Soal 1: Strong As His Brother

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Soal 1

My brother is … his brother.

a. as strong as
b. as stronger than
c. strong as than
d. than strong as

Kalimat di atas merupakan bentuk positive degree sehingga kalimat lengkapnya menjadi My brother as
strong as his brother.
Opsi b salah karena komposisi as memakai comparative degree (stronger).
Opsi c salah karena komposisi positive degree tetapi memakai than.
Opsi d salah karena tidak ada susunan perbandingan seperti kalimat tersebut dalam bahasa Inggris.
Jawaban: a
#Soal 2
She is … than her sister.
a. pretty
b. prettier
c. prettiest
d. as pretty

Kalimat di atas berbentuk comparative degree, sehingga kalimat lengkapnya menjadi She is prettier than
her sister.
Jawaban: b
#Soal 3
You are not as … as your brother.
a. taller
b. tallest
c. tall
d. tall than

Kalimat di atas merupakan kalimat positive degree sehingga kalimat lengkapnya akan menjadi You are not
as tall as your brother.
Jawaban: c
#Soal 4
The house is the … in this village.
a. big
b. bigger than
c. as big as
d. biggest

Kalimat di atas merupakan kalimat superlative degree sehingga kalimat lengkapnya menjadi The house is
the biggest in this village.
Jawaban: d
#Soal 5
That has to be the … football match I have ever seen.
a. more interesting
b. most interesting
c. interesting than
d. as interesting as

Kalimat di atas merupakan kalimat superlative degree sehingga menggunakan the most
interesting karena adjective-nya terdiri dari tiga syllables. Kalimat lengkapnya menjadi That has to be the
most interesting football match I ever seen.
Jawaban: b
#Soal 6
She greeted me … of all.
a. most politely
b. politely
c. polite
d. more politely

Kalimat di atas merupakan kalimat superlative degree. Dialah yang menyapa saya paling sopan di antara
yang lain (She greeted me most politely of all).
Jawaban: a
#Soal 7
This clown is not as … as the other one.
a. funnier
b. the funniest
c. funny
d. the funny

Kalimat di atas menggunakan as … as sehingga jelas merupakan kalimat positive degree.
Kalimat lengkapnya menjadi This clown is not as funny as the other one. (Badut ini tidak selucu yang lain)
Jawaban: c
#Soal 8
The second half of the play was … interesting.
a. little
b. the least
c. the little
d. less

Kalimat di atas merupakan kalimat comparative degree. Jika diartikan dalam bahasa Indonesia akan
berbunyi Pertandingan babak kedua kurang (less) menarik.
Jawaban: d
#Soal 9
Which university offers … degree courses?
a. the good
b. the best
c. the better
d. the well

Kalimat di atas merupakan kalimat superlative degree. Kalimat lengkapnya menjadi Which university offers
the best degree courses?
Jawaban: b
#Soal 10
I speak English … now than last year.
a. more fluently
b. fluenter
c. most fluently
d. fluently

kalimat di atas merupakan kalimat comparative degree sehingga kalimat lengkapnya menjadi I speak
English more fluently now than last year.
Jawaban: a

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