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Section 1: Biology and Metabolism of Alveolar Bone

Kantarci A, Will L, Yen S (eds): Tooth Movement. Front Oral Biol. Basel, Karger, 2016, vol 18, pp 1–8
DOI: 10.1159/000351894

Periodontal Ligament and Alveolar Bone in Health

and Adaptation: Tooth Movement
Nan Jiang · Weihua Guo · Mo Chen · Ying Zheng · Jian Zhou ·
Sahng Gyoon Kim · Mildred C. Embree · Karen Songhee Song ·
Heloisa F. Marao · Jeremy J. Mao
Center for Craniofacial Regeneration, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, N.Y., USA

Abstract periodontal disease. There are myriads of de-

The periodontal ligament (PDL) and alveolar bone are scriptive studies of multiple cell types and their
two critical tissues for understanding orthodontic tooth gene expression profiles of the PDL and alveolar
movement. The current literature is replete with descrip- bone, often separately in orthodontics and peri-
tive studies of multiple cell types and their matrices in the odontal research literatures. Matrix synthesis is
PDL and alveolar bone, but is deficient with how stem/ another area of focus of numerous investigations
progenitor cells differentiate into PDL and alveolar bone of the PDL and alveolar bone. Far deficient is our
cells. Can one type of orthodontic force with a specific understanding of how stem/progenitor cells dif-
magnitude and frequency activate osteoblasts, whereas ferentiate into mature cells in the PDL and alveo-
another force type activates osteoclasts? This chapter will lar bone, including fibroblasts, osteoblasts and
discuss the biology of not only mature cells and their ma- osteoclasts [1]. This deficiency applies to not only
trices in the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone, but our understanding in homeostasis, but also as
also stem/progenitor cells that differentiate into fibro- adaptive responses during tooth movement and
blasts, osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Key advances in tooth periodontal disease.
movement rely on further understanding of osteoblast This chapter focuses on three related topics:
and fibroblast differentiation from mesenchymal stem/ (1) fundamental cell and matrix structures of the
progenitor cells, and osteoclastogenesis from the hema- PDL and alveolar bone, (2) PDL and alveolar
topoietic/monocyte lineage. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel bone remodeling during orthodontics tooth
movement, and (3) how our understanding of
PDL and alveolar bone stem/progenitor cells may
The alveolar bone, periodontal ligament (PDL) help advance orthodontics. Orthodontic tooth
and cementum are intimately related structures movement is typically divided into three phases
in development and functions. Collectively, they by clinical observation: the initial phase, the lag
form the periodontium that is of critical relevance phase, and the postlag phase [2]. The initial phase
not only to orthodontic tooth movement, but also occurs 24–48 h after force application. The lag - 3/9/2016 9:15:26 AM
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phase lasts multiple days with little tooth move- um cells in the PDL, following amelogenesis. In
ment. The post-lag phase is when clinically no- addition, osteoblasts, osteoclasts and cemento-
ticeable tooth movement is observed. To date, our blasts are present in the PDL and participate in
understanding of how stem/progenitor cells are the homeostasis of the periodontium. The osteo-
involved in orthodontic tooth movement remains blasts and osteoclasts reside in the PDL on the
at an infancy stage. surface of lamina dura and in endosteal surfaces
of the alveolar bone, and are also responsive to
mechanical stresses.
Periodontal Ligament PDL and alveolar bone readily remodel in ho-
meostasis and orthodontic tooth movement. Os-
The PDL connects the cementum to the alveolar teoblasts in the PDL and alveolar bone are re-
bone by bundles of type I collagen named Sharp- placed every few months [10]. Most biological tis-
ey’s fibers. The width of a periodontal ligament in sues adapt and self-renew, serving as an indication
homeostasis is approximately 0.15–0.38 mm, de- that there must be stem cells, which replenish and
pending on the tooth type. The PDL has two pri- replace terminally differentiated cells that period-
mary functions: (1) to transmit and absorb me- ically undergo apoptosis. Stem cells are immature
chanical stress and (2) to provide vascular supply and unspecialized cells that can (1) self-renew
