Catalogue AUCTION of Inter - Scot

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Scott & Company’s

COINS. ^ 3 .


I 882.

f21 (Broadway
ffew York City.

With compliments of


by whom orders for this sale will be faithfully executed .

BOOTY & 00JdPA JTY solicit correspondence with

parties having Collections of Goins or (Postage Stamps
hey wish to dispose of. Possessing the leading papers
in these lines gives them unsurpassed facilities for se-
curing the representation of nearly every American
November 27, 1HS2, 47th Sole.




III a $ 0 n i c ill c cl





AT CLINTON HALL, Eighth St., near Broadway,




Bids Executed ley the Auctioneers and all Coin Eealers.

1 KH .

We desire to call particular attention to this collection of coins,

being confident that amateurs will find very many cheap coins
which have long been wanted to fill up gaps in their collections,
and add historic interest to their cabinet, as there will be plenty of
chances to buy fine portrait coins of the old Roman emperors at a
very moderate price, and from the fact of there being but little to
attract large buyers, those of limited means can be sure of supply-
ing their wants at low prices, while the many interesting foreign
coins must appeal to all who really wish to educate themselves in
numismatic studies.
The collection of Masonic Medals is worthy of especial attention,
as the opportunity of completing sets of this interesting series is

very rarely offered to the public, such medals as come into the
market being usually sold at retail and at high prices.
Collectors living at too great a distance from New York to attend
in person, may have their orders executed by the auctioneers,
Messrs. Scott &
Co.; or other dealers, for a commission of 10 per
cent, on amounts under $100— over $100, 5 per cent. a uniform —
charge of 50 cents made on any amount under $5.
In reference to the method of selling at auction we would say
that each lot is sold to the highest bidder, at so much for each coin
in the lot, so if you which contains 10 pieces,
desire a lot of coins
and you wish to pay it, you should
$1.00 for bid 10 cents each.
Always state your highest price, relying on the honor of those you
employ to make the purchase for you at the lowest possible figure.
The coins will be on exhibition at the Auction Rooms, on the day
of sale, from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.
New York, June 1, 1882.

Note.— very coin catalogued is warranted genuine unless other-

wise described.

( Millimeters .)

Sizes given are according to this scale.

In order to facilitate the sales, and at the request of many of


Cataloguers, the Auctioneers suggest that hereafter, when the bid-

ding has reached fifty cents, no advance bid of less than five
when the bidding has reached two dollars and a
to be received ;

half, no bid to be less than ten cents, and when the bidding
reached ten dollars, no bid to be less than twenty-five cents.
II 1 Ephesus, obv. a bee, rev. a stag, pierced, size 15. 1

2j0 2 Athens, rev. owl, size 15.

JO 3 Corinth, rev. Pegasus, only fair, size 15.
// 4 Ceos, dog’s head, size 15.
7r s Syria, Demetrius I., 163-151 B. C. ,
rev. tripod and inscr.
serrated edge, size 25, good and rare.
. Hi' 6 , Antiochus IV., bust; rev. inscr., Antiochus Nicephorus;
very good and rare, size 20.
JO 7 Same; poor.
II 8 Alexander I., (Balas); 2 different coins; fair, size
20-25. 2
H 9 Alexander II., 129-121 B. C., rev. elephant.
to 10 Antiochus 111., 223-187 B. C., rev. palm, small.
JO 11 Antiochus IV., 176-104 B. C., rev. Jupiter seated, size
JO 12 various kings and other Greek regal coins, fair to good
small good lot; will repay study. 14
10 13 Greek regal, similar lot, but larger and better; fine lot. 8
JO 14 Panormus, horse, size 28, good.
'.JO 15 Sinope silver drachm, eagle flying with fish in claws.
jo 16 Palmyra, old terra cotta copy of coin of Palmyra; curious.


