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1. My brother is ..… his brother.

a. As strong as
b. As stronger than
c. strong as than
d. Than strong as
Jawaban : A

2. Which university offers … degree courses?

a. The good
b. The best
c. The better
d. The well
Jawaban : B

3. Cheese butter potato chip is not too salty. Salted egg potato chip is very salty. there is ..... salt in
Cheese butter potato chip and there is ..... salt in salted egg potato chip.
a. more – fewer
b. fewer – more
c. less – more
d. more – less
jawaban : C

4. UGM is a good university. It is one of ..... university in Indonesia.

a. The best
b. The largest
c. The most expensive
d. The most difficult
Jawaban : A

5. Rine and Sulis join marathon competition. Rine can run for 5 KM. But Sulis gives up earlier than
Rine. Rine can run ..... than Sulis.
a. Farrer
b. More far
c. Farther
d. Farthest
Jawaban : C

6. The second half of the play was … interesting.

a. Little
b. The least
c. The little
d. Less
Jawaban: D

7. It is a very expensive car. It is ..... in the showroom.

a. The cheapest
b. More expensive
c. The most expensive
d. The most unique
Jawaban : C

8. When it comes to physics subject, I am ..... in my class because I can't remember the formulas.
a. Worse
b. The worst
c. Good
d. The best
Jawaban : B

9. I speak English … now than last year.

a. More fluently
b. Fluenter
c. Most fluently
d. Fluently
Jawaban : A

10. That has to be the … football match I have ever seen.

a. More interesting
b. Most interesting
c. Interesting than
d. As interesting as
Jawaban : B

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