and nutrients to the cementum, alveolar bone and and (2) undergo asymmetrical differentiation:
the PDL itself [3]. The PDL is a connective tissue producing precise copies of stem cells and at the
and shares certain similarities with tendons and same time differentiate into specialized cell types
other ligaments in the appendicular skeleton [4]. such as fibroblasts and osteoblasts. In a develop-
ing embryo, embryonic stem cells can differenti-
Cells ate into every single 200 types of specialized cells
Fibroblasts constitute about 50–60% of the total in the body, and therefore, are called pluripotent
PDL cellularity [5]. PDL fibroblasts consist of stem cells [11]. In the adult, stem cells are likely
multiple subpopulations and thus are heteroge- more restricted and can differentiate into a lim-
neous. PDL cells experience and respond to me- ited number of cell types, but nonetheless, can re-
chanical stresses [6], such as those in orthodon- plenish mature cells that are lost to apoptosis [12].
tic tooth movement. Other PDL cells include Postnatal stem/progenitor cells are more restrict-
macrophages, lymphocytes and endothelial cells ed in the number of lineages that they can differ-
that form the lining of blood vessels [7]. When entiate into. Typically, progenitor cells differenti-
forces are applied to the tooth, PDL fibroblasts ate into only one type of mature cells during
react by activating stretch-sensitive Ca2+-perme- homeostasis.
able channels and increase actin polymerization There are two types of dental stem cells: epi-
and yield a rapid and transient increase in c-fos thelial stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells [13,
expression that in turn stimulates their prolif- 14]. Epithelial and mesenchymal stem cells inti-
eration and differentiation [8]. Activated fibro- mately interact during tooth development: epi-
blasts secrete plasminogen activator as well as its thelial stem cells giving rise to ameloblasts, where-
inhibitor, matrix metalloproteases and their in- as mesenchymal stem cells differentiating into
hibitors, cytokines (PGE-2) and interleukin-6 fibroblasts, odontoblasts, cementoblasts, osteo-
[9]. blasts, and perhaps other cells in the periodontal
The PDL further consists of defense cells such ligament [15].
as macrophages and mast cells. Epithelial rem- Periodontal ligament cells have been stud-
nants of Malassez are descents of dental epitheli- ied  for decades, due to their significance in - 3/9/2016 9:15:26 AM
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Kantarci A, Will L, Yen S (eds): Tooth Movement. Front Oral Biol. Basel, Karger, 2016, vol 18, pp 1–8
DOI: 10.1159/000351894
periodontal disease and also orthodontic tooth Alveolar Bone
movement. Dental follicle cells, which originate
from neural crest derived mesenchyme, differen- A better name for the alveolar bone is dental bone
tiate into cells that form the periodontium and or tooth bone, for tooth loss leads to disappear-
are present in the developing tooth germ prior to ance of the alveolar bone. Although the bulk of
root formation [16]. Among fibroblast-like cells the alveolar bone is trabecular bone, it does con-
in the periodontal ligament, stem/progenitor tain a plate of compact bone adjacent to the peri-
cells have been identified [17]. Typically, soft tis- odontal ligament called the lamina dura. The
sue is scraped from the root of an extracted tooth PDL pierces through the lamina dura and an-
and enzyme-digested to release a small number chors to the alveolar bone, with the other end
of cells. Morphologically, it is impossible to sepa- connected to the cementum [22]. The inner (lin-
rate PDL fibroblasts from PDL stem/progenitor gual) and outer (labial) cortical plates are also
cells. Nonetheless, certain PDL cells yield proge- composed of compact bone.
nies upon single cell colony assay and can differ- Alveolar bone is a mineralized connective tis-
entiate into multiple cell lineages in vitro. In sue and consists of mineral tissue, organic matrix
chemically defined culture conditions, specific and water. In the alveolar bone, 23% is mineral-
PDL cells differentiate into cementoblast-like ized tissue; 37% is the organic matrix which most-
cells, adipocytes, and collagen-forming cells. ly is collagen, and the other 40% is water [23].
When transplanted into immune-compromised
rodents, PDL fibroblast-like cells generated a ce- Cells
mentum/PDL-like structure [17]. To date, little is Multiple cell types are responsible for the homeo-