0 -o 17 Ptolemy 1., largest size bronze head of Jupiter, rev. noble
eagle on thunderbolt, head turned to right, very thick and
large, size 40, fine and rare.
* 0 18 slightly different perhaps, see cover Ptolemy IT., the
; ;

cnp)>ercoins of the Ptolemies being undistingulshable with

few exceptions, very fine and rare, size 40.
Zy 19 Ptolemy I., silver tetradraclim, fine but clipped.
7j~ 20 Ptolemy 1 T. large size bronze, similar, but eagle to
1 . right, very
good and patinated; size 35, rarer than the largest.
Z i 21 similar, size 30, rare type, poor.
yj 22 similar, size 25, good.
7r 23 similar, sizes 20. 18. 15, 13, all very good and scarce,
particularly the small ones. 4
<ro 24 Ptolemy — , largest size, yellow bronze, eagle holds cornuco-
pin, fine, size 35.
ZJ 25 Ptolemy VIII., he>> eagles on thunderbolts, large size, fine and
very rare, size 35.
Jr 26 smaller pieces, same type, size 20 to 15, all different and
rare. 5


/ 0 27 Ptolemy IX., eagle and club, poor and rare, size 33.
28 same, size 24, good.
i~0 29 same, size 25, good.
L/y 30 Ptolemy —different, head of Jupiter, star and triangle before

eagle, somewhat oval, very good but legend partly gone,

16" 31 rev. eagle, and rev. standing figure, poor. 3
/J ' 32 Egyptian Coins, different size, fair to poor, Queens’
heads. 2
/ e 33 One similar and base tetradrachm. 2

Alexandrian aeries, Greek inscriptions, bronze, all size 20-23, but very
thick, and in fine preservation.

0 ~6 34 Aurelianus, rev. eagle and wreath.

A 35 rev. eagle between standards.
err 86 rev. eagle, wreath in mouth.

y 38 rev. eagle to right.

39 rev. eagle different.

J-J'40 rev. Equity standing.

rr 41 rev. various. 3
J-4'42 Claudius Gothicus, rev. Abundance.
rj'43 Equity.
JV'44 radiated female head of city.
J'J'45 head of Victory and standard.
-2-J variety.
2G'47 Victory marching.
6~o 48 eagle to right, only fair.
6 0 49 eagle to left,

6~0 50 Equity.
ro 51 Victory marching to right,
6-6 '
52 Equit}'.
6-6 '
53 Severina, rare, rev. eagle, different years. 2
fi6" 54 Peace standing.
J'6' 55 Victory marching.
O'J- 56 various. 2
/ .06- 57 Cornelia Supera, rev. Equity.
/ 06 58 rev. peace.
6~6 '
59 Probus, figure standing holding fiow'ers.
rr eo Victory marching.
i'i-Q 2 Gallienus, eagle to right.
^J'63 eagle to left
j'j- 64 Abundance.
jr 65 standing figure.
ye) 67 Selection. Gallienus, Severina, Claudius Tacitus, Cadmus
Tacitus, Cornelia, Aurelean and others, very fine lot, 13



.6'0 68 Nero, silver tetradrachm, bust of emperor, rev. eagle on thun-

derbolt (Alexandria), very good.


** y 09 tetradrachm of impure silver, bust of Nero, rev. bust of

Jupiter, very good. 70 tetradrachm, bust of Nero, rev. bust of Poppuea, his wife,
potin. of good alloy, rare and very good (Antioch).
i.yo 71 tetradrachm, different bust, rev. fine female head with
starand inscr. P.AROKIA (Catsareu of Cappadocia, see Aker-
man, p. 13, of tolerable silver and good).
LXT> 72 tetradrachm, head of emperor, rev. bust of empress,
slightly clipped, potin., good.
'-/JO 73 Hadrian, tetradrachm, bust of emperor, rev. Jupiter seated,
potin. of good silvery color and very fine (Antioch).
/. 01) 74 Hadrian, tetradrachm, rev. radiated head of city, inscription*
gone, otherwise good, good potin.
ZJ- 75 Antoninus Pius, fine tetradrachm of fair silver, bust and title,
rev. eagle, wreath and S. C.,aud Greek ins.,- continuation of
title, signifying “ having tribunitian power ” (Antioch), very
70 Trajan Decius, tetradrachm, bust, rev. as 75, potin. very good.
t. <rz> 77 Same Emperor, tetradrachm, different bust, same reverse, potin.
very good.
by 78 Same, tetradrachm, not so good.
I 0 79 Trebonianus Gaclus, tetradrachm, rev. same corroded in some ;

places, otherwise good, potin.

