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Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University

Sto. Tomas Campus


Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Section: ___________________________

Instruction: Write the letter that best describes each item on the provided answer sheet. Any
form of erasure is considered wrong. Do not use friction pen for your final answer.

1. Which of the following statements is not true? (If any)

a. Customers’ expectations are dynamic
b. Evaluation of goods and services may shift over time
c. What is considered quality service today may be different tomorrow.
d. None of the choices
L5 Evaluation
2. The following are true to Satisfaction and Service Quality, which one is not? (if any)
a. Service Quality has broader concept than Satisfaction
b. Satisfaction and Quality are both positive in Services Marketing
c. Service Quality focuses on dimensions of service
d. None of the choices
L5 Evaluation
3. Which of the following statements is not true? (if any)
a. Service quality focuses mainly on dimensions of service
b. Percieved service quality is a component of customer satisfaction
c. Customer satisfaction may be influenced by personal factors.
d. None of choices
L5 evaluation
4. The following are dimensions of quality, which one is not?
a. Emphaty c. Responsiveness
b. Reliability d. None of the choices
L5 Knowledge
5. The following may influence customer satisfaction, which one is not? (if any)
a. Product Quality c. Situational Factors
b. Price d. None of the choices
6. This may be defined as customer’s fulfillment response.
a. Quality c. Loyalty
b. Satisfaction d. None of the choices
L5 K
7. It is the judgement that a product or service feature, or the product or service itself, provides a
pleasurable level consumption-related fulfillment.
a. Quality c. Loyalty
b. Satisfaction d. None of the choices
L5 K
8. Which of the following is not true to Product and Service Features that influence the customer
a. In resort hotel services features include pool area and restaurants
b. Research have shown that customers of services will make trade-offs among different
service features depending on the type of service being evaluated and the criticality of
the service.
c. Customers are not willing to make trade-offs between price and quality of the services
d. None of the choices
L5 K

