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Necromunda ............................................................................................................................................ 2
The Start, the First Days .......................................................................................................................... 2
The Kill-Teams of Necromunda Chapter 1. ............................................................................................. 2
Civilians, Gangs and other Scum of Necromunda ................................................................................... 2
How to win the Campaign ....................................................................................................................... 3
The Goal / Winning Points....................................................................................................................... 3
How to lose the Campaign ...................................................................................................................... 4
Game Mechanics ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Orders of Action ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Battles in Necromunda ............................................................................................................................ 5
Special Missions in Necromunda............................................................................................................. 6
Vehicle/Rooster/Backup Squad............................................................................................................... 6
Advantages through vehicles (in the fight) ..................................................................................... 6
Disadvantages through vehicles (in the fight) ................................................................................. 6
Backup-Squad: ......................................................................................................................................... 7
HQ, finding the right place ...................................................................................................................... 7
HQ-Levels......................................................................................................................................... 7
Killzones of Necromunda......................................................................................................................... 8
Existing Kill Zones ............................................................................................................................ 8
How to navigate – The Hunt & Explore - Phase ...................................................................................... 8
ACTIONS in The Hunt & Explore-Phase ........................................................................................... 9
Consequences of Battle ......................................................................................................................... 10
Special structures and how they work .................................................................................................. 10
Equipment in Necrumunda ................................................................................................................... 11
Necromunda's great forges produce Lasguns, Autoguns, Shotguns and Bolters, among other
weapons. The planet also levies huge numbers of troops for the Astra Militarum, most notably the
regiments of the Necromundan Guard, as well as other crucial supplies.

Necromunda is one of the worlds from which the Space Marines of the Imperial Fists Chapter recruits
new neophytes, often from the vicious criminal gangs of the planet's hive cities. The Imperial Fists
maintain a recruitment-keep on the world in one of its hive clusters.

Necromunda is typical of most large Imperial Hive Worlds, in that the lower portions of its hive cities
are rife with powerful gangs.

The Start, the First Days

The Game starts with Day One, July the 31st. where you will receive the needed materials and
information’s in order to be able to navigate and survive in the western hemisphere of

Your package includes a detailed map of Necromunda, Cards, Templates and the first
Information’s/Guide in order to feel the first day´s game-mechanics - yeah you heard right –
additions, like more equipment for example and the rest of the Game-Mechanics will be received on
Day 2. The Campaign is meant to have around 3 Parts where the First Day is more seen as a tutorial
and is in no case an own part. – but the first two Days will be a Part of “Part 1” of the Campaign.

In the following pages you will get to know everything you need in order to make your first steps in
the wasteland.

Most of the Corebooks – Campaign- Features are untouched and should be seen as an addition – also
the “Special-Mission – Segement” and the “Casualties” are altered and should not be considered as
your rules.

The Kill-Teams of Necromunda Chapter 1.

Sororitas Novize - Rooster, Harlequins – Backup, Pau

Deathwatch – Rooster? - Backup, Marcos

Wyrm-Cult – Rooster, Chaos Astartes, Conrad

Ork Commandos – Rooster, Guardsmen – Backup, Aurelia

Adeptus Astartes – Rooster, Adeptus Astartes – Backup, Janis

Veteran Guardsmen – Rooster, Adeptus Custodes – Backup, Sebastian

Civilians, Gangs and other Scum of Necromunda

In the next Battle-Days you might will stumble across Civilians and other non-combatant – Groups.

The Planet is crumbling from orbital attacks the most Hive-Lords closed their doors in order to
prevent the undermining from unwanted forces in their Cities. the only groups of persons who are
not directly affected by this world-wide curfew are the Souls either working in the large Mechanicus-
Districts, at the Airports or striving through the wastelands.

The First 3 Days (Chapter 1.) will include the Following 4 Types

 Trader – a trader can be used on the neutral ground coming which comes in Chapter 2.
 Bodyguards – can be used on a regular Battle to be either sacrificed in order to prevent
another soldier in your Rooster/backup Army from rolling a Destiny-Die. - but also, in the
neutral ground in order to protect your Trader from unwanted attacks.
 Pilots – Pilots are essential in this campaign in order to infiltrate an Airport (you have to bring
him with your Rooster and after reaching an Airport you can then station him there (covered)
– from now on you can use the Airport-Network displayed on the map.
 Lost folks: Have unique specials and can be a real asset for your team.

