Dhobale2011 - Reduced Nervonic Acid in Preterm Deliveries.

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Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 85 (2011) 149–153

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Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and

Essential Fatty Acids
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/plefa

Reduced levels of placental long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in

preterm deliveries$
Madhavi V. Dhobale a, Nisha Wadhwani a, Savita S. Mehendale b, Hemlata R. Pisal a, Sadhana R. Joshi a,n
Department of Nutritional Medicine, Interactive Research School for Health Affairs, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune 411043, India
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Bharati Medical College and Hospital, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune 411043, India

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: Reports suggest that the placenta in preterm birth may provide clues to predicting the risk of
Received 1 April 2011 individuals developing chronic diseases in later life. Placental delivery of long chain polyunsaturated
Received in revised form fatty acids (LCPUFA) (constituents of the cell membrane and precursors of prostaglandins) is essential
15 June 2011
for the optimal development of the central nervous system of the fetus. The present study examines the
Accepted 24 June 2011
levels of LCPUFA and their association with placental weight and birth outcome in 58 women delivering
preterm and 44 women delivering at term. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA)
Keywords: levels were lower (p o 0.01) in women delivering preterm. There was a positive association of placental
Preterm pregnancy DHA with placental weight (p ¼0.036) and nervonic acid with head circumference (p ¼ 0.040) in the
Omega-3 fatty acids
preterm group. Altered placental LCPUFA status exists in Indian mothers delivering preterm, which may
Nervonic acid
influence the birth outcome.
Birth outcome
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and conformation of all cell membranes. They are precursors

of important bioactive compounds such as the prostacyclins,
Preterm births are those occurring at less than 37 weeks of prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes and as a source
gestation and result in 10 percentages of deaths in the neonatal of energy [6]. Elongation and desaturation enzymes for LCPUFA
period [1]. However, in developing countries like India, 30% of the conversion are present in the fetal liver early in gestation, but
total neonatal deaths are due to preterm delivery [2]. It is well their activity appears to be low before birth [7]. Therefore, the
established that the placenta provides the fetus with nutrients LCPUFA that the fetus accumulates in utero are derived predomi-
needed for growth and also serves as an excretory organ to nantly through placental transfer, which in turn, is influenced by
eliminate wastes from fetal metabolism [3]. Epidemiologic stu- maternal diet and metabolism [8,9], which consequently impacts
dies have suggested that altered brain development following post-natal development of brain and visual functions [10].
preterm birth may be associated with psychiatric disorders [4]. A term process of parturition involves a cascade of activations
Reports suggest that the placenta in preterm birth is not only a of cellular components and mediators of an inflammatory
record of adverse conditions during intrauterine life that led to pathway(s) that result in the onset of labor and membrane
preterm birth, but it also probably holds clues to predicting which rupture and any abnormalities can result in preterm birth [5].
individuals will be at risk for developing chronic diseases in A recent review indicates that the data on the effect of n 3 fatty
childhood, or as adults [5]. acids on gestational length, risk of preterm birth is controversial
The human fetus relies on maternal supply and placental [11] with most studies being reported from Europe and North
delivery of long-chain n  3 polyunsaturated fatty acids for opti- America [12]. We have earlier reported increased oxidative stress
mal development and function, particularly of the central nervous and lower maternal erythrocyte docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
system. In view of this understanding the levels of placental long (precursors to prostaglandins) levels in preterm deliveries as
chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) in the preterm pla- compared to term deliveries [13,14].
centa may throw light on the neurodevelopmental risk for the Our recent study in placental tissue samples has shown DHA
child. Nutrients like LCPUFA maintain the fluidity, permeability and n  3 fatty acid levels were significantly lower while arachi-
donic acid (ARA) and n  6 fatty acid levels were higher in
preeclamptic women as compared to normotensive women,
Funding: This research did not receive any specific grant from any funding
agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sector.
indicative of altered membrane lipid fatty acid composition
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ020 24366929/31; fax: þ 020 24366929. leading to altered placental development [15]. However, the level
E-mail address: srjoshi62@gmail.com (S.R. Joshi). of LCPUFA and their role in placental and fetal development in

