Part-A Q. No Question(s) Skills CO: 34032 & Electrical Circuits and Instrumentation

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(Government Aided Autonomous Institution) Academic Year
RAJAPALAYAM- 626108 2021-2022

Course Code &Name : 34032 & Electrical Circuits and Instrumentation

Test : MODEL Duration : 3Hrs Max.Marks : 75 Date : 27-01-2022
Year : II Semester : III CO1 Maximum Marks : 30
CO2 Maximum Marks : 28 CO3 Maximum Marks : 28
CO4 Maximum Marks : 27 CO5 Maximum Marks : 27

[N.B: (1) Q.No.8 in PART – A and Q.No.16 in PART – B are Compulsory.

Answer any FOUR questions from the remaining in each PART – A and PART – B.
(2) Answer division (a) or division (b) of each question in PART – C.
(3) Each question carries 2 marks in PART – A, 3 marks in PART – B and 10 marks in PART – C.]


Q. No Question(s) Skills CO
1. Define resistance. R CO1
2. What is the condition of resonance in a series circuit? R CO2
3. What is DC generator? R CO3
4. Write the types of controlling force. R CO4
5. Define transducer. R CO5
6. What is the equivalent resistance of three resistors R1, R2, R3 R CO1
connected in parallel and series?
7. Define sensitivity of voltmeter. R CO4
8. What is meant by load cell? R CO5


Q. No Question(s) Skills CO
9. State Kirchhoff’s Laws. U CO1
10. State the properties of series resonance. U CO2
11. List any three applications of DC series motor. U CO3
12. Write about Lissajous pattern. U CO4
13. What do you mean by ‘See beck effect’? U CO5
14. State Thevenin’s theorem. U CO1
15. Define the terms i) Power factor ii) Real power iii) Apparent CO2
16. List the different parts in DC generator. U CO3

Q. No Question(s) Skills CO
17. a) State and explain Maximum power transfer Theorem. U CO1
b) Using Superposition theorem, find the current in each branch. A CO1

18. a) Derive an expression for (a) voltage and current relationship (b) U CO2
phase angle (c) power factor for a series RL circuit.
b) i.) A resistance of 100 Ω is connected in series with a capacitor A CO2
of 50μF. If the combination is put across 230V, 50 Hz supply,
calculate (i) impedance (ii) current (iii) power factor and (iv)
power drawn by the circuit.
ii.) A RLC series circuit has the values of R = 30 Ω, L = 1H, C
= 80 μF. If this circuit is connected to 200V, 50Hz AC supply,
calculate (a) impedance (b) power factor (c) current and (d)
power absorbed.
19. a) Explain how the losses of transformer are predetermined by the U CO3
O.C and S.C tests.
b) Explain the principle, operation and applications of capacitor U CO3
start induction motor.
20. a) With neat diagram, explain the constructional details of the U CO4
PMMC instrument.
b) Explain the principle and operation of CRO with neat block U CO4
21. a) Explain the construction and operation of LVDT. U CO5
b) Explain the working of digital frequency counter with neat block U CO5

Skills: Remembering (R), Understanding(U), Applying(A)

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