Long Walk To Freedom Solutions

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Class 10 - English

Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela

1. (a) White-skinned People sown the seeds of apartheid system in the country.
Explanation: The White-skinned people of South Africa patched up their differences and established a
system of racial domination against the black population of their own land.
2. (c) Its People 
Explanation: According to his ideology, the real wealth of his country is its people. The bravery and
courage of people made them the greatest wealth of their country. People of his country like Oliver Tambo,
Walter Sisulu and many more sacrificed their lives for their country. They even stand up to attacks and
torture without breaking down.
3. (b) Because the first democratic elections were held on this day.
Explanation: 10th May 1994 was considered as an autumn day for South Africa because on this day, the
first democratic elections were held. As a result, the racial government was to be removed and the first
non-racial government was formed just like the autumn season, the new leaves are grown and older ones
are being removed.
4. (b) Prisoner of Hatred
Explanation: Nelson Mandela's doctrine articulates that, A man who takes away another man's freedom is
a prisoner of hatred as he is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness.
5. (c) Two
Explanation: Before 1997, the country had two National Anthems; one for the White-skinned People and
one for the Dark-skinned People. In Year 1996, it was combined and shortened. After one year, it was
officially adopted as the only National Anthem of South Africa.
6. (d) Black Community 
Explanation: In a country like South Africa, where racial discrimination was on the peak; it was almost
impossible for a man of black community to fulfil the twin obligations of a man in his life.
7. (b) To fight for the freedom of everyone
Explanation: The only point which pushed him to join The African National Congress was to fight for
the freedom of everyone who looked like him. He joined it to put an end to the racial discrimination in his
country to not just make himself free from the discrimination but for the whole black community who
were suffering from racism.
8. (a) Freedom has many aspects
Explanation: According to Mandela, freedom has many aspects like:- for a kid it is to run and play, for an
adult it is to fulfil the need of his own and his family. It varies from individual to individual.
9. (c) Punished and Isolated 
Explanation: In South Africa, a man of dark colour who attempted to live as a human being was punished
and isolated. They were forced to leave their home and live a life apart.
10. (a) Apartheid system had been overturned forever.
Explanation: In the Last decade of twentieth century, the discriminatory Apartheid system was completely
overturned forever and replaced by one that recognised the rights and freedom of all peoples, regardless of
the colour of their skin.
11. (d) 2013
Explanation: 2013
12. (c) 1994
Explanation: 1994
13. (b) Nelson Mandela
Explanation: Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa after more than three
centuries of white rule. His Political Party 'African National Congress' won 252 of the 400 seats in the first
democratic elections of South Africa. 

14. (a) Bram Fischer
Explanation: Bram Fischer is the man in the above picture. He was a great man South Africa could ever
had. He fighted for his nation to eradicate racial discrimination from his country.
15. (c) Love
Explanation: A person is always taught how to hate someone, but more precisely a person should be
taught to love, because love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.
16. (d) 1994
Explanation: Year 1994 is termed as a remarkable year for South africa because in this year; on 10th May
the very first democratic elections were held breaking all the walls of racial discrimination and an end to
the apartheid system. In this Year, the first non-racial government was formed under the leadership of
Nelson Mandela.
17. (c) All of the above
Explanation: The author said that he considered himself free in his childhood when he was allowed those
basic freedoms as he obeyed his parents and elders.
18. (b) His Daughter 
Explanation: In the Inauguration Ceremony,  Nelson Mandela was accompanied by his daughter Zenani.
She was with his father on that lovely autumn day.
19. (c) the new South African flag
Explanation: the new South African flag
20. (a) Union Buildings
Explanation: Union Buildings


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