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'Fadhil N. Sadooni, 2HamadAl-Saad, and 2Sobhi 1. Nasir

'Department ofGeology, United Arab Emirates University, PO Box 17551, A I-Ain, United Arab Emirates
'Department ofGeology, University ofQatar, PO Box 2713, Doha, Qatar

ABSTRACT: Halul and Sharao islands, offshore Qatar, are among more than 200 islands in the Gulfregion, which are believed to have
formed by salt diapirism sourced in the Infracambrian Hormuz Salt Series. The islands are composed of dolomite, anhydrite and igneous
materials that were brought to the surface by the rising salt. A model is proposed to explain the presence of relatively undisturbed large
slabs of the Hormuz, and the lack of inclusions of any rock materials from the penetrated overlying rocks. It is suggested that whereas
the competent overlying rocks are broken and laterally displaced by the salt, the mobile Hormuz suite rocks were transported upward
between two pillows of salt.

INTRODUCTION supergiant oilfields that probably formed by folding of the

Mesozoic rocks as a result of salt plugging (Fig. 1).
The extreme mobility of the Infracambrian Hormuz
Salt Series is probably the most significant factor in the The Hormuz salt basin originally covered extensive areas
structural evolution of major parts of the Arabian Plate, including the present-day Iran, some parts of Pakistan
including southwest Iran and the Gulf region. This and the eastern parts of the Arabian Plate, notably south
influence is manifested in three main features: the famous and central Iraq (Fig. 1). Buday (1980) suggested that
tongue-like salt glaciers of Iran; the salt diaper related the folding of the foreland area of north Iraq might be the
islands scattered throughout the Gulf waters including result of thick mobile salt beds. He suspected the presence
Halul and Sharao islands, offshore Qatar; and the giant and of Hormuz Salt in southern Iraq, based on anomalous

- Oilfield
• Saltdome
1r Saltinduced island


32 o, lqo 290 3QO


The Gulf

• Halul Island


\ UmmSaid •Sharao Island

• sss

Figure 1A. Location map showing the distribution of the Hormuz Salt Series sediments and the geology of the studied
islands (compiled and modifiedfrom Shell, 1964; Coleman-Sadd, 1978 and satellite images).

Carbonates and Evaporites, v. 19, no. 1,2004, p. 17-27.


Figure 1E,C. Location map showing

\ the distribution of the Hormuz Salt

Series sediments and the geology of
the studied islands (compiled and
modifiedfrom Shell, 1964; Coleman-
Sadd, 1978 and satellite images).

EJj Dolomite
Ed limestone 50
E:J VokaOO
[!J Sabkha
LB セオャ aョイ
o Saod, Sandston. and<OIal セ\「・、 .....,,8ea<h d<posi1s.l'robIes oIHonnuz lodmmentt!d
.......111 imesand.l.arge O)'SIa$and tfoken<OIals Jlll1lIi"

セ r:::3Gyplumand セ、・イ
E セuァィャイ・ッョL。ュケ、ォゥ rhyOOte
セ 」ャiゥュo 、NA ャ Gエk ゥFL イッiウ・ャ ゥセケ Zgd HALUL ISlAND
セッ オヲjエィャゥキA ュ・ィ




