Shallow and Deep Dry Etching of Silicon Using ICP Cryogenic Reactive Ion Etching Process

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Microsyst Technol (2010) 16:863–870

DOI 10.1007/s00542-010-1035-7


Shallow and deep dry etching of silicon using ICP cryogenic

reactive ion etching process
Ü. Sökmen • A. Stranz • S. Fündling •
S. Merzsch • R. Neumann • H.-H. Wehmann •

E. Peiner • A. Waag

Received: 31 July 2009 / Accepted: 19 January 2010 / Published online: 5 February 2010
 Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract We achieved to etch nanostructures as well as • In addition, the smoothness of the surfaces is also a
structures with high aspect ratios in silicon using an critical parameter.
inductively coupled plasma cryogenic deep reactive ion • For shallow etching a very low etch rate is required in
etching process. We etched cantilevers, submicron diame- order to control the etch depth, otherwise fast respond-
ter pillars, membranes and deep structures in silicon with ing—partly mechanical—components, e.g. source
etch rates between 13 nm/min and 4 lm/min. These power, pumps, mass flow controllers, etc., must be
structures find applications as templates for metal organic used in order to manage the etch depth.
vapour phase epitaxial growth of GaN-based nanostruc- • For deep etching it is necessary to have high etch rates.
tures for optoelectronic devices or they are the basic con- • Using a soft mask even for deep etching will be an
stituents of a nanoparticle balance in the subnanogram advantage. A soft mask reduces the number of process
range and of a thermoelectric generator. steps necessary during the lithography.
All these requirements are fulfilled by inductively
coupled plasma (ICP) cryogenic dry etching of silicon.
1 Introduction
Due to the possibility of independent adjusting of ion
density and ion energy not only very low etch rates but
The latest developments in the ‘‘nano-world’’ move the
also high etch rates can be achieved using ICP. In contrast
geometry of structures in Nano- and Micro-Electro-
to the Bosch process ICP cryogenic dry etching is a clean
Mechanical-Systems (NMEMS), which are very often
process due to gaseous etch products and passivation
based on silicon, to ever decreasing dimensions and,
layers that desorb completely during warming up from the
beyond this, more attention is put on the etch profile con-
etch temperature to room temperature. The ICP cryogenic
trol. Thus, the requirements for an etching system are the
dry etching process of silicon uses two gases, i.e. SF6 and
O2, simultaneously in order to etch cryogenically cooled
• During the etching of nanostructures in silicon the silicon substrates. Etching and passivation processes take
underetching should be minimized. Low underetching place at the same time. We applied this ICP cryogenic dry
means high stability and functionality for the nano- etching process to realize nanostructures in silicon, like
structures in silicon. submicron pores, nanocantilevers and submicron diameter
pillars with a few micrometer lengths which were defined
by lithography—either conventional photolithography or
e-beam lithography. Patterns of submicron diameter pil-
lars can be used as a growth template for GaN-based
Ü. Sökmen (&)  A. Stranz  S. Fündling  S. Merzsch 
R. Neumann  H.-H. Wehmann  E. Peiner  A. Waag optoelectronic devices. In addition, since they are very
Institute of Semiconductor Technology, Braunschweig elastic and robust silicon submicron diameter pillars
University of Technology, Hans-Sommer-Str. 66, are designed as lowly heat conducting constituents of
38106 Brunswick, Germany thermoelectric modules. Long and very thin silicon

