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Burger King Corporation



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Goal 4
Introduction 5
Part 1.1 Quality Management 6
Part 1.2 Quality Manual 8
Part 1.3 Regulatory Compliance 9
Section 1.3.1 General Requirements 9
Section 1.3.2 Good Manufacturing Practices 10
Section 1.3.3 Animal Welfare Compliance 11
Section 1.3.4 Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Program 12
Part 1.4 HACCP Program 13
Part 1.5 Product Contamination Controls 14
Section 1.5.1 General Requirements 14
Section 1.5.2 Glass Policy 15
Section 1.5.3 Metal Detection / Elimination and Hard Plastics Program 16
Part 1.6 Pest Control Program 17
Part 1.7 Sanitation Program 20
Section 1.7.1 Environmental Sampling and Monitoring Program 21
Part 1.8 Operations and Facility Requirements 22
Part 1.9 Packing, Shipping, Handling and Storage 26
Section 1.9.1 General Requirements 26
Section 1.9.2 Cold Chain Management: Finished Product Temperature Monitoring 28
Section 1.9.3 Cold Chain Management: Storage Facility Temperature Monitoring 29
Section 1.9.4 Cold Chain Management: Shipping Temperature Monitoring 30
Part 1.10 Food Defense Program 31
Part 1.11 Allergen Control Program 33
Part 1.12 Approval, Probation and Suspension 34

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Part 2.1 Continuous Improvement Program 38
Part 2.2 Corrective Actions Program 39
Section 2.2.1 General Requirements 39
Section 2.2.2 Corrective actions for Regulatory and Third Party Audits 40
Section 2.2.3 BKC QA Hotline Call Management 41
Part 3.1 BKC Specification System: SPEQ and Compliance Requirements 42
Part 3.2 Product Sampling Program 44
Part 3.3 QA Testing Program 45
Part 3.4 Raw Materials and Supplier Approval Program 46
Part 3.5 Incoming Materials Verification Process 47
Part 3.6 Sensitive and Restricted Ingredients 49
Part 3.7 Process Control Program 50
Part 3.8 Non-Conforming Controls Program 51
Section 3.8.1 Rework Protocol 52
Part 3.9 Good Laboratory Practices 53
Part 3.10 Calibration Program 54
Part 3.11 Emergency Contingency Program 55
Part 3.12 Product Recall and Recovery Program 56
Section 3.12.1 Mock Recall and Recovery Program 58
Part 3.13 Facility and Food Safety Audit Requirements 59
Part 3.14 Training Program 60
Part 3.15 Document Control Program 61

Burger King Temperature Monitoring Program 62

Burger King Third Party BRC “translation” Agents 65
Approved BKC Third Party Service Providers 66
Case Graphic Sample (Layout) 67
Allergens 68
Food Ingredient Questionnaire FIQ 69

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The goal of the Burger King
Corporation (BKC) Supplier Quality
Assurance Program is to ensure that
all food and packaging produced for
BURGER KING Restaurants are
manufactured using
rigorous and robust
safety and security protocols,
delivered to our restaurants in
specification and meeting the
expectations of our customers.

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The BKC Supplier Quality Assurance Program is broken down into
three pillars of excellence:

: Those programs that support producing BKC

products in safe conditions, complying with Regulatory
requirements, and complying with all BKC quality and food
safety requirements.

: Those programs that support improving the

Supplier’s QA or Manufacturing processes, improving BKC
product quality, and developing corrective and preventative

: Those programs that support producing BKC products

within specification, with reliable confidence, day in and day out, for every batch
or lot of product.

BKC has the highest commitment to quality and service. Our commitment is to
provide the best dining experience possible to our customers. To that end, we will
do our utmost to protect the safety of customers, employees and the Burger King®
brand. BKC expects all approved Suppliers to hold the same standards.

Any request for variances to the standards outlined in this document must be
submitted in writing to the BKC’s Supply Quality Assurance (QA) Department for

BKC QA Department management reserves the right to make changes to the

BKC Supplier Quality Assurance Program requirements. BKC QA will
communicate all changes to the BKC Supplier Quality Assurance Program
to Suppliers in writing via our online Supplier Management system, SPEQ.
Chapter 3, Part 3.1 provides important information concerning SPEQ.

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Part: 1.1 Quality Management

1. Quality Policy:
The Supplier must define and document its policy for quality, including objectives
and commitment to quality. The Quality Policy must be relevant to the
organizational goals and targets and be linked to the expectations and needs of

2. Quality Awareness:
The Supplier has an established and documented Quality Awareness Program
that supports and meets the BKC commitment to quality.
a. The program is linked to the Quality Policy of the Supplier.
b. The Quality Awareness Program supports the Supplier’s commitment to
quality and the employee’s role in meeting this commitment.
c. The program provides ongoing exchange of information with two-way
communication between management and all employees of the

3. Organizational Chart:
In order to implement activities in a unified way, the Supplier must have a defined
and clear organizational alignment and structure and minimize
miscommunication between levels of the organization.
a. The Supplier must define the organizational structure, identifying the
interfaces of key activities within and between the functions of the
b. Each function must have established responsibilities and accountabilities
for managing key quality system activities within the organization.
c. The Supplier must provide an Organizational Chart displaying each
function, the interfaces of each function, and the reporting structure within
each function.
d. The Supplier has a defined and accountable Quality Assurance
Department and Quality Assurance Manager who is independent of
e. The organizational chart must be current, dated, and signed by the
appropriate responsible executive.

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Part: 1.1 Quality Management (cont.)

4. Annual Assessments:
The Supplier must have procedures established and documented for conducting
internal Quality System audit assessments at least annually to include, but not
limit to: HACCP, Food Defense/Security, Foreign Material Controls, and Quality
Programs and Processes.
a. The procedures must document the designated “disinterested” auditor(s),
the responsibility for scheduling the audit, the audit frequency, the audit
criteria, and the follow-up on areas of opportunity.
b. Improvement teams or individuals must use the information from the
assessments to focus on improvement opportunities.
c. The results of the assessment must be reviewed and supported by the
Supplier Senior Management.

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Part: 1.2 Quality Manual

1. The Supplier must have a Quality Manual that defines the company’s quality
policy, the roles and responsibilities for maintaining the specific quality systems
within the organization, the content and location of all programs, the organization
of the factory (organizational chart), and the endorsement of upper management.
The Quality Manual must outline the Supplier Quality Assurance Program.

2. The Supplier Quality Assurance Program must be documented and address the
minimum following documents and procedures to this Burger King Supplier
Quality Assurance Program:
a. Quality Programs to meet the requirements of Chapter 1 Part 1.1 through
Part 1.12
b. Innovation Programs Chapter 2 Part 2.1 through Part 2.2
c. Consistency Programs Chapter 3 Part 3.1 through Part 3.15

3. The quality systems in the Quality Manual must be reviewed annually and
address the management/quality department responsibilities, raw material
controls, process controls, finished product requirements, document control, flow
chart of process control points, and handling procedures for all non-conforming
materials and products.

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Part: 1.3 Regulatory Compliance

Section 1.3.1 General Requirements

1. The Supplier must operate in strict compliance with all relevant local regulatory

2. Supplier must immediately notify BKC QA if any Regulatory or State investigative

agency is conducting an intensified inspection or investigation that may impact
Burger King Production or products.

3. The Supplier shall manufacture, store, and transport products in accordance with
the applicable sections of local food code and Regulations relevant to Good
Manufacturing Practices, Sanitation in Manufacturing, Processing, Packing, or
Holding Human Food.

4. The Supplier must have designated area(s) for the segregation and storage of
sanitation supplies and cleaning chemicals.

5. The Supplier must have a food defense program in place, in full compliance with
the USA Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response
Act of 2002, or equivalent local legislation. Suppliers can use the USDA FSIS self
assessment checklist to audit their preparedness: The checklist can be found

6. The Supplier shall guarantee that no article listed herein is adulterated or

misbranded. The article comprising each shipment or other delivery hereafter
made by the Supplier to or in the order of, the Supplier is hereby guaranteed, as
of the date of such shipment or delivery, to be, on such date, not adulterated, or

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Part: 1.3 Regulatory Compliance

Section 1.3.2 Good Manufacturing Practices Program

1. Supplier facilities, vehicles, methods, and controls used in manufacturing,

handling, storing, and transporting product(s) must be consistent with Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMP) such as the USA FDA GMPs for food processing
( or
equivalent GMP guidelines in other countries, and any other governmental
regulations/ standards which may apply.

2. The Supplier must have an established and documented Good Manufacturing

Practices Program, which addresses the reasonable measures and precautions
that must be taken to ensure personnel disease control, personnel cleanliness,
education, prevention measures to avoid product contamination, and employee
eating policies and training in GMP. The Supplier must have processes in place
to avoid product adulteration or the potential for product adulteration occurring
throughout the Supplier’s facility.

3. The program must include requiring visitors, contractors, and maintenance staff
to also comply with the GMP Program.

4. The Supplier must conduct monthly GMP self-inspections to verify compliance to

the program.

5. Results of the inspections and corrective actions taken are documented and
available for review.

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Part: 1.3 Regulatory Compliance

Section 1.3.4 Animal Welfare Compliance

1. All Suppliers supplying BKC with beef, poultry, and pork, must at all times, be in
strict compliance with humane methods of slaughter.

2. The Supplier must use slaughter and boner suppliers approved by BKC and must
have all slaughter and boner suppliers approved by BKC prior to using these
facilities. The Supplier must assure these facilities are in compliance to the
program requirements.
a. The Supplier’s slaughter and boner suppliers must be updated annually
or as specified by BKC.
b. Any addition to the Supplier’s list must comply with BKC requirements
c. Notification and approval of additions must be made by BKC prior to
using a new source of supply.

3. The Supplier must conduct annual audits of their slaughter and boner suppliers
using an audit standard authorized by BKC, and an independent auditing group.
Audit results and corrective actions must be maintained for audit review.

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Part: 1.3 Regulatory Compliance

Section 1.3.5 Good Agricultural Practices Compliance

1. All Suppliers supplying BKC with produce must ensure their facilities, vehicles,
methods, and controls used in manufacturing, handling, storing, and transporting
product(s) are consistent with Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and any other
governmental regulations/standards which may apply.

2. To verify compliance, Leafy-Green Produce Supplier(s) must have GAP audits

on the Raw Material Growers/Produce Distributors fields, harvest crews, storage
facilities, and transportation vehicles at least annually.

3. The Leafy-Green Produce Supplier must have copies of Third Party GAP audits,
for each and every one of the farms used as raw material, available for review
and verification of compliance.