2.1-80 Caracalla. tetradrachm, same, rev. corroded, potin.
jy si Various emperors, tetradrachm, fair to good, all potin. 4


3Z 82 Berytus Phoenicia; of Carac alia, rev. Neptune and female
2d bronze size, not guaranteed, though believed by
owner to be genuine, edge lws been filed, very good.
30 83 Sidon, Col(onia) Aur(eli-i) Pia Metro(polis) Sid(on)of Elagnbalus,
rev. car of god, “El Cabal” worshipped as a stone, 2d
bronze, same observation as 82.
ly 84 Antioch ad Orontem, fair to fine, first bronze, sold together by
request, four to five different reverses. 7
ty 85 Colonial of Augustus, oxen and colonist tracing boundary (sign
of agricultural colony), and one of Caracalla of Sidon, rev.
standards (sign of military colony), fair and good, 2d bronze. 2
yo 87 Berytus, of Hadrian, 2 standards, Latin inscription, good, and
another colonial of Hadrian, Greek ins. 2
I 88 Various colonial, all different, one of Berytus, one of 5th and
8th Legions, interesting, but in poor preservation, all differ-
ent. “
/O 80 Greek imperial of Hadrian, and colonial, fair, 2d bronze, all dif-
ferent. 3

i'O 90 Vespasian, silver denarin*, rev. captive under trophy, ins.
“Judffia,” Madden pi. 183, Cohen, No. 108,poor but rare.
J~0 91 Simon Mnccabteus, sixth of shekel in copper, obv. a cup or
chalice, inscr. “The redemption of Zion,” rev. a lulab be-
tween two csrogs (citrons), date of t lie 4t h year, obv. fine, rev.
fair, very rare, De Saulcy pi. 1, Madden p.’ 48, No. 3.

£ .7 5 92 Herod Agrippa I., A. D. 37-44, obv. figure like umbrella, inscr.

Greek BA (sileus) {A) GR1PPA, rev. 3 ears of wheat, L A (of
ihe 1st year), very rare, the first year not quoted in M. or De
S. Madden p. 104, De S. pi. 14, "No. 8, good for this coin,
always poor and rare.
<5 o 93 Similar, slightly different, name not so legible.
SLi' 94 Same, unevenly struck, part of the inscription gone.
/.J'O 95 Valerius Gratus, procurator for Tiberius, “ Tiberias ” in wreath
rev. palm branch, ins. Greek IULIA (in Greek), poor, butdis’
tinguishable by plate, Madden 146-1, De S. VIII, No. 10*
very rare. ’

3.5 O 96 Claudius Felix, procurator for Nero, palm branch, ins. L.E., i. e.,
year 5, KAICMiOC, rev. NEP
U NO (Nerono), exactly like
Madden, p. 153, De S. pi. IV, No. 12, patinated and very
good and Widow’s Mite.
x zy 97 Same procurator, Nero and Britannicus, obv. only fair, two
shields and two lances crossed, ins. Nero, not legible, rev.
palm tree, ins. Brut., plain and good, size 18, Madden p.
152, No. 2, De S. pi. 9, No. 11, known as Widow’s Mite.
d. e~0 98 (first revolt of the Jews), struck under authority of
Sanhedrim, obv. cup with two handles (year two), rev. vine-
leaf, “ Cheruth-Zion,” deliverance of ZioD, Madden pi. 180,
De S. plate x, No. 1, good and rare.
Z.o-d 99 Sam. ', diff't vase, year 3, rev. different vine-leaf, Madden 180,
No. 2, De S. pi. x, No. 2, not quite so good.
(a ,<rv 100 Barcocliab (the son of a star, and leader of 2d Revolt of the
Jews). A palm tree. Ins., Ileb., “Simon.” Rev., a vine
leaf. Ins.. Deliverance of Jerusalem. Struck over some
other piece, as all these pieces are; see Madden p. 209, con-
sequently ins. slightly confused. Large, fine and handsome
piece, better than illustrated, by Madden p. 209 or De. S.
pi. XIII, No. 3, and very rare. Size 29.
/ 2" 101 Small coins, probably Jewish, but not described, and poor. 4
/.&t> 102 Coins struck by the Arab Conquerors of Jerusalem. Caliph
standing. Ins., “ Mohammed, prophet,” etc. (Arabic). Rev.
Palestine M. Similar (but ins. reversed) to Madden 230,,
231 (see note 16). Very fine and very rare.
103 Large Bronze Coin. Head of Moses, with ram’s horns. Rev.
Hebrew ins., a well-known mediaeval fabrication, but rare and
/ o—v 104 Another, slightly pierced.