864 Microsyst Technol (2010) 16:863–870

cantilevers could also be etched by using the ICP 3 Results and discussion
cryogenic dry etching process. Very deep etching on
larger areas for the creation of membranes is also possi- 3.1 Dry etching of submicron pores and cantilevers
ble. Therefore, silicon cantilevers can be realized by dry
etching a membrane from the backside followed by a Dry etching of nanostructures requires precise control of
cantilever release etch from the front side. In the fol- the etch profile. The tolerances for the underetching should
lowing sections, we will explain the ICP-deep reactive ion be hold strictly in order not to deteriorate the function of
etching (DRIE) cryogenic dry etching of submicron pores the structures. The etch rates should be also in submicron-
and cantilevers, submicron diameter pillars and cantilevers per-minute range in order to etch submicron depths. The
for mass sensing resonators. It is also possible to etch lowest etch rate that we achieved by reducing the ion
different structures in bulk silicon other than these men- energy and the ion density is about 13 nm/min at cryogenic
tioned structures. Such structures can be used for different temperatures. For this process we have the following rec-
micro- and even nanomechanical applications. ipe: ICP-source power of 100 W, bias voltage of –1 V,
temperature of –75C and O2 flow of 9 sccm. The etch
profile can be controlled in order to create either perpen-
2 Experimental set-up dicular sidewalls or a cavity, i.e. isotropic profiles. By
increasing the oxygen flow or reducing the temperature we
An SI500C cryogenic dry etcher from Sentech Instru- make the passivation layer, i.e. SiOxFy, thicker and harder
ments was used for the ICP cryogenic dry etching pro- and thus we get positive etch profiles. However, by
cess. The ion energy and the ion density can be adjusted reducing the oxygen flow or increasing the temperature we
independently. The ICP source has a power of up to make the passivation layer thinner and softer and thus we
1,200 W and the lower electrode can be powered up to get negative etch profiles. At room temperature we get
300 W. The ICP source (13.56 MHz) is separated from isotropic profiles with etch rates two or three times higher
the turbo-pumped reactor with an Al2O3-plate, under than 13 nm/min.
which a quartz plate is placed with a few millimeters
gap. The wafer carrier is a plane aluminum plate without 3.2 Dry etching of submicron diameter pillars
holes. The samples of any size up to 800 wafers are fixed
on it by a thermally conductive paste. This guarantees a Dry etching of submicron diameter pillars is different from
good thermal contact to the Al plate which in turn is dry etching of submicron cantilevers and pores. The sub-
cooled/heated by a He gas foil. This is encapsulated micron diameter pillars have a height of a few micrometers
between the wafer carrier and the electrode which is and thus a high aspect ratio. Therefore, the etch rate should
temperature-controlled by N2, either as liquid, cold gas be high avoiding at the same time underetching. In order to
or gas at room temperature and electrical heating. Thus, increase the etch rate, we increased the ion energy and the
during normal operation there will be no He inside the ion density. For this process we have the following recipe:
reactor and the stoichiometry of the gas phase will not be ICP-source power of 500 W, bias voltage of –12 V, tem-
disturbed. The carrier itself is loaded horizontally by perature of –95C and O2 flow of 9 sccm. We achieved an
means of a load-lock system. The mass flow controllers etch rate of 2.8–4.0 lm/min. We can also control the etch
for SF6 and O2 allow us to use these gases at maximum profile of the pillars in order to have either perpendicularly,
flow rates of 129 and 49 sccm, respectively. Throughout positively or negatively profiled sidewalls. Increasing the
the experiments we used the maximum flow rate of oxygen content or reducing the temperature will tend the
129 sccm for SF6 and a total pressure of 1.5 Pa. For profile to be positive and reduce also the etch rate.
oxygen we adjusted the flow rate in small steps, because Reducing the oxygen content or increasing the temperature
the oxygen content influences the cryogenic etch process will tend the profile to be negative and increase also the
severally. Samples of any size below 1 and 2 in. wafers etch rate. Silicon nanowires show strongly reduced thermal
were normally used for our experiments. We also etched conductivity and can thus be used for thermoelectrics based
4 in. wafers. As mask material we used photoresist. on silicon (Hochbaum et al. 2008). Silicon pillars can also
A metal or an oxide mask is not needed because of the be used as template for GaN-growth in metal organic
high selectivity of the etching process between photore- vapour phase epitaxial (MOVPE). Due to the reduced
sist and silicon. The depth measurements were done growth area, the growth of GaN will end up with lower
using a Dektak 3030 profilometer. For imaging we used crystal defects (Fündling et al. 2009). Figure 1 shows
a Leica Cambridge S 360 scanning electron microscope submicron diameter pillars with a height of few microm-
(SEM). eters. The achievable aspect ratio is about 20.

