Launch Playbook: Types of Launches

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Launch Playbook
🚀 LAUNCH CONTINUOUSLY- Launching is not a moment in time.

Types of Launches:

1. Silent Launch (Landing Page Launch)

a. Domain Name

b. Company Name

c. Short Description

d. Contact

e. Call to action

2. Friends and Family launch

a. Get out of this phase as quickly as possible.

b. Get feedback. Try to convert some into WAUs

c. Get network or second degree connections to use.

3. Launch to Strangers

a. Find people by email marketing.

b. Find people having a problem and ask them to adopt.

c. Have templates, best practices to send or as a value add to them.

d. Try setting up a quick call. Get them to talk to you. Offer value by saying: I am expert in XYZ and I am
happy to talk about these topics.

e. Strangers are visitors to your landing page or app marketplace page.

4. Online Community Launch

a. Startup School and Y-com directory (bookface)

b. Product Hunt

c. Hacker News

d. reddit, subreddit: ask for advice or feedback

e. Elpha

Launch Playbook 1
f. Facebook groups

g. Alumni groups

h. Slack groups

i. CMU Build Sprint group

j. LinkedIn groups?

k. No marketing language. No jargon. Keep it simple while posting on online communities:

i. Introduce your company

ii. What are you building?

iii. Who are you building it for?

iv. Why?

v. Interesting insights you may have collected regarding the time spent on solving the problem,
impact of the problem etc.

5. Request for Access launch

a. ‘Join the waitlist’ button.

b. Interested participants can skip the line by spreading the word: Post on LinkedIn, Twitter, Share with a

c. Ask a current user to refer you.

d. Include Signature tag: Created on Aligned, Sent by SuperHuman, Created via Calendly etc.

6. Social media or blogger launch

a. Launching to popular blogs that cover topics of your product’s domain.

b. Reaching out to Medium writers that cover tech.

c. Reaching out productivity YouTube channels that cover the tech etc.

d. Do not pay early on for blogger or influencer opportunities.

7. Pre-Order campaigns

a. Pre-bookings with only a video or small demo. See if you can collect money using it.

8. New feature or product launch

a. In-product blog

b. Newsletter

c. Banner on website and other app stores

Launch Playbook 2
d. Tweet, LinkedIn post, Facebook post, Instagram post.

9. Start building your own community

a. Add people to your email list. Update them on what you are building on a semi-regular schedule.

b. Once you hit a major milestone (Pre-seed, Seed, Tech Crunch article, Reached 1000 users etc.),
send out email to your community asking for help to boost the message and spread the word about
your product.

10. Press Launch

a. TechCrunch Launch (The shiz- Level Extreme)

b. Business Insider

Launch Playbook 3

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