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Lubricant Properties

Copyright © 1997 CRC Press, LLC.

Copyright © 1997 CRC Press, LLC.
1 Typical Lubricating Oil

Chun-I Chen

Typical Property Values of Lubricating Oils.........................................................................................3
Relations for Extending Physical Property Data................................................................................24

There are two components in this section. The first presents typical lubricating oil properties in
table format. The second gives correlations that can be used to estimate properties under other
conditions which are not included in the tables.


The data presented in this section are condensed from thousands of product records collected
from manufacturers and data available in the literature. Typical values of most available proper-
ties are presented in Table 1. Additional tribological performance data are presented in Table 2.
Mineral oils are grouped by application. Synthetic oils are categorized by functional group.
The ID number for each record is provided for cross reference between Table 1 and Table
2. Records with the same ID number represent the same oil.
The “Type of Oil” column groups oils in terms of application. Within an application group,
lubrnicants of different specification are listed. The major property defined in a specification is
viscosity. For major applications, such as gear oils, the specific viscosity grading system is used.
For applications without a specific viscosity grading system, the ISO (International Standards
Organization) viscosity grading system is used.
The specification for engine oil is a combination of SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers)
viscosity grade and American Petroleum Institute (API) service grade. The description in the sec-
ond column of Table 1 is an abbreviation with two parts. The first part is a number or two num-
bers with a “W” in between that closely resembles the SAE grade. The second part consists of
one or more letters that indicate API service grade. Following are the abbreviations and their
meanings. Properties of motor oils for the SH service grade will generally match closely those
with a “G” designation, as is also the case for CG commercial service oil properties closely
matching those with an “F’ designation.

G API service grade SG

D API service grade CD
D2 API service grade CDII
E API service grade CE
F API service grade CF
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1997 by CRC Press LLC
Tribology Data Handbook
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Typical Lubricating Oil Properties 5
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Typical Lubricating Oil Properties 7
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Typical Lubricating Oil Properties 9
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Typical Lubricating Oil Properties 13
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Tribology Data Handbook

Typical Lubricating Oil Properties 21
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Typical Lubricating Oil Properties 23
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24 Tribology Data Handbook

In most cases, the specification determines the formulation. If lubricants that meet the
same specification have roughly the same properties, only one set of typical values is given.
Sometimes, mainly due to the different base oil types, oils may meet the same specification but
have very different values in some properties. In such cases, two or more sets of values may
be listed. For example, both naphthenic mineral oils and paraffinic mineral oils can be formu-
lated to meet the AGMA #1 specification; however, they have very different viscosity-temper-
ature properties. Without a VI improver, paraffinic oils will show VI values around 100, where-
as naphthenic oils have typical values of less than 50.
The “AVG MW” column presents the average molecular weight of the lubricant oils.
The “Common Additives” column lists the additives commonly found in oils that meet the
given specification. The meanings of the abbreviations used in this column are listed as fol-
lows: C, anticorrosion; O, antioxidant; R, antirust; W, antiwear; F, defoam; DT, detergent; DS,
dispersant; EP, extreme pressure; FM, friction modifier; MD, metal deactivator; P, pour depres-
sant; VI, viscosity index improver.


ASTM method D341 can be used to obtain the viscosity-temperature relationship. A simpli-
fied form can be used to calculate the kinematic viscosity:

log = logarithm to base 10
v = kinematic viscosity, [cSt] or [mm2/s]
T = Temperature, [K] or [°R]
A and B = dimensionless constants

The constants A and B can be evaluated for a fluid from two data points at different temperatures.
Kinematic viscosities or temperatures for other points can then be readily calculated. To use this equa-
tion, the kinematic viscosity should be larger than 2.0 centistokes. For lower viscosities, the constant
0.7 increases according to relations in ASTM D341. ASTM has available “Standard Viscosity-
Temperature Charts” which give a straight line relation for any oil represented by Equation 1. The
“Middle Range” chart of Figure 1 covers the temperature range of -40 to 150°C. Other charts extend
from -70 to 370°C for viscosities from 0.18 to 20 million cSt.
The viscosity index (VI) can be calculated by ASTM method D2270 and can be approximated
from Figure 2. This arbitrary measure gives a relative viscosity-temperature sensitivity, with 100 rep-
resenting little change in viscosity with temperature (the best paraffinic mineral oils in 1929) and 0 rep-
resenting a great change (the poorest naphthenic oils in 1929).
Note that the kinematic viscosity is related to dynamic viscosity as follows:

The viscosity-pressure coefficient, α, is defined as:

Copyright © 1997 CRC Press, LLC.