<n> 105 Silver Denarius «ff Piso Frugi Calpurnia family and another. 2
i -3 0 106 Silver denarius, Tiberius, has been shanked, fine. 1
5~0 107 Tiberius, 2d B, rev. Caducous, &c., good.
Zy 108 Augustus, Claudius. Faustina and Antoninus, 2d B, poor. 4
Zy 109 Vespasian, Colonial 3d B, Greek ins,, good.
zy no Julia, silver, gilt, denarius (counterfeit Aureus), fine.
3o 111 Nero, 2d Bronze, rev. S. C., good
Zy H2 Domitian, 2d B, rev. figure standing, S. C., good.
2sj 113 Trajan silver denarii, various rev., fair, one pierced. 3

/J- H4 Marcus Aurelius denarius, poor.

yr 115 Faustina, Jr., silver denarius, very good.
2. zy no Macrinus, 1st B, rev. Roma, wolf and twins, probably struck
good and very rare.
in Africa,

Jr ii7 Severus Alexander, 1 B, Aeternitas only fair.


// 118 base denarii, Jovi Propugnatori, different, good. 2

Zo 119 Julia Mamaca, 1st B, Securitas August, good.
3 0 120 Com mod us,2d B, only fair, Victory.
J. <rv 121 Maximinus, 235-238 A. 1)., 1 B, soldier between standards, very
Zi 122 Gordianus Pius, 238-244, denarius, Soeculi Felicitas, good. 2
Jy 128 1st B, poor and 2d bronze, Victoria Aug ,

/y 124 Phillip, 244-249, 1 B, very fair.

<o 0 123 1B, soldier marching, very good.

/. ro 12(1 broad denarius, equity standing, extremely fine,
jy 127 Junior, denarius, Fortune standing, veryfine, but broken.
128 Valerianus, 253-263, denarii, base Eternity, and emperor
on stag, poor, but rare, rev. 3
/ 2/ u 120 Gallienus, 200-268, base denarii, Virtus Augg., Minerva, Oriens
Aug. and others, Ac., denarii of Salonina. 0
/£ 130 Claudius Gotliicus, 268-270, 3d B., various. 4
\.yo i3i Vabalathus Athenodorus, son of Zenobia, Queen °f Palmyra,
and Emperor in Syria, taken prisoner by Amelian. A. I). 273.
Billon Denarius, obv. his bust, Vabalathus, V. C. R. D.,
M. H. These letters have never been deciphered, rev.
bust of Ainelianus, usual tit'es, very good and extremely
rare, quoted by Humphrey at £2 lCs.
/O 132 Aurelian, 270-273 A.D.,3d 15., rev. Restitute Orbis Soli Inveeti,
Victoria Aug., Ac. 4
Zy 133 Probus. 276-282, 3d B., dementia, Teraporis Securilo Pcrp.,
very fine. 2
JO 134 3d B., various revs. 4
33' 135 Carus, 282-283, Consecrationary, 3d B., good and rare.
Zo 130 Carinus, 288-285, 3d B., poor but rare.
yo 137 Diocletian, 245-284, 2d.. Genius of theRoman People, fine.
^J'138 2d B. Felix Moment, Arc. rare and good.
, ,

3y 139 3d 15., Concordia Mil, very good.

