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Corporate Social Responsibility Project Proposal

Part I- Overview of the Societal Problems

Teenage Pregnancy is a societal problem that needs and urgent action and

attention. Teenage pregnancy, as defined by the World Health Organization, is the

occurrence of pregnancy on female under the age of 20. It is a societal problem that is

possible but difficult to eliminate because it is often associated with other societal issues

like poverty, lower educational level, and social stigma.

It is not new for us to hear about the term “teenage pregnancy”. We hear it in school,

we hear it from our parents, we could eavesdrop about them on strangers having a

conversation. It is a worldwide problem that occurred and was far more normal in the

previous centuries. Baxter et al. (2021), in their study about how effective was Teenage

Pregnancy Strategy, said that Teenage pregnancy is associated with numerous health

risks, both to mothers and infants, and may contribute to entrenched social inequalities

and their study also concluded that there was little or no effect/impact of the strategy on

teenage pregnancy in England.

In the Philippines, President Rodrigo R. Duterte signed Executive Order (EO) No.

141, on June 25, 2021, which adopts the implementation of measures to address the

root causes of the rising number of teenage pregnancies as a national priority. In the

said EO, the government acknowledges that engendered patterns of discrimination,

deep-seated norms and attitudes that normalize and justify violence against women and

children, lack of information and education, and the vulnerability and exclusion of

women and children living in remote and rural areas are the main causes of the rising

number in adolescent pregnancies nationwide.

Here in Caraga, The Commission on Population and Development (POPCOM), data

gathered show that Teen Pregnancy rose in the midst of pandemic. In a data presented

by Regional Director Alexander A. Makinano of POPCOM-Caraga during the 2 nd Gender

and Development Focal Point System Virtual Meeting, 2337 cases of teens aging 15-19

years old were pregnant on the first quarter of the year while 2081 teens are pregnant

during the 2nd quarter, the time where first confirmed cases of COVID-19 were tallied.

With this information, We the proponent, choose the societal problem of teenage

pregnancy and classified it as urgent and we decided to combat it with our program

Teenage Pregnancy Prevention and Adolescent Development Program or (TPPADP).

Part II- Projects/ Programs/ Activities Content

Title of the Project: Pregnancy Prevention and Adolescent Development Program


Objectives of the Project: the project aims to reduce, if not possible to eliminate,

teenage pregnancy and improve adolescent reproductive health of the target barangay.

Executive Summary of Project Proposal:

The problem that we are trying to combat with is the rise of Teenage Pregnancy and

help them improve their reproductive health. Also to provide them information and ways

of prevention so that the status of such problem would deflate. We, the proponent, wish

for our adolescent girls to be fulfilling their dreams, enjoy their adolescent lives and build

up their own future instead of getting pregnant early. We wish for a future that there will

be no more children bearing the consequences of having children at a young age. The

solution that we are proposing would be to provide them information by educating them
through having a conference with them and providing essential tools in order for them to

protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and from sexually transmitted diseases

which goes along our ideas for developing their reproductive health. There could be

risks such as them not participating with the conference or that they would be not willing

to use the tools that we will provide to them due to low literacy or there could be a

hysteria of using them but we are ready to show to them and make them fully

understand our visions of why we want to eliminate such social problems by first

obtaining their trust and respect with our kind actions and mannerly speeches. Also we

first have to observe them when we have them as our audience then we can make

segments of what our action would we take. With this we accept any recommendation

and criticism we would receive in proposing this program and we would like to hear a

decision of your approval.

Relevance of the Project:

The Program expects to see positive results that it help towards the reduction of the

rate of Teenage Pregnancy in the target barangay and hopefully it can do a snowball

effect into our society and also to deflate the associated problems with regards to

teenage pregnancy and to see adolescents with literacy towards their reproductive


Targeted beneficiaries and expected Outputs:

We, the proponent, decided that our target beneficiaries would be the adolescents

living in Barangay Karaos. To help define the word “adolescents” means the teenagers

aging 14-19 in which teenage pregnancy usually occurs. The program would include all

male and female adolescents to be part with no matter their status in life.
Geographical area of execution of project and reason for selecting that area :

We, the proponent, decided to choose the area of Barangay Karaos as to where we

would execute the program. The reason for selecting the area would be that one of the

proponent lives in the area and that he observed that some of the adolescents there

where already parents at a young age and he believes that it is a societal problem and

that the problem is a major contributor to the rising rate of poverty in the society where

he lives.

Gant Chart of the Work Plan:

Activities Jun August- October- Decemb Februar April- Februar

e- Septemb Novemb er- y-March Janua y-
July er er January ry March
ion and
preparation of
the project
Presentation of
proposal to the
waiting time for
approval, and
Data collection
Presentation of
proposal to the
panel and
preparation for
Execution of
the program
Data collection
and Analysis
Monitoring of
the project
Reporting of
the results

Project overseers:

Mrs. Richel G.

One of the Project proponent

She is 30 years old, currently an accounting

student at Saint Francis Xavier College, a

loving mother and a great wife.

Sustainability and Development of the Project:

We would like the assistance of the barangay officials and the municipality in

sustaining the project. For the program to continue it’s impact to the future, the idea of

educating the adolescents on improving their reproductive health and shared visions

would directly reflect but to sustain is for the continuous monitoring of such individual

progress for example among the adolescents who participated in the conference there

would be 30-50 of them who would share the ideas they have learned to their respective

families, friends and then the society which would then create a domino effect and in

this way there could be 300-700 indirect beneficiaries or literate individuals that will

apply such learnings towards themselves. For Financial development and in part of our
advocacy initiatives, our team would like to create a crowd-sourcing campaign and also

asks the local government unit (LGU) in helping to fund the said program. The

campaign would also include an annual appeal to further support the project. The

Organization behind the project and we as the proponent would continuously monitor

the results of the project and methodically use the social media as the platform where

we will publicize our reports and findings, and in hopes that it will help us find new

volunteers of the said program.

Estimated Project Cost

Projects/Programs/Activities Budget Timeline

Start date Completion Number
date of Days
1. Materials and labor for Php 69,500 February August 2
the conferences 15,2024 15,2024
2. Contraceptives and other Php 25,000 February August 2
birth controls 15,2024 15,2024
3. Monitoring expenses Php 10,000 February February 4
15,2024 15,2025
4. Other expenses (Taxes, Php 15,000 February February 1
documents.etc.) 15,2024 15,2025
Total budget cost Php 244,000

Funding Sources and Sponsorship :

We would like to use the method of crowd-sourcing campaign and also asks the help

of the Local Government Unit (LGU) in funding the program for the tools like

contraceptives, condoms and other. We would also asks for corporations that promotes

reproductive health and in line with our visions and goals to help us and make appeals

an appeal with them to sponsor our program in returns of giving them the best possible

results and also promoting/advertising the use of their products. In hopes to lessen the

expense is that we would also asks for volunteers in our social media platforms.
Monitoring and Evaluation of the Project:

The monitoring and Evaluation of the project would be leaded by our Project

Overseer Mrs. Richel Brua and other staffs with the help of the officials of the target

barangay. It will be a continuous monitoring every 3 months and a conference will be

held every 6 months to also provide the necessary tools in developing their reproductive

health. We would also provide the tools in the target barangay in their respective

barangay hall so that adolescents can easily access the tools.

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