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Total No. of Pages 2 Reg. No.



Class: B.Tech.,/M.Tech.,/M.S.,/Ph.D., Slot: :E

Date: 11-05-2022 Duration : 3 Hours
Time: 1.00 PM to 4.00 PM Maximum Marks: 100
End Semester Examination

(i) Open Book Examination
(ii) All mathematical formulations/derivations shall be explicitly shown in the answer sheet
(iii) Use pen to write the answers. Draw the figures wherever needed.

Part A (10 x 2.5 = 25)

Answer all questions in Part A

1. The normals to the middle plane before bending are deformed into normals after bending. What is its
effect on the governing differential equation for the bending of thin plates?
2. What is meant by Kirchhoff's equivalent shear?
3. Is it possible to analyze a plate using closed form solutions if one edge is free, one edge is fixed and
the two opposite edges are simply supported? Justify your answer.
4. How will you analyze the bottom slab of a cylindrical over head water tank?
5. Is it possible to analyze a simply supported square plate using finite difference method if it is
subjected to a trapezoidal loading? If possible, how will you analyze? If impossible, what are the
6. State the assumptions made in the first order approximation theory of shells.
7. The axial force at the end of an edge beam is zero. Is it true? Justify your answer.
8. What is meant by slab action and beam action in folded plates?
9. What is meant by beam theory of cylindrical shells?
10. Why all the stress resultants in cylindrical shells are negative?

Part B (5 x 5 = 25)
Answer any five questions in Part B
11. Derive the moment curvature relationship of a thin plate based on small deflection theory.
12. Derive the boundary conditions for the free surface of a laterally loaded circular plate.

Total No. of Pages 2 Reg. No.

13. A square plate with all edges fixed is subjected to a lateral pressure of intensity Po/unit area. Find the
moments and maximum deflection of the plate using finite difference method.
14. Find the stress resultants in a shell formed by ellipsoid of revolution and subjected to a uniform
internal pressure ρ.
15. Find the stress resultants in a horizontal circular cylinder filled with liquid and built-in at the ends.
16. Find the change in circumferential curvature of a cylindrical shell.

Part C (4 x 12.5 = 50)

Answer any four questions in Part C
17. Design a simply supported mild steel square plate with a size of 4.0 m x 4.0 m subjected to a
uniformly varying load of zero to 1000 kg/m2 along x axis.
18. Design a mild steel circular steel plate of 3.5 m diameter subjected to a concentrated load of 2500 kg
at the centre of the plate.
19. A square plate simply supported ( a x b) on all edges subjected to a lateral load pz = po (x/a)2. Find
the expression for deflection and moments in the plate and hence calculate the deflection and
moment at the centre of the plate if a = b. Use Levy's method.
20. Derive the equations of equilibrium for doubly curved shells based on membrane theory and hence
find the equation for the stress resultants.
21. Derive the Finsterwalder's differential equation for the bending analysis of singly curved shells.

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