Jy 140 Maximianus (Hercules), 280-310 A.D.,2d B., Genius of the
Roman people, extra fine.
7j- 141 Maximanus, rev. Moneta standing. Sacra Moneta Augg. et
Caess. Nost., 2d 15., very fin and rare.
JO 142 2d B. Genio, Ac., good.

10 143 3d II., all different, good to fine. 3

JO 144 Constant ius Chlorus, 805-30(5, 2d 15.. Genio, Ac. . very
O'O 145 another, different figure and different bust, extremely
<-* 0 140 Helena, 3d 15., Securitas Republics*, good and rare.
30 147 Galerius Valerianus Maximianus, 2d Bronze and 3d B., Genio
I’opuli. Ac., tine. 2
Zy 148 Flavius Severus. A. I). 3(56-367, 2d 15., Genio Pop., Ac., very
fine, struck at Antioch, rare.

0~o 149 another, 2d B. ,

slightly different.
yo 150 Licinius, 807-323, 3d 15., Jovi (’onset vatori. extra fine.
Zy 151 3d I?., rev. Providontia Aug., Jovi Conservatori, Genio
Augusti. ISoli Invicto, all different and all fine. 4
07> 152 Tiiccni us Junior, 3d B., Providcntin, Ac., very fine.
£/3'153 Constantine the Great. 30(5-55 37. a collection of 3d Bronze, all
fine, some extremely tine and all different reverses, including
Consecrationary. 18

/o 154 ——
— 3J B., includes duplicates ;
not so fine as last but good

/ 7 155 Urbs Roma
and Constantinopolis, 3d B. 3
' 156
2> 6 Constantine Junior, 3d B., all different, some very fine, all

good. 7
Zy 157 C'onstaus., all different and fine, 3d B. 4
JO 158 Constantius, 3d B., all different. 5
/ % 159 Crispus, A.D. 317-326, 3d B., different. 2
jy loo Magnentius, 350-53, 3d B., 2 Victories, &c., extra fine.
5 O 102 Julian II., called tlie apostate and Jovian, 3d B., poor but rare 2
JO 168 Valentinian, 361-375, small, 2d Bronze, Gloria Romanorum,
jy id Theodosius the Great. 2d and 3d B., good, rare. 5
2d 165 Arcadius, 183-395, 2d, 3d and 4th Bronze various, very hard
to find in good condition, all good. 6

JO 106 Maximianus, Constantius, Diocletian, Constans, Licinius,

etc., all lair to good, 3d B. good lot. ,
/0 167 3d Bronze of various Emperors and base denarii, fair to very
poor 15

jy 168 Anastasius, 518, 2d B., rev. K., good for piece, full size, pierced.
iy loo reduced 1st Bronze, rev. M., reduced 2d Bronze, rev.
K., fair, all different, good. 3
zy no Justinian I., large 1st Bronze, full-faced bust of Emperor
holding cross, etc., face rubbed off, otherwise good, rev. M.
(Tlieup), Antioch, rare.
J~o 171 another, same size, planchet, figure smaller, good and
/2 172 Justin us, small coins, various. 3
/O 178 and Justinian, emperors standing, 1st B.
2-6-0 174 Tiberius Constantinus, 1st B ,
full-faced bust, fine and rare.

2 o~o 175 another, not quite so large, fine.

JO 176 Unknown, 2 and 3 figures standing, want cleaning and study,

1st Bronze, reduced size. '
J.o-0 177 Maurieius Tiberius, 582-602, 1st B., full face, D. N. Mauricius
Tib., etc., fine.
/y 178 different, full face, D. N. Mauricius, etc., emperor
with imperial eagle (Tlieup.), Antioch.
JO 179 same, not so good.
JO 180 2d B., rev. K., good.
JO 181 Byzantine, curious, ins. gone. 2
u/ o 182 Focas, 602-610, emp. and Leontia, his wife, standing, D. N.
Foca, Ne. p., i. e., Ne pereat.
<c6’ 183 John Zimisces, figure of Christ “Emanuel,” rev. IS. XS.,
Basileus Basileon, i. e., Jesus Christ, King of Kings, this Emp.
was the first to put Christ on the coins.
76' 184 head of Christ, IS. XS., rev. similar to last, good,
/O 185 Tiberius Constantinus, 1st B., different. 2
ty o 186 Nicepliorus, 1st, B. (3d B. size), different. 3