gravity measurements. Naqib (1970) studied the geology STRATIGRAPHY OF HALULAND SHARAO
of Sanam Mountain on the Iraq-Kuwaiti border (Fig. 1) ISLANDS
and interpreted gravity survey data to show the presence
of a salt core of that mountain. It would appear then, that Halul Island is located in the eastern part of offshore Qatar,
the Hormuz salts extend at least as far as the southern parts about 100 Ian from Doha City (the capital of Qatar). It
of Iraq. The Infracambrian rocks of the eastern Arabian covers an area of 1.5 sq Ian and consists of small hills
Peninsula are dominated by evaporitic sediments that with maximum elevation of about 55 m above sea level
accumulated during a period of uplift of the eastern region (Fig. I). The sediments of the island consist of anhydrites,
of the Arabian Peninsula. carbonates and clastic deposits accompanied by igneous
rocks. Very few papers have dealt with the geology of the
The Hormuz Salt Series is a subsurface unit, named after the Halul Island. Pilgrim (1908) gave a general description
Island of Hormuz in the mouth of the Gulf. In the central of the offshore islands of Qatar. The geologists of the
part of this island, the Hormuz salts form huge domes up Shell Company (1964) constructed the first geological
to 8 Ian in diameter. Other lithologies include dolomite, map of the Island (scale 1:10,000). Meneisy (1988) dated
gypsum with anhydrite inclusions, and metamorphic and volcanic rocks in the island using KJAr, suggesting that the
igneous rocks (Hurford et al. 1984; Zharkov 1984; Gansser sediments were formed 33 million years ago.
The Halul Island has a characteristic elongated domal
The first mention of the Hormuz appeared in Blanford shape, which like many other similar islands in the Gulf
(1972), whereas, the term Honnuz Salt Series was introduced region represents a surface expression of salt piercement.
for the first time by Pilgrim (1908), in his description of the The island coincides with a pronounced negative anomaly
geology ofthe Gulfregion. Lees (1931) described a section on the Bouger map (Shell 1964). It is thought that the
of the Hormuz Series from the Al Buza Salt Plug in Iran. mobility of the Infracambrian Hormuz salt formation
The series consists, in ascending order, of pink and purple played the crucial role in forming the island. The main
sandstone interbedded with green claystone and gypsum structural feature is an angular unconformity between the
bands, up to several tens of meters in thickness at the base, older clastic and carbonates rocks ofthe Hormuz Formation
followed by dark, sandy dolomitic limestone and claystone and the younger Miocene dolomitic limestones. Recent
containing Middle Cambrian trilobites. According to Kent, urbanization of the island has obscured the geology and the
(1970, 1979), the series consists, in descending order, of recognition between the Honnuz suite and the overlying
brown shale and marl (60 m) underlain by green micaceous Miocene rocks is no longer possible. The exposed rocks
sandstone, intercalated with limestone and marl (180 m) of the island include dolomite composed of thin, friable
and lower purple and green, saline marl with gypsum (75 lamina that may be pseudomorphs after gypsum (Fig. 2)
m) and rock salt at the base. Other sections of the series and hard, massive pink and purple anhydrite with intense
described from elsewhere in Iran include other lithologies. iron staining. The cracks within the anhydrite are filled
These variations have been attributed to strong deformation with bluish, elastic marly or argillaceous materials (Fig.
and solution (Stocklin 1968; 1974). 3).

The thickness of the Hormuz Salt series ranges from 525- Sharao Island is a smaller island, which is located at around
1000+ m in the Zagros Range, to an estimated 2285 m 98 km to the southeast of Qatar Peninsula (Fig. 1). The
beneath some anticlines in southern Iran. The Hormuz island is around 2km long and 1 Ian wide. Sharao Island
Series is probably of Late Proterozoic and Infracambrian or has not been studied before. It has a relatively high rocky
Vendian age (Stocklin 1968; Edgell 1996). cliff, around 12 m high enclosing a level interior covered
with tectonic breccia, weathered and stained with hematite.
AIM The cliff consists of a basal tectonic breccia overlain by a
succession of dolomite 10-12 em in thickness separated by
The aim of this study is to provide first-hand descriptions thin weathered out layers up to 25 cm in width (Fig. 4). The
and maps of these two islands. This will hopefully provide material of these layers has been removed by dissolution
further materials that enhance our understanding of the and may have been evaporitic. There are no certain
Infracambrian Hormuz Salt Basin and the significance of evaporites or igneous materials on this island.
its salt in the development of the geology ofthe Gulf region
including the super-giants oilfields. The study proposes LITHOLOGIC CHARACTERIZATION
also a preliminary model that may explain some of the
problems associated with the salt-intrusion mechanism and Fieldwork conducted on the Halul Island was accompanied
investigate the possibility of finding more potential areas by extensive rock sampling. Two locations were chosen
for hydrocarbons accumulation in salt-induced islands. for stratigraphic section description. The coastal site
incorporates three major lithologic units, beginning with
(Fig. 5):


1. Thin, laminated stromatolitic dolomite (brown in color)

followed by,
2. Pinkish anhydrite with different shades of color, and
green marl filling spaces within the anhydrite, followed
3. A Conglomeratic bed with a variety of rock fragments
including some igneous rocks.

