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: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
B.Tech. Degree Examination – May
Second Semester
ENG112 Technical Communication
(Common to all branches)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer all questions
1. Define the following terms: (5 x 2 = 10 Marks)
a) Algorithm
b) Microprocessor
c) Pressure
d) Radar
e) Proof Reading

2. Correct the punctuation errors in the following passage: (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)

morris the Martian was flying around the Solar System suddenly he saw a strange light in
front of him.What is that he thought to himself. Morris was scared but he flew a little bit
closer so that he couldseeit better. Hello he called out. There was no reply.Hello. Is anyone
there he called, but again there was no reply. Suddenly a creature appeared in front of the
light. BOO it shouted. Poor Morris was really scared and He flew off home and hid under
his bed.

3. Choose the best reframed option for the following sentences for a better style and
tone. (5 x 1 = 5
1. Physical aerobic exercise is recommended for healthy hearts.
a) Aerobic exercise is recommended for healthy hearts.
b) We recommend physical aerobic exercisefor healthy hearts.
c) You can exercise physical aerobics to remain healthy.
d) None of the above.

2. The cause of our school’s failure at teaching basic skills is that, the educators do
not understand the influence of cultural background on learning.
a) Since the educators do not understand the influence of cultural background
on learning, the teaching of basic skills has become a failure.
b) The school can successfully teach basic skills, only if the educators understand the
influence of cultural background on learning.
c) It is very painful to note that our educators’ inability to understand the
cultural background has resulted in inefficient teaching of basic skills.
d) None of the above.

3. Balancing the budget by Friday is impossibility without some kind of extra help.
a) Balancing the budget by Friday is possible only with extra help.
b) Balancing the budget by Friday is impossible without extra help
c) Without extra help, the budget cannot be balanced.
d) None of the above.
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