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After thorough analyzation of the findings, the researchers concluded that the effects of

Indian Snakeroot tea regardless of any regimens, frequency and time of consumption were not
affected. Through the conducted interview using google forms, all the participants answered that
the Indian Snakeroot tea made them feel signs of relief and helped them in regulating their blood
sugar levels. They all had the same responses with the effectiveness of the Indian Snakeroot tea
while having differences on their frequency of consumption, different routines or regimens
before and after drinking the said tea, and time of consumption. This data also concludes that
when the product is administered with the diabetic individuals who were respondents in the
research, it helped in lowering or changing their blood sugar level.

The research also obtained data through the use interview using google forms that the
majority of the condition of the patients were good and even felt relieved after consumption of
the Indian Snakeroot tea. Fourteen out of fifteen respondents responded that they did not feel any
bad effects after consumption of the tea. With one interviewee answering that he/she felt a
stomach ache after the consumption of the tea due to him/her feeling shocked with the tea’s taste.
All in all, the Indian Snakeroot tea was still effective and still gave signs of relief to all of them.

According to the responses of the interview done through the use of google form, the
advantages and disadvantages was given clearly, these were given through the recommendations
and familiarity of the interviewees. Being an herbal medication or beverage made the Indian
Snakeroot tea have positive beliefs and trusts, having the majority of the respondents saying that
they would prefer using herbal medicines instead of medications given by doctor, however not
all of the respondents were familiar with the tea and some even preferring artificial or factory-
made medicines. All the respondents answered that the taste of the Indian Snakeroot tea is bitter
or very bitter which also resulted on one respondent having a stomach ache because of the shock
the taste gave him/her, this could be noted as a disadvantage, as not many people would like
bitter tastes. Respondents also revealed that the convenience, affordability, and effectiveness of
the tea should also be taken notice. Lastly, one respondent even gave the advantage of the tea
being that it is a beverage and does not require a diabetic individual to consume it separately
when eating or drinking, mixing it with coffee and other beverages.

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