Typical Lubricating Oil Properties
FIGURE 1 “Middle Range” Standard Viscosity-Temperature Chart. From American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA. With permission.
Copyright © 1997 CRC Press, LLC.
26 Tribology Data Handbook

FIGURE 2 Viscosity index from kinematic viscoties at 40°C and 100°C.

The So correlation24,25 can be used to calculate the viscosity-pressure coefficient.

α = pressure-viscosity coefficient, [10-8Pa-1]
m0 = viscosity-temperature property from the ASTM Walther equation and
equal to (ASTM slope)/0.2; ASTM slope = constant B in Equation 1
ν0 = atmospheric kinematic viscosity at the temperature of interest, [mm2/s]
r = atmospheric density at the temperature of interest, [103kg/m3]

Note: kinematic viscosity at 1 atm and the temperature of interest should be above 1.0.
Copyright © 1997 CRC Press, LLC.
Typical Lubricating Oil Properties 27

Kinematic viscosity at pressure P and the temperature of interest can be obtained by the
following equation. Significant variation in this viscosity-pressure coefficient can be expected
when the pressure ranges above about 50–300 atm. (0.5–3 MPa).

ν = kinematic viscosity at pressure P and at the temperature of interest, [mm2/s]
P = pressure, [GPa]
Po = atmospheric pressure (0.0001 GPa)


Equation (2B2.3-1) of the API Technical Data Book26 is used to estimate the molecular weight
of heavy petroleum fractions:

M = molecular weight of petroleum fraction
ν100 = kinematic viscosity of petroleum fraction at 100°F (37.8°C), [cSt]
ν210 = kinematic viscosity of petroleum fraction at 210°F (98.9°C), [cSt]
sp gr = specific gravity, 60/60°F (15.6/15.6°C)

Alternately, Equation 2B2.1-1 of the API Technical Data Book26 can also be used.

Tb = mean average boiling point of petroleum fraction, [°R]
sp gr = specific gravity, 60/60°F (15.6/15.6°C)


The correlation from Table 6 of the “Petroleum Measurement Tables” of the API Manual of
Petroleum Measurement Standards is used to estimate the thermal expansion coefficient:

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28 Tribology Data Handbook

ρT = density at the temperature T, [103kg/m3]
ρ60F = density at 60°F, [103kg/m3]
T = temperature, [°F]

Equation 12A3.1-1 of the API Technical Data Book26 is used to estimate the thermal conductiv-
ity of petroleum fraction liquids:

k = thermal conductivity, [Btu/h/ft/F]. (1 Btu/h/ft/F = 1.7307 W/m/K.)
T = temperature, [°F]

Another equation27 can also be used:

k = thermal conductivity, [Btu in./(h ft2oF)]. (1 Btu in./(h ft2oF) =
0.1442279 W/m/K.)
T = temperature, [°F]
sp gr = specific gravity, 60/60°F (15.6/15.6°C)

Equation 7D2.2-1 of the API Technical Data Book26 is used to estimate the specific heat of
petroleum fraction liquids:

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Typical Lubricating Oil Properties 29

sp gr = specific gravity 60/60°F (15.6/15.6°C)

Tb = mean average boiling point of petroleum fraction, [°R]

If the kinematic viscosities at 100°F and 210°F are known, then Equation 3 can be used
to estimate the molecular weight. Equation 4 can then be used to estimate Tb. Another equa-
tion27 can also be used.

Cp = specific heat, [Btu/Ib/°R] (1 Btu/Ib/°R = 4186.8 J/kg/K.)
sp gr = specific gravity 60/60°F (15.6/15.6°C)
T = temperature, [°F]

The Song correlation28 is used to estimate the bulk modulus. Only the values at 40°C and 1 atm
are given in Table 1.
The modulus estimated by this correlation is isothermal secant bulk modulus, which is
defined as:

B = isothermal secant bulk modulus at pressure P and temperature T, [GPa]
V0,T = specific volume at pressure P0and temperature T, [cm3/g]
P = pressure, [GPa]
P0 = atmospheric pressure (0.0001 GPa)
VP,T = specific volume at pressure P and temperature T, [cm3/g]

The following equations and table are used in the correlation:

(a) Mineral oil lubricants and pure hydrocarbon

BP,T = isothermal secant bulk modulus of mineral oil and pure hydrocarbon at
pressure P and temperature T, [GPa]
B0,T = isothermal secant bulk modulus at atmospheric pressure and temperture
T, [GPa]
log10(B0,T)= 0.3766*[log10(v0,T)]0.3307-0.2766
ν0,T = kinematic viscosity at atmospheric pressure and temperature T, [cSt]
AT = -0.01382T + 5.851
T = temperature, [°CJ
P = pressure, [GPa]

