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(Document) # 786161 14 - 003.223

Halal Certification Services
Halalzertifizieru ngsd ienste Revision date 15t01t13
Services certification Halal Page 1 of2
Date 't6t12t14

Ferrous (lron ll) Fumarate (Vasfumarät) a;--rrr-Jl ölJt-rÄ

It is certified that the above mentioned product produced by 3 ,o).cl J$Ul OAiJt rJt rdii

Ferropharma Ghemicals LTD

Erdö Sor 13, 6766 Döc, Hungary

is Halal according to the lslamic Jurisdiction and fit for consumption by humans 1"+t ü=
,=.rYl €D{j-X dU: ü-,yl elS-Y.

The verified and audited system is complying with A" c*t_* a&-:l_.,;" J 4.-sÄ cS$l plJo:ll I
HS 09 - 001 and is constantly supervised by äl"*19 JIJ^i-'! a:$ly i+ -l Halal Certification
Services GmbH.

This Certificate, in combination with ärkj e^ iiriL ,är$Il o.ra HCS, Certificate for
Production Site (786161 14 -002.222) etijyl i9J, is valid only for one (1) year, effective
from cro ql+ .tiÄ r.sl3 pLc äül äJL- December 16th 2014 until .=js : December 31st

It remains the property of the I \J,-- 1$L ;rta+ill Halal Certification Services GmbH
and can be revoked, at any time, in an event of breach of the lslamic code or HCS'
"Halal Guidelines" or the Agreement. flS-l+ cJ)Äyl äJl.' ..,t' Sj .gl WLilJ üS+ _l
LSlilyl+ cDiyt ä11^ .,.i :i ....+ ä.-lÄll gJ)-ll JJJI -+ Ji 4i^\yl 4+-dll. "+

Halal Certification Services GmbH

Dr. Moham rtification Manager a-lsit r.-,..r

C I I r ajl-

:j[ t\t, -\'-\r

.ii|r I l^'

Rheinfelden, 16th December 2014125th Safar 1430

Halal Certification Services GmbH. P.O. Box247, 4310 Rheinfelden.
Tel: +41 61 813 30 64 Fax'. +41 61 813 30 65

Halal Certification Services (HCS) is officially recognized by:

MUI (lndonesia) JAKIM (Malaysia) MUIS (Singapore), CICOT and other respected Halal authorities around the World
(Document) # 786',t61 14 - 003.223
Halal Certification Services
H alalzerlifizi e ru n g sd e n ste
Revision date 15t01t13
Services certification Halal Page 2 of 2
Date 16112114

This product is free from any haram animal ingredients and alcohol. The equipment used for

production process does not come in contact with haram products. The storage facilities are
indiscriminately separate, having no contact, what so ever, to any other haram products. The
producer is comprehensively advised about "Halal, Haram and Mashuh" (suspected), is
committed to the Halal guidelines as prescribed by lslamic law and is dedicated in his
endeavour to comply with Halal requirements.

The ingredients used in the production of the mentioned products are clear. They are free
from any haram, suspect and genetically modified components.

The certificate is based on personal inspection of the production site and thorough study of
the ingredients, the hygienic conditions, the packing, the packing material requirements, the
storage facilities and its effects on the products during the maximum storage iime as well as
guaranteed continuous quality control of the process during and after production by the
producer. lt includes detailed consultations with the internal board, an evaluation oi the
prescribed formulas and scrutinization of the concerning data provided by the company. We
have studied the details of the contents and have satisfied ourselves itrat tne meniioned
product(s) do not contain ?hy'ihslsr ingredients" or "haram by-products,,.

Y ElsYl 1Jl"r i Lrrt'*Jl drlr'-ll ..JJ.sll cr: pl;o drEJs. cl u,_GllÄ

cij.ll ha
g- e9 Lll ü"lli kJ r+JJ Y J qU+ älJr^t üjlÄ.ll .caJil 1l;n öLrJr^ c9l 6^ ul*)L:i
rjjL Cji,ällr .0j4,&.ll _l pl;r-Jt ,J).sll d1c Ctrlt 4ic'-i .et> ä;tiL! .rt i >t gii
cD-ll ;g;lJ cjllL)U ol--,,* .t+ J 4J.\yl 4+J.üJl tx
ipt cD-ll l;Jl--+ j hb
fl> üJS^ cl ü" UlÄ : ä^.:l: o)cl -l3SLll Aijlll A[iil j LrÄi..,.11 öUJS^ll
Sl-,-l cJ.u-:l oja.,i^

,4.--^-ll _1;JlJl ,öurtull i^:Ji3.*ll LtJ$l & : eLxyl g_r;_l!j,,Jc 4J+" äJa;sJl
ellK: .gJ,-ill ü_;sjll ä.u cDÄ öliliJl .-L> tajil J üjlJl ,, äJliiil .rl3 ,eir_tliill

c!ur++r,-=*i : ..yrr'
A!^ll cJl u-öl .erJ criJl
.*u,rjH;ffiJ u'l!J ril
: d;.-tiill Js ,+
;ä#::#ff'ffi .i+ii^ll äs1*tll cJ," Lri"ll
el> qt^ äii.,i^ crUJS.o" _ll "llF clUJS.o,' ,,Ic .gA y l_iS.r^ll

Halal Certification Services GmbH

Rheinfelden, 16th December 2014125th Safar 1436

Halal Certification Services GmbH, P.O. Box247, 0 Rheinfelden, Switzerland
Tel: +41 61 813 30 64 Fax'. +41 61 813 30 65 emait:
Halal Certification Services (HCS) is otficially recognized by:
MUI (lndonesia) JAKIM (Malaysia) MUIS (Singapore), cICOT and other respected Haläl authorities around the World

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