9. Which of the following is not true to Consumer Emotions? (if any)

a. Consumers’ emotions cannot affect their perceptions of satisfaction with products and
b. Specific emotions may be induced by the consumption experience itself, influencing a
consumer’s satisfaction with the service.
c. Moods can carry over into how you respond to service.
d. None of the choices
L5 E
10. It is the perceived causes of events.
a. Attributions c. Delight
b. Features d. None of the choices
11. The following are true to customer satisfaction, which one is not? (if any)
a. When you are loyal to a particular service it does not mean that it satisfies you.
b. Customer satisfaction is also influenced by perceptions of equity and fairness.
c. Sometimes customers feel that they were not treated fairly.
d. None of the choices
12. Which of the following statement is not true? (if any)
a. Customer satisfaction can be influenced by other people.
b. Family members are better influencer than friends.
c. Both A & B
d. None of the two
13. Which of the following statement is not true? (if any)
a. Service quality is a critical element of customer perceptions.
b. In pure services, service quality is the dominant element in customers’ evaluation.
c. It would be very easy to determine customer satisfaction.
d. None of the choices
14. Which of the following is not a criteria that consumers used to judge the quality of the service?
a. based on the technical outcome provided by serive provider
b. the quality of the physical surroundings where the services deliverd
c. both a and b
d. none of the choices
15. Means Inspiring Trust and Confidence
a. Reliability c. Assurance
b. Responsiveness d. None of the choices
16. Treating Customers as Individuals
a. Reliability c. Assurance
b. Responsiveness d. None of the choices
17. Means Delivering on Promises
a. Reliability c. Assurance
b. Responsiveness d. None of the choices
18. Representing the Service Physically
a. Reliability c. Assurance
b. Responsiveness d. None of the choices
19. It has been consistently shown to be the most important determinant of perceptions of service
quality among customers.
a. Reliability c. Assurance
b. Responsiveness d. None of the choices
20. Defined as the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately.
a. Reliability c. Assurance
b. Responsiveness d. None of the choices
21. This dimension emphasizes attentiveness and promptness in dealing with customer requests,
questions, complaints and problems.
a. Reliability c. Assurance
b. Responsiveness d. None of the choices
22. Defined as employees’ knowledge and coutesy and the ability of the firm and its employees to
inspire customer trust and confidence.
a. Reliability c. Assurance
c. Responsiveness d. None of the choices
23. Defined as the appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication
a. Reliability c. Assurance
b. Responsiveness d. None of the choices
24. The extent to which the site’s promises about order delivery and item availability are fulfilled.
a. Efficiency c. Privacy
b. Fullfillment d. None of the choices
25. The degree to which the site is safe and protects consumer information.
a. Efficiency c. Privacy
b. Fullfillment d. None of the choices
26. The correct technical functioning of the site.
a. Efficiency c. Privacy
b. Fullfillment d. None of the choices
27. The ease and speed of accessing and using the site.
a. Efficiency c. Privacy
b. Fullfillment d. None of the choices
28. The degree to which the site compensates customers for problems.
a. Responsiveness c. Contact
b. Compensation d. None of the choices
29. The availability of assistance through telephone or online representative.
a. Responsiveness c. Contact
b. Compensation d. None of the choices
30. The following are true to service encounter, which one is not? (if any)
a. Service encounter is also called moments of truth
b. An example of service encounter in a hotel srats with checking into hotel.
c. Service encounters are where promises are kept or broken.
d. None of the choices
31. Encounters can occur without any human direct contact.
a. Remote encounters c. Face-to-face encounters
b. Phone encounters d. None of the choices
32. It occurs between an employee abd customer in direct contact.
a. Remote encounters c. Face-to-face encounters
b. Phone encounters d. None of the choices
33. Transaction through ATM machine.
a. Remote encounters c. Face-to-face encounters
b. Phone encounters d. None of the choices
34. Patient visited her physician and being attended by a recentionist staff.
a. Remote encounters c. Face-to-face encounters
b. Phone encounters d. None of the choices
35. Unprompted and Unsolicted Employee Actions
a. Recovery c. Spontaneity
b. Adaptability d. None of the choice
36. Employee Response to Service Delivery System Failures.
a. Recovery c. Spontaneity
b. Adaptability d. None of the choice
37. Emplyee Response to Problem Customers
a. Recovery c. Spontaneity
b. Adaptability d. None of the choice
38. Which of the following statement is not true? (if any)
a. A company may provide the expectatios of it’s customer even without markeitng research
b. Marketing research must focus on service issues such as what customers expect.
c. The first step in marketing research is defining the problem and research objective
d. None of the choice
39. Which of the following is not considered as objective of marketing research?
a. To discover customer requirements or expectations for service.
b. To monitor changing customer expectations in an industry.
c. To forecast future expectations of customers.
d. None of the choices
40. Is an approach of communicating about what can be done.
a. Complaint Solicitation c. Requirement Research
b. Critical Incident Studies d. None of the choices
41. Its main purpose is to identify and attend to dissatisfied customers and to identify common service
a. Complaint Solicitation c. Requirement Research
b. Critical Incident Studies d. None of the choices
42. Is a qualitative interview procedure in which customers are asked to provide verbatim stories about
satisfying and dissatisfying service encounters they have expereiced.
a. Complaint Solicitation c. Requirement Research
b. Critical Incident Studies d. None of the choices
43. It involves identifying benefits and attributes that customers expect in a service.
a. Complaint Solicitation c. Requirement Research
b. Critical Incident Studies d. None of the choices
44. In this method, customers are asked a short list of questions immediately after a particular
transaction about their satisfaction with the transaction and contact personnel with whome they
a. Complaint Solicitation c. Requirement Research
b. Critical Incident Studies d. None of the choices
45. Smart service provider defines a process for delivering the services and then structures the
feedback around the process, checking in at frequent points to ensure that the client’s expectations
are being met.
a. Lost customer research c. Mystery shopping
b. Customer panels d. None of the choices
46. An example of this type of marketing research is hiring a trained external personnel to evaluate the
services being offered by the establishment.
a. Lost customer research c. Mystery shopping
b. Customer panels d. None of the choices
47. Offenly used in the entertainment industry to screen movies before they are released to the public.
