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Class 10 - English

Two Stories About Flying

1. (d) Paris Control Room
Explanation: The Narrator was flying from France to England. In order to reach the destination, he called
up Paris Control and they provided him with the necessary instructions. 
2. (b) Liam O Flaherty
Explanation: The Chapter, ' Two Stories about Flying' has two parts. The first part of it is 'His First Flight'
and the author of this part is Liam O Flaherty.
3. (b) A Young Seagull
Explanation: This Chapter is all about the Young Seagull and his family. The story revolves around the
difficulties that the Young seagull faces in flying and finally the experience of his first flight by overcoming
his fear of flying. 
4. (d) Five
Explanation: There were total six members in the seagull family, but apart from the young seagull, there
were five more members in his family including his father,his mother, his two brothers and his sister.
5. (c) Coward
Explanation: Being a bird, the young seagull has a fear of flying and because of it he didn't even tried once
to fly. That's the reason why his family addresses him as a Coward. 
6. (d) His Mother
Explanation: According to the chapter, everyone in the seagull's family was professing to ignore him, but
his mother took an initiative to approach him for food.
7. (c) When there was only enough fuel in the old Dakota's last tank.
Explanation: When the pilot of the Black Aeroplane helped him to make him out from that chaos, he felt
relieved but he got frightened again when he realized that there was only enough fuel in the old Dakota's
last tank to fly for only five or ten minutes more.
8. (a) To turn Twelve degrees West
Explanation: In order to reach England, the Narrator called up Paris Control and they instructed the
Narrator to turn the Dakota twelve degrees West.
9. (c) Surpassed Paris by 150 kilometers 
Explanation: Everything was going well in the air until the stormy clouds came in the way of Dakota. Paris
was about 150 kilometers behind the narrator when the storm clouds came.
10. (b) Fredrik Forsyth 
Explanation: The Chapter has two distinct parts. The second part of the chapter is 'The Black Aeroplane'
and the author of it is Fredrik Forsyth. 
11. (c) Both Good English Breakfast and His meet with family
Explanation: When he saw the storm clouds, initially he had a feeling to return back to Paris, but he
wanted to go home and he wanted that breakfast. So, these two things made him fully motivated and
finally he took the risk and entered it.
12. (d) Two tanks
Explanation: Narrator's Aeroplane 'Dakota DS 088' had two fuel tanks in it. When it was following the
instructions of the Paris Control,  the narrator switched over to the second and last fuel tank.
13. (b) He Turned his Aeroplane in front of Dakota.
Explanation: The Pilot of Black Aeroplane turned his Aeroplane slowly to the north, infront of the Dakota,
so that it would be easier for the Narrator to follow him.
14. (b) To have a good English Breakfast with his family.
Explanation: Narrator was a bit fascinated towards a good English Breakfast and the icing of the cake was

to do it with his family. So, in order to eat a good English Breakfast with his family, he was flying from
France to England. 
15. (c) The Young Seagull
Explanation: Protagonist designates the main character of a particular chapter. Here in this chapter, the
protagonist is the young seagull because every thing in this chapter revolves around the character of young
16. (c) Pilot of Black Aeroplane 
Explanation: The Narrator was completely stucked in that Storm Clouds. Adding to this, all his belongings
like Compass and Radio were not working and he also lost contact with Paris Control. He got a sigh of hope
when he saw another Aeroplane in the sky, he felt relieved and finally the pilot of that Black Aeroplane
helped him to make him out of that adverse situation. 
17. (d) His Wings
Explanation: According to his mindset, He felt that his wings will not support him in flying and as a result,
he will fall down into the sea. That's the reason behind his fear of flying.
18. (c) Dakota DS 088
Explanation: Dakota DS 088 was a type of Aeroplane in the Chapter, 'The Black Aeroplane'. It was an old
type of Aeroplane as mentioned in the Chapter. 
19. (a) Sheer Determination and Courage
Explanation: Sheer Determination and Courage are the two important aspects through which one can
overcome their biggest fears without exaggerating it.
20. (a) Huge Black Mountains
Explanation: The Narrator compared the Storm clouds with the Black huge mountains as they were large
in size and were acting as a resistance in the way of the Dakota DS 088.


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