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Human Resource Management

Human beings are social beings and hardly ever live and
work in isolation. We always plan, develop and manage
our relations both consciously and unconsciously. The
relations are the outcome of our actions and depend to a
great extent upon our ability to manage our actions. From
childhood each and every individual acquire knowledge
and experience on understanding others and how to
behave in each and every situations in life. Later we carry
forward this learning and understanding in carrying and
managing relations at our workplace. The whole context of
Human Resource Management revolves around this core
matter of managing relations at work place.

Human resources management (HRM) is a management
function concerned with hiring, motivating and maintaining
people in an organization. It focuses on people in
organizations. Human resource management is designing
management systems to ensure that human talent is used
effectively and efficiently to accomplish organizational

 HRM Involves the Application of Management
Functions and Principles. The functions and principles
are applied to acquiring, developing, maintaining and
providing remuneration to employees in organization.
 Decision Relating to Employees must be integrated.
Decisions on different aspects of employees must be
consistent with other human resource (HR) decisions.
 Decisions Made Influence the Effectiveness of an
Organization. Effectiveness of an organization will
result in betterment of services to customers in the
form of high quality products supplied at reasonable
 HRM Functions are not confined to Business
Establishments Only but applicable to non business
organizations such as education, health care,
recreation and like.

 Human Resource Planning
 Design of the Organization and Job
 Selection and Staffing
 Training and Development
 Organizational Development
 Compensation and Benefits
 Employee Assistance
 Union/Labour Relations
 Personnel Research and Information System

 To develop a thorough knowledge of corporate culture,
plans and policies.
 To act as an internal change agent and consultant.
 To initiate change and act as an expert and facilitator.
 To actively involved in company’s strategy formulation.
 To keep communication line open between the HRD
function and individuals and groups both within and
outside the organization.
 To identify and evolve HRD strategies in consonance with
overall business strategy.
 To facilitate the development of various organizational
teams and their working relationship with other teams and
 To try and relate people and work so that the organization
objectives are achieved efficiently and effectively.
 To diagnose problems and determine appropriate solution
particularly in the human resource areas.
 To provide co-ordination and support services for the
delivery of HRD programmes and services
 To evaluate the impact of an HRD intervention or to
conduct research so as to identify, develop or test how
HRD In general has improved individual and organizational


HRD means developing or trapping hidden qualities in

people in order to make them accomplish new functions
leading to organizational and individual goals.
Human resource development is concerned with the
development and implementation of people strategies,
which are integrated with corporate strategies, and
ensures that the culture, values and structure of the
organization, and the quality, motivation and commitment
of its members contribute fully to the achievement of its
Human Resource Development in India:

Human resource development is a newly emerging field of

study. Although development of human beings has been
in existence in some form or the other since the beginning
of civilization, a planned and systemic approach to HRD in
the corporate sector emerged in the later half of the
20th century. In the past, training was the only planned way
of developing human resources. But now HRD has
emerged as an interdisciplinary and integrated approach
to the development of human resources.

1) Acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform

various functions associated with their present or
expected future roles.
2) Develop their general capabilities as individuals and
discover and exploit their own inner potential for their
own and/or organizational development purpose.
3) Develop an organizational culture in which superior-
subordinate relationships, teamwork and collaboration
among sub-units are strong and contribute to the
professional well-being, motivation and pride of
employees. Put simply, HRD also man’s competence
building, commitment building and culture building.
In the organization context, scope of HRD is not limited to
the development of the organizational role of the
employees but extends to the individuals inner feelings,
genius and latent potentialities of those working in the
organization. Individuals in an organization have unlimited
potential for growth and development and this can be
multiplied and channelized through systematic efforts.
Megginson viewed human resources as the total
knowledge, skills, creative, abilities, talents and aptitudes
of an organization’s workforce as well as the values,
attitudes and beliefs of the individual involved.
HRD is an effort to develop capabilities and competence
among employees as well as to create an organizational
environment conducive to the employee’s development.
A.D. Moddie has observed that, “Good organization-
building has to create around it a bracing atmosphere, a
prideful tradition of integrity, excellence and fellowship.
Human beings breathe this ethos around them almost
unconsciously and these traditions make for that ethos”.

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