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Part: 1.4 HACCP Program

1. The Supplier must have a defined, documented, implemented, evaluated, and

effective HACCP program.

2. The HACCP program should include proper product descriptions, indicating

distribution conditions and intended usage of the product at Burger King

3. The HACCP program must include a process flow chart outlining each step
involved in the process that is directly under the control of the Supplier.

4. The HACCP program must include a hazard analysis document for each type of
product or product line.

5. The HACCP program must have a defined multidisciplinary HACCP team.

6. The HACCP Program must have defined Critical Control Points (CCPs) to
eliminate or reduce all hazards identified.

7. The HACCP Program must have defined critical limits and operating limits for
each CCP.

8. The HACCP program must have defined and documented monitoring procedures
for each CCP.

9. In order to address deviations when they occur, the HACCP Program must have
defined and documented specific corrective actions to be taken for each CCP.

10. The HACCP Program must include verification procedures that confirm finished
product is achieving the level of safety required and that the HACCP plan is
operating effectively.

11. The HACCP Program includes defined documentation and record keeping

12. The HACCP Program must include a Product Contamination Prevention Plan per
Part 1.5 of this manual.

13. The HACCP Program must be created and managed by a HACCP Coordinator
or equivalent who has received and maintained HACCP certification from an
accredited organization or university.

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Part: 1.5 Product Contamination Controls

Section 1.5.1 General Requirements

1. Supplier must have a documented Product Contamination Prevention Plan as

part of their HACCP Program and shall include the following as a minimum:

a. No condition or practices shall exist that may potentially contaminate

product or could lead to product contamination/adulteration. Potential
contaminates shall not be allowed in any process regardless if there
are systems within the process to remove the contaminates.

b. Supplier shall define all known and/or probable contaminates and

define processes to eliminate. This includes, but is not limited to: bone
chips, wood chips, insects, cartilage, pens, screws, knife blades,
plastic tote covers, pieces of wooden pallets, and sanitizer solutions.

c. No equipment used in production may have the potential to contribute

to the contamination/adulteration of product with physical, chemical,
or microbiological contaminants.

d. All ingredients, finished product, food contact surfaces, and packaging

must be protected from contamination during clean-up and during

e. The use of water or compressed air during production or mid-shift

clean-ups or where packaging is stored must be conducted without
contaminating food, food contact surfaces, or packaging materials.

f. To the extent practical, traffic patterns should be designed to minimize

traffic next to or through production lines. When traffic patterns are
next to production lines, preventative measures shall be taken to
avoid product contamination.

g. Automatic floor sanitizers shall be metered to avoid puddles of

sanitizer that may lead to contamination of product or packaging due
to splashing.

h. At a minimum all finished product shall be stored and shipped on Slip


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Part: 1.5 Product Contamination Controls

Section 1.5.2 Glass Policy

1. The Supplier must have a defined and documented Glass Policy for all glass in
the facility, including loading lights and forklift lights.

2. No glass containers of any kind are permitted in the processing or storage areas.

3. All lights and other breakable materials in the facility areas must be shielded to
prevent contamination in the event a bulb breaks, e.g. coated light bulbs, end
caps, etc. This requirement includes loading lights and forklift lights.

4. Procedures must be in place to protect all surrounding/exposed products while

changing out lights.

5. The Supplier must conduct monthly inspections of all the lights to verify condition.

6. The Supplier must have procedures in place and documentation defining what is
done in the event of broken glass.

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Part: 1.5 Product Contamination Controls

Section 1.5.3 Metal Detection / Elimination and Hard Plastics Controls

1. The Supplier must have defined and documented procedures to ensure that all
finished product is subjected to metal detection and/or metal elimination prior to
final pack out.

2. The required method for metal elimination will be a working metal detector.
Alternate metal elimination methods will require written authorization by BKC.
The supplier should keep such authorization on record for future inspection.

3. The Supplier must have defined and documented procedures for the use,
calibration with ferrous, non-ferrous, and stainless steel standards, and
placement of metal detectors in the packing area.

4. The metal detection procedures must include the frequency of calibration,

defined sensitivity levels, validation testing of effectiveness, location of
equipment on pack out line, and corrective actions to be taken for rejected
products or equipment failure. This procedure needs to clearly state the
disposition and re-inspection policy for product that has been identified as
“failing” the metal detector.

5. The Supplier must have documented validation studies confirming the sensitivity
level used on all metal detectors.

6. The Supplier must have a logbook which documents the re-inspection of failed
product and which provides traceability to the documented corrective action and
investigation when metal objects and/or foreign objects are found.

7. Supplier must have a documented procedure for identifying actions to be taken in

the event metal detector and/or metal elimination is found to be defective during
calibration or daily checks.

8. The Supplier must conduct monthly inspections of all equipment and tools made
of hard plastics for condition and maintenance.

9. Third Party calibration of equipment is required at minimum annually.

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Part: 1.6 Pest Control Program

1. The Supplier must have a defined and documented Pest Control Program for the
control of insects, rodents, and birds.

2. The Pest Control Program must include a current schematic of the facility with
trap placement and location identification that shows all pest control devices,
both inside and outside of the facility. The pest control devices include glue
boards, Insectocutors, tin cats, mechanical traps of any kind, pheromone traps,
bait stations, etc.

3. The Pest Control Program includes the use of a designated Pest Control
Operator (PCO).
a. If a Third Party is performing pest control services, then the PCO must
have a current license and proof of insurance.
b. If pest control service is conducted by internal personnel, documentation
of training and certification with local, state, and federal regulations are on
file for review.
c. A current certification for all persons who are applying chemicals or have
applied chemicals in the past six months for pest activities at the facility,
whether in house or by an outside PCO must be on file.

4. The Pest Control Program must include a documented service schedule and
services performed.
a. Service must be conducted minimally once per month with bi-weekly
rodent checks for the exterior of the building and weekly interior checks.
b. Service labels must be kept on the interior of all pest control devices.
These labels must contain the date of service and the initials of the PCO
who performed the service. Punch cards may be used if the PCO who
punches the cards signs it. Equivalent electronic systems are also

5. The Pest Control Program must define the pesticides used and the location of
a. Pesticide compliance to regulatory agencies must be on file.
b. Any pesticide used at the facility must be EPA approved for use in and
around food.
c. A sample label and current MSDS must be on file for all pesticides used.
d. Any pesticide stored at the facility must be in a segregated, secured area.
Secured shall be defined as locked at all times. Access is limited to
employees with proper training and need for utilization.

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Part: 1.6 Pest Control Program (cont.)

6. The Pest Control Program must define control activities for the interior of the
a. All areas inside the facility must be free of insects. There must be no
evidence of insects in the facility or in finished products, raw materials, or
packaging materials.
b. The interior program must include pest control devices around the interior
perimeter of the facility.
i. All devices must be located to prevent contamination of stored
items or exposed product, packaging material, or equipment.
ii. The location of all interior devices must be well marked on the wall
above the proper location to ensure appropriate placement of
iii. No bait is allowed inside of the facility.
iv. All interior devices must be in operable condition and functioning
properly. There must be no decomposed rodents found in any
device or bait box.
c. Insectocutors, if used, must be located away from product to prevent
contamination. If stun type Insectocutors are used, they are not located
directly over any product; this includes shipping and receiving areas.

7. The Pest Control Program must define control activities for the exterior of the
a. All areas inside the facility must be free of rodents and birds. There must
be no evidence of rodents or birds in the facility or in finished products,
raw materials, or packaging materials.
b. The exterior program must include tamper resistant bait stations around
the exterior perimeter. If there are public areas or areas not allowed by
local ordinances to contain bait, mechanical traps may be substituted. If
this is the case, a copy of the local regulation must be available.
c. The bait stations must be secured in place at the grounds-building
junction by anchor, chain, or other acceptable means of anchoring.
d. Exterior traps in the surrounding vicinity must be checked per the service
e. All exterior devices must be in an operable condition and functioning
f. The bait inside the bait stations must have a fresh appearance and be

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Part: 1.6 Pest Control Program (cont.)

8. Copies of pest control service reports and inspection records must be up-to-date
and kept on file.
a. The service reports must include the services performed, the chemicals
used, and any signs of pest activity.
b. The service reports must include scheduled follow-up based on pest
c. Pest activity and auditing of all pest control devices must be reviewed,
analyzed, and trends identified.
d. All negative trends must have follow-up corrective actions identified.

9. If facility uses an “In-House” PCO, there must be a documented annual audit of

the facility (at a minimum) by Facility Management verifying the effectiveness of
the Program and reviewing all Trend Reports and Inspections Results.

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Part: 1.7 Sanitation Program

1. The Supplier must have a defined and documented Sanitation Program to assure
the quality and safety of products manufactured.

2. The Program must include a defined and documented Master Sanitation

Schedule showing documented evidence of completion of tasks.

3. The Sanitation Program must include methods and procedures for cleaning each
area of the facility and each piece of equipment.

4. The Sanitation Program must include a Pre-Op checklist to verify the facility and
equipment are clean and sanitary. Any deficiencies and corrective actions taken
must be documented.

5. The Sanitation Program must include a verification of the cleaning effectiveness

using an objective measurement. Results of verification testing must be
documented. Trends in cleaning effectiveness results shall be reviewed and used
to enhance the Sanitation Program.

6. The Sanitation Program must define the cleaning and sanitation products used
and the concentration levels of each product.

7. The Sanitation Program must include procedures to identify cleaning equipment

and segregation of types of cleaning equipment.

8. The Program must include sanitation training for employees involved in any
sanitation operation that is specific to their job function. If an outside company is
hired to perform sanitation tasks, their training program must be documented and
available for review.

9. The Sanitation Program must include procedures for general housekeeping.

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Part: 1.7 Sanitation Program

Section 1.7.1 Environmental Sampling and Monitoring Program

1. The Supplier must have a defined and documented Environment Sampling and
Monitoring Program to verify sanitation of the manufacturing environments.

2. The Environmental Sampling and Monitoring Program must include a verification

of the cleaning effectiveness using an objective measurement such as
Bioluminescence (ATP) or microbiological testing. Results of verification testing
must be documented and trended as appropriate.

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Part: 1.8 Operations and Facility Requirements

1. The Supplier must have a defined and documented Maintenance Program.

a. The Maintenance Program must include a schedule for when specific
preventative maintenance activities will occur.
b. Verification that the tasks have been completed must be documented.
c. The program must include a work order type system so that
employees can identify equipment that needs repair.
d. The Maintenance Program must be food safety related with defined
and documented procedures for product protection and parts
e. After repairs, Sanitation Program must be complied with.