known how PDL stem/progenitor cells respond stasis and functions of the alveolar bone. The
to mechanical forces such as those in orthodontic most obvious cell types are osteoblasts, osteocytes
tooth movement. and osteoclasts. However, other cell types are also
important, including adipocytes, endothelial cells
Fibrous Matrix that form the lining of blood vessels and immune
Collagen fibers, reticulin fibers and oxytalan fi- competent cells such as macrophages.
bers form the PDL fibrous matrix. Collagen ac- Osteoblasts are mononucleated and special-
counts for over 90% PDL fibers. Type I collagen ized cells that are responsible for bone apposition.
fibers in the PDL are 45–55 nm in diameter and Osteoblasts and fibroblasts share a key functional
have somewhat uniform morphology [18]. PDL similarity in that they both synthesize type I col-
fiber bundles are arranged in directions that re- lagen matrix. Osteoblasts, however, distinguish
flect their functional properties. PDL collagen fi- from fibroblasts by expressing Cbfa1 or Runx2
bers grow separately from bone and cementum that is a master switch for the differentiation of
surfaces, and gradually elongate and approximate stem/progenitor cells into osteoblasts [24]. Al-
each other [19]. though myriad genes control the complex process
Upon application of orthodontic forces, PDL of osteogenesis, Cbfa1 or Runx2 is the earliest
nerve fibers release calcitonin gene-related pep- transcriptional factor and signals the initiation of
tide (CGRP) and substance P [20]. CGRP and bone formation [25]. Other osteogenesis genes
substance P serve as vasodilators and stimulate include bone morphogenetic proteins, trans-
plasma extravasation and leukocyte migration. forming growth factor-β, Indian hedgehog and
CGRP has been shown to induce bone formation ostrix [26–29]. Bone is a dynamic tissue and con-
through stimulation of osteoblasts and inhibition stantly remodels by osteoblasts and osteoclasts,
of osteoclast activity [21]. the two of which function by cross talk and - 3/9/2016 9:15:26 AM
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Kantarci A, Will L, Yen S (eds): Tooth Movement. Front Oral Biol. Basel, Karger, 2016, vol 18, pp 1–8
DOI: 10.1159/000351894
signaling [25]. The number of osteoblasts de- matrix proteins, whereas chloride channel
creases with age, affecting the balance of bone de- 7  maintains osteoclast neutrality by shuffling
position and resorption and potentially leading to chloride ions through the cell membrane.
osteoporosis [30]. RANKL, a key regulator of osteoclast function
Mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells have been [39, 40], is synthesized by osteoblasts and pro-
isolated from jaw bones of both humans and ro- motes osteoclast differentiation, suggesting that
dents [31–33]. Stem/progenitor cells from the jaw osteoblasts control osteoclast differentiation, but
bone were clonogenic and had potent osteogenic not function [42].
potential in vitro and in vivo [33]. Compared with
iliac crest cells, mandibular mesenchymal stem/ Matrix Proteins
progenitor cells appear to proliferate rapidly with In the alveolar bone, the most abundant extracel-
delayed senescence, express robust alkaline phos- lular matrix component is collagen type I [43]. In
phatase and accumulate more calcium in vitro addition, alveolar bone contains noncollagenous
[31]. Specifically, mesenchymal stem/progenitor proteins such as osteocalcin, osteopontin, osteo-
cells from long bones yield greater bone marrow nectin, bone sialoprotein and fibronectin as well
area than mandibular mesenchymal stem/pro- as proteoglycans including lumican, fibromodu-
genitor cells when transplanted heterotopically in lin, decorin, biglycan and versican. Osteocalcin
vivo [32]. acts as a hormone and causes pancreatic beta cells
Osteocytes are the most numerous cells in ma- to release more insulin, and at the same time di-
ture bone, and can live as long as the organism rects adipocytes to release adiponectin, which in-
itself [34]. Osteocytes are derived from functional creases sensitivity to insulin [44]. Osteopontin is
osteoblasts that are embedded in mineralized a phosphorylated, sialic acid containing glyco-
bone in the process of bone apposition. The space protein that can be extracted from the mineral-
that an osteocyte occupies is called a lacuna. Hy- ized bone matrix. Matrix metalloproteinase-1,
droxyapatite, calcium carbonate and calcium metalloproteinase-2 [43, 45] and cathepsin [46,
phosphate is deposited around osteocytes [35, 47] are considered to be particularly important in