Microsyst Technol (2010) 16:863–870 865

Fig. 1 a Submicron diameter silicon conical pillars with a diameter

Fig. 2 a Conical silicon pillars with a top diameter of 5 lm, a
of 200 nm at the top, a spacing of 2 lm and a height of 7.3 lm.
spacing of 10 lm and a height of 80 lm. b Cylindrical silicon pillars
b Submicron diameter silicon cylindrical pillars with a diameter of
with a diameter of 1.6 lm, a spacing of 12 lm and a height of 27 lm
700 nm at the top, a spacing of 2 lm and a height of 5 lm

The aspect ratio of the pillars depends not only on their pillars the etch profile turns to be positive. Nearly in the
diameter and height but also on the spacing between the last one-fourth of the height the facets touch each other and
pillars. Our etching results reveal that if the spacing the etching stops between the pillars but it survives only on
between the pillars smaller than the diameter of the pillars the large spacing regions, e.g. on the edges of the pillar
the aspect ratio will decrease due to reduced etch rate. In arrays. In Fig. 2b the pillars have a spacing of 12 lm and
this case, the etch profile will be positive with increasing also a large diagonal spacing of 12 lm. Therefore, a small
height. At the point, at which the positive etch profiles loading effect was observed on the etch profile. The etch-
touch each other, the etching of the pillars will stop. If the ing survived due to negative profiles and hence the pillars
spacing between the pillars is very large then the problem have a higher aspect ratio.
with the loading effect emerges. Due to the loading effect Actually, only the top of the silicon pillars is used as the
the etch profiles will be negative. In order to avoid the base area during the GaN-growth, therefore the sidewall
loading effect the oxygen content should be increased. By profile does not have a crucial role for dry etching. How-
increasing the oxygen content the passivation layer pro- ever, for the thermoelectric generator applications the
tecting the sidewalls will be harder and avoid the loading sidewall profile plays a great role for the phonon transport.
effect. In Fig. 2a the pillars have a spacing of 10 lm and a Therefore, pillars with perpendicular sidewalls, which can
diagonal spacing of 5 lm. The etch profile begins with later be thinned by thermal oxidation, are preferred for the
perpendicular sidewalls. By increasing the height of the thermoelectric generator applications.