2. The facility must be designed to facilitate maintenance, sanitary operations, and

prevent contamination.

3. All equipment, utensils, and processing tools must be designed and constructed
to prevent contamination of product.

4. Food contact surfaces must be made of non-porous materials and smoothly


5. Equipment must be maintained in good repair and is being used for the task in
which it was intended.
a. No mold or rust is observed on equipment.
b. There are no temporary repairs of equipment made with materials that
could contribute to product or environment contamination.
c. All repairs and modifications are professionally completed without the
use of string, tape, wire, or other improvised materials.
d. Equipment missing hardware must be identified in a logbook, work
order book or equivalent and should be tagged. Equipment identified
as missing hardware during production shall require immediate
notification of management and immediate corrective action to
determine if finished product has become contaminated with
hardware, etc.

6. The Supplier must conduct inspections of the physical building and equipment to
verify condition and effectiveness of the maintenance program and include
documentation of findings with follow-up and corrective actions.

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Part: 1.8 Operations and Facility Requirements (cont.)

7. A minimum of 18” inspection perimeter must be maintained to allow for the

proper inspection of storage areas. Storage areas include raw materials,
packaging materials, finished product and equipment storage areas.

8. Air ventilation must be adequate.

9. All facility walls, floors, and ceilings must be properly maintained to prevent
possible contamination and product integrity.

10. All product zones must be clean, neat, and designed to maintain cleanliness.

11. All ceiling and wall ventilation fans venting to the outside are properly functioning
with self-closing louvers and screened to prevent pest entry.

12. Equipment, including forklifts, must be well maintained and cleaned.

13. All areas of the facility must have proper lighting. Product inspection areas shall
have appropriate lighting to meet inspection standards.

14. All lights and other breakable materials in the facility areas must be shielded to
prevent contamination in the event a bulb breaks, e.g. coated light bulbs, end
caps, etc. This requirement includes loading lights and forklift lights.

15. All hoses and water lines, including janitor sinks, are protected against back flow
or cross connections.

16. All drain lines into floor drains are protected by air gap or an appropriated back
flow device.

17. Back flow devices must be checked for proper operation at least annually.

18. The roof must be uncluttered, free of draining and standing water, free of bird or
pest harborages, and free of any and all leaks. This includes any water running
down the inside of the walls from the roof.

19. There must be no weeds, litter, or debris around the perimeter of the building.

20. No trees in proximity or height that would allow rodent entry into the facility is

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Part: 1.8 Operations and Facility Requirements (cont.)

21. Roads, yards, and parking lots must be maintained.

22. Surrounding areas must be drained to prevent contamination of product by

seepage, foot-borne filth, or providing a breeding place for pests.

23. There must be no standing water visible near the building and no standing water
on the property itself.

24. If the facility is bordered by grounds or if there is shared space not under the
Supplier’s control and not maintained in the manner described, care must be
taken by inspection, extermination, or other means to exclude pests, dirt, and filth
that may be source of contamination.

25. All surplus/unused equipment must be stored in a clean condition and manner so
as not to cause rodent harborage.
a. All equipment that is stored within or near the building must be at least
12 inches off the ground and verified as such in monthly inspections.
b. In the event any tubing or pipes are stored outside, they must be
sealed with end caps or taped to prevent rodent harborage sites.

26. The dumpster areas must be clean with no litter overflowing onto the ground.
Lids on dumpsters must close completely and remain that way unless being
loaded or unloaded.

27. The water potability must be checked with samples taken from various sites
inside the facility.
a. Testing must be conducted at least annually.
b. Testing must be quarterly for water/ice used in Finished Product.
c. Record of water testing is maintained.

28. The use of high pressure water lines or hoses used for cleaning equipment must
be confined to designated areas that are not used for storage or shipping of

29. No overhead condensation may be present in any production or storage areas.

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Part: 1.8 Operations and Facility Requirements (cont.)

30. All hand-wash stations must:

a. Be conveniently located in production areas.
b. Be equipped with hands free controls
c. Have suitable drying devices.
d. Have foot/hand dips where applicable.
e. Be stocked with soap, sanitizer, and hand drying devices.
f. Have running hot water.
g. Designated hand-wash sink.

31. Break areas and locker rooms must be kept clean and no food may be stored in
lockers. Lockers must be designed to prevent storage on top. Break areas must
be separated from the food processing areas.

32. All walkways, permanent ladders, and conveyors within 1’ of or above exposed
product (regardless if in final packaging or shipping carton), raw materials,
packaging materials, or other product contact surfaces must be designed to
shield product and packaging from potential contamination. Shielding includes
kick-plates and panels that would enclose exposed portions of walkways,
ladders, and conveyors. No open bowl hand sanitizer systems are allowed above
production lines.

33. All compressed air or other gases used in processing, packaging, or cleaning
must be treated in such a way to prevent contamination.

34. RTE areas must be separated and effectively isolated from other operations and
traffic flows that could compromise a high level of sanitation and hygiene.

35. RTE processing areas must have microbiologically filtered air supplied and be
under positive air pressure.

36. Personnel access to RTE areas must include facilities for personnel to make
appropriate outer garment changes and either change footwear or put on
appropriate footwear coverings prior to entering RTE areas.

37. All chemicals, both pest control and cleaning/sanitizing, must be securely locked
and stored when not in immediate use.

38. Access to chemicals must be limited only to authorized personnel. Chemicals

must be organized and segregated from food and packaging materials.

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Part: 1.9 Packing, Shipping, Handling and Storage Requirement

Section 1.9.1 General Requirements

1. The Supplier must have defined and documented procedures for maintaining and
verifying the condition of packing, storing, and shipping areas.
a. Packing, storage, and shipping areas must be clean, organized, and free
from debris or spilled product.
b. Coolers must show no signs of condensation. Products stored in coolers
are free from condensation and ice.
c. Freezers must show no signs of condensation. Freezers have no ice
build-up and products stored in freezers are free from ice.

2. The Supplier must have a defined and documented pallet inspection program to
verify all pallets used in the facility are clean and intact. Pallets that are soiled or
broken pallets must not be used.

3. The Supplier must have defined and documented procedures to ensure finished
product packaging and labeling meet supplier and BKC requirements and
industry standards. The procedures include the frequency of checks, corrective
actions for non-conformance, and packaging and labeling standards for
a. The Supplier must have a defined and documented policy for net weight,
liquid contents, or product count to verify compliance to label
requirements and BKC specifications.

4. Processors of Burger King branded products must procure approved Burger

King artwork and case graphics.
In the USA, case graphics must be sourced through the Burger King
designated graphics company (See Appendix C). The Burger King controlled
graphics program allows for printing plates to be secured directly from the
designated graphics company or a local supplier, in either case, the designated
graphics company's reorder number must be printed on the case bottom.
a. The processor will assure that all cartons of Burger King branded
products are identified with the following information (the target size for
characters is 1/2" (1.3 cm) or larger and Black):
 "PACKED ON" + (“Vendor Code” as defined in BKC Approval
 The month of the year (first 3 letters), day of the month, year.
 Production Line and Hour codes as appropriate.
 Expiration date.
 Example:
o PACKED ON: BAC JAN 30 97 2 1300
o EXP. DATE: MAY 30 20

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Part: 1.9 Packing, Shipping, Handling and Storage Requirement

Section 1.9.1 General Requirements (cont.)

5. It is the Supplier’s responsibility that ingredient declaration meets country specific

regulatory requirements and case information are translated appropriately.
Note: Products being exported for use by Burger King International must comply
with the specific countries' requirements and local legislation, e.g. U.K. - BEST
BEFORE must be used in place of EXP. DATE.

6. For Limited Time Offers and prior to receipt of approved case graphics printing
plates, processors of Burger King branded products must place a label on
cases with the following information: Restaurant Name / Regulatory Label Name,
Ingredient Declaration, Packed On Code and Production Date, Expiration Date,
Quantity, New Weight, BKC Logo, and BKC Disclaimer (See Appendix D - Case
Labels Sample for layout).

7. BKC branded product Suppliers are required to package BKC product in cases
meeting the Edge Crush Test, which is specified as the minimum Burst Strength
in the packaging section of the Finished Product Specification. Carton size
guidelines are provided in the Master Packaging Specification.

8. All Suppliers are required to use either Burger King branded tamper evident
tape or clear tamper evident tape as specified in Appendix C - Service Providers.
Clear Tamper evident tape is only acceptable on pre-printed cases with the
words “TAMPER INDICATOR” on the flaps. No metal staples are allowed.

9. The Supplier must have procedures for outbound trailer inspections to assess
their cleanliness and maintenance. All Supplier transport vehicles must be
capable of maintaining proper product temperatures and preventing any product
contamination. Trailers must be cooled to required product temperature
prior to loading.

10. The Supplier must have First In, First Out (FIFO) rotation system in place.

11. All finished product cases that are shipped to BKC Distributors or restaurants
must be clean, free of damage, meet shelf-life requirements, be free of punctures
and unopened, meet product temperature requirements, and have manufacture
codes/use by dates clearly visible and legible. Product shipped to BKC
Distributors must arrive with no more than 1/3 of shelf life expired.

12. Finished or intermediate product may not be stored on trailers on or away from

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Part: 1.9 Packing, Shipping, Handling and Storage Requirement

Section 1.9.2 Cold Chain Management- Finished Product Temperature Monitoring

1. The Supplier must have a defined and documented Cold Chain Management
system to monitor and control finished product temperatures.

2. All products produced for BKC must meet the finished product temperature
standards. If the local legislation requires stricter limits, Supplier must always
meet local legislation limits.
a. Frozen products: -23C to -12C (-10F to 10 F)
b. Refrigerated products: 1C to -4.5C (34F to 40 F)
c. Dry Storage products: <30C (< 85  F)

3. The Suppliers must monitor finished product temperatures for each

production/pack-out line at least hourly.

4. The processing environment in which refrigerated and frozen products are

manufactured for BKC must be temperature controlled and monitored to assure
product temperature compliance.

5. The temperature controlling equipment must include an effective equipment

failure notification system.

6. Finished or intermediate product may not be stored on trailers on or away from


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Part: 1.9 Packing, Shipping, Handling and Storage Requirement

Section 1.9.3 Cold Chain Management- Storage Facility Temperature Monitoring

1. The Supplier must have a defined and documented Cold Chain Management
system to monitor and control storage facility temperatures. The Supplier must
provide annually a list of all Third Party, public, and offsite storage facilities used
for BKC Product to BKC QA. All storage facilities must comply with the BKC
Distribution Quality Manual including security and temperature-monitoring
requirements, regardless of the length of time product is stored at the facility.