a. Lost customer research c. Mystery shopping
b. Customer panels d. None of the choices
48. This type of research involves deliverately seeking customers who have dropped the company’s
service to inquire about their reasons for leaving.
a. Lost customer research c. Mystery shopping
b. Customer panels d. None of the choices
49. Sometimes it is similar to exit interviews with employees in that it asks open-ended, in-depth
questions to expose the reasons for defection and the particular events that led to dissatisfaction.
a. Lost customer research c. Mystery shopping
b. Customer panels d. None of the choices
50. Customer expectations are dynamic and can change very rapidly in markets that are highly
competitive and volatile.
a. Lost customer research c. Mystery shopping
b. Customer panels d. None of the choices
51. This set of approaches allows researches to observe consumption behavior in natural settings.
a. Lost customer research c. Mystery shopping
b. Customer panels d. None of the choices
52. Which of the following statement is not true? (if any)
a. Relationship marketing essentially represents a paradigmn shift wihtin production.
b. Relationship marketing is also called relationship management
c. Both A & B
d. None of the choice
53. As a customer continues to interact with a firm, the level of trust often deepens and the customer
may receive more customized product offerings and interactions.
a. Customers as strangers c. Customer as friends
b. Customers as acquiantances d. None of the choices
54. Those who have not yet had any transactions (interactions) with a firm and may not even be
aware of the firm.
a. Customers as strangers c. Customer as friends
b. Customers as acquiantances d. None of the choices
55. As a customer continues to make purchase from a firm and to receive value in the exchange
relationhsip, the firm begins to acquire specific knowledge of the customer’s needs, allowing it to
create an offering that directly addresses the customer’s situation.
a. Customers as strangers c. Customer as friends
b. Customers as acquiantances d. None of the choices
56. Once customer awareness and trial are achieved, familiarity is established and the customer and
the firm become acquiantances, creating the basis for an exchange relationship.
a. Customers as strangers c. Customer as friends
b. Customers as acquiantances d. None of the choices
57. The following are true to rleationship marketing, which one is not? (if any)
a. The primary goal of relationship marketing is to build and maintain a base of committed
customers who are profitable for the organization.
b. Both parties in the customer-firm relationhsip can benefit from customer retention.
c. Customers will remain loyal to a firm when they have receive greater value relative to
what they expect from competing firms.
d. None of the choices
58. Over time, customers develop a sense of familiarity and even a social relationship with their service
a. Confidence benefits c. Special Treament benefits
b. Social Benefits d. None of the choices
59. It includes getting the benefit of the doubt, being given a special deal or price, or getting
preferential treatment.
a. Confidence benefits c. Special Treament benefits
b. Social Benefits d. None of the choices
60. It comprise the feelings of trust or confidence in the provider along with a sense of rediced anxiety
and comfort in knowing what to expect.
a. Confidence benefits c. Special Treament benefits
b. Social Benefits d. None of the choices
61. Research reveals that over the long run, relationship-oriented service firms achieve higher overall
returns on their investments than do transaction-oriented firms.
a. Confidence benefits c. Special Treament benefits
b. Social Benefits d. None of the choices
62. Is generally described as service performance that falls below a customer’s expectations in such a
way that leads to customer dissatisfaction.
a. Service Failure c. Service espectations
b. Service Recovery d. None of the choices
63. Refers to the actions taken by anorganization in response to a service failure.
a. Service Failure c. Service espectations
b. Service Recovery d. None of the choices
64. These customers are more likely than are others to engagein negative word-of-mouth
communication with friends and relatives and to switch providers.
a. Passives c. Irates
b. Voicers d. None of the choices
65. These custoers actively complain to the service provider, but they are less likely to spread negative
word of mouth, switch patronage, or go to third parties with their compliants.
a. Passives c. Irates
b. Voicers d. None of the choices
66. They are unlikely to say anything to the provider, less likely than other to spread negative word-of-
mouth, and unlikely to complain to a third party.
a. Passives c. Irates
b. Voicers d. None of the choices
67. These consumers are characterized by above-average propensity to complain on all dimensions:
they will complain to the provider, they will tell others, and they are more likely than any other
group to complain to third parties.
a. Passives c. Irates
b. Voicers d. None of the choices
68. Concerns the result that customers receive their their complaints.
a. Outcome fainess c. interactional fairness
b. Procedural fairness d. None of the choices
69. Focuses on the interpersonal treatment received during the compliant process.
a. Outcome fainess c. interactional fairness
b. Procedural fairness d. None of the choices
70. Refers to the policies, rules, and timelines of the complaint process.
a. Outcome fainess c. interactional fairness
b. Procedural fairness d. None of the choices
71. Which of the following is not considered as service recovery strategy.
a. Make the servcie Fail-Safe – Do it Right the First Time
b. Provide Adequate Explanations
c. Discourage compalnts
d. None of the choices
72. Which of the following is not considered as service recovery strategy.
a. Act Quickly
b. Cultivate Relationships with Customers
c. Learn from Lost Customers
d. None of the choice
73. A pledge or assurance that a product offered by a firm will perform as promised, and if not then
some form of reparation will be undertaken by the firm.
a. Guarantee c. Quality
b. Waranty d. None of the choices
74. Which of the following is not a charateristic of Effective Guarantees?
a. Easy to invoke c. Easy to assemble
b. Easy to understand d. None of the choices
75. Which of the following is not a criteria for use (or Not Use) a Guarantee.
a. A guarantee does not fit the company’s image
b. Exisitng service quality in the company is poor.
c. Service quality is truly uncontrollable
d. None of the choices

Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:

Mylene T. Canta Jovita G. Rivera, MAEd Anna C. Dayrit, MM, MBA

Faculty Program Chair Director, Sto. Tomas
Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University
Sto. Tomas Campus

1. D 16. D 31. A 46. C 61. D

2. A 17. A 32. C 47. B 62. A
3. D 18. D 33. A 48. A 63. B
4. D 19. A 34. C 49. A 64. C
5. D 20. A 35. C 50. D 65. B
6. B 21. B 36. A 51. D 66. A
7. B 22. C 37. D 52. A 67. D
8. C 23. D 38. A 53. D 68. A
9. A 24. B 39. D 54. A 69. C
10. A 25. C 40. A 55. C 70. B
11. A 26. D 41. A 56. B 71. C
12. A 27. A 42. B 57. D 72. D
13. C 28. B 43. C 58. B 73. A
14. D 29. C 44. D 59. C 74. C
15. C 30. D 45. D 60. A 75. D

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