0952-3278/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
150 M.V. Dhobale et al. / Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 85 (2011) 149–153

preterm deliveries are not clear. The only study that has exam- chromatograph (SP 2330, 30 m capillary Supelco column). Helium
ined the levels of fatty acids from placenta in preterm pregnancies was used as carrier gas at 1 ml/min. Oven temperature was held
is from women from an extremely diverse population, which at 150 1C for 10 min, programmed to rise from 150 to 220 1C at
differed in religion, culture and ethnicity [16]. 10 1C/min and at 220 1C for 10 min. The detector temperature was
The present study compares the levels of LCPUFA from 275 1C and the injector temperature was 240 1C. Retention times
placental tissue in preterm deliveries with term deliveries. All and peak areas were automatically computed. Peaks were identi-
women were matched for race, age, sex, socioeconomic status, fied by comparison with standard fatty acid methyl esters
diet and lifestyle to minimize the confounds to variability in fatty (Sigma). Fatty acids were expressed as g/100 g fatty acid, i.e.,
acids. Further, the study for the first time also examines the percentage of total fatty acids as 100%.
association of placental LCPUFA with placental weight and
weight, length, head and chest circumference of the baby at birth.
2.3. Statistical analysis

2. Patients and methods Values are reported as mean 7SD. The data were analyzed
using SPSS/PC þpackage (Version11.0, Chicago, IL). Mean values of
This study was conducted at the Dept. of Obstetrics and the estimates of various parameters were compared using ‘one
Gynaecology, Bharati Hospital, Pune during the year 2008–2010. way ANOVA’ test for possible statistical significant difference
This study was approved by Institutional Ethical Committee and a (p o0.05 and 0.01). Skewed variables were transformed to nor-
written informed consent was taken from each subject. All the mality using the following transformations: log to the base 10
experiments were conducted with the understanding and the (DHA, nervonic acid, placenta weight and birth outcome). Corre-
consent of each participant. A total number of 58 women lation between variables was studied using Pearson’s correla-
delivering preterm (o37 weeks gestation) and 44 women deli- tion analysis after adjusting for gestation, age and body mass
vering at control (control group) were recruited (Z37 weeks index (BMI).
gestation) for this prospective study. Women were excluded from
the study if there was evidence of other pregnancy complications
like multiple gestation, pre-eclampsia, chronic hypertension, type
3. Results
I or type II diabetes mellitus, seizure disorder and renal or liver
disease. Pregnant women with alcohol or drug abuse were also
3.1. Maternal and neonatal characteristics
excluded from the study. Women delivering at control consisted
of pregnant women with no medical or obstetrical complications.
Table 1 shows the maternal and neonatal characteristics. All
Gestational age was calculated by the last menstrual period and
women had similar age, income, education and parity. The body
then confirmed by ultrasound. Women from both groups were
mass index (BMI) of women delivering preterm was significantly
from the lower socioeconomic group and had similar levels of
lower than that of women delivering at term (control) (po0.01).
education, parity and lifestyle. Income is given as Indian Rupees
The baby weight, length, head and chest circumference were
and the conversion factor for Indian Rupees (INR) to US Dollar
lower (p o0.01 for all) in the preterm group as compared to term.
(USD) is 50.

2.1. Sample collection and processing 3.2. Placental fatty acid concentrations

Fresh placental tissues were obtained from normal and pre- DHA level was lower (p o0.01) in preterm deliveries as
term pregnancies immediately after delivery. Fetal membranes compared to term deliveries while eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
were trimmed off and the placenta was weighed. Small pieces and a-linolenic acid (ALA) levels were higher (p o0.01 for both).
(approximately 1 cm (l)  1 cm (w)  0.5–1 cm (h)) of villous The data on placental PUFA levels on control women (n ¼40) has
explants were cut out from five different regions of the placenta been reported earlier [15]. n  6 fatty acids arachidonic acid (ARA),
while avoiding infracted areas. These pieces were pooled per linoleic acid (LA), di-g-linoleic acid (DGLA) and docosapentaenoic
patient for lipid analyses. The tissue pieces were individually acid (DPA) levels were significantly reduced (p o0.01 for all) in
rinsed in DEPC-treated PBS to wash off maternal and fetal blood. preterm deliveries as compared to term deliveries. There was no
Tissue pieces were collected in liquid nitrogen and stored at difference seen in case of g-linoleic acid (GLA) levels.
80 1C until assayed. In the control group 3 (6.8%) placentas were
collected from women who delivered by cesarean section, while Table 1
41 (93.1%) placentas were collected from women who had normal Maternal and neonatal characteristics.
parturition. In the preterm group 13 (22.4%) placentas were
collected from women who delivered by cesarean section, while Term (n ¼44) Preterm (n¼ 58)