2. All storage facilities used to store BKC products must maintain product
temperature standards throughout the entire storage period. If the local
legislation requires stricter limits, Supplier must always meet local legislation
a. Freezers: -23C to -12C (-10F to 10 F)
b. Refrigerated coolers: 1C to -4.5C (34F to 40 F)
c. Dry Storage areas: <30C (<85  F)

3. The Supplier must verify that product temperatures are maintained through
continued monitoring of all storage locations, i.e. at Supplier facilities, offsite
storage locations, and Third Party storage facilities.

4. The temperature controlling equipment at the storage locations must include an

effective equipment failure notification system.

5. The Supplier must monitor the storage condition temperatures for all freezers,
coolers, and dry storage areas where BKC products are held during all periods of

6. Finished product may not be stored on trailers on or away from dock.

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Part: 1.9 Packing, Shipping, Handling and Storage Requirement

Section 1.9.4 Cold Chain Management- Shipping Temperature Monitoring

1. The Supplier must have a defined and documented Cold Chain Management
system to monitor and control shipping temperatures.

2. All BKC product temperatures must be maintained during the entire loading and
shipping process. If the local legislation requires more strict limits, Supplier must
meet local legislation limits.
a. Frozen products: -23C to -12C (-10F to 10 F)
b. Refrigerated products: 1C to -4.5C (34F to 40 F)
c. Dry Storage products: <30C (<85  F)

3. Supplier delivery trailers must be temperature controlled and pre-cooled prior to


4. Product exposure time during loading must be monitored to minimize

temperature fluctuations. Suppliers must validate that their loading procedures
maintain product temperatures.

5. For refrigerated products, the receiving and shipping areas must be temperature
controlled and maintained at 1C to -4.5C (34° F to 40° F).

6. For frozen products, the receiving and shipping areas must be temperature
controlled and maintained < 4.5C (< 40° F).

7. The temperature controlling equipment at the loading/dock locations must include

an effective equipment failure notification system.

8. Suppliers shipping temperature controlled products (refrigerated or frozen) to

Burger King approved distribution centers must comply with the BKC PIMM
Temperature Monitoring Program as defined in Appendix A of this manual.

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Part: 1.10 Food Defense Program

1. The Supplier must have a defined and documented Food Defense Program.
This Program must also define processes and controls to be in place to address
the prevention of and reaction to intentional product adulteration.

2. The Program must include measures taken to secure the facility during operating
and non-operating hours and to restrict unauthorized access to the facility.

3. The Program must have a Food Defense Team identified that meets at least
annually to assess potential risks.

4. The Supplier must have a site plan of the facility and outside grounds that
identifies all entrances into the building, accesses to the roof, and sensitive areas
(bulk storage tanks, bulk loading/unloading area, etc.)

5. The Supplier must take measures to restrict access to the building.

6. The Supplier must have a documented process for issuing, tracking, and
retrieving keys, identification badges, and passes for the facility and secure

7. The Food Defense Program must include a positive identification and recognition
system for all employees entering the facility.

8. The Supplier must have a documented pre-hire screening program in place for all
employees and contracted persons.

9. The Food Defense Program must include a visitor policy for monitoring all non-
employee persons while in the facility.
a. Maintain a visitor log
b. Records of all visitor logs must be maintained and up-to-date.
c. The policy must require Identification checks of all visitors.

10. The Supplier must have defined and documented procedures for verifying
security of incoming loads of raw materials and packaging materials. Records of
truck seals and receiving documents must be up-to-date.

11. Regardless of point of origin, Supplier must assure that all outbound loaded
vehicles are secured and either a seal or approved lock applied.

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Part: 1.10 Food Defense Program (cont.)

12. The Supplier must have a policy addressing the food security system for
transporters of LTL (Less Than a Load) products. At a minimum the policy LTL
loads must be locked and inspected for load integrity

13. All offsite warehousing, including public storage and shipping facilities, must be
required to verify food security measures at their facilities.
a. The Supplier must audit offsite warehouses and shipping facilities to
verify security of their products.
b. Results of audits and corrective actions taken must be kept on file.

14. The facility must provide evidence that it is meeting the requirements of the USA
Bioterrorism Act of 2002 or equivalent local legislation. Suppliers can use the
USDA FSIS self assessment checklist to audit their preparedness: The checklist
can be found here:

15. The facility must be registered with the appropriate Governmental Regulatory
Agency, and be able to provide proof of such with a letter of registration with their
registration number, provided such register exists and applies to the supplier,

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Part: 1.11 Allergen Control Program

1. The Supplier must have an established and documented Allergen Control
Program which details how the facility handles, processes, and stores potentially
sensitive ingredients. Such program should be integral part of the HACCP plan.

2. The Program must include a documented master list of ingredients that are food
allergens or sensitive ingredients that are present in the facility (see Appendix E).

3. The Supplier must have a label reconciliation program in place to review product
labels versus product packaged, inspection of labels at receipt, and removal and
destruction of obsolete labels.

4. The Supplier must have documented procedures for storage control of allergen
containing ingredients. Allergens must be separated in storage areas and stored
in a manner to avoid cross contact.

5. The Supplier must have defined and documented procedures for handling rework
of allergen containing products. Records of all allergen containing rework must
be maintained.

6. The Supplier must have defined and documented procedures for the prevention
of cross-contact of allergens.
a. Production scheduling is done to ensure non-allergen containing products
are run prior to allergen containing products.
b. The Supplier must have defined and documented SSOP’s for process
change over.
c. Utensils used for allergen containing ingredients must be dedicated and
not used for other ingredients unless there is a thorough cleaning and
sanitizing procedure applied between uses.
d. The procedures must include proper storage of utensil and product
containing devices, if they are not allergen dedicated.
e. Clothing used in allergen sensitive products must not be co-mingled with
clothing from non-allergenic production.
f. Employees handling allergen containing ingredients and products must
not handle non-allergenic products without a complete change of outer
garments, hairnets, sanitary gloves, and protective sleeve guards.
g. The Supplier must use testing to verify effectiveness of allergen removal
in changeover procedures.
h. Records of changeover and verification activities must be maintained.

7. Allergens should be reported for each Burger King specification using the food
ingredient questionnaire (FIQ, Appendix F). The supplier should make every
effort possible to avoid the need to label Burger King products as “may contain”
allergens, when the allergen is not present in the product. The supplier should
review its operation, segregation and cleaning practices in an effort to eliminate
any residual contamination, so the “may contain” label will not be required.

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Part: 1.12 Approval, Probation and Suspension

The following Supplier Approval process is the typical protocol used for Suppliers to
the Burger King System. Modifications of this protocol are at the discretion of Burger
King and will be communicated to the Supplier.

1. A Supplier Capability Questionnaire and Supplier Information Worksheet is

first completed by the Supplier. Based on the information provided, a Pre-
certification Audit may be required. A Pre-certification Audit will be conducted
by a designated BKC Third Party auditor (see Appendix C for Service
Providers) using an approved BKC Pre-Certification Audit. The purpose of
this audit is to assure the facility will meet the core requirements of BKC and
that the facility appears highly probable to meet the BKC specification.

2. Contingent on the results of the Pre-Certification Audit and determination of

need to the BKC System Stage 1 is commenced:
a. Access is provided to the BKC proprietary on-line specification
system, SPEQ (Supplier and Product Enterprise Quality System). All
further communication with the Supplier is provided through SPEQ.
b. All approved suppliers are require to have at least one active SPEQ
license. That license will be paid annually by the supplier. Additional
licenses could be obtain through the SPEQ system.
c. A MNDA (Master Non-Disclosure Agreement) is executed between
the Supplier Corporate and BKC Corporate upon request.

3. Upon successful completion of the previous steps, Stage 2 is initiated.

Supplier is provided access to BKC’s Master Terms and Conditions of
Supply, designated BKC Specification(s), Supplier Quality Assurance
Program Manual, and related procedural documents.

4. Upon successful download of the Stage 2 Documents, a Third Party audit of

the Supplier is scheduled for BKC Branded Products (see Chapter 3 Part
3.13). The acceptance of existing Third Party audits for non-branded products
is at the discretion of the QA Manager.

5. Upon a passing Third Party audit, a BKC QA Manager will conduct a

Certification Audit of the facility for BKC Branded product. Certification Audits
of non-branded products is at the discretion of the BKC QA Manager.

6. A BKC Product Innovation Product Qualification and a BKC QA Product

Endorsement run(s) are conducted at the facility. Product compliance to
specification is validated through a Quality Assurance Testing Program
(QAP) and successful completion will result in a Supplier Approval Letter.

7. Carton Graphics Service Provider will then contact facility to commence the
creation of carton graphics.

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Part: 1.12 Approval, Probation and Suspension (cont.)

The following Supplier Probation process is the typical protocol used for Suppliers to
the Burger King System. Modifications of this protocol are at the discretion of Burger
King and will be communicated to the Supplier.

a. Suppliers may be placed on Probation for any of the following
i. Cumulative minor recurring quality problems that the Supplier
is unwilling to correct or incapable of correcting despite
repeated BKC advisories.
ii. Specific serious or potentially serious quality and/or safety
issues caused by products, processes, or facilities that do not
comply with BKC's requirements and specifications.
iii. Serious breach of the BKC Master Terms and Conditions of
Supply or Master Non-disclosure Agreements, e.g. production
in an unapproved plant.
iv. Failure to comply with the BKC Supplier Quality Assurance

a. The terms of a Supplier's Probationary status are determined at the
sole discretion of BKC. They may include all of the following:
i. Enhanced Quality Assurance monitoring with increased
frequency of product sampling/testing and plant auditing.
ii. No significant increase of approved production capacity for
affected products during the probationary term.
iii. No new products.
iv. Disqualification of the Supplier for vendor awards or
recognition for the year in which the probation took place.
b. BKC may place one specific Supplier facility, more than one
production location, or all of the Supplier's BKC approved facilities on
c. Probation may be applied to one specific product or to all products
manufactured or distributed by a Supplier.

a. Supplier's products and/or facilities may be removed from Probation
and returned to fully approved status if all of the following conditions
are met:
i. The Probationary period runs its term;
ii. The original problems that resulted in Probationary status are
corrected and do not recur; and
iii. No new serious quality or product safety deficiencies occur.

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Part: 1.12 Approval, Probation and Suspension (cont.)