866 Microsyst Technol (2010) 16:863–870

3.3 Application of silicon pillars in nano- mass. The mass detection with such pillars is in the
and microtechnology subnanogram range.
Another application of submicron diameter silicon
Silicon pillars are robust and elastic structures. They break pillars is thermoelectric modules. Thermoelectric genera-
off only after a strong buckling. Bending the tip of a pillar tors have the ability to convert the thermal energy directly
down to the bottom will not lead to failure of the pillar, if it into electrical energy without using moving parts. In
has a high aspect ratio. By bending of the pillars with low nature, if a material is a good electrical conductor, it is
aspect ratios the loaded force will exceed the Young also a good thermal conductor. However, the thermo-
modulus of elastic silicon and leads to fracture. Figure 3 electric materials should transport only the electrical
shows pillars buckled or bended down to the bottom carriers but not the thermal carriers. Therefore, thermo-
without fracture. Such submicron diameter pillars can be electric systems are under development in order to reduce
used as a potential material for the production of a nano- thermal conductivity while retaining high electrical con-
particle balance. For instance, silicon pillars having a ductivity. Conventional thermoelectric materials consist
diameter of about 400 nm and a height of about 5 lm have of, e. g. complex ceramics like Ca3Co4O9 (Noudem et al.
a resonance frequency of about 10 MHz. For the excitation 2008) and (Zn1-yMg)1-xAlxO (Katsuyama et al. 2002),
of the pillars a piezo stack can be used (Tanner et al. 2007). whose production is very difficult. Furthermore, the raw
Loading a mass on the silicon pillars leads to a shift in the materials are normally rare in the nature. A conventional
resonance frequency. This shift is correlated to the loaded material like silicon would be a remedy for this problem.
Reducing the geometrical dimensions of a silicon struc-
ture changes its thermoelectrical properties. It was shown
that the aspect ratio of silicon pillars has a great effect on
the transport of the electrical and thermal carriers.
Increasing the aspect ratio reduces the thermal conduc-
tivity drastically and increases the transport of the elec-
trical carriers (Hochbaum et al. 2008; Boukai et al. 2008).
A thermoelectric generator consists of two parts, i.e. a
thermoelectric material sandwiched between two plates
enduring elevated temperatures. Sapphire can be used as a
plate for high temperature applications. The silicon pillars
should be connected electrically in series and thermally in
parallel in order to increase the output voltage. In order to
attach silicon pillars to the sapphire plate a metal layer
should be deposited on top of the silicon pillars. The
efficiency of the thermoelectric generator depends mostly
also on this joining process, therefore the attachment
should be done properly in order to increase the effi-
ciency. A joining technique, which has been developed at
our institute and is called Low Temperature Joining
Technique, can be used to join the silicon pillars to the
sapphire (Mertens 2004). Silver powder was used between
the sapphire plate and the silicon pillars for our joining
process. The sapphire plate and the silicon pillars were
pressed to each other at low temperature. As a result, the
sapphire plate was joined to one side of the silver layer
and on the other side the silicon pillars were joined by
means of dipping of their tips into the silver layer (Fig. 4)
(Stranz et al. 2008).
A third example to the application of silicon pillars is
the Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD)
growth of GaN nanoLEDs (Fündling et al. 2009). The
growth of GaN on the whole surface of a silicon wafer
Fig. 3 Buckling (a) and bending (b) of a silicon pillar using a leads to a high density of crystallographic defects, which
nanoprobe in our scanning electron microscope affects the optoelectronic properties of GaN. However, it is