(b) Nonmineral oil based fluid

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30 Tribology Data Handbook

B′P,T = isothermal secant bulk modulus of nonmineral-based fluid at pressure P
and temperature T, [GPa]
BP,T = isothermal secant bulk modulus from Equation 9, [GPa]
S = deviation factor for nonmineral-based fluids from the following table, [GPa]

Fluid Class Deviation Factor S [GPa]

Methyl silicone -0.755

Phenyl silicone -0.160
Perfluoropolyether -0.823
Polybutene -0.268
Poly(a-olefin) -0.091
Ester +0.092
Pentaerythritol ester +0.219
Phosphate ester +0.301
Polyphenyl ether +0.709

Once the bulk modulus at the temperature and pressure of interest is obtained by Equation 9 or 10,
Equation 8 can then be used to calculate the specific volume or density at that temperature and pres-


The COC flash point (ASTM D92) is given for all of the liquid lubricants in the database. The fire
points (ASTM D92), on the other hand, are not generally available for many lubricant formulations.
The fire point is equal to 1.1 times the flash point for single fractions from vacuum distillation. When
several fractions of mineral oil are blended to produce a finished lubricant, the fire point is higher than
1.1 times the flash point. Since the same finished product, e.g., a 10W-30 motor oil, can be prepared
from either a single mineral oil fraction or several mineral oil fractions, a supplier usually gives only the
flash point. In Table 1, the fire point has been established using the relationship for a single mineral
oil fraction. This means that the fire point of products prepared from blends of mineral oil fractions
will be somewhat higher than those given in the table. The flash and fire points are given in Table 1
to the closest 5°C.
The cloud point is the temperature at which the oil becomes cloudy, indicating the formation of a sec-
ond insoluble phase, usually due to wax formation as described in ASTM D2500. The pour point is
the temperature at which the oil ceases to flow as described in ASTM test procedure D97. The low-
temperature use of a fluid is primarily limited by the pour point, which can be influenced by the use
of pour depressants. For a given pour point, the cloud point may vary considerably due to the com-
pleteness of the dewaxing and the effectiveness of the pour depressant. Since the cloud point is not
directly involved in low-temperature pumpability or flow tests and is not generally available for fin-
ished lubricant formulations, no cloud point values are presented in the database.

A semiempirical correlation proposed by Beerbower (Beerbower, 1980) can be used to estimate the
solubility of gases at atmospheric pressure.

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Typical Lubricating Oil Properties 31

Liquid solubility parameter, S1, is approximately 18.0 for diesters commonly used in aircraft
fluids, 18.5 to 19.0 for higher esters, 18.41 for methyl phenyl silicone, 15.14 for dimethyl sili-
cone, 18.29 for tri-2-ethylhexyl phosphate, and 18.82 for tricresyl phosphate.
Some gas solubility parameters, S2, are given in the following table.29

Effect of dissolved gases on viscosity of lubricants at 1000 psi (7.0 MPa) is shown in the
following table.29


Some vapor pressure data are shown in the following table.23
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32 Tribology Data Handbook