JJ- 187 Stauracius (?) 1st B., small different, only fair. 2
// 188 Various Emperors, fair and good. 3

'd 189 Cup shaped; Emperor and Empress standing, curious, pierced,
good. 1

190 Various Byzantine, poor but curious. 8

/.<* O 191 Boemond (I. V), there were 7 Boemonds, and
their coins are
not yet correctly distinguished, obv. ins. “Boamundus”
cross, rev. “Anuochia,” cross with crescent in left-hand upper
corner, silver penny, tine and very rare.
/ye 192 crescent in right-hand upper corner of cross ;
penny, tine and rare.
/yo 193 crescent in lower left-hand corner of cross, silver penny,
fine and very rare.
2.ff~o 194 in lower right hand corner of cross, silver
penny, fine and very rare.


v. o~t> 1 95 Boem nd VII., 1274-1287, A. I)., a Cross in circle of arches.
“Civitates Tripolis Syrie,” rev., “ Boemuudus Septimus,”
castle, fine silver groat, extremely rare.

~b 0 190 Celtiberian, 2d B., curious and rare.

To 197 Tyre of Phoenicia. imperial Greek, 2d

, B., rev., a god in a cha
4~£> 198 Bactrian sacred bull and horseman. 2
/ 0 199 Gordian Pius, 1 B., and' Trajan Decius, 1 B., scarce and
fair. 2
/ Z 200 Antiochus IV., of Commageuc Jupiter, rev. figure seated,
etc., fair.

. sj- 201 Syria, Antiochus VII., good, in^. readable, and one of Antio-
chus IV., Epiphanes. 2
SO 202 Syrian and other Greek imperial, small, mostly poor, but
some rare. 10
203 Similar, but larger and better, good lot. 0
/ O 204 First Bronze, Trajan, Gordianus, Phillip. 3
/0 205 Maxentius, 2d B., Victory, good. 1

2/z 200 Homan coins, very poor. 50

x? 207 Homan, Greek, etc., poor. 55
to 208 Homan, Greek. Byzantine, etc., worth cleaning, and
will repay study. *
/O 209 Colony Julia .Elia, etc ,
(Jerusalem), and other colonial and
Macedonia, good lot. 8
& 210 Miscellaneous ancient coins, fair to good, 1 counterfeit. 8
/y 3ii Egypt silver tetradrachm, counterfeit.

/ 211a Lot foreign coins, many countries, every piece different. 55
2 J* 212 Turkey, large bronze medal, Turkish ins.

7 213 John Ryan, Poolbeg street, Dublin, and another token. 2

/J '214 Isle of Man penny, Geo. III., 1776, good.
/3 ' 215 William and Mary half penny, 1694, v. g., Charles II. farthing. 2
;z 2i6 Venice Provisional Government, 1849, 5 and 3 cent, and coin
of Placentia, good. 3
l 217 Oriental coins, old and curious, hut poor. 15
3'0 218 Venice, for Cyprus, 1570, and another small and old coin. 2
JZ 219 United States first steam coinage, March 23, 1836, very good.
3 220 Leaden coins and tokens, American flags, shield, etc., all dif-
ferent. 5
/i' 221 Old Scottish copper coins, rare, poor. 4

&y 222 Elizabeth sixpence, dated 1561, fine.
9 223 Spanish reals, Turkish and others, value $1.25. 9
JO 224 Silver coin of Morocco, and other Oriental. 4
Zo 225 Early French penny, curious, worn, and coin of Metz, horse-
man, etc. 2
Zy 226 Old Prague groat, coin of CosmusdeMedicisand half testoon of
Gregory XIV., finding of Christ in manger, all poor, but
rare. 3
Zo 227 Louis XIII. and XIV., France, sixth of crowm and Napoleon
consul quart., rare, all good. 3
3Z. 228 Russian coin struck for Georgia, at Tiflis, small, scarce and

70 229 Phillip of France. Tours groat, pierced.