Microsyst Technol (2010) 16:863–870 867

3.4 Dry etching of cantilevers

The production of cantilevers consists of two processes,

which are back release and front release from silicon
substrate in order to get suspended structures, i.e. cantile-
vers. By back release silicon will be thinned down from the
backside by creating a membrane. By front release the
silicon membrane will be etched through. The front release
of the cantilevers requires perpendicular and smooth
sidewalls in order to keep the dimensions as designed. By
using the ICP-DRIE cryogenic dry etching process canti-
levers with perpendicular and smooth sidewalls can be
etched. We do the back release at -75C and the front
release at -95C. For the front release we have an etch rate
of 3 lm/min. In case of using silicon on insulator (SOI),
Fig. 4 Into silver layer dipped silicon pillars for the application of
thermoelectric generator. Only the tips of the pillars are dipped into before the patterning of the front side with photoresist for
the silver layer during the joining process based on the Low the front release, we remove the oxide layer on the back-
Temperature Joining Technique side with HF-dip, i.e. hydrofluoric acid, after the backside
etching down to the oxide layer. After removing the oxide
layer we cover the backside with a thin photoresist film.
possible to reduce these defects by growing only on con- The aim in this procedure is to avoid the underetching at
fined surface areas. The top surfaces of the silicon pillars the bottom of the cantilevers. The oxide layer behaves like
can be used as areas for the growth of GaN. As mentioned an ion scattering center due to its hardness. However, using
above, silicon pillars are robust and elastic. In addition, photoresist film instead of oxide layer will avoid the
they can endure elevated temperatures without melting scattering of the ions to the sidewalls. Moreover, the thin
down, i.e. keeping the temperature far below the melting photoresist film avoids the radical attacks to the backside
temperature of silicon, during the growth of GaN. These surface. Otherwise, the radicals will etch the backside
advantages of the silicon pillars enable using of silicon as surface. This backside etching leads to an increase in the
substrate material instead of sapphire for the GaN growth. temperature of the cantilever. A high temperature deteri-
In addition, the GaN layer does not require to be structured orates the passivation layer on the sidewalls of the canti-
due to the ease of structuring of silicon substrates before levers, which leads to begin of the underetching. Another
the growth of GaN. These advantages of silicon reduce the way to avoid the underetching is to reduce the etch surface
costs of the nano-LEDs production. Figure 5 shows GaN on the front side. Narrow silicon strips around the canti-
grown on silicon pillars. lever reduces the attack of the radicals on the backside
surfaces. We etched cantilevers, which require the back
release and the front release, with lengths varying from few
hundreds of micrometers to few millimeters, with widths
varying from few tens of micrometers to few hundreds of
micrometers and with thicknesses varying from few
micrometers to about one hundred micrometers. For the
nanocantilevers we do not do the backside etching, after
the front release we do only HF-dip to remove the oxide
layer in the SOI-wafer under the cantilevers. Due to the
lengths of few tens of nanometers of the cantilevers, the tip
deflection of the cantilevers will not exceed the thickness
of the oxide layer. Hence, there is no sticking to the bottom
during the deflection. The dimensions of a cantilever
should be calculated according to avoid buckling. We
etched cantilevers with a thickness down to 7 lm and a
length of 1 mm, however, with these dimensions the can-
tilevers cannot stay straight. Figure 6 shows an array of
Fig. 5 GaN grown on silicon pillars. The diameter and the height of cantilevers on a great membrane area etched from the
the pillars can be varied backside and the front side.

868 Microsyst Technol (2010) 16:863–870

Fig. 7 The etch behavior of silicon depending on the etch temper-

ature by using the ICP-DRIE cryogenic dry etching process

in order to etch very deep in silicon. This brings the

advantage of time saving during lithography compared to
processing of a metal mask or an oxide mask.
For deep etching of anisotropic structures we used the
same process parameters as by etching of cantilevers (ICP-
source power of 500 W, bias of –12 V, temperature of
–95C and O2 flow of 9 sccm). The process temperature for
anisotropic etching is not limited to –95C. It is between
–75C and –140C (Fig. 7). At temperatures higher than
–75C the formation of the passivation layer, i.e. SiOxFy,
on the silicon surfaces is disabled. Therefore, -75C is the
highest temperature for our ICP cryogenic dry etching
process. At temperatures between –95C and –140C we
Fig. 6 a An array of cantilevers created by back release and front have etching depended on the crystallographic planes.
release applying the ICP-DRIE cryogenic dry etching process.
However, at –95C we can also get perpendicular sidewalls
b Cantilever from this array having the following dimensions:
thickness 70 lm, width 200 lm, length 5 mm and depth of membrane if we etch not very deep in silicon. At temperatures lower
opening 300 lm than –140C the SF6 will begin to condense on the silicon
surface. Therefore, the process temperature should be
3.5 Dry etching of deep anisotropic structures higher than -140C. The underetching will be reduced by
reducing the etch temperature between –75C and –95C,
The ICP cryogenic dry etching process enables etching of because at lower temperatures the hardness and the thick-
very deep structures in silicon with perpendicular smooth ness of the passivation layer increase.
surfaces. Compared to wet etching, dry etching does not Another way to reduce the underetching is to adjust the
depend on the crystallographic planes. Therefore, it is ion energy. By changing the bias voltage the ion energy
possible to etch structures with perpendicular sidewalls can be adjusted independently from the ion density. The
without depending on the crystallographic planes. By ICP reactors have the ability to work with low energies
reducing the process temperature to very low temperatures, within only few electron voltages (eV). This is an advan-
the dry etching will depend on the crystallographic planes. tage at etching tiny shallow structures with a soft mask.
The ICP cryogenic dry etching process allows to get a high Using this advantage, low energetic plasma can be used in
selectivity between the photoresist and the silicon. As order to etch perpendicular smooth sidewalls because low
photoresist we used S1818 and AZ6632. Using these energetic plasma will not destroy the passivation layer on
photoresists we have a selectivity of 1:100 (photore- the silicon surfaces. However very low ion energy leads to
sist:silicon) at -75C. It can also increase to 1:200 formation of silicon spikes, i.e. black silicon, due to inad-
depending on the lithography process and the etch tem- equate removal of the passivation layer on the bottom
perature. Therefore, a very thin photoresist can also be used surfaces (Fig. 8). The ion density is changed by varying the