45 (77.5%) placentas were collected from women who had normal Maternal characteristics
parturition. Age (yr) 23.7 7 3.6 22.3 7 4.1
BMI (kg/m2) 23.0 7 3.9 20.07 3.2nn
Gestation (wks) 39.3 7 1.1 34.4 7 2.0nn
2.2. Fatty acid estimation from placental membrane fatty acids
Education (grade) 10.3 7 3.1 9.3 7 3.2
Income (Rs.) 5227.27 2914.3 4592.57 2134.7
The procedure for fatty acid analysis used in our study was Parity g 1.6 7 0.7 1.3 7 0.7
revised from the original method of Manku et al. [17] and is also Neonatal characteristics
reported by us earlier in separate studies [12,15,18,19]. Briefly, Baby wt. (kg) 2.8 7 0.2 1.9 7 0.4nn
Baby length (cm) 48.6 7 2.4 44.7 7 3.5nn
placental tissue was homogenized with chilled PBS and spinned
Baby head circumference 33.7 7 1.33 31.3 7 2.0 nn
at 4000 rpm at 4 1C for 20 min. Supernatant and cell membrane Baby chest circumference 32.2 7 1.2 28.4 7 3.0nn
fractions were separated. Transesterification of cell membrane
phospholipid fraction was carried out using hydrochloric acid– Values given are mean 7 SD.
methanol. These were separated using a Perkin Elmer gas nn
po 0.01 when compared to term.
M.V. Dhobale et al. / Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 85 (2011) 149–153 151

Total saturated fatty acids were higher (p o0.01) and MUFA Table 3
were lower (p o0.05) in case of preterm deliveries as compared to Association between placental weight and birth outcome.
term deliveries (Table 2).
Term group Preterm group

n r p n r p
3.3. Placental weight and their association with docosahexaenoic
acid Placental weight
Baby weight (kg) 44 0.280 0.080 52 0.420 0.019n
Placental weight was lower (p o0.01) in preterm deliveries as Baby length (cm) 44  0.055 0.738 52 0.371 0.044n
compared to term deliveries. There was a positive association Head circumference (cm) 44 0.066 0.688 51 0.369 0.040n
Chest circumference (cm) 44  0.009 0.958 52 0.344 0.058n
between placental DHA with placental weight in preterm group
(r ¼0.413, p ¼0.036, n ¼45) (Fig. 1). However, this association was n
p o0.05 when compared to term.
not seen in the term group.

Table 4
3.4. Association of placental weight with birth outcome Association between nervonic acid and birth outcome.

There was a positive association seen between placental weight Term group Preterm group
and baby weight (r¼0.420, p¼0.019, n¼52), length (r¼0.371,
n r p n r p
p¼0.044, n¼52), head circumference (r¼0.369, p¼0.040, n¼51)
Nervonic acid
Table 2 Baby weight (kg) 44  0.237 0.140 51 0.383 0.048n
Placental fatty acid levels in preterm and term deliveries. Baby length (cm) 44 0.063 0.699 51 0.085 0.675
Head circumference (cm) 44  0.002 0.992 52 0.391 0.040n
Fatty acid (g/100 g fatty acids) Term (n¼ 44) Preterm (n¼ 58) Chest circumference (cm) 44  0.020 0.904 55  0.047 0.799