During or at the end of the Probationary period, if the above conditions are not met, BKC
may exercise other options, including, but not limited to, the following:
1. Extension of the Probationary period, including the imposition of new or
different terms of Probation.
2. Expansion of Probationary coverage to other Supplier facilities or products.
3. Suspension of Supplier's approved status for a defined period of time.
4. Termination of approval of Supplier's product and/or facilities.

The following Supplier Suspension process is the typical protocol used for suppliers
to the Burger King System. Modifications of this protocol are at the discretion of Burger
King and will be communicated to the Supplier.

1. Causes:
a. A Supplier’s Facility and/or product may be Suspended for the following
i. An egregious product safety or product quality incident.
ii. Failure to complete requirements of Probation.
iii. Failure to comply with BKC required testing and/or auditing

2. Terms:
a. The terms of a Supplier's Suspension status are determined at the sole
discretion of BKC. They may include all of the following:
i. Supplier Facility Approval and/or Supplier Product Approval
Suspended for an indefinite period of time.
ii. Disqualification of the Supplier for vendor awards or recognition
for the year in which the Suspension took place.
b. BKC may place one specific Supplier facility, more than one production
location, or all of the Supplier's BKC approved facilities on Suspension.

3. Follow-Up:
a. Supplier's products and/or facilities may be removed from Suspension
and returned to fully approved status if all of the following conditions are
i. The Suspension period runs its term (if defined);
ii. The original problems that resulted in Suspension status are
corrected; and
iii. No new serious quality or product safety deficiencies occur.
iv. Successful completion of the Supplier Approval Process as
specified in the above section herein.

b. Suspension may be applied to one specific product or to all products

manufactured or distributed by a Supplier.

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Part: 1.12 Approval, Probation and Suspension (cont.)

During or at the end of the suspension period, if the above conditions are not met, BKC
may exercise other options, including, but not limited to, the following:
1. Extension of the suspension period, including the imposition of new or different
terms of suspension.
2. Expansion of suspension coverage to other supplier facilities or products.
3. Termination of approval of Supplier's product and/or facilities as per BKC Master
Terms and Conditions.

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Part: 2.1 Continuous Improvement Program

1. The Supplier must have an established and documented Continuous

Improvement Program. The purpose of the Continuous Improvement Program is
to direct the Supplier in developing measurable goals and objectives in the areas
of product quality and productivity improvements.

2. The program must include procedures for conducting annual internal

assessments to focus on improvements.
a. The procedures must include using measurement and tracking tools.
b. The annual assessment must include reviewing product quality trends
from customer complaints and production data.
c. The assessment must include reviewing raw material and packaging
material data.

3. The program must include procedures for insuring all changes to policies,
procedures, product formulations, processing equipment, or product
specifications are adequately communicated to all personnel. The procedures
must include:
a. Written notifications
b. Team meetings
c. Training sessions (if applicable)

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Part: 2.2 Corrective Actions Program

Section 2.2.1 General Requirements

1. The Supplier must have an established and documented Corrective Actions

Program for the identification, investigation, prevention, and communication of
non-conforming issues.

2. The program must include documented procedures for recording, investigating,

and responding to the receipt of a BKC Product Incident Report.
a. The procedures must include how to define the problem or issue in detail,
providing quantitative identification of the problem, its direct effect on
BKC, and the determination of an immediate action to contain the
b. The procedures must include how to isolate defective product and
implement a temporary measure to isolate the problem until the issue is
solved and permanent corrective actions are taken.
c. The procedures must include how to effectively correct the affected
product or destroy and dispose of product that cannot be effectively

3. The program must include how to define the root cause of the problem and the
isolation and verification in the process where the effect of the root cause must
have been detected and contained.

4. The analysis must include the development of Permanent Corrective Actions to

remove the root cause.

5. The program must include developing the Implementation Plan for the permanent
corrective action. The plans must include how the problem solution will be
monitored after implementation to insure process effectiveness

6. The program must include a Corrective Action Team with a defined team leader
and roles of the team.

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Part: 2.2 Corrective Actions Program

Section 2.2.2 Corrective Actions for Regulatory and Third Party Audits

1. The Supplier must maintain a file of all Regulatory actions, visits, reports or other
notifications received from a Regulatory agency.

2. The Supplier must maintain copies of all Third Party audits conducted on behalf
of customers or initiated by the Supplier.

3. The Supplier must maintain written responses with appropriate corrective actions
for all written inspections, audits, or other official notifications from a Regulatory

4. The Supplier must maintain written and timely corrective actions to any audit or
inspection by BKC or Third Party auditors.

5. The supplier is required to provide, and get accepted by BKC, a corrective action
plan, addressing any non-conformance findings during the BKC internal audit, in
30 days or less since the audit.

a. Supplier must issue the corrective action plan, addressing any non-
conformance findings during the BKC internal audit, in seven days or less
since receiving the audit report.
b. The audit will be uploaded to the corresponding 3rd party auditor website,
as designated by BKC in appendix C.
c. The corrective action plan will be reviewed by BKC and/or the third party
auditor, and either accepted or rejected.
d. If rejected, an explanation of the causes will accompany the rejection, and
supplier will have an additional 7 days to amend the corrective action plan
and resubmit.
e. In any case, the corrective action process has to be completed within one
month of the audit.

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Part: 2.2 Corrective Actions Program

Section 2.2.3 Complaint Management

1. The Supplier Complaint Management Program must include procedures for

collecting, recording, tracking, and summarizing BKC customer complaints.
a. The information collected from customer complaints is used to focus on
the conditions which lead to the issues or complaints.
b. The Supplier must conduct trend analysis of customer complaints,
production data, and internal assessments to provide focus on areas to

2. All Suppliers must respond to complaints associated with their products and may
not use “form” letter responses. Additionally, BKC does not consider
“retraining” of operators, workers, and technicians to be an appropriate response
to complaints.

3. On critical issues, foreign objects, and issues that are deemed a trend by BKC,
the Supplier must submit a completed Corrective Action Response (CAR) to BKC
QA. A trend is defined as two (2) or more complaints on the same product with
the same manufactured date.
a. The Supplier must investigate and respond to all Foreign Object
complaints within two (2) days of notification.
b. Suppliers must investigate and respond to all product quality issues with a
trend within three (3) days of notification.

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Part: 3.1 BKC Specification System: SPEQ and Compliance Requirements

The primary system for communicating with Suppliers is through our SPEQ system
(Supplier and Product Enterprise Quality System). Suppliers are required to be
able to access to the SPEQ system at any time, through an active SPEQ license,
which includes login information, and are required to use the system for downloading
all documents or BKC quality systems including specifications.

SPEQ is our legal system of record for the accessing of BKC information and as such
BKC QA is able to track access to the system and documents downloaded as a
permanent record. Suppliers should access SPEQ upon a notification of a change in
any BKC standard, including a change in the specification, to access the latest version
of the document.

Suppliers are rated through the results of the following: Product Testing, Sensory /
Product Cutting Evaluations, BKC QA Manager Facility Audits, Third Party Facility
Audits and Number of Complaints Received. The results of this rating are available
to suppliers through their SPEQ login. Ratings are used to recommend supplier
actions and/or business volumes.

1. All products produced for BKC must be covered by a BKC specification.

a. For BKC owned products, BKC will provide the specification, and supplier is
required to comply with it on its integrity. If Supplier is not capable to comply
with a certain requirement, it should request to BKC a variation on the
specification. Only if BKC agrees to change, and issues the new variation for
the specification and the corresponding approval letter for the Supplier, will
the Supplier be authorized to produce with that requirement changed.

b. For Supplier owned products, Supplier will provide BKC the information
sufficient to capture the production requirements, and BKC will held Supplier
responsible to comply with those agreed requirements. If Supplier decides to
change the requirements, it needs to communicate the changes to BKC. BKC
acceptance will be stated by issuing a variation for the specification, and the
corresponding approval letter for the Supplier, capturing the proposed

2. All products produced for BKC must meet specification requirements. Product
found to be Out of Specification may be subjected to a supplier level hold, DC
level hold or withdrawal, or a restaurant level withdrawal.

3. Unapproved variances from the specification are critical defects and grounds for
product rejection and/or Supplier Termination. Suppliers are required to notify
BKC for any known or suspect out of specification conditions in the product they
are supplying to BKC.

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4. Suppliers are required to notify their BKC QA Manager when a significant
out of specification, product adulteration, or product food safety issue
occurs and the supplier is still intending to ship the product to BKC, e.g.
Supplier is notified by their Breading Supplier that foreign material may have
adulterated the spice blend they have been provided and the product has already
been shipped to BKC restaurants.

5. Any request for variances from the specification must be submitted in writing to
BKC Quality Assurance. If approved, the variance will be provided to the Supplier
in writing as an MRB response through BKC’s system, SPEQ.

6. The Supplier must maintain summary reports for BKC Quality Assurance on all
finished products analysis to verify compliance to the specification.

7. Summary reports must be kept on file by the Supplier and available for BKC
review when requested and for a minimum of 2 years.

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Part: 3.2 BKC Product Sampling Program

1. The BKC Quality Program includes compliance to the BKC Product Testing /
Evaluation Program. When defined by BKC a Test Specification is created and
the cost for per pound testing is defined. The Test Specification is the
specification that defines the costing for testing and defines the product
specifications covered by that testing. The Test Specification is located in SPEQ.

2. BKC Quality Assurance will request samples of finished product for testing and
evaluation based on a sampling frequency matrix. The Supplier must provide
these samples to BKC Quality Assurance or BKC designated laboratory when
requested. BKC also conducts a Distribution Center level of testing. Through a
Third Party, samples are collected from Distribution Centers and forwarded to a
BKC designated test laboratory. The test results of the samples which the
supplier forwards directly to a BKC designated laboratory and the samples which
the Third Party collects are compared for accuracy and consistency.

3. All products will be evaluated for specification attributes and restaurant

performance compliance. Restaurant performance includes, but is not limited to:
cook-out temperature, appearance, color, flavor, odor, texture, and for non-food
items: appearance, color, and aesthetics.

4. Any product evaluated by BKC Quality Assurance that does not meet
specification requirements is subject to rejection.

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Part: 3.3 QA Testing Program

1. The Supplier must have a defined and documented Supplier QA Testing

Program to confirm finished products meet the desired quality parameters and
specification requirements.

2. The program must include procedures for testing finished products to verify
compliance to specifications.
a. These procedures include chemical, physical, performance, and
microbiological testing of raw materials and finished products.
b. The procedures must include using current and appropriate A.O.A.C. and
BAM official methods, USDA/FDA recognized methods, or BKC approved
c. All methods must be available to BKC QA.