Microsyst Technol (2010) 16:863–870 869

Fig. 8 The schematic view (not to scale) of the etch behavior of

silicon depending on the ion energy by using the ICP-DRIE cryogenic
dry etching process. a Formation of black silicon due to very low ion
energy, b perpendicular etch profile due to low ion energy,
c underetching and negative etch profile due to high ion energy

ICP-source power. By increasing the ICP-source power the

dissociation of the etching gas will increase, which leads to
generation of more reactive ions in the plasma thus the etch
rate will increase. Low process pressures reduce also the
underetching by reducing the collisions of the ions in the
plasma, thus the number of the directional ions will
Compared to the SF6 content, the oxygen content is a
critical parameter by cryogenic dry etching. Minute chan-
ges in the oxygen content change also the passivation layer
thickness. Low oxygen content leads to a thin passivation Fig. 9 a A very deep etched silicon structure with great etch surface
layer and high oxygen content leads to a thick passivation (depth: 120 lm, mask: oxide). b A deep etched silicon profile with
narrow structures (depth: 60 lm, mask: oxide)
layer. The oxygen content changes also the fluorine content
in the plasma by delivering a fluorine atom from the nanocantilevers we developed a very low etch rate of
fluorine containing gas. A thick passivation layer will lead 13 nm/min. The etch rate for the pillars having diameters
first to a positive sidewall profile and then to the formation of few hundreds of nanometers and height of few
of silicon spikes, i.e. black silicon, on the surface. Black micrometers varies from 2.8 to 4 lm/min. The silicon
silicon has the disadvantage by stopping the etching pro- pillars can be used as basic elements of GaN nano-LEDs,
cess. By adjusting the main process parameters like the of nanoparticle balances and of thermoelectric generators.
oxygen content, the process pressure, the process temper- For joining a nanopillar array to a sapphire plate, e.g. for a
ature, the bias voltage and the ion density we can etch very thermoelectric generator, a low temperature joining process
deep structures having smooth and perpendicular sidewalls. was developed. We substitute the wet etching with the dry
Figure 9 depicts a very deep structure of 120 lm in silicon etching for the membrane fabrication. The membrane
with great openings and also a deep etched silicon profile etching has an etch rate of 4 lm/min. The front release of
with narrow structures having a depth of 60 lm. At –75C the cantilevers covered with a thin photoresist film from the
we have etch rates up 4 lm/min. backside has an etch rate of 3 lm/min. With a well
adjusted set of parameters we can etch very deep in bulk
silicon with smooth and perpendicular sidewalls.
4 Conclusion
Acknowledgments The authors thank the PTB Germany for the
e-lithography of the submicron diameter pillar masks, Sentech
We could etch pores, pillars, cantilevers, membrane and
Instruments for the mask design of Fig. 9b, D. Rümmler and N.
deep structures in silicon by using the ICP-cryogenic dry Al Mustafa for the technical support. This project is supported in part
etching process. For etching of submicron pores and by DFG (German Research Foundation).

870 Microsyst Technol (2010) 16:863–870

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