A second sampling location is the main hill ofthe Island. In

this section, the following lithologies were found:

1. Recent sediments, made up of carbonate sand ranging in

color from light brown to white.
2. Thinly laminated dolomite around 3 m in thickness.
3. Pinkish anhydrite, around 4 m in thickness.
Figure 2. Dolomite from the Hormuz Salt Series exposed 4. Laminated dolomite 3-4 m.
in Halul Island. The thin laminations may indicate 5. Conglomeratic bed 10 em in thickness.
pseudomorphs after gypsum (note pen for scale). 6. Laminated dolomite light in color 3-4 m.
7. Laminated dolomite darker in color, either due
to weathering or higher organic material 5-6 m in

Due to the complex tectonic configuration of the island and

the extensive urbanization thereon, it is difficult to be sure
that these lithologies are stacked vertically and there may
be repetition of strata.

No significant igneous rocks were discovered in the

studied sections. However, a composite section of the
Island prepared by Shell geologists before the extensive
urbanization of the island records igneous rocks. The
section descriptions and samples are available in the Qatar
Petroleum office on the island. The main lithologies of the
island as sampled by Shell geologists are:

Figure 3. Extensively fractured pink anhydrite. The 1. Amygdaloidal andesite and basalt with chlorite and
fractures arefilled with bluish marl. In the inset, a washed evaporites.
gypsum fragment showing iron staining (note pen and 2. Platy, reddish hematite anhydrite with gypsum crystals.
notebook for scale). 3. Hematitic limey dolomite.
4. Broken, contoured gypsum.
5. Bedded hematitic stained limestone.
6. Interbedded evaporite and grey dolomite.
7. Transparent, crystalline gypsum.
8. Evaporites slightly reddish stained.

Discrepancies between our results and those of the Shell

compiled section are due to the disturbance of the surface
exposures by urbanization. It can be concluded, however,
that the island consists of three main lithologic units:

1. Grey to light yellow hard massive dolomitic limestone

and limestone with minor occurrence of clays.
2. Pinkish and red, locally coarsely crystalline anhydrite
Figure 4. Relatively undisturbed dolomite beds forming and gypsum.
the main rocks of Sharao Island. The weathered out areas 3. Minor igneous rocks mostly andesite with hematitic
between the beds may indicate dissolved evaporites (note tuffaceous layers.
legs for scale). The Sharao Island consists mainly of dolomite, which may


Lithologic section of Halullsland

Coglomerate bed made upof different rock

fragments including igneous rocks
(thickness: 6m).

Gypsum with different shades ofthe pinkish

color (4-Sm in thickness) witha unitof
marl (30cm inthickness).

Thin-laminated, stromatolitic, brown

dolomite (thickness: 3-4m).

Figure 5. General lithologic section ofthe Halul Island in the coastal section.

correlate with the dolomite suite described from Halul. The friable material and the presence of a dissolution residue of
weathered and fragmented breccia forming the base blanket breccia, indicate strong association with evaporites. These
ofSharao Island has not been described from Halul but may dolomites are part of the Hormuz suite of rocks.
represent remains of the weathered pinkish evaporites of
Halu!. Petrographic study indicates a 4-20 micron grain size for
the dolomite rhombs. Some of the rhombs crystallized
PETROGRAPHY in an evaporitic groundmass, and show overgrowth rims
and cloudy centers. Textures like these are consistent
Dolomite with crystallization from or alteration by hydrothermal
fluids (Fig. 6). The finer-grained dolomite is stromatolitic
Dolomite is the major lithologic component on both with silt-sized quartz grains and argillaceous matrix. The
islands. The dolomite beds are generally brown in color coarser portion consists of dolomite rhombs interlocking
and thinly-laminated. The thin laminae, the association with quartz grains. The presence of stromatolites and
with stromatolites, the presence of weathered-out layers of clastic materials may indicate a sabkha depositional setting,

similar to those found in the middle Miocene Gachsaran

(Lower Fars) Formation ofIran and Iraq.

In Halul, the finer-grained dolomite is pervaded by

microscopic veins filled with sanidine, quartz crystals and
some calcite or dolomite crystals along the margins of the
fractures. The sanidine crystals (probably as adularia) have
formed both within the veins and in the vein walls within
the dolomitic groundmass. These veins probably pre-date
the salt movement and may have been sourced by the local
igneous rocks. Large crystals of opaque minerals probably,
iron oxides, are found with this dolomite (Fig. 7).