*NPC´s are not taking any Places in the Rooster. NPC´s need 1 Food-Portion

How to win the Campaign

Every Player has two main Goals or how to gather WIN-Points
Win Points will determine your faith in Necromunda and will divide the victorious from the non-victorious.

1.) Hunt

You have a target to neutralize – or to be more specific one Player (which player is determined to be
your victim throughout a large portion of this campaign will be set up in a hidden/random event by
the SM )In this Campaign you gather Win- points through Missions, Killings and other successes (-
more infos at the Part “how to win the campaign” you see on winning Conditions) Needless to say
that eliminating someone else’s King is a rather difficult task – you have to figure out the location first
– either through intel (loot,prisoners,other players, Missions) or through classic scouting.

2.) Expand

You can also cumulate WIN-Points through upgrading your HQ (see @Core Book), through expanding
your influence on the field.

The Goal / Winning Points

This Campaign is about gathering more WIN-Points than your opponents – these WIN-Points will be
concealed for the FIRST Part, 3 Days. On Day 3. You will get to know how many points you will need
in order to be the Ruler in the Part II.

You will not be limited to a certain mission-key-word. You will receive Material

1 WP – for each Upgrade on your HQ (can be lost again, if Upgrade gets stolen or destroyed)

0,5 WP – for each “fatal kill” of an of a Soldier (max 2 per Round)

1 WP – for each won Mission

2 WP – for each “fatal kill” of an Arch-Enemies- Soldier (max 1 per Round)

0,5 WP – for finding an Enemies Outpost

1,5 WP – for finding an Arch-Enemies Outpost

1 WP – for a direct attack

2 WP – for a direct attack on Archenemy

2 WP – for a successful direct attack

4 WP – for a successful direct attack on your Archenemy

2 WP – for scouting an Archenemy

0,5 WP – for scouting an Enemy

2,5 WP – for finding an Enemies HQ

4,5 WP – for finding an Archenemy´s HQ

1,5 WP – for clearing 1 section of an Archenemy HQ (only if cleared via battle)

6 WP – for killing an enemies Group-Leader

10 WP – for killing an Arch-Enemies Group-Leader

12 WP – for capturing an Arch-Enemies Group-Leader

*Events can also reward with WP.  Events coming with Part II, Day 3.

How to lose the Campaign

If your Group-Leader gets Killed or Kidnapped your Ruler will have you under his command. Your
chance of being the ultimate Ruler of Necromunda is very, very limited now – but your forces will still
spill blood on the sand. You will then not have an HQ anymore – your vehicle then is your only “hq”
where you still can buy upgrades (max 3) for it. -  if you can find another player´s HQ and succeed
in clearing it – you can convince the King to join your cause – you will then have this as your new HQ
and you can try to be the ruler once more.

Game Mechanics
We have 6 Players, where one player leads the campaign. The 6th player stands for the game-master
who monitors the movement and gives respond. The players have the chance to plan their route &
actions carefully and send them in via adeptus electronica (telegram?). I will then respond and
monitor the movements. The 6th player attacks first random and then attacks only squads (no hq &
no direct attacks) So he has not the option of capturing/killing a “kill team king/leader” but has also a
hidden HQ and can gather points there. He is not on a hitlist of another player, but his HQ can be
attacked also, and his King/Leader will provide points if killed/captured.

