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20th century invention that’ve changed the world

Most of You probably expected to read about the internet and you are right. Besides being a
collection of funny images, videos of cute animals and fake news it’s a useful tool that
affects billions of people lifes. Thanks to this invention many of us can afford basic expenses
since working online became popular because of an e.g. pandemic.During lockdown we
were also able to see our friends and family or entertain ourselves. But the internet existed a
long time before covid 19 and has had a huge impact since first connections in 1950.
Politics, education, the labor market, art, science etc. have been shaped by the internet
since the 50s and the process is still going on.
As an example of the internet’s impact on the world political and economical situation we can
describe the Egyptian revolution which was started by Twitter users. In 2011 thousands of
people left their homes to protest against the government. This wouldn’t be possible without
social media and their ability to connect strangers.
Even if described events definitely have drastically changed the worldwide situation it’s just
the beginning of the internet possibilities. Ways of future developing this technology often
amazes and scares people.

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