do even that, the fact of his refusal shall be noted in the space provided
in the proforma of the report meant for the candidate, duly witnessed by two members of the
Supervisory staff, including the Deputy Chief Superintendent wherever appointed.

6. When a candidate in the examination hall is found in possession of some written material, it
should be clearly stated whether the material was found on the body, in the pocket or in the hand
of the candidate or in his desk, or elsewhere as the case may be.

7. When cases of malpractice are detected by any member of the Flying Squad sent by the
University, the procedure as laid down in paras 4 and 5 above shall be followed, and the official of
the flying squad shall also sign the report.

8. A sketch plan of the seating arrangement in the examination hall with all the Register numbers
in the room and marking in red ink the Registration number of the candidate who indulges in
malpractice, shall be prepared by the Chief Superintendent who shall also sign it. The sketch shall
clearly give the idea of the probable distance between the position of the Room
Superintendent/Invigilator at the time of detection of the malpractice and the location of the
candidate found committing the malpractice.
9. The Chief Superintendent, the Deputy Chief Superintendent, the Office Superintendent and the
Room Superintendent/Invigilator concerned shall sign all the documents pertaining to the
commission of the malpractice and also other connected records such as the sketch plan, answer

10. The candidate, the Room Superintendent/Invigilator, the Deputy Chief Superintendent,
(wherever available), the officials of the flying squad (if the case was detected by the squad) and
the Chief Superintendent shall furnish their signed statement in the proforma prescribed by the
University. If the space provided in the printed proforma is not sufficient, extra sheets (bearing the
seal of the examination centre) may be used. These statements shall always be clear and exhaustive
in every respect and include all the facts and the relevant circumstances of the case and other

11. If and when the Chief Superintendent is convinced that the candidate has committed
malpractice during the examination, he shall collect the hall ticket, answer book, question paper,
materials used for malpractice like papers, kerchief, mobile phones etc. as the case may be and send
the candidate out of the Examination Hall for that session. Such candidate shall not be permitted to
take the subsequent papers/practical and viva examinations of the examination for which the
candidate has registered till the appropriate authority clears him/her.

12. On receipt of such reports the Registrar Evaluation shall forward it to the Malpractice and
Lapses Enquiry/Disciplinary Committee who shall enquire into each case separately in accordance
with the procedure laid down in Part IV below and send their report to the Registrar Evaluation for
presenting it to the Vice Chancellor whose decision shall be the final.



1. The Registrar Evaluation shall appoint a Malpractice and Lapses Enquiry/Disciplinary

Committee in consultation with the Vice Chancellor.

2. The Chairman/Members of the Committee shall be entitled to T.A. and sitting fee for each
meeting, according to the rates admissible for the meetings of other statutory bodies.

3. The committee shall enquire into all cases of indiscipline, misbehaviour and malpractices
under Parts I and II above, in accordance with the procedure laid down hereunder.

4. On receipt of the reports regarding indiscipline/Malpractice from the Registrar Evaluation,

the Chainman shall fix a date, in consultation with the members, for the enquiry of such cases.

5. The Chairman of the Committee shall communicate the date, time and place of such enquiry
to the concerned candidates under certificate of posting and also a copy of it to the
Dean/Principal of the concerned college with a request to serve it on the concerned candidates,
under acknowledgement. Such notices shall briefly mention the charge/charges against the
6. On receiving such notices, if the candidate admits his guilt in writing to the Chairman of
Committee, forwarding it through the Dean/Principal of the College, the Committee may
decide the case in his absence and award punishment according to the merits of the case, and
subject to the limits prescribed in Parts I and II above, as the case may be.

7. If the candidate is absent for the enquiry, one more date shall be fixed for the enquiry, and
he/she shall be informed of the adjourned date by the Chairman of the Committee by
registered post 'A.D. Should the candidate be absent for the second time also, with or without
any explanation, the Committee shall decide the case expert and award punishment according
to the merits of the case, and subject to the limits prescribed in Parts I and II above, as the
case may be.

8. In case of the candidate being present for the enquiry, the committee shall read out to
him/her the charges against him/her and record the candidate's explanation. The Committee,
if necessary, shall examine the witnesses in support of the charges in the presence of the
candidate and give the candidate an opportunity to cross-examine such witnesses.

9. At the end of the enquiry, the committee shall read out its recordings to the candidate and
take his/her signature.

10. The candidate shall personally defend the case and no other person shall be allowed to
represent the case, on behalf of the candidate.

11. In all cases of invalidation of an examination, it shall be of the whole examination and not
of any part or paper thereof.

12. In any case, the punishments shall not exceed the limits prescribed under Parts I and II
above, for all cases of indiscipline and malpractice respectively.

13. The Malpractice and Lapses Enquiry/Disciplinary Committee shall then make its
recommendations and forward the report to the Registrar Evaluation in a closed cover by

14. The Registrar Evaluation shall place the report before the Vice Chancellor at the earliest
opportunity and the decision of the Vice Chancellor shall be final.

15. The Registrar Evaluation shall then issue a show cause notice to the candidate,
communicating the decision of the Vice Chancellor and calling upon him/her to show cause
within a week's time as to why the punishments proposed by the Vice Chancellor should not
be awarded.

16. All replies to such show cause notices shall again be placed before the Vice Chancellor
for confirmation or reconsideration of the proposed punishment.

17. The final decision of the Vice Chancellor shall again be communicated to the candidate by
the Registrar Evaluation who shall also take further steps to implement the same.