A large aspect of this campaign is to track other players without being tracked by others. Scouting is
key – knowing where the enemy is could save you your HQ or even more. To get actively attacked has
several disadvantages and is a hard blow for the attacked player further details on “attacking a
player directly”

Furthermore, you will loot cities and try to get access to special buildings like an airport, hives, orbital
defence canons etc. Outposts can be built, although limited to expand your view besides that you can
claim functional buildings from orbital defense cannons to fortresses if you have an CIV* to install.
Necrumunda is a populated place, so your fill team will be confronted not only with aggressive folks.
This may can be convinced to join your cause – from a servitor to an imperial pilot to a notorious
gang member – everything can happen here – after the sandstorm there will be an area to send in a
traveler who can then buy/sell and recruit new soldiers* (coming Day 3, Part II)

Orders of Action
1. Explore & Hunt-Phase – do your Actions and inform your GM about your actions
(remote), the GM will tell you details like what kind of loot you receive (if looted) and
details of the environment (if scouted), or other upcoming events like the Sandstorm from Part I
2. Fighting (onsite)
3. Consequences of the Battle: Destiny-Rolls (onsite) & other Consequences.
4. Resource & XP-Phase: Details: XP, MAT, Upgrades (HQ) needs to be noted in
notion. (remote)

Battles in Necromunda
You can only attack a specific Player when you have him in sight (the template of your scouting must
overlap with another players Pin in order to “see” him).

Otherwise, you will attack automatically the Player that has the lowest distance to your Pin (the
Killzone and Opponent is then set up by the GM and gets revealed when the players enter the battle
- both players can choose whether they bring their vehicle to the fight. – so, it’s always a gamble –
the squads have to made ready beforehand incl. equipment.) Both players then have a rather more
balanced fight (& Rewards are the same for both players) then we would see in the “direct-

Advantages for the direct -Attacking Player

1. You get an additional “win” for your Special Missions card if won.
2. You can steal equipment from the Vehicle
3. You can kill/capture Civs
4. You can choose the Killzone within 10” of your Pin (your position as an attacking player gets
not revealed when you directly attack a Player
5. You can choose (a functional) squad from the defending player´s Roster
6. The direct-attacking player has always the initiative (or can chose to give it the opposing
7. The attacking Player can choose sides (Play a Mission with Attackers and Defenders)
8. The defending Player gets -1 Barricade
9. The Defending Player gets a +1 on all his Destiny-Rolls.
10. The Attacking Player gets big rewards when winning against the defender, - if the defender is
the “Arch-Enemy” these rewards get even bigger.
11. The defending player gets regular rewards (see Core-Manual, MAT-Points etc.) and is able to
do an extra Move-Action for free.

If Players have no sight of one another the GM will determine which factions (Player) go against each
other – that will be determined through the relative distance – so if you as a Player B do not see
anyone but you get in a “non direct” – fight from Player B – you can be sure that Player B is the
closest enemy on the map. It can also be that Player B has Player A in sight but decides to stalk him,
while not doing a direct attack.
At the first Day the conflict will be made random to not to give to much away of the other players

Special Missions in Necromunda

You won´t need to grind 5 similar missions in a row in order to receive your wanted XP, Goods etc.

After You set up your HQ - you can then now choose a Mission in order to clarify the Outcome – if
you gather 4 (not 5) wins combined – you will receive the rewards written on the Special-Mission
Cards in the Corebook (S.111-115)

Vehicle/Rooster/Backup Squad
Your “Pin” stands for your Squad-Vehicle where your Rooster is transported to.

The Vehicle can be damaged by certain actions but can never be fully destroyed.

Your PIN/Vehicle has an Attack-Radius 8” – that is important when attacking directly another player
(search&hunt-phase) or when an event gets triggered on the map.

When it gets to an “normal” battle between two players – each side can choose to bring their vehicle
to the fight (the pin must stand where it was)

In a direct-attack from Player A, Player B does not have the choice whether to bring his vehicle or not
and is not able to do the “rescue/fallback” – action, although the upgrades brought with the vehicle
can still be used.