Figure 6. Dolomite rhombs in evaporitic groundmass with There two types of anhydrite in the studied thin sections
secondary overgrowth rims and cloudy centers. These of Halul Island. The first type consists of large laths and
dolomites may be induced or modified by hydrothermal angular crystals replacing the anhydritic groundmass.
fluids. Some of the anhydrite groundmass is extensively fractured
but the fractures do not pass through the newly formed
crystals, indicating that these fractures predate the crystal
growth (Fig. 8). In some cases, gypsum crystals have also
formed within the anhydritic groundmass. The texture of
this type of evaporite has been complicated by a wide range
of diagenetic processes and further investigation is beyond
the scope of this paper.

The second type of anhydrite is in the form of thin laths

replacing an argillaceous dolomitic groundmass. This is
also interrupted by large veins filled with quartz and other
silica material. Some of the latter shows wavy texture,
which is probably the result of silica growth under stress.


Figure 7. Well-developed sanidine crystals filling a large From Halul Island a single example of algal boundstone
fracture in aphanitic dolomite and replacing also parts of with algal and echinoderm debris was recovered. This
the dolomitic groundmass. sample probably belongs to the middle Miocene carbonates
that were reported to be exposed on islands in the Gulf
region. Gansser (1991) described similar facies from
some Iranian salt domes. The authors are unable to relate
this sample to any known formation, but it is probably of
Tertiary age.

Igneous Suite

The igneous materials of Halul Island have been treated in

a separate paper (Nasir et aI., in review). Below is a short
summary of the petrographic characters of the igneous
materials found on Halul Island. Most of the igneous
materials are basalt; however, no fresh basalt lavas were
recovered from the Hormuz Complex at Halul Island, as
the original mineralogy has been invariably replaced by
secondary weathering assemblages. Fhe felsic rocks are
light green in color and are highly sericitized. The mafic
Figure 8. Extensively fractured anhydrite. The dark block
rocks are gray in color and extensively chlortized and
in the middle ofthe photo is aphanitic dolomite.
epidotized. Sanidine phenocrysts show simple twinning and