36]. bone resorption. They cleave type I collagen most
Whereas osteoblasts (and osteocytes) derive efficiently within the triple-helical body of the na-
from the mesenchymal/mesodermal lineage, os- tive conformation and is active at neutral pH,
teoclasts originate from an entirely different whereas cathepsin K degrades type I collagen in a
source: the hematopoietic/monocyte lineage [37, similar manner but is active at low pH in the acid-
38]. Osteoclasts are formed by the fusion of mul- ic microenvironment beneath the ruffled border
tiple monocytes, and, therefore, multinucleated of osteoclasts [48].
[39, 40]. Their unique properties include adher-
ence to endosteal bone surfaces, and secret acid
and lytic enzymes that destroy mineral and pro- Periodontal Ligament and Alveolar Bone
tein structures. An array of transcription factors Resorption and Remodeling
controls osteoclast differentiation [40]. Osteo-
clasts are characterized by robust expression of Can one type of force with a specific magnitude
tartrate resistant acid phosphatase, specified os- and frequency preferably activate osteoblasts,
teoprotegerin, cathepsin K, and chloride channel whereas another force type preferably activates
7 (ClCN7) [41]. Osteoprotegerin blocks nuclear osteoclasts [49]. One can only begin to address a
factor-kappa B (RANK) and RANK ligand question such as this by understanding how
(RANKL) docking; cathepsin K destroys bone stem/ progenitor cells in the PDL and alveolar - 3/9/2016 9:15:26 AM
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Kantarci A, Will L, Yen S (eds): Tooth Movement. Front Oral Biol. Basel, Karger, 2016, vol 18, pp 1–8
DOI: 10.1159/000351894
differentiate into mature cells, including fibro- tion that no longer has normal tissue architecture.
blasts, osteoblasts, osteoclasts and endothelial Macrophages are responsible for removing the
cells. Two interrelated processes in orthodontic hyalinized tissues prior to which little tooth
tooth movement are deflection (bending) of the movement occurs [55]. Extracellular matrix and
alveolar bone and remodeling of the periodonti- cell distortion causes structural and functional
um: the periodontal ligament, alveolar bone and changes in cell membrane, and cytoskeletal pro-
cementum [50]. In the ‘pressure-tension theory’, teins. At the same time, numerous submembrane
the PDL senses a change in mechanical forces or proteins associate in cellular focal adhesions.
stresses. The theory proposes that PDL progeni- These complex structural or functional adapta-
tor cells differentiate into compression-associat- tions will transmit signals to the cytoplasm and
ed osteoclasts and tension-associated osteoblasts, mediate cell adhesion by integrin activation [56].
causing bone resorption and apposition, respec- Alveolar bone resorption occurs on the com-
tively [51]. The following biological processes are pression side during tooth movement. Bone re-
proposed on the compression side: disturbance of sorption occurs through osteoclastic activity, thus
blood flow in the compressed PDL, cell death in creating irregular cavities in bone that later will be
the compressed area of the PDL (hyalinization), filled by newly formed bone owing to osteoblast
resorption of the hyalinized tissue by macro- activity. Two processes involved in bone resorp-
phages, and undermining bone resorption by os- tion are the dissolution of minerals and the deg-
teoclasts beside the hyalinized tissue. It is pro- radation of the organ matrix, which consists of
posed that tooth movement follows the comple- type I collagen. These processes are driven by en-
tion of these processes on the compression side, zymes, including matrix metalloproteinase and
but not before. lysosome cysteine proteinases [48]. Orthodontic
On the tension side, it is proposed that the forces result in the deformation of blood vessels
periodontium, including the PDL, alveolar bone and disarrangement of surrounding tissues. Sub-
and cementum remodels and undergoes bone ap- sequently, blood flow and periodontal tissue
position. Osteoblasts differentiate from mesen- adapt to the compression force, or when they fail,
chymal stem/progenitor cells. Mature osteoblasts are responsible for cell death and tissue necrosis
form the osteoid or type I collagen matrix, which [57].
is followed by mineralization [52]. Endothelial The rate of orthodontic tooth movement is
nitric oxide synthase mediates bone formation on affected by multiple factors such as the magni-
