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a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

1.Girls……… more than half of the students in the class.

a. make up b. fill up c.make out d.fill out
2. The folk tale has been………down from father to son over centuries.
a.coming b.passed c.told d. originating
3. My holiday was………short when my aunt had an accident.
a.made b.become c.changed d.cut
4.If they leave the homework unfinished, they are………the law.
a.infringing b.breaking c.ruining d.against
5. What a shame! I made a(n) ………of myself in front of the whole class by saying that
cows and buffalos are the same.
a.laughter b.stupidity c.idiot d.fool
6.By wearing this dress, she……… the attention of every boy in the class.
a.drew b.turned c.paid d.took
7.Before buying something, you should make……… into its price, tax and shipping.
a.questions b.research c.enquiries d.curiosity
8.Having……… 4 new world records, the athlete is now welcomed home as a hero.
a.broken b.had c.set d.hold
9.John decided to invest all his money……… shares.
a.on b.with d.into
10. She is now too busy being engaged……… a new project. c.with
11. ……… of her parents’ warnings, she applied to that school.
a.Careless b.Unaffected c. Independent d. Regardless
12.My parents had a(n) ……… with the food stall at school and would pay for all my meals
at the end of the month.
a.fee b.fine d.account
13.You should save money for a ……… day!
a.gloomy b.stormy c.rainy d.sick
14.Some people……… donations to charity on a regular basis.
a.deposit b. create c.bring d.give
15. Let’s……… a house by the sea for our 2-week vacation.
a.hire c.let d.lend
16. Your car payments are ……… on the 10th each month.
a.compulsory b.obligatory c.due d.supposed
17. We bought the car in 2-year……… .
a.installments b. credits c.budgets d. deposits

Tân Hoàng Khánh Phương ( 0902887156) | 1


18. I love receiving coins as ………

a.value b.change c.bargain d.get
19. You should have some local ……… with you when setting off on a trip abroad. c.currency d.cheque
20. Your dishonesty will……… you into trouble soon.
a.send b.make c.bring d.get


1. The ……………………… of our resources prevents us from development. (ADEQUATE)
2. His project met with ……………………… from his colleagues, which made him depressed.
3. Shop owners and street vendors are the ……………………… of this tax policy. (BENEFIT)
4. Don’t………………………what I said. That is not what I meant. (INTERPRET)
5. John’s ……………………… does not prevent him from enjoying life. (ABLE)
6. We had the ……………………to run into a violent storm. (FORTUNATE)
7. John had the telephone disconnected before going on holiday. (CONNECT)
8. His presence caused her great …………………, so she just wanted to leave.
9. He answered the question ……………… and failed the test. (CORRECT )
10. You are getting on our ………………! Stop it! (NERVOUS)
1. The house may be very beautiful, but none of us intends to buy it. (INTENTION)
=> However …………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Only Tom donated some money to charity. (DONATION)
=> With the …………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Our agent is arranging our trips. (ARRANGEMENTS)
=> We are…………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. There has been a claim that John managed to get to the peak of Mount Everest.
=> Tom is…………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. You should really try hard in everything you do. (EFFORTS)
=> No matter…………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. In all probability, our activities won’t damage the environment. (DO)
=> Our activities are…………………………………………………………………………………
7. We were surprised that she didn’t like early departure. (OBJECTED)
=> To our …………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. She finds it difficult to endure the lack of modern gadgets.
=> She has difficulty ……………………………………………………………………………..
9. Foolishly, Jack didn’t pay attention to the teacher’s instructions. (WHICH)
=> Jack took …………………………………………………………………………………………..

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10. I’m sure John completed the application form by Saturday. (FILLED)
=> John…………………………………………………………………………………………..
People have been playing with marbles for thousands of years. The first marbles were
probably either river stones that happened to be naturally round enough to roll or, more
likely, rounded globs of clay that were baked hardness. Such very old clay marbles have
been found in both Greek and Roman ruins, and quartz spheres have been dated at around
6000 B.C. Harder and more durable marbles tend to inspire different kinds of games than
soft clay marbles, which crack very easily. So with the advent of hand rounded and polished
marbles made of agate or some other rugged, igneous rock, the ‘golden age’ of marbles and
marble play flowered. Stone marbles began to appear in the early 1800s in what is now the
southern part of Germany. Shortly after, handmade glass marbles appeared in the same part
of Europe. For the next 120 years, marbles and marble playing-there were literally hundreds
of games - flourished in both Europe and America. Marble players developed their own
vocabulary for different sizes and materials of marbles, as well as for the many kinds of
games to be played and the way marbles were used in the games. For example, if you were
going to play a game of Ring-Taw, one of the most popular and enduring marbles games,
you would lag for the first shot, and then knuckle down from the balk, trying your best to get
a mib or two with your opponent’s immune.

1. The author makes the point in the passage that playing with marbles __________.

A. has been going on since ancient times B. is a relatively recent phenomenon

C. is losing popularity D. is a very expensive pastime

2. According to the passage, which of the following was the least used substance for
making marbles?

A. agate B. glass C. rock D. clay

3. It can be inferred from the passage that the use of marbles became very popular in
Europe and America __________.

A. in the 18th century C. in 6000 B.C

B. in the 1970s D. after glass marbles were developed

4. We can infer from the passage that marble playing __________.

A. is a game only for children B. has many variations in games

C. is played according to one set of rules D. uses only one kind of marble

5. We can conclude from lines 11-12 of the passage that the terminology of marble
playing is __________.

A. specialized B. used only by children

C. easy to understand D. derived from an ancient language

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