3. The program must be in full compliance with the BKC Finished Product
Microbiological Testing Requirements.

4. The program must include procedures for maintaining testing records to assure
that appropriate product attributes were evaluated and the results were
consistent over time.
a. The procedures must include maintaining the records for 24 months
b. The procedures include reviewing test records for trends.

5. The program must include maintaining retain samples of finished product to

validate its shelf-life.

6. The program must include procedures for all in-process testing required to meet
finished product specifications, e.g. piece weights, moisture, pH, etc.

7. The program must include procedures for assuring control of product

formulations. The procedures must include verification of most current approved
formulations, verification of ingredient accuracy, and verification of approved
ingredients and their sources.

8. The program must include documented procedures for authorizing release of

product for shipment, i.e. verifying that all required product testing and evaluation
is completed and in compliance before any BKC product is released for shipment
and the authorized personnel who may release product for shipment.

9. Testing product performance, the supplier will make sure the employees are
trained and sensory calibrated on the product being tested. When the product is
a BKC specified product, the performance testing will be done using BKC
sensory evaluation procedures including the recording format.

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Part: 3.4 Raw Materials and Supplier Approval Program

1. The Supplier must have an established and documented Raw Materials and
Supplier Approval Program for all raw materials and packaging materials used to
manufacture products for BKC.

2. The Supplier must only use BKC approved raw material Suppliers (when stated
in BKC Product Specification).

3. All raw materials must be from approved sources.

4. Any change in a CIF or BKC approved raw material or packaging Supplier for
BKC branded product must be requested and approved in writing by BKC Quality
Assurance prior to the change.

5. The Supplier must have specifications for all raw materials and packaging
materials purchased.

6. The Supplier must have an Approved Supplier Directory of all approved raw
materials, packaging materials, and their Suppliers on file.
a. The directory includes contact names, addresses, phone numbers, and the
materials for which they are approved.
b. The directory must be current and maintained.

7. The Supplier must have a documented process for monitoring the raw material and
packaging material Suppliers’ performance.
a. Raw material and packaging material Suppliers’ performance must be
monitored and tracked.
b. Raw material and packaging material Suppliers must be evaluated, by
facility audit, on at least an annual basis.
c. Quality trends must be documented.
d. Follow-up corrective actions must be taken and documented for all
instances where Supplier performance has not met specification or where
raw and packaging materials have been received from unapproved

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Part: 3.5 Incoming Materials Verification Process

1. Supplier must have an Importation Control Program for identifying the country of
origin for all raw materials, ingredients (including spices), packaging, etc. and have
documented programs for enhanced Quality and Safety requirements for when the
country of origin is outside of the country of location of the supplier.

2. The Supplier must have an established and documented Incoming Materials

Verification Program for all materials used to manufacture products for BKC.

3. The program must entail verifying raw materials and packaging materials meet
specification and customer requirements. All incoming raw materials and
packaging materials must be randomly, statistically sampled for compliance to
a. The Supplier must have defined and documented procedures for sampling,
testing frequency, and test methodology for all incoming raw materials and
packaging materials to verify compliance to specification.
b. The Supplier must have established sampling plans defining which raw
materials and packaging materials are subject to testing and which are
accepted based on Certificate of Analysis (COA).
c. The Supplier must maintain Continuing Letters of Guarantee for all raw
materials and packaging materials if there is no COA.

4. The Supplier must have documented procedures for verification of Bill of Lading
and product received.
a. There must be documented procedures for verifying seals of inbound
b. The procedures must include verifying that inbound trailers that contain
seals match seal numbers on shipping documentation.
c. The lot codes and quantities listed on the Bill of Lading must match the lot
codes and quantities received.
d. Trailer seals must match seal numbers on shipping documentation.

5. The Supplier must have documented procedures for incoming trailer inspections,
to assess their cleanliness and maintenance.

6. The Supplier must have procedures for marking incoming materials with the date of
receipt for FIFO rotation and product status, i.e. accepted, pending disposition,
released, on hold, rejected, etc.

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Part: 3.5 Incoming Materials Verification Process (cont.)

7. The Supplier must have defined and documented procedures which place raw
materials and packaging materials on hold / not available for use until appropriate
QC inspections have been made. Supplier must have documented procedures for
approval and release of all raw materials and packaging materials to the production

8. The Supplier must have defined and documented procedures for segregation and
disposition of raw materials and packaging materials that do not meet specification
and inspection criteria. These segregation and disposition procedures include:
a. Identifying materials.
b. Location of segregated materials.
c. Disposal of non-conforming materials.

9. The Supplier must conduct audits of the Incoming Materials Verification Process
to verify compliance.
a. Receiving records for all incoming raw materials indicate they met all
specifications, inspection criteria, and QA procedures.
b. Materials that were deemed to be out of specification at receiving were
disposed of per the program procedures.
c. Records for all non-conforming incoming raw materials indicate they were
clearly identified, segregated from acceptable materials, and assigned a
final disposition.
d. Records for all raw materials indicate they have been verified as
acceptable and have been authorized for release.
e. No raw materials have been released from an unapproved Supplier or
have not been authorized for release to production.
f. Records must show that all raw materials and packaging are from
approved sources.
g. Follow-up corrective action has been taken and documented for all
instances where materials have not met specification.

10. Supplier’s water supply (if used in BKC finished product) shall be tested at a
minimum quarterly to meet applicable potability standards.

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Part: 3.6 Sensitive and Restricted Ingredients

1. The Supplier must maintain a list of ingredient statements for all finished
products produced. The ingredients must be listed in accordance with regulatory
label requirements.

2. The Supplier must furnish upon request any and all sensitive ingredient
information on all products, raw materials, and processing aids used in the
manufacture of BKC’s finished products. This information includes the
breakdown of all flavorings and seasoning blends in raw materials, e.g.
Worcestershire sauce, chicken broth, etc.

3. No added trans-fat and/or sulfites are allowed in any BKC products. Suppliers
must verify through testing and/or ingredient disclosure that their product is free
of added trans- fat.

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Part: 3.7 Process Control Program

1. The Supplier must have an established and documented Process Control

Program that defines processes and procedures for their control.

2. The Process Control Program must include:

a. Defined and documented procedures for the control of key processes or
process steps and includes the employees responsible for their control.
b. Defined and documented manufacturing process settings on equipment,
with upper and lower control limits.
c. Documented Process Control records and observations verifying
compliance to the program. Records must be up-to-date and complete.
d. Documented corrective actions taken when a process measurement was
found to be out of control or above or below the established limits.

3. The supplier process control program must incorporate all quality control points
as required by BKC specifications. Control limits for quality control points during
Burger King production must be set as defined in BKC specifications or stricter.

4. The Supplier must conduct Process Control audits verifying that process settings
are being tracked and deviations from procedures are documented with
corrective actions.
a. Documented process control records must be kept up-to-date.
b. Results of the audits and corrective actions must be documented.

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Part: 3.8 Non-Conforming Controls Program

1. The Supplier must have defined and documented procedures for the
identification, segregation, and disposition of non-conforming raw materials,
packaging materials, “work in process,” and finished products.

2. Non-conforming products are defined as any product that does not meet raw
material, packaging material, or BKC specifications, i.e. damaged, out of code,
out of specification limits, etc.

3. These Non-Conforming Controls Program Procedures must include the following:

a. Specific methods for labeling/identifying the non-conforming materials
and products.
b. Procedures for segregation of product in order to prevent non-conforming
products from being mingled with acceptable products.
i. An area must be designated for the storage and handling of non-
conforming materials and products.
ii. Product that is nonconforming to specification must be physically
segregated in a separate location within the Supplier facility or
locked out/secured through electronic management devices.
iii. In the event of circumstances that are deemed a potential public
health risk, the Supplier must have procedures and equipment for
physically isolating and sequestering the product, i.e. chains,
c. Procedures for when and how to determine the final disposition of non-
conforming products.
d. Defined accountably for executing the procedures.
e. Procedures for record keeping.

4. The Supplier must maintain their records on the identification, segregation and
disposition of all non-conforming products and have these records readily
available for audit review. Disposition and corrective actions for the Non-
Conforming issues must be documented.

5. The Supplier must audit the Non-Conforming Products Program to verify proper
execution. Results of the audit and corrective actions must be documented.

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Part: 3.8 Non-Conforming Controls Program

Section 3.8.1 Re-Work Protocol

1. The Supplier must have defined and documented procedures for validating the
levels of rework added and that rework meets the requirements of BKC

2. The Supplier must have defined and documented procedures defining how
product is stored, handled during the rework process, and for routine “breakage”
of the rework cycle.

3. If rework is prohibited, the Supplier must maintain records of waste and non-
forming product disposal to validate that rework has not been used.

4. The Supplier must have defined and documented procedures that define how to
determine if “work in process” is acceptable to be reworked. These procedures
include testing or evaluation.

5. The Supplier must maintain a log or batch record of all finished product with

6. If not listed in the BKC Specification re-work is not permitted.

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Part: 3.9 Good Laboratory Practices

1. The Supplier must have a defined and documented Good Laboratory Practices
program when the Supplier has their own in house laboratory.
3. The laboratory must be certified through an independently test lab certification
program, and participate in an independently run calibration test program

4. The Supplier QC Laboratory personnel must have documented job specific

training, certification, or other forms of credentialing to perform their tasks.

5. Laboratory procedures must be defined, documented, authorized, and up to date.

All testing procedures are based on recognized and approved procedures.

6. The Supplier must have procedures for the calibration of laboratory equipment.
a. Calibration records must be maintained and current.
b. All laboratory equipment must be calibrated as scheduled and
functioning properly.

7. The laboratory must be clean, orderly, and well lit.

8. If the laboratory is testing for pathogens, the lab must be physically isolated from
production areas and access must be controlled.

9. Controls must be established to prevent laboratory contamination into the

production areas and storage areas. All live control cultures must be secured and
access controlled.

10. The laboratory must run positive controls for pathogen analyses to insure media
is functioning properly.

11. All testing must be documented and available for review, including records of
COA’s where in-house testing was not performed. All laboratory results must be
documented and initialed.

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Part: 3.10 Calibration Program

1. The Supplier must have an established and documented Calibration Program on

testing, measuring, metal detection, and/or metal elimination equipment used in
QC testing labs by QC and in manufacturing to accept and/or inspect raw
material, in-process, and finished products.

2. The Calibration program must include:

a. Identification of key measurement equipment.
b. Procedures for the calibration of all key equipment. These procedures
include the use of known standards or external verification.
c. A calibration schedule for each piece of measurement equipment.
d. Calibration records maintained.

3. The Supplier must have a documented and implemented auditing process of

calibration records and equipment to verify compliance to the program. Results of
the audit and corrective actions must also be documented.

