Research and Project ENG 2523 Proposal Sample

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Many campaigns have been launch by the government in order to make Malaysian citizen to realize on how very important is reading to our society where it also gives them more beneficial information. Recently, reading campaign that has been launched by National Library of Malaysia about 4 years back and also the declaration of July as Reading Month. These has been done to encourage people especially students to read more. Quite a big amount of money has been spending to this campaign. However, the campaign did not work because the outcome is still zero. The number of readers in Malaysia still did not increase. This research is important because to reveal why Malaysian especially students having a very bad reading habits. In addition, this research will cover what kind of reading habits that students actually practice. In this case, reading habits should be practice in tertiary level in order to improve communication skills as everybody know that most students find difficult to communicate particularly using English. Apparently, students will facing problem if they dont like reading because it will lead to lack of idea, low level of communication skills and lack of knowledge about current issues.


The number of Malaysian citizen who likes to read are very diminutive compared to others country such as Japan and United States where they practice reading since childhood. Although many campaign has been done in order to increase the number of readers in Malaysia, the result still maintain and did not show any increasing of readers number. The purpose of this research is to determine the best way of overcome reading habits in education institution. Therefore, it will find causes of why students dont like to read. Reading gives a lot of benefits. Indeed, it is the key of success. However, students still do not aware of this issue. To collect data for this study, a survey adapted from previous studies (Reading Habits of B. Ed. TESL Foundation Cohort 4 Students) was administered to the sample as guidance. Based on this research, it is only diverge in term of concept where it only cover what and which of materials students really likes to read about.


The purpose of this research is to investigate what is the major problem that leads to bad reading habits among college student. In addition, it intends to analyse the opinion and feelings of students towards the reading habits. Furthermore, the research will compare the view of person who like to read and did not like to read. It will also find the solution on how to change students mentality particularly in tertiary level towards reading habits. Moreover, to find out what really students like to read and what kind of way and reading materials they like to choose.


i) ii) iii) iv)

What is the factor that makes students reluctant to read? What is type of reading materials student like choose? What kind of reading method that students prefer to read? How to change Malaysian attitude especially student towards behaviour and make reading as a habits?


What source of information instead of reading do they like better?


The findings will help IPTA/IPTS institution management to discover the best way on how to encourage students to read and make it as a habit in daily life. Therefore, it will change students perception and behaviour toward reading habits. Moreover, it

also encourages students to adapt reading culture and learn from other country that practice reading habit.


Respondents who are college students who does not like to read. College staff especially educators. Public people who aware about reading habits.


Primary Data: - Observation - Questionnaire - Interview

This survey will be distributed to 50 selected students which are consisting of 25 for male and 25 for female students where randomly selected by the researcher.

Secondary Data: - Literature review: Previous research - Electronic resources: internet, websites - Newspapers

In this secondary data there will be more on previous research, survey and observation as a guidance and reference. This will help the researcher to find out the problem that is not been discover yet.


[Refer to table 1.1 Work Schedule 2010]

REFERENCE Todays Zaman with Wires, Study reveals poor reading habits among university students, viewed 12th August 2010, < web/ load=detay&link=168037> Sarah, Suriati & Azri, Reading Habits of B. Ed. TESL Foundation Cohort 4 Students, viewed 12th August 2010, <>

CALL TO ACTION Permission to proceed with the research:

_____________________________ (MR AHMAD SARUDDIN BIN ENDUT)



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Identifying Topic of research


Preparing & Presenting Proposal for research Discussing & Designing Research Instruments Collecting Data through Primary and Secondary Sources Analyzing Collected Data Drafting Report Preparing for Presentation Presenting the Report Revising Final Report Binding Final Report








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Table 1.1 Work Schedule 2010

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