the tension side of orthodontic forces [53]. tude, frequency, and duration of mechanical
Force magnitude has been associated with bio- forces that are applied to the teeth or bone. Me-
logical events, although most of these associa- chanical forces change vascularity and blood
tions are conjectures. ‘Direct resorption’ is associ- flow, resulting in the synthesis and release of
ated with light force application, tissue and cell molecules such as neurotransmitters, cytokines,
preservation, and vascular potency. ‘Indirect re- growth factors, colony-stimulating factors that
sorption’ and hyalinization are associated with regulate leucocyte, macrophage, and monocyte
heavy forces that cause crushing injury to PDL lines [58, 59].
tissues, cell death, hemostasis, and cell-free PDL Protein phosphorylation mediated by protein
and adjacent alveolar bone zones [54]. Mechani- kinase enzymes is critical to the understanding of
cal forces often cause hyalinization leading to ne- orthodontic tooth movement [56, 60, 61]. Cyto-
crosis in the PDL and lead to delayed bone re- plasmic signaling proteins Hh, sonic hedge-hog,
sorption. Hyalinization occurs in the PDL and is the transforming growth factor-β superfamily,
proposed to indicate hyaline-like tissue forma- and many transcriptional factors and ions - 3/9/2016 9:15:26 AM
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Kantarci A, Will L, Yen S (eds): Tooth Movement. Front Oral Biol. Basel, Karger, 2016, vol 18, pp 1–8
DOI: 10.1159/000351894
(Ca2+,  PO3–) enhance or suppress gene expres- ing mechanical stresses to biochemical events
sion. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) is an in- with a net result of bone apposition and/or bone
dispensable enzyme in bone remodeling. MMP-2 resorption. Despite our improved understanding
protein is induced by compression and increases of mechanical and biochemical signaling mecha-
significantly in a time-dependent fashion, reach- nisms, how mechanical stresses regulate the dif-
ing a peak after 8 h of force application. On the ferentiation of stem/progenitor cells into osteo-
tension side, MMP-2 significantly increases after blast lineage and osteoclast lineage is largely un-
one hour of force application but gradually re- known. An improved understanding of osteoblast
turns to baseline within eight hours [62]. The differentiation from mesenchymal stem/progeni-
cleavages of procollagen yields procollagen type I tor cells and osteoclastogenesis from the hemato-
C-terminal propeptide and procollagen type I N- poietic/monocyte lineage is essential to advance
terminal propeptide that may serve as bone for- orthodontics. Design of orthodontic force sys-
mation markers [63]. Normal chloride channels tems has been largely empirical since the Angle
play a key role in osteoclastic alveolar bone re- era. The orthodontics community is now
sorption in orthodontic tooth movement [40]. equipped with tools to begin advancing the un-
Cystic fibrosis, a pathological bone condition is derstanding of orthodontic tooth movement via
characterized by mutated cellular chloride chan- cellular and molecular events, including how
nels encoded by polymorphic nucleotide se- stem cells differentiate into osteoblasts and osteo-
quences in the ClCN7 gene [50]. clasts.

The authors wish to thank F. Guo, H. Keyes and J. Me-
The periodontal ligament and alveolar bone make lendez for technical and administrative assistance. The
up a functional unit and undergo robust remodel- effort for composition of this article is supported by
ing in orthodontic tooth movement. Complex NIH grants R01DE018248, R01EB009663, and
molecular signaling is responsible for transduc- RC2DE020767 to J.J. Mao.

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Tooth Movement 7
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Kantarci A, Will L, Yen S (eds): Tooth Movement. Front Oral Biol. Basel, Karger, 2016, vol 18, pp 1–8
DOI: 10.1159/000351894
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Jeremy J. Mao, DDS, PhD

Center for Craniofacial Regeneration, Columbia University Medical Center
630 W. 168 St. – PH7E – CDM
New York, NY 10032 (USA)
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Univ. of California Santa Barbara

8 Jiang · Guo · Chen · Zheng · Zhou · Kim · Embree · Songhee Song · Marao · Mao
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Kantarci A, Will L, Yen S (eds): Tooth Movement. Front Oral Biol. Basel, Karger, 2016, vol 18, pp 1–8
DOI: 10.1159/000351894

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