JJO 230 Another, very fine.
j./O 231 Another, very fine.
9 232 Austria, Leopold, hog mouth, Tyrol lialf-groat. 2
/ 0 233 Ancient Sicilian groat, fine, but clipped badly.
3'0 234 Coin of Duke of Ut bino, rare.
j-J- 235 Venice Andreas, Dandolo Doge, croat, pierced, ohv. Jesus
Christ standing, rev. St. Mark and Doge.
J-J- 236 same, very good.
Zt>' 237 J° Mocenigo, Doge groat, good, and quarter groat of Fran.
Donato, pierced. 2
b 238 Mexico, Maximilian half dollar, scarce.
23 239 England, Charles I. hammered sixpence, good.
o/O 240 Mary I. groat, poor hut very rare.
33- 241 Mexico, medallic half dollar, constitution of 1843, rare.
Z 242 C< flection of foreign coin®, comprising Chile. Uruguay, Ger-
many, Lombardy, Hungary, Parma, Russia, Turkey, Egypt,
Morocco, China, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Sicily, Spain,
I-Iayli, Greece, India, Luxemburg, Japan, Hong Kong. Gib-
raltar, Ionian Isles, etc., etc., every piece different and mostly
very good. 102
7 & 243 Miscellaneous lot, some few duplicates, good lot. 32

/O 244 English farthings, viz. Charles I., 1072-4-5; William


1098 William & Mary, 1094-5 George I 1710 George II.,

; , ;

1730-2-4-5-6-7-9, 44-6-9,54 George 111., 1799, 1806 George

; ;

IV., 1821-3-5-6 (2var.), 7-8-9-30; William IV., 31-3-6-7;

Victoria, various. No duplicates hard to get as a collec-

tion. 36

245 Miscellaneous farthings, some duplicates. 21


30 246 George copper twopence, rare, good.

f 2, 247 Russia, large 10-kopeck piece, 1765.
/O 248 Gamblers’ halfpenny of George III., “tails” on each side.
22 249 Sandwich Islands, Ilapa, Hancri, etc., good.
3d' 250 Burmah, peacock and ins., rare.
2y 251 Another variety.
Zo 252 Virginia halfpenny. Washington and Inde. 2
zy 253 1837 token, type 35, rare variety.
Zr 254 Turcoman coin, very curious, warriors and captive, Arabic
ins., good.

255 Russia, Italy, Papal, etc., silver, value nearly $1. 10

J- 256 John Lee, President Numismatic Society of London, bronze,
poor, size 43.
j~ 257 Alfred L. Robinson, banker, numismatist, etc, Hartford, Ct.,
1861, rev. of Higley Copper, white metal, uncirculated,
size 26.

2 258 F. C.Key & Son, 123 Arch street, Philadelphia, rev. bust
Edwin Forrest white metal, good, size 26.
1 259 E. Hill, dealer in coins, medals, etc., No. 6 lileecker street,
1860, rev. Daniel Webster, white metal, good.

2 260 E. Hill & Co., 1860, rev. Edwin Forrest, size 28.

4 261 William Idler, 111 North 9th street, Philadelphia, rev. G.

Washington, President, etc., white metal, very good, size 34.
1 262 S. II Zahm, dealer in coins, etc., Lancaster, Pa., rev. Ben-
jamin Franklin, 1867.
Z 263 Key, die and medal sinkers, 329 Arch street, Philadelphia, 1851,
rev. Queen Victoria and Albert.
2 264 George H. Lovett, 131 Fulton st., N. Y.. rev. Cupid on a Dol-
phin, wh. in. and Bronze. 2
3 265 Ben ziger Bros., N. Y., and Cin., O., “ Religious, medals of
Gold, Silver, etc.”
L 266 William Idler, dealer in coins, Phila., rev. Spread Eagle,
copy, etc. ,
v. g., 33.

2 267 Edward Cogan, coin dealer, 48 N. 10th st., Phila., 1860,

copper and brass. 2
J l 268 J. A. Bolen, die sinker and medallist, Springlicld, Mass.,
Young America, 1862, 27.