Myristic acid 0.547 0.52 0.367 0.28n n

p o0.05 when compared to term.
Myristoleic acid 0.367 0.48 0.137 0.15nn
Palmitic acid 23.68 7 3.44 29.24 7 6.87nn
Palmetoleic acid 0.317 0.27 0.357 0.42 and chest circumference (r¼ 0.344, p¼0.058, n¼52) in the pre-
Stearic acid 14.16 7 2.64 16.47 7 5.31nn term group. However these associations were not seen in term
Oleic acid 6.657 2.02 6.85 7 1.91 group (Table 3). There was no association between any of the
Linoleic acid 11.31 7 2.02 10.17 7 2.95n other fatty acids and birth outcome.
g-Linoleic acid 0.187 0.24 0.17 7 0.18
a-Linolenic acid 0.197 0.15 0.387 0.36nn
Di-g-linoleic acid 4.457 1.17 3.53 7 1.20nn 3.5. Association of nervonic acid with birth outcome
Arachidonic acid 22.44 7 3.43 19.51 7 6.15nn
Eicosapentaenoic acid 0.117 0.16 0.327 0.29nn
There was a positive association of nervonic acid with baby
Nervonic acid 2.467 1.43 1.507 0.75nn
Docosapentaenoic acid 0.627 0.45 0.377 0.27nn
weight (r ¼0.383, p ¼0.048, n ¼51) as well as with head circum-
Docohexaenoic acid 3.197 0.94 2.057 0.97nn ference (r ¼0.391, p¼0.040, n ¼52) in preterm group (Table 4).
Saturated fatty acids 38.38 7 5.08 46.07 7 11.28nn
Monounsaturated fatty acids 9.787 2.16 8.83 7 2.26n
Total n  3 fatty acids 3.497 0.95 2.75 7 1.10nn 4. Discussion
Total n  6 fatty acids 38.99 7 5.26 33.74 7 9.21nn
n  6/n 3 ration 11.98 7 3.60 13.46 7 4.73
The present study reveals several novel and interesting find-
Values given are mean 7 SD. ings in placenta from preterm deliveries: (1) lower DHA but
p o 0.05 when compared to term group. higher EPA & ALA levels; (2) lower ARA, LA, DGLA and DPA;
p o0.01 when compared to term group. (3) positive association of DHA with placental weight and
(4) positive association of nervonic acid with baby weight and head
In our study, placental levels of ALA and EPA were higher but
DHA levels were lower in women delivering preterm. In the body,
4.50 ALA is metabolized to EPA and DHA while LA is metabolized to
ARA by D-5 desaturase and D-6 desaturase enzymes [20]. The
DHA (g / 100g fatty acids)

changes in levels of fatty acids observed in our study can be

attributed either to altered intake or metabolism. A study in rats
indicates that increase in amounts of ALA leads to accumulation
of EPA [21]. However, in our earlier study we have reported no
difference in the intakes of ALA rich foods between women
delivering preterm and at control [13]. We have already reported
earlier that in women delivering preterm the frequency of
1.50 consumption of foods rich in alpha linolenic acid, a precursor of
DHA was about 4–5 times a week, and this was similar to the
reported frequency of consumption by pregnant women deliver-
ing at term due to a strong traditional practice and availability of
same foods [13,22].
200 300 400 500 600 Our findings suggest that ALA may be getting converted to EPA
Placenta weight (gm) but EPA is not further metabolized to DHA since we have seen
reduced placental DHA levels. This may be due to the reduced
Fig. 1 D5-desaturase enzyme activity, which is known to be regulated at
152 M.V. Dhobale et al. / Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 85 (2011) 149–153

