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Test 2.

1 Revision
Question 1.

a. Use your calculator to draw the graph of the equation . Set the x values in the
window section of your calculator from –5 to 5 and the y values from –10 to 10.
Sketch the graph onto your paper.

b. Use your calculator to find the x-intercepts (zeros) for the equation . Mark the x-
intercepts on your sketch.

c. Use your calculator to find the coordinates of the turning point (maximum or minimum) for the
equation . Mark the turning point on your sketch.

d. On the same graph in your calculator place the equation . Use your calculator to find where
the line intersects with . Mark the points of intersection on your graph.

Question 2.

a. Repeat a, b, c from above for the equation:

b. On the same graph in your calculator place the equation . Use your calculator to find where
the line intersects with . Mark the points of intersection on your graph.

Question 3.

Given that is a constant and the following derivative rules:

Find the derivatives of the following, justify your answer by stating which rule you used.
(a) f(x) = 12
(c) f(x) = 3x
Question 4.

Solve the following quadratics, correct to two decimal places, given that the x-intercepts can be found by using
the quadratic formula

and .

Question 5.

Find the points of intersection of the following pairs of equations by algebraic means.
a. and .
b. and
c. and

Question 6.

Find the derivatives of the following:

a. Find the derivative of with respect to x.
b. Find the derivative of with respect to x.

c. Find the derivative of with respect to x.

d. Find the derivative of with respect to x.

e. Find the derivative of with respect to x.
f. Find the derivative of with respect to x.

g. Find the derivative of with respect to x.

h. Find the derivative of with respect to x.

i. Find the derivative of with respect to x.
j. Find the derivative of with respect to x.

Question 7.

Evaluate the following limits



Question 8.

(a) Find the gradient of the tangent to the curve f(x) = 3x3 + 5x2 – 8x – 7 at the point (-2, 7).
(b) A team of labourers remove V m3 of soil from a trench in t minutes where . At what
rate is the soil being removed at the end of 40 minutes.
(c) The temperature in Campbell town on a particular summer’s day can be approximated by the function:
(for 5  x  19) where T(t) is the temperature at t hours after midnight.
Find whether the temperature is increasing or decreasing in Campbelltown at 2 pm.

Question 9.

Sketch the following quadratic function on the graph paper provided showing all important co-ordinates.

Question 10.

A body is moving so that , where s is measured in meters and t in seconds. What is the
instantaneous velocity of the body when t = 4 seconds?

Question 11.

The height (in meters above it’s launching pad) of a rocket at time (elapsed time in seconds) is given by f(t).
The rate of height change at time t is determined from . Listed below are questions about f(t) and
. Match each question with the proper method of solution.

1. When is the rocket’s height only 15m?
2. When is the height of the rocket rising at the rate of 15 m per second?
3. What is the height when t = 4?
4. By how many meters did the height rise during the first fifteen seconds?
5. How fast is the height of the rocket changing after fifteen seconds?
6. What is the height of the rocket after fifteen seconds?
7. What is the average rate of increase in the height during the first fifteen seconds?

Methods of solution:

(a) Calculate f(4).

(b) Calculate f(15).
(c) Let f(t) = 15 and solve for t.
(d) Calculate .

(e) Calculate .
(g) Let and solve for t.
(h) (g) Calculate f(15) – f(0).

Modelling and Problem Solving pg 325 of text Q 37, 38,39, Pg 329 Q47, 49

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