are sericitized also. Sparse vesicles are filled with epidote. the Hormuz, The basalts eventually invaded the dolomites,
The volcanic rocks also show evidence for hydrothermal providing hot solutions filling the fractures within the
alteration, associated with specular hematite crystals filling dolomite with well-developed sanidine crystals. This may
fractures and cavities. Abundant euhedral megacrysts of suggest that at least some of the igneous activity was
fluorite and quartz are found also. The porphyritic textures, contemporaneous with the deposition ofthe Hormuz.
which are frequently found in the felsic assemblages, are
consistent with the volcanic nature of these rocks. All PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH SALT
samples include spherical amygdules filled with calcite and DIAPIRISM MECHANISM
minor zeolite.
There are around 200 islands along the coast ofsouthwestern
The above-described lithologies, except the reefal Iran and in the Gulf that are believed have been formed
limestone, are probably belonging to the Honnuz Salt by salt intrusion (Ala 1974, Talbot 1998). There are
Series. The Hormuz has been described as consisting of overwhelming data in support of this mechanism coming
varied suites of lithologies including stromatolitic dolomites from structural modelling as well as gravity and magnetic
and pinkish anhydrite. The pinkish color may be related to surveys (Kent 1979; Kashfi 1983; Talbot and Jarvis 1984;
the volcanic activity that was contemporaneous with the Koyi 1988; Husseini 1989; Khattab 1995, Talbot 1998).
deposition of the Honnuz sediments. According to Nasir et There are, however, many unsolved problems associated
al., (in review), the geochemistry of these igneous materials with the diapirism mechanism. Ala セQYWTI and Gansser
is similar to those of island arc basalts. They suggested that (1992) pointed out to two major problems. These are:
the Halul volcanics were most likely formed in a back-arc
basin setting, similar to those of modem subduction zones. I. The absence of any debris from other Mesozoic rocks
These basins developed into a small proto-oceanic basin through which the salt has penetrated, in several
(Proto-Tethys) and hence, they may be related to a period thousands of exposed sections. Gansser (I992) correctly
of crustal shortening and the eventual closure of the Proto- pointed out that "a [rock] cylinder several kilometers in
Tethys during the Cambrian. A similar case to the Honnuz diameter and 5-10 kilometers in depth, are absent within
is described from the Cambrian salinas along the rift and the salt domes" (page 828).
transforms margins of the Argentine Precordillera and
southern Laurentia by Thomas et al., (2001). The succession 2. The presence of Hormuz sediments and basic volcanics
there is described as syn-rift sediments, including thick in the form of relatively intact section evincing no
evaporites that were formed in graben blocks accessible to major deformation despite the extensive uprising and
marine circulation. penetration of salt. In the Cha Benu salt dome, a raft of
well bedded Honnuz dark dolomite nearly 5 km long has
DEPOSITIONAL SETTINGS transported internally undisturbed about 8 km from its
original location (Gansser 1992).
Most of the rocks found on both Halul and Sharao islands
belong to the Hormuz Series as described from other sites A Proposed Model
in Iran (Ala 1974) or from other islands in the Gulf region
(Salah and Alsharhan 1986). It is possible to reconstruct In order to resolve these two major problems related to salt
approximately the stratigraphic column of the Honnuz diapirism. We begin by reconsidering the division of the
Series in these islands. It consists of carbonates-evaporites whole rock succession into a "competent" group (including
cycles that start with stromatolitic dolomites, pinkish all the Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks overlying the Hormuz
anhydrite, salt and red shales or mudstones. This is similar Salt series), and an "incompetent" group including all the
to the middle Miocene Gachsaran or Lower Fars formation strata above the Gachsaran Formation. The Hormuz Salt
cycles in northern Iraq and Tran (Ibrahim 1978; Shawkat Series and the Gachsaran (Lower Fars) Formation have
and Tucker 1978; Kashf 1980). The dolomite consists of been designated as the Lower and Upper Mobile groups
thin beds with crystal flakes that look like pseudomorphs respectively (O'Brien 1950, 1957; Dunnington 1968;
after gypsum. The weathered out layers within the dolomite Colman-Sadd 1978) (Fig. 9).
are probably dissolved away beds of halite.
We propose a model, where the Hormuz suite and the
The middle Miocene Gachsaran (Lower Fars) Formation overlying succession are divided into two packages. The
was deposited during the near closure of the Nco-Tethys, lower is a mobile package consisting of alternations of salt
where the ocean had narrowed to a strait bordered by wide with other lithologies such as dolomite or limestone and
sabkhas that receive a considerable amount of clastics (red anhydrite and this includes mainly the Hormuz Salt Series.
mudstone and bluish marl); some of it probably of eolian The second package is the competent one. It consists of any
origin. We propose that the Hormuz Salt series occupied possible lithologies including anhydrite but not halite and
a similar depositional setting. The only featural difference includes most of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks of the
between the two is the presence of igneous materials within penetrated section.


Structural Divisions Lithologic Divisions Stratigraphic Divisions

Gセ Qc「Z B エo GZAfNセq , Bakhtiari Formation Plio-Pleistocene
" . : Nセ
Upper Fars Formation

Sandstones, marls, and
000 minor conglomerates

Incompetent Pliocene
Group 2000 ,2

ャセZ[ェIヲOG セ
Aセ^vOᄋ o

I'- -
- "- M セ
Gachsaran (Lower Fars) Formation
Mudstones, marls, anhydrite with thin
Upper Mobile { 40)nt\ イMセ MG Zl limestones & local salts
Group -+- -+-
- " - ....... ,.1;.,.,.._

5000 Asmari limestone Oliaocene & Eocene

... ..
-- Pabdeh & Gurpi Formations
... .,. Marls & marly limestones
6,000 ---- MassiYelimestones with some thin·bedded
Upper Cretaceous
-- limeslones and calcareous shales o
---- '20
7000 II)

-- Lower Cretaceous Q)
1---- :::iE
800 limestones and dolomites Jurassic
Limestones and dolomites
local anhydrites Triassic
9 000
._ ..._ , .. NセGh

.h.4 .............
' ... セlGNB
Carboniferous .2
10,000 _......
_._a,._,·.. ·····.u. 0
Devonian N
••••••••••••• h . u

... ....... _ セNオᄋ
Sandstones and shales with minor
carbonates and evaporites Silurian/Ordovician
." ............
... - ..
.,.......... .....
Nセ ,
11,000 セ

.. ... ..
-+- -+-
Lower Mobile { 12,000l- -+-
- Hormuz Salt Series
Group .. .. Sail. with gypsum, shale and carbonate rocks Proterozoic
l- -+- - 'I:
Basement { セ
- \.... :.:.. • __ •

Metamorphic & igneous rocks
,J': NOセ| セ
Group ........ - -:.......v: \ Q.

