BARDI Gideon Peter Peter - VA Part 2 Certificate of Completion

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ALX Virtual Assistant

Selection Report
ALX Virtual Assistant
Selection Report
BARDI Gideon Peter Peter

Personal Information

First name: BARDI Gideon

Last name: Peter Your score represents how closely you
Email address: matched our model of a high impact young leader, developed by studying
and assessing past cohorts from
across the AL Group including ALA, ALU
and ALX.
Matching score explained

Your total matching score is an indication of how closely you Some of the assessment module scores are
matched the requirements to attend ALX based on your norm-referenced.
performance on the different testing modules of the
assessment. This means that your score on a module is compared to
the score achieved by a large group of people: the norm
Each module has its own matching score that is calculated, group.
depending on the module, either by:
Based on this comparison a standardised norm score is
1. Taking your absolute raw score or norm-referenced score on calculated.
the test module. The better the performance on the test, the
higher the matching score. To get an idea of the meaning of this score, look at the
bell curve on this page.
2. Comparing your score with our benchmark value from
previous young leaders. The closer your score is to the For instance: A matching score of 50 means that you are
benchmark value, the higher your matching score. exactly average compared to the norm group. 50% of
people achieve a lower and 50% of people achieve a
higher score.

Another example: If you have a score of 70, you have a

score higher than 84% of the norm group. This means
you are part of the top 16% on that specific module.

As can be seen in the bell curve, most people score

around the average of 50 and the more the scoring is
towards the extremes, the smaller the group of people
who have achieved a similar score.
ALX Virtual Assistant
Selection Report
BARDI Gideon Peter Peter

Cognitive Ability Assessment

The Cognitive Ability Assessment
measures your ability to assess,
reason and react when presented
with different scenarios. This
includes your ability to reason
with numbers, to understand
space and context, use logic and

You’ll need to tap into all of these

to live a life of impact.
Spatial Ability Numerical Reasoning Perceptual Speed

26 38 48
Spatial Ability is your ability to mentally Your ability to reason, make sense of The speed and accuracy with which you can
re-arrange, rotate and manipulate shapes numbers and statistics, and make logical understand information given to you, often
or objects. Spatial Ability shows how you deductions. with little to no extra information or context.
think about your world and environment.
By evaluating the ability to discover and Perceptual speed is linked to your ability to
Spatial ability is also linked to your strategic recognize systems in numerical sequences, quickly make decisions and inferences when
thinking because it reveals how individual the Numerical Reasoning assessment faced with a new topic or problem.
parts make a whole and therefore enables predicts your likelihood to thrive in
you to see the bigger picture. environments that require numerical insight, Those with a higher Perceptual Speed score
abstract thinking and analytical work better under pressure or on unknown
problem-solving. tasks.

Verbal Reasoning Logical Reasoning

51 11
Your ability to understand written Logical Reasoning measures your ability to
information and to evaluate arguments recognize patterns, make visual
about this information. comparisons, detect abnormalities and
observe relevant details in figures.
Those with high Verbal Reasoning skills have
the ability to comprehend complex issues Your Logical Reasoning ability is directly
and communicate well with the information linked to your complex problem-solving and
they are given. decision-making characteristics.

Effective communication is one of the most Those at the front of large, complex
important skills you can develop as a young organisations need a high aptitude for
leader. Logical Reasoning
ALX Virtual Assistant
Selection Report
BARDI Gideon Peter Peter

English Language Assessment

Great Fit
As all ALX programmes are currently
offered in English. Your reading,
writing and comprehension are key
measures of your future success in
our programmes.

Score calculation & interpretation

Your score is the percentage of
correct answers you achieved
during the Language Assessment.
ALX Virtual Assistant
Selection Report
BARDI Gideon Peter Peter

HEXACO Personality Assessment

The HEXACO model of personality
structure is a six-dimensional
model of personality. It measures
the following factors:
Honesty-Humility, Emotionality
Extraversion, Agreeableness
Conscientiousness and Openness
to Experience.
ALX Virtual Assistant
Selection Report
BARDI Gideon Peter Peter

Honesty- Humility Emotionality

Persons with very high scores on Persons with a high score on the
the Honesty-Humility scale avoid Emotionality measure have a
manipulating others for personal strong grasp on their own
gain, feel little temptation to emotions. They perform well
break rules, are uninterested in under stress, empathise with
lavish wealth and luxuries, and others and have a balance
feel no special entitlement to approach to life.
elevated social status.
ALX Virtual Assistant
Selection Report
BARDI Gideon Peter Peter

Extraversion Agreeableness

Persons with very high scores on Persons with very high scores on
the Extraversion scale feel the Agreeableness scale forgive
positively about themselves, feel the wrongs that they suffered, are
confident when leading or lenient in judging others, are
addressing groups of people, willing to compromise and
enjoy social gatherings and cooperate with others, and can
interactions, and experience easily control their temper.
positive feelings of enthusiasm
and energy.
ALX Virtual Assistant
Selection Report
BARDI Gideon Peter Peter

Conscientiousness Openness to Experience

Persons with high scores on the Persons with high scores on the
Conscientiousness scale organize Openness to Experience scale
their time and their physical become absorbed in the beauty
surroundings, work in a of art and nature, are inquisitive
disciplined way toward their about various domains of
goals, strive for accuracy and knowledge, use their imagination
perfection in their tasks, and freely in everyday life, and take an
deliberate carefully when making interest in differing ideas or
decisions. people.

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