Advantages through vehicles (in the fight)

1.) You get the bonuses from max 3 Upgrades within the battle (the upgrades on the vehicle can
be chosen from your purchased Upgrades in your HQ (similar to the equipment, described in
the Core-Book-Campaign.
2.) You will have the chance to “rescue/fallback” with your soldiers to your vehicle -> to avoid
destiny-rolls with these foes. This Option does not count when attacked directly from
another player – the “direct-attacking” player may still do so if he chooses to bring his vehicle
to the fight
3.) Attacks with Upgrades – will be available in Part II
4.) Upgrading your Vehicle – will be available in Part II

Disadvantages through vehicles (in the fight)

1.) If your bring your vehicle keep in mind that you must unload all Civs that are on board of
your Vehicle – these can also be killed or captured (killing applies to regular combar-rules),
Capturing: have more APG in a 3” Radius of the CIV in order to capture her/him, that costs 1
AP , - for the Rest of the Combat remove that CIV from the Board and add it on the attackers
2.) Your Upgrades can be stolen if your opponent comes within 1” of your vehicle and spends 1
AP, which Upgrade is stolen can be chosen by the attacking player.
The Backup Squad or B-Team has no availability of a squad-vehicle, so their actions are limited and
also their movability. They can´t move up in rang or XP. When they die you can spend MAT´s (as
described in the Core-Book) to bring them new recruits, like the recruitment for your Rooster.
Your Backup-Squad will be available as soon as you set up your HQ.

Your Backup Squad can only do 1! Move – Action per Day.

It has the possibility to speed-travel between your outposts.

Because your Squad is not covered by a vehicle it is very vulnerable for attacks in the “Explore and
Hunt-Phase” from Mines, Rockets and other Weapons

HQ, finding the right place

Your HQ will not only be the place where your store your medkits, food rations, weapons and
upgrades – its also the place where you put in your “Group-Leader” (your Group Leader is also a
Miniature that you have to place on the Board if being attack on that HQ-Level.

HQ-Levels – Most of the Structures have only 2 Levels of Constuction, for example an Imperial
Penitentiary, it has a sub-level (canalization/zone mortalis) and an upper floor. Hive-Cities have
usually 3 Levels of Contruction : 1.Underhive, 2.Midhive, 3. Hive Spurl. – So, in a Hive for Example you
would have 3 possibilities to hide your king. (note it on your Map somewhere and tell the GM)

If an attacker has detected your HQ, he needs to choose which segment he´s gonna attack – or better
– were he believes the King is located.

So, when you search for an HQ you need to weigh – do I take a prominent Hive to hide my Squad and
gain the advantage of having more Levels to hide – or do I search an abandoned old Fortress with
less Levels. In this example the player found a hidden (2 level) structure.
Killzones of Necromunda
Everytime two or more Kill Teams fight with each other, they will get the information where this fight
takes place – and depending on the place – the Kill-Zones adapt, and the boards will be set up
accordingly to the environment you would expect.

Existing Kill Zones:

Zone Mortalis (used for sub-level fights, other Structures) *neutral marketplace coming on Day 3)

Sector Imperialis, Sector Platanus, Sector Fronteris, Sector Sanctoris, Sector Machinicus,

Deathworld-Forrest, Sector Monitorum, Sector Aeronautica,

How to navigate – The Hunt & Explore - Phase

Example 1. I.Move (Street), II. Move to place (off-street), III. Loot “structure”
ACTIONS in The Hunt & Explore-Phase

You can do 3 actions each turn (each Gaming-Day) – How often you can apply them is noted in the
description of these actions. Explanation: (2x) = you can do that action twice per turn, (1x) = limited to once per turn, etc. limited
= only once per campaign
Scout Templates need to have the Pin as a fixpoint
Your Secondary Army can only do 2 Actions and has no available vehicles – so the consequences of attacks –
direct attacks and attacks in the Explore&Hunt-Phase are much more devastating to the attacked player if found outside of a structure.

The Following Actions can be “activated” in your Explore &Hunt - Phase (some are specific to
equipment and are not listed here, you can see them on the equipment cards)

 Move (2x): You can move your vehicle 3” on streets / 1,5” on unpaved terrain
-> for example: Player A: could do: 1. Move 3”, 2. Scout, 3. Move another 3”

 Attack(1x): If you have spotted another Player you can then attack him directly – Spend
one Action to perform an attack on another Players Squad vehicle - he has to be within 8”
of the attacking Player and visible to him while being unseen by the target.
-> the consequences and the benefit of the attacker will be described in Chapter 2.
 Scout(1x): Use one of your corresponding templates to scout the area. All Scout-Templates
have two levels – level 1 and level 2,
-> for example a level 1 information is more general than the more specific level 2 which can provide you detailed
information such as army-insignia when another Player is spotted or in case you spot a street/structure more details about
possible traps but also about the possible loot that can be found there.