Figure 9. The subdivision of the lithologie column in Iran and the Gulf region into competent, incompetent and mobile
groups (modifiedfrom Colman-Sadd 1978).

There are several mechanisms that have been suggested then these competent strata would gradually be broken and
to trigger the mechanism of salt flow such as faulting, pushed aside to accommodate the rising salt. If, however,
tectonism or temperature (see for example Talbot 1998). the overlying rocks form a mobile package, which contains
It is to be expected that the rising salt will exert pressure salt, then the pressure exerted by the rising salt will be
on the overlying rocks, as it pushes upward against them. accommodated by the lateral squeezing out of the salt
If the rock package immediately above the rising salt layer within the overlying package. The remaining lithologies
is a competent package, lacking salt interbeds (Fig 10), in the overlying package may not be strongly deformed,

Sandstone I;;rv:}ii))\!r'::.]


----- __'.. '.'-............_..

_. ....
_. ---_._,-,-
.. "
'"._"-, "'"",,,..,,,
Shale "",,', .,.", ......, "'n" Lセ⦅ LBNセ

Typical Mesozoic - Cenozoic
rocksuccession withno salt

No Horizontal Scale

ease 2
When salt pushes Mh
lockpackages, stress EarthSurface
Dolomite BNセセ
isaccomodaled bythe
intl!rbedded sakbeds,
hentl!,the whole pack セQォ[セ 」G Halite
islransported belW1!eO II
sail pillows. relatiVl!ly
undeformed l(I the

-16KM ""·".

Mobile Group

.. ..........


... '" ...

.. ..


Hormuz SaltSeriessuite
contaiM Interbedded halite

Figure 10. A model to explain the absence of any rock materials from the intruded overlying rocks and the presence of
relatively undisturbed large slabs from the Hormuz rock suite in the studied islands.

but will be transported in a relatively undisturbed state There is much evidence in support of the transport by salt
between an upper and a lower pillow of salt. In this model, flow ofsemi-intact slabs ofrocks to the surface. Kent (1958)
the mobility of the salt affects two or more salt pillows with described from Jehani salt plug in Iran, a discontinuous
beds of other lithologies between them. Upon reaching the band of red marl (which is a common component in the
surface, the upper salt layer will breach the surface and Hormuz cycles) ringing the salt plug near its perimeter.
begins to flow as a salt glacier. When the upper salt layer is The salt also shows horizontal stratification. Furthermore,
depleted by flow, another mobile package containing other Ala (1974) described unbroken slabs ofInfracambrian and
lithologies may begin to flow. These rocks of the competent Lower Paleozoic strata up to 2 miles long and also a well-
beds would be extruded along with the salt through the preserved bedded sequence from a salt plug, about 30 miles
same surface breach. This may explain the relatively well- from the city of Shiraz, in Iran.
preserved succession of the Infracambrian Hormuz beds
found on these islands.



Clearly the Gulf islands represent the final stage of salt Qatar Petroleum provided the logistic support during the
diapirism. However, not all salt plugs reach the surface and field trip to Halul Island. A. Sadiq (University of Qatar)
disturb the whole overlying succession. In this respect, the helped with the fieldwork. Mohsin Al-Ansi and Jassim
three folds subdivision of salt intrusions into pillow, diapir Al-Khyat and the crew of the Sea-Lab ship (Department
and post diapir stages (Abu! Hamd 1990) seems a useful of Marine Sciences, University of Qatar) helped so much
tool in investigating the potential of salt flow-induced during the fieldwork in Sharao Island. Abdel-Rahman
structures as possible hydrocarbon traps. The pillow stage Fowler (UAE University) read the original manuscript and
is responsible for the development of the major oilfields in made many useful amendments.
the Gulf region, where these salt sheets are associated with
regional tectonism and have produced the great oilfields of REFERENCES
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