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Part: 3.11 Emergency Contingency Program

1. The Supplier must have available for review an Emergency Contingency

Program that addresses continuity of supply of Burger King products and

2. Supplier must have a designated Emergency Contact for Burger King, and have
that person contact details up-to-date in SPEQ.

3. In any circumstance when the emergency contact changes, supplier must update
the new contact details in SPEQ and send a notification to BKC.

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Part: 3.12 Product Recall and Recovery Program

1. The Supplier must have an established and implemented Product Recall and
Recovery Program.

2. The Product Recall and Recovery Program must include documented

procedures and defined responsibilities for each part of the program.

3. The Product Recall and Recovery and Traceability Program must be in full
compliance with the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and
Response Act of 2002 or equivalent local legislation and regulations.
The act can be found here:
116/pdf/STATUTE-116-Pg594.pdf, or the summary can be found here:

4. The Supplier must be able to track 100% of all finished products within two (2)
a. In order to account for all suspect finished product, this information must
account for product shipped to distribution centers, product still on hand,
any product on-hold, and product waste, etc.

5. The Supplier must be able to track 100% of all raw materials associated with the
finished products within two (2) hours.
a. In order to account for all suspect raw materials, this information must
account for all materials in inventory, any rejected raw materials, and any
product still on-hold.

6. The recovery must also include collecting, reviewing, and reporting all
appropriate documentation to aid in the root cause analysis of the issue.
a. Inventory Information
b. Processing Records
c. Quality Records
d. Maintenance Records
e. Raw Material Tracking

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Part: 3.12 Product Recall and Recovery Program (cont.)

7. Suppliers must furnish the following additional information to BKC QA within

approximately two (2) hours after (i) determining a withdrawal may be necessary
by the Supplier or (ii) being notified by BKC that a withdrawal may be necessary:
a. Type and brand name of product.
b. Production code dates involved.
c. Where product was shipped, identifying specific distribution centers
and/or restaurants, code dates, and quantity of each code shipped to
each location and shipping date together with the purchase orders for
shipment of such product.
d. Nature of the problem.
e. Details of how the problem occurred and actions being taken to resolve it.
f. An inventory/sales demand report, which includes the effect of such
withdrawal on Supplier’s inventory available for sale to the BKC system.

8. Failure to notify BKC QA is considered grounds for Supplier Termination.

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Part: 3.12 Product Recall and Recovery Program

Section 3.12.1 Mock Recall and Recovery Program

1. The Supplier must verify effectiveness of their Product Recall and Recovery
Program by conducting mock recoveries.

2. A mock recovery must be conducted twice or more annually to ensure all

personnel are adequately trained. At least one of these mock recoveries must
include BKC finished product.

3. The Supplier must have mock recovery procedures which include all review and
reconciliation of all appropriate documentation.
a. Inventory Information
b. Processing Records
c. Quality Records
d. Maintenance Records
e. Raw Material Tracking

4. The mock recovery must be conducted on finished products and verify the
Supplier’s ability to track 100% of product produced within two (2) hours.
a. In order to account for all suspect finished product, this information must
account for product shipped to distribution centers, product still on hand,
any product on-hold, and product waste,.

5. The mock recovery must be conducted on raw materials used to produce

finished products and verify the Supplier’s ability to track 100% of these materials
within two (2) hours.
a. In order to account for all suspect raw materials, this information must
account for all materials in inventory, any rejected raw materials, and any
raw materials still on-hold.

6. The total time in which supplier should be able to track 100% of product back
and forth will be four (4) hours

7. Mock recoveries must be conducted during business and non-business hours.

An actual recovery must not take the place of a mock recovery, and mock
recoveries initiated by customers must not count toward a mock recovery
initiated by the facility.

8. Records of the mock recoveries must be kept on file and corrective actions taken
on any issues identified.

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Part: 3.13 Facility Food Safety Audit Requirements

1. BKC requires all its approved suppliers to pass an annual Global Food Safety
Initiative (GFSI) accredited audit. Supplier must submit the audit certificate and
complete audit document to BKC, by uploading it annually in SPEQ. Currently
approved GFSI schemes include BRC, SQF, FSSC2200 and IFS

2. The BKC Quality Assurance Department and/or its agents or representatives

shall have the right, from time to time, to audit Supplier facilities, manufacturing
processes and products.

3. All records pertaining to the preparation, processing, packaging, storage and

distribution of BKC Inc. branded products, including regulatory reports, will be
made available during audits.

4. BKC may request samples of products and copies of pertinent and applicable
records during the audit.

5. The frequency of audits will be established by BKC Quality Assurance and

according to corrective actions and be based on the critical nature of the product,
consumer complaints and previous inspection results.

6. BKC reserves the right to conduct audits during any time the facility is in

7. The overall minimum passing audit score is 80% regardless of the auditing
company used.

8. Each Supplier must also meet the minimum score in each category of the audit.

9. Suppliers may use only BKC Quality Assurance approved Third Party auditors to
conduct Supplier Facility Food Safety Audits. No other auditing companies may
be used for BKC audits, without prior approval from BKC Quality Assurance (see
Appendix C for Service Providers).

10. The supplier is required to provide, and get accepted by BKC, a corrective action
plan, addressing any non-conformance findings during the BKC internal audit, in
30 days or less since the audit. (see section, in page 40)

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Part: 3.14 Training Program

1. The Supplier must have established and documented training programs for all
employees in the following areas:
a. HACCP training for those employees involved in the development,
management, implementation, or completion of the HACCP plan or
HACCP activities.
b. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP’s) training for all employees. This
training must be presented and available in languages other than English
when appropriate.
c. Food safety training to develop an awareness of how food borne illness
occurs and the role of the Supplier facility employees in outbreaks and
subsequent withdrawals.
d. Sanitation training for employees involved in any sanitation operation that
is specific to their job function. This training must include specific
Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP’s) for cleaning
equipment, facilities, chemical handling and mixing, and storage. If an
outside company is hired to perform sanitation tasks, their training
program must be documented and available for review.
e. Training associated with an employee in a specific job function, i.e. QC,
processing, packaging, etc.

2. The Training Programs must include orientation for new employees, as well as
regular training for established employees. This on-going training must occur at
least annually and sufficient documentation of this training must be available for
audit review.

3. When appropriate, evaluation criteria for knowledge obtained must be used. This
evaluation criterion must include knowledge based testing in the form of written
tests or observation of the task being performed. If observations are made,
proper documentation must be in place to validate the observations.

4. Records of all Supplier employees training must be documented and maintained.

These training records must include the agenda for the training, the date, and
who conducted the training, as well as who attended the training.

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Part: 3.15 Document Control Program

1. The Supplier must have a defined and documented Document Control Program,
which addresses the control of customer confidential documents and information.

2. The Supplier Document Control Program must include procedures for:

a. Circulation
b. Tracking
c. Revising
d. Disposal of obsolete materials
e. A master list of all BKC documents

3. The Supplier must maintain the most current, approved version of BKC

4. The Supplier must have procedures for maintaining customer processing and
shipping records of all products, including code dates, lot numbers and quantities
produced and shipped.

5. The Document Control Program must include preventing access of controlled

documents from unauthorized personnel. Confidential customer information must
be restricted and only available to authorized personnel.

6. All documents originating from BKC, such as specifications, Supplier Quality

Assurance Programs, manuals, audits, checklists or procedures are confidential
and proprietary and must be restricted to authorized personnel.

7. Records must be maintained for 24 months.

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GFSI audits
The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI - is a non-profit making
foundation, managed by The Consumer Goods Forum, an association of food suppliers and
retailers (CIES -

GFSI benchmarks existing food standards against food safety criteria, defined by food safety
experts from the food business, with the objective of making food production and manufacture as
safe as possible. As a result, this will also drive cost efficiency in the supply chain and reduce the
duplication of audits.

The GFSI objectives are to:

- Reduce food safety risks by delivering equivalence and convergence between effective
food safety management systems
- Manage cost in the global food system by eliminating redundancy and improving
operational efficiency
- Develop competencies and capacity building in food safety to create consistent and
effective global food systems
- Provide a unique international stakeholder platform for collaboration, knowledge
exchange and networking

Most Common food safety audit standards currently recognised by GFSI:

BRC Global Standard Version 6 (

FSSC 22000 (
International Food Standard Version 6 (
SQF 2000 Level 2 (

Burger King GFSI implementation schedule:

Burger King suppliers must pass an annual GFSI standard food safety audit, according with the
following implementation schedule:

Level 0 – Suppliers of global core products – By end of 2014

Level 1 – Suppliers of regional core products - By end of 2014
Level 2 – Suppliers of high risk products - By end of 2014
Level 3 – Suppliers of standard risk products - By end of 2015
Level 4 – Suppliers of low risk products - By end of 2016

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Burger King Approved third party service providers

NSF International:
Global/NA/LAC contact:
Theresa Bird
Key Account Specialist
M: +1 (734) 476-5198
789 N. Dixboro Rd.,
Ann Arbor MI 48105, USA

EMEA Contact
Lucy Barraud
Account Manager
M:+1 (44) 7823 557202
Hanborough Business Park Long Hanborough - Oxon

APAC Contact
Andrew Combellack
International Audit Manager
O: +66 (0) 2650 3080
M: +66 (0) 81919 2007
25 Alma Link Building, 8th Floor,
Soi Chidlom, Ploenchit Road,
Lumpini, Patumwan,
Bangkok, THAILAND, 10330

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BKC Defined Allergens

MILK and Dairy
SOYA Soy, Soybeans
GLUTEN or gluten containing cereals
SULFITES at concentrations of more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l

Additional Allergens Required to be declared in the European Union

Note: This list represents allergens Burger King requires suppliers to declare to
us. Each supplier must always include any additional allergen legally required to
be declared in each country of use of products supplied to Burger King.

Allergens should be reported for each Burger King Specification using the food
ingredient questionnaire (FIQ, Appendix F)

See Allergen Control Program in page 33 for a description of allergen program

Confidential - Burger King Corporation Page 68 of 74 July 30, 2014

Please complete this form for each product supplied to Burger King. It is of the utmost importance
that the information provided is up to date, correct and complete. The information you supply is
used as the basis for information we provide to our customers on nutrition, allergies and also to
demonstrate compliance with commitments made to the EU, local governments and/or pressure
groups. If you have any questions, contact your Burger King QA Manager as soon as possible. It
is the duty of the supplier to inform Burger King of any changes to the information provided.

Supplier: Product:
Supplier’s Product BK Spec #:
Reference/Article #:
Date information Name of person
provided providing information?