The report and other relevant documents shall be filled in office / sent by
registered post, acknowledgement due, addressed to the Registrar
Evaluation by name. The packet containing the report and answer book etc.,
shall be superscribed as 'Stray Answer Book' in block capitals.


Malpractice Case Report Form


Centre :

Examination :

Subject :

Paper :

Date :

Name of the Candidate :

Reg. No. of the Candidate :

Place: Signature of the Chief Superintendent

Date: Name:
Dy.Registrar Evaluation
MAHE Bengaluru Campus

Dear Sir,

1. I am sending herewith a case of Malpractice by …………………………………………………………

(name) son/daughter of ………………………………………………………………………………………..and a
student of ……………………………………………………………………………………………College, bearing
Reg.No.…………………………………., who appeared for the Examination at my centre.

2. The case took place in the room marked…………………………on the copy of the seating
plan at about……………………………….(time) on……………………………………………………..(date).

3. The distance between the offending candidate and the Room

Superintendent/Invigilator’s table was ……………………………………………………………………

4. The report of the Room Superintendent/Invigilator is in part II and my detailed

report is in Part IV.

5. The statement/s of the candidate/s (Part III of the Report form) involved is enclosed
at Page ……………………………The candidate/s refused to give statement/s.
(Strike out whichever is not applicable)

6. A copy of the certified plan of seating arrangements is at page ……………………………

7. The materials seized are at page ………………………They are attested by me and the
Room Superintendent/Invigilator.

8. The answer book is at page ………………..along with a copy of the question paper.

9. The concerned Room Superintendent/lnvigilator's Diary is at page ……………………

10. The Hall Ticket (Admission Ticket) of the candidate is at page ……………….

11. The candidate's permanent address:

12. The Chief Superintendent's permanent address:

Yours faithfully,

Chief Superintendent of Examinations


Report of the Room Superintendent/Invigilator in-charge of the Room/Rows


i) Strike out paragraphs which are not applicable to you.

ii) All the statements made by you should be based on personal knowledge.
iii) Make an entry separately in the Room Superintendent/Invigilator's Diary
regarding the malpractice report made by you.

1. The statement given by me is based on my personal knowledge.

2. Before the commencement of the Examination, I have read the following

statement and warned the candidates: 'You should search your pockets, desks
and benches and hand over to me any paper, book, note, mobile phone etc.
which you may find therein, before starting to answer your paper of
examination'. This warning was given individually to late comers also.

3. While I was supervising on ………………..(date) at about……………………(Time), I

detected this case of malpractice in Room No. ……………………. . The candidate's
Registration Number is …………………………………….…..…. The detailed facts of the
case are given below:

Yours faithfully,

Room Superintendent/Invigilator:

Place: Date:




(i) The candidate shall be asked in the presence of a responsible witness, such as the
Deputy Chief Superintendent or senior member of the staff to give his statement. The
statement shall be in the candidate's own handwriting and shall be signed by the
candidate and attested by the witness and the Chief Superintendent.

(ii) If the candidate refuses to give his statement, the candidate shall be asked to record in
writing his refusal to give a statement. If he refuses to do even that, the fact shall be
noted duly witnessed by two members of the supervisory staff including the Deputy
Chief Superintendent (where appointed).

Detailed Narrative Report of the Chief Superintendent:

Evidence Collected
Malpractice Enquiry Committee Report


Name of the candidate

Registration Number
Date: Time:

Malpractice: Candidate was found having written text on during the examinations which is relevant to
the subject of examination.

Enquiry: The committee deduces that by indulging in an overt and patent act of premeditated malpractice, the
candidate has broken the rules, regulations and bye Laws of this University. The candidate has ignored

a) Instructions to the candidate printed in the Admission Ticket.

The candidate has broken the bye laws listed under Part II: Malpractice items 1(i) & (iii).

The candidate has admitted indulging in examination malpractice and is found guilty.

1. The examination of the subject " " registered during
is invalidated and awarded with "F" grade.
2. He shall be permitted to take up the above examination

3. However, the grade for the subject/s " " shall be capped to

4. Any Other

Dr. Vinod V Thomas . .

Registrar-Evaluation . Director . Director, Student Affairs

MAHE-Manipal . MIT, Bengaluru Campus . MAHE, Bengaluru Campus

Office of the Registrar-Evaluation, MAHE,, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Blr Campus),
Karnataka, India. dir. 91 820 2923402, 2571201 fax. 91 820 2571059 e-mail.

Disciplinary action for malpractice in the University examination

, bearing Reg. No. , student of has been found
indulging in malpractice during the University examination of in the subject "____________
____" held on at Malpractice Enquiry Committee constituted
by the University found that the student violated the examination rules. Based on their recommendations,
the examination of the subject " " given by . during
is invalidated and awarded with "F" grade. He is permitted to take up the
subject"________________________ " along with the __________________.
However, the grade for the above subject will be capped to "C". Also, the student is cautioned that any
further misconduct by him in the examinations will be viewed very seriously and it may lead to severe
punishment, even up to termination from the program.
Dr. Vinod V Thomas

Through, The Director, MIT, Bengaluru Campus

Reg. No.

Copy for information to:

1. The Vice Chancellor, MAHE, Manipal
2. The Registrar, MAHE, Manipal
3. The Director, Manipal Institute of Technology, Bengaluru

Office of the Registrar-Evaluation, MAHE,, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Blr Campus),
Karnataka, India. dir. 91 820 2923402, 2571201 fax. 91 820 2571059 e-mail.

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