transcription And translational levels [23]. Future studies need to nervonic acid were lower in preterm placentae. Further, nervonic
examine D5-desaturase enzyme levels as well as expression from acid was positively associated with baby head circumference,
preterm placentae. which may lead for poor fetal brain development. Recent reports
In our study low levels of ARA were seen in preterm placentae. suggest that plasma and erythrocyte nervonic acid levels are
This is in contrast to the high amounts of ARA reported earlier lower in major depressive disorder patients [34].
[16]. The reduced levels of ARA in our study may be as a result of Biological effects of LCPUFAs on brain function are assumed to
increased oxidative stress in preterm pregnancies. It is known be mediated by the availability of these LCPUFA with 420 carbon
that ARA, a major unsaturated fatty acids present in mammalian atoms and 43 double bonds (i.e. ARA, EPA and DHA) [35]. It has
cells, is the major target of free radical attack, which induces lipid recently been suggested that DHA supplementation during the
peroxidation [24]. Although in the present study we did not complementary feeding period is effective in improving neuro-
examine the association between oxidative stress and ARA levels functional and visual performance [36]. Bouwstra et al. [37] have
we have earlier reported increased oxidative stress in preterm also reported associations between umbilical cord fatty acid
deliveries [11]. composition and neurodevelopmental status at 18 months and
LCPUFAs have numerous physiological functions (metabolic, suggest that the umbilical cord fatty acid compositions reflect
energetic and structural) and influence placental and fetal devel- long-control of LCPUFA status, and are therefore more likely to
opment [25]. LCPUFAs, especially ARA and DHA, are major show a relationship with neurodevelopment. The recent Cochrane
components of all cell membranes and are of special importance database systematic reviews evaluating the effects of LCPUFA
to the brain and blood vessels. In particular, DHA accounts for supplementation on breast feeding mothers and their infant,
about 40% of the membrane phospholipids in the brain. It has which included six randomized controlled trials indicate that in
been widely investigated for its critical importance on fetal 2 trials LCPUFA supplementation was associated with increased
growth and development of the central nervous system [25]. head circumference [38].
EPA and DHA are reported to have an effect on membrane Micronutrients like folic acid, vitamin B12 and LCPUFA interact
receptor function and even neurotransmitter generation and in the one carbon cycle. Membrane phospholipids are major
metabolism [26]. methyl group acceptors and reduced DHA levels may result in
In utero, the placenta selectively and substantially extracts diversion of methyl groups towards DNA ultimately resulting in
ARA and DHA from the mother and enriches the fetal circulation. DNA methylation as we have recently described in one carbon
We have earlier reported higher DHA and ARA levels in cord blood metabolic pathway [39,40]. We have recently reported gestation-
compared to their mothers, suggesting a special mechanism to dependent changes in human placental global DNA methylation
meet the increased demand of the fetus [13]. Placental synthesis levels [41]. In view of this, our results indicating reduced levels of
of ARA and DHA has been proposed as one mechanism to explain placental LCPUFA may have implications for fetal programming of
the higher concentrations of these LCPUFAs in the fetal circulation adult diseases.
[27]. Reduced levels of both DHA could be attributed to reduced In conclusion, our study for the first time reports the levels and
fatty acid synthesis in the placenta. Alternatively it may also be association of placental LCPUFA with placental weight and birth
possible that the placenta also plays a role in regulating its own weight, length, head and chest circumference in women deliver-
levels in response to the fetal demand. ing preterm babies. Our results although observational and only
In the present study individual fatty acids were expressed as indicative of causal relations suggest that altered placental
proportions of total fatty acids and are interdependent. Thus an LCPUFA status exist in Indian mothers delivering preterm, which
increase in one fatty acid that makes up a large percentage of the may influence the birth outcome. Future studies need to examine
total will cause the relative contribution of other fatty acids to be whether these altered levels of placental fatty acids, which affect
lower, even when the absolute amount remains unaltered. That is, birth outcome, lead to increased risk of neurodevelopmental
a high percentage of saturated fatty acids will automatically disorders and non-communicable diseases in childhood and later
reflect a low percentage of unsaturated fatty acids. This makes life.
it difficult to interpret the effect of single fatty acid constituents,
independent of other fatty acids.
We report here for the first time a positive association Acknowledgment
between placental weight and placental DHA in preterm deliv-
eries. This finding is of significance in view of the fact that 98% of The authors would like to thank all the subjects for volunteer-
the growth of the baby occurs when the fetus is entirely ing in this study and nurses of Bharati hospital who helped in
dependent on the placenta for its supply of nutrients/oxygen. It collecting the samples.
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