1. Exxon Product Summary, Exxon Company, Houston, TX (1990).

2. 1991 Lubricating Oil, Grease and Antifreeze/Coolant Digest, Texaco Lubricants Company North
America, Houston, TX (1991).
3. Product Salesfax Digest, Chevron Research and Technology Company, Richmond, CA (1991).
4. Mobil Brief Product Descriptions, Mobil Oil Corporation, Fairfax, VA (1989).
5. Product Guide, Conoco Inc., Houston, TX (1991).
6. Specific data sheets from Pennzoil Company, Houston, TX (1991).
7. GE Silicones, General Electric Company, Waterford, NY (1991).
8. Information about Silicone Fluids, Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, MI.
9. Information about MOLYKOTE® Specialty Lubricants, Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, MI.
10. Polyphenyl ether data from Monsanto, St. Louis, MO.
11. The Polyglycol Handbook, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI (1988).
12. UCON Fluids & Lubricants, Union Carbide Corporation, Danbury, CT (1987).
13. Durad Lubricant Additives, FMC Corporation, Philadelphia, PA.
14. KRYTOX General Purpose Lubricants, Du Pont Company, Wilmington, DE (1988).
15. KRYTOX Fluorinated Oils, Du Pont Company, Wilmington, DE (1988).
16. List of Specifications for Du Pont Code Lubricants, Du Pont Company, Wilmington, DE (1986).
17. Product Information, Keystone Lubricants Division, Elf Lubricants North America, Inc., King of
Prussia, PA.
18. Lubricants for Switches and Electric Contacts, William F. NYE, Inc., New Bedford, MA.
19. Booser, E. R., Ed., CRC Handbook of Lubrication, Vol. 1 (1983) and Vol. 2 (1984), CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL.
20. 1990 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 5, Vols. 1–3, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA (1990).
21. MIL-L-7808, Standardization Documents Order Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.
22. MIL-L-23699, Standardization Documents Order Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.
23. Tables of Useful Information, Lubetext DG-400, Exxon Corp., Houston, TX (1992).
24. So, B. Y. C. and Klaus, E. E., Viscosity-pressure correlation of liquid, ASLE Trans., 23, 4, 409
25. Wu, C. S., Klaus, E. E., and Duda, J. L., Development of a method for the prediction of pressure-
viscosity coefficients of lubricating oils based on free-volume theory, J. Tribol., 111, 121 (1989).
26. Daubert, T. E. and Danner, R. P., Technical Data Book — Petroleum Refining, 4th ed., American
Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C. (1992).
27. Cragoe, C. S., Thermal Properties of Petroleum Products, Miscellaneous Publication of the Bureau
of Standards No. 97, Washington, D.C, (1929).
28. Song, H. S., Klaus, E. E., and Duda, J. L., Prediction of bulk moduli for mineral oil based lubri-
cants, polymer solutions, and several classes of synthetic fluids, J. Tribol., 113, 675 (1991).
29. Klaus, E. E. and Tewksbury, E. J., Liquid lubricants, in CRC Handbook of Lubrication, vol. 2, Booser,
E. R., Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1984, 242.
30. Beerbower, A., Estimating the solubility of gases in petroleum and synthetic lubricants, ASLE
Trans., 23, 335 (1980).

Copyright © 1997 CRC Press, LLC.

Typical Lubricating Oil Properties 33



Adhesive Oil: This category includes lubricants used in machine slideways and chain oils.
Lubricants in this category contain tackiness additives to improve the adhesiveness.
Compressor Oil, Food Grade: Lubricants in this category can be used in the environment where
there is the possibility of incidental contact with food.
Compressor Oil, Other: All other compressor oils except food grade oils.
Engine Oil, Piston, Automotive: Engine oils used for automotive piston engines including gaso-
line and diesel engines.
Engine Oil, Piston, Diesel: Engine oils used specifically for diesel engines.
Engine Oil, Piston, Aircraft: Engine oils used in aircraft piston engines.
Engine Oil, Piston, Gas: Engine oils used in piston engines fueled by natural gas or propane.
Engine Oil, Piston, Marine: Diesel engine oils used in marine applications.
Engine Oil, Piston, 2 Cycle: Engine oils for two-cycle piston engines.
Engine Oil, Gas Turbine, Aircraft: Engine oils for aircraft gas turbine engines.
Engine Oil, Gas Turbine, Land-Based: Engine oils for land-based gas turbine engines.
Flushing Oil: This category includes petroleum base oils and once-through oils. They are prepared
with no additives or with additives that produce a protective film after flushing.
Gear Oil, AGMA R&O: Rust and oxidation inhibited gear oils.
Gear Oil, AGMA EP: Gear oils that contain EP additives in addition to rust and oxidation
Gear Oil, AGMA Comp.: Gear oils with rust and oxidation inhibitors and friction modifiers.
Heat Transfer Oil: Oils used in heat transfer operations.
Hydraulic Oil: Oils used in hydraulic systems. They are usually formulated for good oxidation sta-
bility and lubricity.
Machine Oil (Utility Oil): General purpose lubricants.
Paper Machine Oil: Circulating oils in paper machines.
Refrigeration Oil: Refrigeration compressor lubricants.
Steam Turbine Oil: Circulating oils used in steam turbine systems.
Textile Oil: Lubricants for textile machinery parts.
Transformer Oil: Oils used in circuit breakers, switches, transformers, and other electrical appara-
tus for insulating, cooling, or both.
Transmission Oil, ATF: Automatic transmission fluids.
Transmission Oil, Automotive Gear Oil: Automotive manual transmission fluids.
Transmission Oil, Tractor Hydraulic Fluid: Fluids used in transmissions, final drives, wet brakes,
and hydraulic systems of tractors.

Copyright © 1997 CRC Press, LLC.

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