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Why Should We Switch From

Manual To Automation
Test Reusability
Automated test cases and test suites can be reused
multiple times in different test cycles and test
environments. So, every time an application
changes, you can run automated regression test
suites to check regression bugs, avoiding doing
regression tests manually repeatedly.

Source: Software Testing Help

Higher Test Coverage
Since tests are executed automatically, you have
more time to focus on new scenarios and write more
automated test cases to verify and validate the
Application Under Test (AUT). You and your teams
are freed to do more exploratory testing to ensure
product quality.
Earlier Feedback and Bug Detection
If done right, automated testing can start as soon as
the development phase begins. Developers can
perform unit tests on their local machines before
committing codes to the version control system.
Going Beyond Manual Testing
Test automation can do what manual testing might
hardly achieve, especially for specific tests that
require lots of effort and resources like performance
testing. It can simulate thousands of simultaneous
requests to the AUT’s server-side, from different
platforms and devices, which is nearly impossible to
do manually.

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