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S t ud ies b y R ev .

Mik e Meñ ez
Revelation 5-10

1. Rapture
5. Millennial Reign
2. Great Tribulation
6. Great White Throne Judgment
3. Second Coming
7. New Heaven & New Earth
4. Battle of Armageddon

Revelation 5 notes
The Scroll & The Lamb

v 5:1-6 -Victory Through Sacrifice (central theme of NT revelation illustrated here)

v The Lord Jesus Christ’s Exaltation, Presentation, & Accession to Authority

Revelation 6 notes
The Six Seals of the Seven Seal Judgments
v The “Birth Pangs”: The Judgments in the First Half of the Tribulation Period

The Tribulation Judgments

"Beginning of Birth-Pangs" (Matt. 24:8; Mark 13:8) Earthly & Heavenly

(Chart from Dr. Constable’s Notes) The first half of the Tribulation Phenomena
Matthew Mark Luke Revelation (Revelation 6:12-17)

24:4-5 13:6 21:8 Antichrist 6:1-2 1st Seal Great Earthquake

24:6-7 13:7-8 21:9-10 War 6:3-4 2 Seal Darkening of Sun
24:7 13:8 21:11 Famine 6:5-6 3rd Seal Moon turns Red
24:9 13:12 21:16 Death 6:7-8 4th Seal Meteor Shower
24:9-13 13:9-13 21:12-19 Martyrdom 6:9-11 5th Seal Sky vanishes like a
21:11 Earthly & Heavenly Phenomena 6:12-17 6th Seal Scroll Rolled Up

"Abomination of Desolation" (Matt. 24:15; Mark 13:14) Every Mountain & Island
The middle of the Tribulation Moved out of Place


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S t ud ies b y R ev .Mik e Meñ ez
Revelation 7 notes
Interlude: The 144,000 Jews & the Tribulation Martyrs
v 7:2–8 -Before the opening of the 7th Seal, 12,000 Jews from each of the 12 tribes will be sealed.
v 7:9–17 -The great multitude of tribulation martyrs praising God.

Revelation 8 notes
The 7th Seal Judgment: The Trumpet Judgments (the first 4 of 7)


1 Fire Storm (8:7)
2nd Meteor (8:8-9)
3 Poisoned Waters (8:10-11)
4th Darkness (8:12)

Revelation 9 notes
The 7th Seal Judgment: The 5th & 6th Trumpet Judgments


5 Locust-like Creatures (9:1-11)
6th 200 Million Army (9:13-19)

v 9:20-21 – rest of mankind refuse to stop worshipping demons who caused them misery, and continued instead in their: (1)
“murders”, which is plural in form, as in, it will be rampant;
(2) “sorceries” and drugs (Greek word for “sorceries” is pharmakon, the verb form of which means “to administer
drugs”. Drugs & magical arts are often involved in witchcraft or demonism);
(3) “sexual immorality”, which includes even the enjoyment of pornography, the Greek word being, porneia,
where we get the English word.
(4) “thefts”, also in plural form, emphasizing the future moral breakdown in society where men will lie, cheat, &
steal whenever they can.

Supplementary Revelations Before the 7th Trumpet Judgment:

Revelation 10 notes
The Mighty Angel & The Little Scroll
v A scene revealing the distressing (“bitter in the stomach”) reality of the judgments to come (10:9-10).

Dr. Constable's Notes on Revelation (2008 Edition)
J. Hampton Keathley III, Studies in Revelation
Things to Come, Dwight Pentecost
Scofield, Will the Church Pass Through the Great Tribulation
Ryrie’s Basic Theology
Thiessen’s Systematic Theology
Robertson’s Word Pictures
Zondervan Commentary
Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible
N.T. Survey, Dennis J. Mock
Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
International Standard Bible Commentary
Barne’s Notes
Vincent’s Word Studies
John Gill’s Exposition
Matthew Henry’s Commentary
Jamieson Fausset & Brown
The Book of Revelation, Clarence Larkin
Practical Studies in Revelation, Theodore H. Epp
Revelation, Geoffrey B. Wilson
Willmington’s Guide to the Bible

More resources at www. mi kemenez. co m

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