 Look around (1x): When your vehicle/pin is located in a building you can use your “look-
arround” template to scout the area (level 1 is only in the structure your in/ and level 2 the
radius) -> you’re not automatically detect another player just by standing next to him or passing him – you always have to
actually “scout” the other teams

 Looting (2x): Whenever you see a structure whether it is Hive Primus itself or a little
penitentiary in the middle of nowhere – as soon as it is an icon (or has a name) as
displayed in the map’s legend – you can possibly loot it. It is also possible to loot things
which are not in a structure – for example if you scout a street and you receive in information of a bombed-out
chimera you will get the position and you can than loot this exact “event/object”

 Using Equipment – when not written differently in the “cards” text – Every use of an
Equipment costs you 1. Action out of your 3.

 Repair your Vehicle (3x) – it is possible that your Vehicle gets attacked and damaged. To
repair your vehicle, you need to sacrifice one of your actions.

 Set up an HQ (1x) limited, free

 Set up an Outpost (2x) limited, sacrifice one action. If you set up a 3rd Outpost – you have
to sacrifice one of your existing Outposts. (Outposts cannot be build by your Backup Army)

 Destroy a structure (1x): Sacrifice 1 Action to destroy one structure *coming Day 3
Consequences of Battle
Killed Soldier in the Battle: Throw a D10,

D 1 DEATH OR CAPTURED (if the other player has a Fortress or Penitentiary – throw a D6
(3+ -> Captured)
D 2 – 4 – throw a D6 on the “Battlescars” (Core S.103)
D 4 – 8 – Full Recovery
D 9 – Additional 5 XP

If a soldier got a flesh-wound (lost half of his energy) – throw a D6 , on a D1 you have to roll a Destiny

If a soldier has made a vehicle-retreat you don’t have to roll a “destiny-dice”

*Retreating works the same as a charge (+1”)

*If you got a medic with your Squad -1 to the Rolls

*if your soldier got an overkill +1 (overkill = if a soldier gets so decimated that his health would go to
-5 or even lower / max +1)

*If your Squad gets a direct Attack +1

*if you get attacked within your Hive -1 , +1 for the attacking player.

*Upgrade Medical Station (does only count if you upgraded your vehicle with that feature and that
vehicle is in the fight. / Medical Station stationed in your HQ will only alter the Destiny-Rolls from
your Backup Army.

*Battle Scars can be removed as described in Core S.103

Special structures and how they work

Almost all structures on the Map have their pros and cons. A Hive City can be filled with loot but can
be also a death-trap with their gang-infested underhives or can be filled with spies or rigged with
traps and scanners from other players.

Structures like the Fortress, the Skyports , the Defense-Cannons and other functional Buildings need
personal in order to operate. For most Structures you will simply need personal – and besides the
airport where you need a Pilot to operate – you can use all your foes in order to “claim” those
buildings. – here the Skyport is again the exeption – to use it – you will need a Pilot (find or recruit
later) and promethium (1 unit for a flight) – you then can speed-travel your Squad or even your
Backup Squad (if accompanied by that Pilot) to other Skyports on the map.

For the Defense-Cannon – you will need someone (to claim it) and you will need to find or buy
ammunition to actually shoot that thing. When shot – you can aim at one level of a structure and
obliterate it. – but actions like these will maybe put a bounty on your head.
Penitentiary – You will need one guard in order to have one Prisoner. You can claim a Penitentiary, or
you can build one in your HQ for 2 Material-Points (MAT)

Prisoners can be freed , executed or if you got the equipment you can even put a tracker on them or
worse but you can also torture them in the old-school way – if so, the tormenting player will receive
informations about the HQ and other stuff – the longer (days) he/she got tortured – the more precise
is the intel – but beware – as soon as you start the torture the other Player will get an “help-signal”
from the victim who will show him where his lost soldier is held – and can then start a “Rescue-

Equipment in Necrumunda

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