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“In every learning instruction, I make sure that I know the lesson, not only
through reading the SLM but by researching further information and additional
learning about the specific lesson. I teach lesson to my learners not only by making
them understand the topic through my subject area, but also relating it to other
subject areas. In these way I can make sure that the lesson will be completely
understood by the learner, and be more helpful to them in the future.”


“In the lesson, I did not refer to the SLM alone, further research was
conducted using internet, this is to further elaborate the topic to insure
understanding and effective and efficient transfer of learning. Furthermore, I made
assessment which will promote higher order thinking skill, challenge learners to
think critically, and to make them think more creatively.”


“The medium of instruction in the TLE subject is English, so the subject is

expected to be taught in the English language. But there are certain situations that
you have to use mother tongue or Filipino language to make learners further
understand the lesson and eliminate misinterpretation of the lesson.”

“Effective communication is crucial in the learning and teaching process; it

ensures effective and efficient transfer of learning. In every lesson I conduct, I see
to it that there is a clear communication between me and the learners. Language
barriers must be eliminated, in every step of the lesson I often drop questions to
see whether the learners follows the lesson, and let them ask questions in order
for me to correct incomprehension.”


“One more element that aids in the successful transfer of learning is when
the learner is at ease inside the classroom, when the learners does not feel any
fear or hesitations. A teacher must always promote a safe and secure environment
for learning. Learners learn when they do not hesitate and does not fear stranding
in the class and answering questions.”

“There are no wrong answers, there are only better answers.”


“Every learner should have equal rights and should have equal access to
quality education. Every Filipino learner must have equal access to quality
education, no Filipino children should be left behind. These are few of the policies
that should be firmly uphold by all the teachers and individuals in the educational
system of our country.”

“All learning instruction are made for the benefit of the student. All
learning instructions are designed to promotes effective and efficient transfer of
learning. Differentiated instructions is to address the different needs of the
learners. All learning instructions are the ready them in near future. Every lesson
the teacher teaches are weapons for the learners to use for the rest of their lives.”


“Each learner has a specific learning ability different from the rest of the
class. Learning has different learning needs. As a teacher, I should employ different
strategies to address the needs of my students. Differentiated instructions is
commonly employed to address different needs of the students.”


“As a teacher I should regularly assess my teaching practices, in my case I

uses different types of assessment tool, I use checklist, rubric, COT, and the result
of the assessment of my learners. My actions or teaching practices should be
pattern to the existing laws and principle of the agency and the institution where I
am at.”

“As a teacher and as a member of a national agency and a respected

institution, I should be mindful of my actions and words, may it be inside the
school premises or outside. My actions should always be according to the laws and
principle. As a teacher I will poster good relationship to everyone.”


“As a human, I dreamed of a future that is fair for all, and this dream of
mine is always shared to my learners. I always tell my learners that everyone has
an equal right, and they have to fight for this right through educating themselves.”


“Teacher should treat students like family, giving immediate response to

students is a must, checking their work and giving feedback is very important in
building rapport towards a good relationship. Reporting and giving feedback to
parents is essential in establishing good communication.”

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