Racking Analysis of Underground Structures: Date: Note No. By: Sheet No

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Date: 16-08-2022 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.


1.0 Introduction

Following calculations pertain to evaluation of free field raking effect on tunnel due to earthquake.

For the raking effect, only the free field deformation is being considered ignoring the soil structure interaction.

This assumption is on conservative side. The effect of soil structure interaction is to decrease the raking effect.
But even for very soft soil, the reduction is of order of 15% only.

Clear height between roof & conc. = 5.100 m

Clear height between conc. & base = 7.100 m

Structural Dimensions

Thickness of Roof slab = 1200 mm

5100 mm
Thickness of Concourse slab = 800 mm
7100 mm
Thickness of Base slab = 1500 mm

Main References:

1. Hashash, Y.M.A., Hook, J.A., Schmidt, B., Yao, J.,"Seismic Design and Analysis of Underground Structures"
2. Wang, J., "Seismic Design of Tunnels"
3. Kuesel, R.K., "Earthquake design criteria for subways"
4. Macormick

2.0 Seismic Parameters

2.1 Peak Ground Acceleration (amax)

Maximum design earthquake (MDE) = 0.36 g

= 360 cm/sec²
Operating design earthquake (ODE) = #VALUE! g
= 0.18 g
So Zone Factor (Z) = 0.36

As per IS: 1893-2002

Comprehensive Intensity
Zone Z Intensity MSK64
II 0.10 Low VI or less
III 0.16 Moderate VII
IV 0.24 Severe VIII
V 0.36 IX or more
Date: 16-08-2022 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

So, ODE or DBE (Design Basis Earthquake) = #VALUE! g

= 0.18 g
= 180 cm/sec²

2.2 Peak Ground Accelaration at Depth (as)

As per IS 1893-1984
Ratio of ground motion Depth Ratio
at tunnel depth to 0 1
Tunnel Depth, d (m)
motion at ground 30 0.5
<or = 6 1
6 to 15 0.9
15 to 30 0.8
> 30 0.7

Depth of Tunnel = 2.3 m

Depth Factor= #VALUE!
= 0.96
as= 0.96 x amax = 0.347 g
= 347 cm/sec²

2.3 Peak Ground Velocity (Vs)

As per Table 2

Moment Ratio: Vs (cm/sec) / amax (g)

Range of shear Wave
Magnitude Souces to site distance (km)
velocity (m/sec)
Mw 0 to 20 20 to 50 50 to 100
Rock >750
6.5 66 76 86
7.5 97 109 97
8.5 127 140 152
Stiff Soil 200 to 750
6.5 94 102 109
7.5 140 127 155
8.5 180 188 193
Soft Soil <200
6.5 140 132 142
7.5 208 165 201
8.5 269 244 251

Vs (in cm/sec) / amax (in g) = 109

Therefore Vs = #VALUE!
= 37.8 cm/s

3.0 Estimation of Free Field Deformation

3.1 Max Free Field shear strain of sub-strata (Ymax)

Ymax = Vs/Cm Where Cm = Effective shear wave propagation velocity

= (Gm/r)^0.5 Where Gm = effective shear modulus of strata
r = mass density of ground
Date: 16-08-2022 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

or use the following table:

Shear Velocity Shear Velocity, Cm
Soil Classification (Feet/sec) (m/sec)
Compact granular soil 1000 304.8
Silty sand 500 152.4
Medium Clay 200 60.96
Soft Clay 100 30.48

Vs = Ratio x amax (g) = 0.378 m/sec

Cm = 152.40 m/sec
Hence Ymax (Strain per meter height) Vs/Cm = #VALUE!
= 0.00248

3.2 Corresponding free-field deflection (dmax) for MCE/MDE (2*DBE) without applying importance

dmax = Ymax x H

C/C Height Between Free-Field Deflection,

slabs (mm) dmax (mm)
Station 14350 35.61

3.3 Earthquake effects for DBE/ODE as per IS:1893-2002

Z/2 = #VALUE! g
= 0.18 g
Importance factor (IF) = 1.5
Hence A = Z/2 x IF = #VALUE! g
= 0.27 g

4.0 STAAD Modelling for estimation of raking force

Next step of Seismic design of underground structures is the establishment of raking force. Raking force is the
load required to generate the deflection estimated above. This has been carried out by applying a 100kN
concentrated horizontal force at top node (in each diretion at a time) and the deflection produced is noted.
Actual raking force = 100kN x deflection requied/ deflection produced

P = Concentrated Force

Pinned Roller

In the present design note, raking effects have been estimated for DBE/ODE case with importance factor of 1.5.
Corresponding deflections are:

DBE/ODE Deflection DBE/ODE Deflection with importance factor =

Tunnel type with importance factor = dmax X (A/g) /
(mm) (MDE/g)
Rectangular Box 26.71 = #VALUE!
Date: 16-08-2022 Note No.

By: SLS Sheet No.

Analysis for raking force has been done by STAAD. Each section has been analysed in separate STAAD file.
Input and output files are enclosed.


Applied known force = 10.0 T

Deflection at top corner = 9.2 mm
Actual Force to be applied 29 T

Force (P) to be applied to achieve above deflection = 290 kN

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