Ingredients List (as appears on the label):

Non-Declared Ingredients:
Whilst they may not be declared on the label, a full listing of all additives (as defined in current legislation), is
required. This includes processing aids, and additives in compound ingredients. Please attach as
appendices the ingredient declarations of all compound ingredients.

Ingredient Name Non Declared Compound Ingredients

We need the most detailed description of the flavorings in this product. If more than one flavoring ingredient
is used in the product, please provide this information for each individual flavoring. If you are supplied with a
flavoring mixture, we need the detail of the individual flavorings
Flavoring Natural? Description
e.g.Chicken Savoury 5X27456 Yes e.g. Natural chicken flavoring with other natural

Confidential - Burger King Corporation Page 69 of 74 July 30, 2014

In the following list, we ask 2 questions (see last page for explanation):-
1) Contains? i.e. is the named item an ingredient or part of an ingredient (a carrier, processing aid etc).
2) Is product free from? YES means all reasonable care has been taken to prevent cross contact by means of implemented procedures for
segregation in raw material, intermediate & finished product storage and in the production environment including cleaning procedures of
food contact equipment & tools and general hygiene practices. Effectiveness of the procedures is continuously verified by announced or
unannounced internal & external audits and/or with validation programs. This is especially important for items highlighted below. A NO
answer means that there is a risk of cross-contact which we need to take account of in our advice to customers and should also be
consistent with may contain labeling of your product label.
See explanations on last page Contains Y/N Free From Y/N Please comment
DAIRY/MILK/Milk derivatives
EGG and derivatives
FISH & products thereof
CRUSTACEANS & products thereof (identify type/s)
MOLLUSCS & products thereof
PEANUTS & products thereof
TREE NUTS & products thereof (identify type/s)
SOYA & products thereof
WHEAT & products thereof
CEREALS CONTAINING GLUTEN (see notes) Confirm a testing program is in place.
Guarantee <20 ppm of Gluten.
SULPHUR DIOXIDE/SULPHITES (E220-228): See note <10 mg/kg ≥10 mg/kg
Contained in:
SESAME & products thereof
CELERY & products thereof
MUSTARD & products thereof
LUPIN & products thereof
SEEDS and seed oils
MAIZE and derivatives
LEGUMES & Products thereof
KIWI & product thereof
Hydrolyzed/Textured Vegetable Protein
BHA/BHT (E320, E321)
ADDED SUGARS (define which ingredients)
Genetically Modified Products (or derivatives of)

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YES/NO Describe the reason if not suitable.
SUITABLE FOR COELIACS (Gluten?) (see note)

NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION – for the product as served in restaurant; i.e. fried products to be fried in Burger
King oil and as per Burger King fry time & temperatures before analysis, buns must be toasted etc.

Nutritional Lab analysis Date of test/

Data derived Calculated: calculation
Source Data: … ……………………………
Other: …………………………………........

Cooked/as sold
per 100g 1)
Energy (Kcal)
What is the weight of the product as
Energy (kJ)
served? – to be determined over a
Protein (g)
range of production batches.
Carbohydrate (g)
 Total sugars (g)
 Added sugars (g) 2) = g
Fat (g)
 Mono-unsaturated fatty acids (g)
 Poly-unsaturated fatty acids (g) (For some products such as sauces,
 Saturated fatty acids (g) this is not applicable)
 Cholesterol (mg)
 Trans-fatty acids (g) from (partially)
hydrogenated oils
 Trans-fatty acids (g) from non
hydrogenated oils or natural sources
Dietary Fiber (g) 1)For fried products please use frying oil
Water (g) used in BK restaurants in the countries of
Sodium (mg) 3) use (ask QA contact for details).
 Added Salt (mg) 2)
Calculated from total sugar to include
Vitamin A (specify if IU or RE) all sugars in form of “-ose” (including
Vitamin C (mg) glucose and fructose). Exempt are
Vitamin D (mg) lactose and sugars directly originated
Vitamin E (mg) from fruit and vegetables.
Calcium (mg) 3) Note
sodium , salt and potassium are in
Iron (mg) mg not g.
Potassium (mg)
Magnesium (mg)

Confidential - Burger King Corporation Page 71 of 74 July 30, 2014

Storage Frozen Chilled Ambient Other
Conditions (< -18°C) ( 1-4°C) ( > 0°C)
If other: ………………………………………..
Restrictions (e.g.
max. T).
Total shelf life Months/Weeks/Days
Please provide documented evidence of validation of shelf life research.
SERVICE LIFE AND HOLDING TIMES (fill in when relevant)
Information provided below must be based on tests according to BK operational procedures – please
discuss with your BK contact as the procedure may change depending on the information you provide.
Examples might be ….
* A sauce can be applied via squeeze bottle or spatula or by a spoon
* A fried product may be kept hot and served hot, or held at ambient and served at ambient
* Product may be used direct from frozen, or defrosted & used from chilled, or used from ambient
* Consideration needs to be given where in the kitchen the product will be used (what is ambient?)
Documentation showing the testing, validation and the results must be provided.
Shelf life after opening (@ 1 – 4 °C) Days / Hours
Shelf life after defrosting (@ 1 – 4°C, inc defrost time) Days / Hours
Shelf life after defrosting (@ 15 - 35°C, incl defrost time) Days
Defrost time @ 1 – 4°C Days / Hours
@ 20°C Hours
Holding time after opening (@ 15 - 35°C) Days / Hours


Preparation Holding
Equipment Broiler PHU
Fryer Fries Holding
Oven Station
Microwave Other
Other ………………….
…………………. .
Equipment settings
 Temperature (Wattage)
 Special settings (e.g. fryer sensitivity)
Preparation / holding time
Minimum temperature requirements
after preparation
 Method of measurement:
 Special requirements:

Confidential - Burger King Corporation Page 72 of 74 July 30, 2014

Please provide documented evidence of validation of prepared life

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Please supply any other information which you feel will be useful in the context of ingredients,
nutritional information and allergens).

I hereby declare that the information provided above is complete and accurate.

Information provided by: _____________________________

Signature: _____________________________

Date: _____________________________

Confidential - Burger King Corporation Page 73 of 74 July 30, 2014

"Product contains/is free from" list - guidelines:
Wheat/Rye/Barley/Oats/Oat Bran/Spelt/Kamut. Includes derivatives & protein extracts. Only indicate 'gluten-
Cereals containing gluten free'(free from) if gluten content is 20 ppm or less; and a regime of testing to substantiate this is practiced. If you
have indicated “Free from” as “Yes”, please check the boxes in the “Comments” column.
(Fagopyrum esculentum) Used as a substitute for wheat and other small grains (rice, barley, oats, rye), in
particular as an alternative to people allergic to wheat. To include all forms of ground flour , seeds and leaves
Maize/ Maize Products Includes maize starch, maize flour, corn syrup.
Soya / Soya Derivatives. e.g. Soya bean extract, soya lecithin, soya flour, soya oil, soya protein isolates.
Lupin and Products Lupin flour is sometimes used as a replacement for soya in bakery products for example.
Egg & Egg Products Includes egg albumen, and lecithin derived from egg.
Milk and milk products derived from any species (including cows, goats, sheep, buffalo etc), and also includes
Dairy Products
caseinates, whey powder and lactose
Fish Any fin fish, freshwater or saltwater
Crustaceans Self-explanatory
Molluscs & Products A diverse group which includes 100,000 species– such as oyster, clams, mussels, squid, abalone, octopus & snail.
Peanuts Peanuts may also be called groundnuts or monkey nuts.
Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashew Nuts, Chestnuts, Peanuts, Hazel Nut, Macadamia Nut, Pecan Nut, Pistachio,
Tree Nuts, seeds & nut/seed
Walnuts, Cob Nuts, Filberts, Sesame Seeds & Sesame Oil. NB: If used, all nut oils must be declared on
specifications & must be 100%
Celery Apium graveolens L.
Mustard Sinapis alba L., (White mustard) but also Brassica nigra [L.] Koch (Black mustard)
Sulphur Dioxide at >10
Including use as a processing aid, eg in potato products.
mg/kg (E220-E228)
Garlic Allium sativum L.
Legumes Green peas, chick peas, lentils and kidney beans
Fruits and Fruit Derivatives Includes dried fruit, fruit oils. Name all fruits used.
Kiwi and products Actinidia deliciosa.
Yeast & Yeast Extracts
Natural Colours Includes natural products which have coloring as their main purpose, eg saffron.
Artificial Colours Synthetic colors including nature-identical – see NPD Allergens & Ingredient Policy for full details
Flavour Includes natural, smoke and other flavor substances
MSG/Flavour Enhancers E620-E635. Either as an ingredient or part of a compound ingredient.
Preservatives As defined in current legislation, includes compound ingredients eg SO2 in modified starch.
Benzoates (E210-E219)
HVP/TVP May be derived from gluten containing cereals. May also contain MSG.
BHA/BHT (E320+E321) Look out for presence in frying oils
Include all sugars in form of “-ose” (including glucose and fructose). Exempt are lactose and sugars directly
Added Sugars
originated from fruit and vegetables. Ingredients from where added sugars are originating must be defined.
Sweeteners Including artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame, Sorbitol
Sodium is total sodium in product as analyzed, so may come from a variety of ingredients (sodium phosphates,
sodium citrate etc, or may be naturally present in an ingredient (milk & beef contain about 50mg/100g) or an
Added Salt
ingredient may already have salt included (e.g. cheese used in a cheesy sauce). Added salt is what is added in
the recipe as just salt, or in an ingredient used to add mainly salt (e.g. a marinade).
Genetically Modified To say free from, must be able to demonstrate that either the product does not contain any ingredient from a plant
Products or Derivatives of which is GM (eg no soya in recipe) or the ingredient is from certified/guaranteed GMO-free sources. Derivatives
Products. include enzymes which may be produced from a genetically modified micro-organism
Enzyme We want to know what enzymes are used in the preparation of the product
Free from all animal & fish products & derivatives with the exception of honey, eggs, milk & milk products. By-
Vegetarians products include beef extract, rennet, fish extract, E631, whey powder, glycerine or glycerol-based emulsifiers
(E471, E472, E475) & finings.
Vegans Completely free of animal products, including honey, dairy & egg products.
Coeliacs No wheat/barley/oat/rye protein
Lactose Intolerance No lactose (milk sugar).
Is the product Halal? Do not offer a product as halal or kosher unless you are very familiar with the rules, and have got the appropriate
Is the product Kosher? certification.
If in any doubt about whether the product is free from something, please put NO.

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