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How to create and manage

your own company

A steb-by-step guide
Presented by Ivan Panchev

11 September, 2017 1
1 General introduction

2 Company registration

3 VAT registration

4 Change of preliminary income in SKAT

5 NemKonto

11 September, 2017 2
General Introduction
• If you perform commercial activities and expect to earn more than DKK
50,000 within 12 months, you must register a company and have a CVR

• The most commonly used company type is the Sole Proprietorship- the owner
is the only employee and is liable to the company with all his assets
(including personal). Sole proprietorship company can be registered for at
least one of the following conditions:
• VAT registration
• payroll
• employer
• Import from or export to countries outside the EU

11 September, 2017 3
General Introduction
The benefits of creating this type of company are:

• You do not have to submit an extended annual tax report

• You do not need E-tax password or any other additional documentation
• You can use your private NemID for your business deeds in SKAT

11 September, 2017 4
1 General introduction

2 Company registration

3 VAT registration

4 Change of preliminary income in SKAT

5 NemKonto

11 September, 2017 5
Company registration- Step 1
» Go to and press “Start virksomhed”

11 September, 2017 6
Company registration- Step 2
» Click [Start] and log in with NemID Employee Signature or NemID Private

11 September, 2017 7
Company registration- Step 3
» Approve the conditions and click [Continue]

11 September, 2017 8
Company registration- Step 4
» [Select] the desired business form to start the registration

11 September, 2017 9
1 General introduction

2 Company registration

3 VAT registration

4 Change of preliminary income in SKAT

5 NemKonto

11 September, 2017 10
Company registration- Step 5
» Here you can choose to register and claim that you will earn more than
50 000 DKK throughout 2017

11 September, 2017 11
Company registration- Step 6
» Insert your (owner) name and CPR

11 September, 2017 12
Company registration- Step 7
» Insert company name, address, telephone, e-mail, etc.

11 September, 2017 13
Company registration- Step 8
» Are you taking an existing business- No

11 September, 2017 14
Company registration- Step 9
» The company industry code- 53.20.00 Andre post- og kurertjenester

11 September, 2017 15
Company registration- Step 10
» The company must be registered for VAT

11 September, 2017 16
Company registration- Step 11
» Leave it blank and click Next. Review summary and get a receipt.

11 September, 2017 17
1 General introduction

2 Company registration

3 VAT registration

4 Change of preliminary income in SKAT

5 NemKonto

11 September, 2017 18
Change of preliminary income in
There is a difference between the your preliminary income and your tax

11 September, 2017 19
Change of preliminary income in

11 September, 2017 20
Change of preliminary income in
» Go to and login with your personal NemID

11 September, 2017 21
Change of preliminary income in

11 September, 2017 22
Change of preliminary income in

11 September, 2017 23
Change of preliminary income in

11 September, 2017 24
Change of preliminary income in

I will probably insert additional information in this slide

11 September, 2017 25
Change of preliminary income in
» This is how it should look after the changes

11 September, 2017 26
Change of preliminary income in

11 September, 2017 27
Change of preliminary income in
Please keep in mind that every case is different
» In my case I worked in January and February 2017 for a company and was paid
a salary to my main tax card (A kort)
» I have not been paying taxes and AM contribution since I started as a Wolt

The easiest way in this case is to call 72 22 28 67 and provide SKAT the following
information (You will have to type in your CPR followed By # at the beginning of
your call):
» When you have started a company
» What type – Sole Propritorship
» If you receive salary from another place or this is your only source of income
» If you have or have not paid income tax and AM contribution as an individiual
» What you expect to earn as NET revenue within the calendar 2017 (including
other and previous income)

11 September, 2017 28
1 General introduction

2 Company registration

3 VAT registration

4 Change of preliminary income in SKAT

5 NemKonto

11 September, 2017 29
If you do not have a company bank account

• If you still have not created a separate bank account for your
company it is possible to use your personal bank account, but it is
recommened to use a separate account, as this will make your
bookkeeping much easier to track and handle.

• We will discuss managing accounts and bookkeeping in the next


11 September, 2017 30
You must have a Nem account for your business. You'll get it in your
bank. You may choose to use your existing private account as your company's
Nem account.

11 September, 2017 31
• Go to

• Go to self-service and click on the link "Log in as company"

• Click the "Sign in with Digital Signature" link on the page you are viewing.

• You will be asked to select the digital signature you want to sign in if there are
several different digital signatures installed on your PC. Select your signature from
the list and select the "OK" button.

• Then enter the password for your digital signature and select the "OK" button.


Thank you for your attention!

Ivan Panchev


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