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LEAD1020 exam questions

Week 2

The Hidden Traps in Decision Making (by Keeney et al., 2006)

1. Loss aversion (sự sợ hãi mất mát) is the key mechanism explaining all decision traps. (T / F)
2. Even if a new option can obviously improve a current situation, many people just don’t want to
take action by saying “Maybe I’ll rethink it later” because of Status-Quo trap.

3. If the NASA’s decision makers who led the space shuttle project, Challenger, were aware of their
_____safety concerns_______________, they could have requested the additional data for the
record of successful test launches. In many cases, data are unavailable. But in some cases, useful
information will be uncovered.

4. Here are two alternatives that can be selected by a decision-maker:

Plan C: This plan will result in the loss of two of the three cargoes, worth

Plan D: This plan has a two-thirds probability of resulting in the loss of all three
cargoes and the entire $600,000 but has a one-third probability of losing no cargo.

In research, 80% of respondents selected Plan _D_ that is __(66.67????) more___ risky.

Week 3

1. Extroversion is a better personality than introversion for leading people.

(T / F)

2. MBTI is based on the assumption that the distribution follows: Camel hump assumption –
Bimodal distribution

3. Architect (INTJ), Logician (INTP), Commander (ENTJ), and Debater (ENTP) in
are known for their rationality, impartiality, and intellectual excellence because: They share
THINKING trait, N: Intuition
Week 4

1. Test: The conflict Mode Test (based on the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument):

2. Northouse, P. G. (2011). Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and practice 2nd Edition. Chapter
9 - Handling Conflict: (Free Access)

1. Conflict is a felt struggle between two or more interdependent individuals over perceived
incompatible differences in beliefs, values, and goals, or over differences in desires for
esteem, control, and connectedness.

2. The Thomas-Kilmann model identifies five conflict styles: (1) avoidance, (2) competition, (3)
accommodation, (4) compromise, and (5) collaboration. This model describes conflict styles
along two dimensions: assertiveness and cooperativeness. Assertiveness refers to ____ the
degree to which you try to satisfy your own needs___, while cooperativeness represents
___ the degree to which you try to satisfy the other person's concerns____. Each conflict
style is characterized by how much assertiveness and how much cooperativeness an
individual shows when confronting conflict.
The Thomas Kilmann Model (TKI) - Conflict & Challenge (

Assertiveness refers to the ability to speak up and stand by your opinions.

Empathy means understanding another person's point of view and feelings.

3. The main goal of the compromising approach is to find common ground and maintain the
relationship. It is a: win/lose – win/lose situation

4. In a collaborating approach, all parties need to be willing to empathize and try to

understand each other’s situation. It is a: Win – win situation

5. The accommodating approach is generally used when one party is willing to forfeit their
position. It is a: lose/win situation

Week 4 - LEAD1010 - Google Jamboard

Week 5
1. Test: EI test:

2. Goleman, D. (2017). Leadership that gets results (Harvard business review classics). Harvard
Business Press. Free access at:

1. According to Goleman’s domains of emotional intelligence, ___Emotional Self-Control___ refers

to the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods; the propensity to suspend
judgment to think before acting.

2. Based on Goleman’s six leadership styles, when leaders say ‘Do as I do now’. It refers to:

3. In a(n) _____Affiliative_____approach, ‘people come first’ to create harmony and build bonds
and to motivate people during stressful circumstances.

4. Company A has been losing money for years and eventually got the order to shut down. The CEO
of the company called a meeting of all staffs and explained the details of the financial crisis. He
asked for their ideas on ways to keep the business and how to handle the closing, should it come
to that. This leadership style reflects: Democratic

5. _____Emotional intelligence_____ is the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate

emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to
reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth.

Emotional Intelligence | SpringerLink

Week 6

1. The Cultural Web tool:

cultural-web.pdf (free access)

2. Levels of Culture: Shein, E. (2004). Organizational Culture and Leadership (3rd Edition). San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. (Read Chapter 2, p.25-37).
Free access at:



1. Based on Schein’s three levels of culture, dress codes, working hours, social events, uniforms,
identity symbols, and rituals refer to: Artifacts

2. According to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, the extent to which people try to control their
desires and impulses refers to the following dimension: Indulgence

3. Vietnam scores high on power distance (score of 70) which means that people tend to reject a
hierarchical order in which everybody has a place and which needs no further justification. 

4. Company slogans, mission statements and other operational creeds are useful examples of:

Espoused Values

5. Organizational structure in the Cultural Web refers to organization chart, and the unwritten
lines of power and influence that indicate whose contributions are most valued.

Week 7
1. Transformational Leadership: Inspire and Motivate (
2. Change Management Simulation Summary on CANVAS

1. In Change Management Simulation, high authority – low urgency scenario is likely to have an
average difficulty.

2. This is a description about a component of a transformational leadership.

Transformational leaders not only challenge the status quo; they also encourage creativity
among followers. The leader encourages followers to explore new ways of doing things and new
opportunities to learn.
What is this component? Intellectual Stimulation

3. Which statement is correct about “Build a coalition of support” change lever?

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