2 269 W. Idler, dealer in coins, 111 N. 9th st., Phila. Rev. conti-
nental paper money, etc., w.m., v.f., 20.
Z 270 Copy Lord Baltimore, around head, W. Idler, etc., brass, 20.
Z 271 Augustus B. Sage, Faneuil Hall, cop., uncir., 30.
2 272 New Congress Hull 1860, curious view, rev., “seals, dies, etc.
engraved,” brass, 25
J 273 R. Lovett, Jr., I860, rev., “metallic business cards,” etc.,
Phila, 19.
Whelan, “ dealer and modern coins, opposite
l 274 1848, in ancient
British Museum,” Wolf and Twins, etc., very rare, brass. 25.
275 R. Lovett, Jr., rev. Stephen Girard Statue.


I )

/O i76 Fenian Brotherhood, w. m., poor but rare type.

/S 277 Lieut. Gen. T. J. Jackson, bust, rev. battles, etc., size 50, w.
m., fuir.


J 278 Alexd. von Humboldt, lOOtli Anniversay, \v. m., pressed on

top, size 50.
3 279 Prince Albert, “stamped in Exhibition building,” bronze, 40.
/0 280 St. Peters Church, Hamburg, 1342-1516, rev. same when burned,
edge “ from the copper of St. Peter’s Church,” bronze, v. g.,
L 281 Medals of so-called Henry IX. of England, and Pope Innocent
X., lead. 2
•C 282 Very Rev’d Henry Rich’d Dawson, rev. monument, bronze,
edge battered, 40.
283 Henry IV. of France, rev. juegion of Honor, beautiful bronze
medal, 40.
4 ~284 Childeric of France, rev. Date, etc. (modern), copper, good, 32.
J'd 285 Frederick the Great of Prussia, line medal on victories and siege
of Prague, yellow bronze, 45, good.
/4> 286 Canton Ticino, Prize Medal of School of Design, beautiful but
abused, 45.
2s y 287 Ignatius de Loyola, brass medal, rev. College de Loyola and
another oval with his portrait and that of Aloysius de
Gonzaga 2
288 Medal Confraternity of Holy Family, rev. Curious full length
of St. Alphonse “ seated ;” with loop, 50.
20 2S9 Pius IX. 50th Anniversary of his Episcopate.
2 290 Louisbourg Medal, Admiral Boscawen took Cape Breton, poor
but rare, etc., broken, Admiral Vernon. 2
2 291 Temperance Medals, all different, various medals. 5
2, 292 Centennial Medals, Brooklyn Sunday-School, Bunker Hill Mon-
ument, etc., all different. G
2. 293 Stale of Maine, House of Representative’s seal.
JL 294 Com. Decatur, rev. Captain Lawrence, 1813, lead, rare.
Z 295 100th “ Night of Mighty Dollar,” 1871, bust of Mr. and Mrs.
Florence, 40.
J' 296 Columbia College, N. Y., bronze medal given 1839 for profi-
ciency in English, etc., rare.
•2 297 Various American Medals, poor. 9
J- 298 Mobile Jockey Club, 1853, wh. m., uncirculated.

For want of room the following are mostly bunched, without re-
gard torarity, under the various names :

4 299 U. S. Grant, rev. I propose, etc., and II. Wilson. 2

t/. 300 Hayes, rev. Wheeler. 1
6~ 301 Tilden, rev. Hendricks. 1

302 A. Lincoln, Repub. candid., rev. Great Rail-splitter, wh. m.

v. g., 35.

3 303 A. Lincoln, rail-splitter, Progress, wh. m., 38, poor, and four
others, all v. f. ,
all different. 6
3~ 304 McClellan, all different. 4
305 Horatio Seymour, all different. 2
c/ 306 Buchanan, all different. 4
307 Bell, all different. 2
308 Winfield Scott, all different. 4
V 309 Henry Clay and the American System, and others, all dif-
ferent. 5
H- 310 Henry Clay, rpv. Baltimore monument, poor and scarce. 1
) '


3 311 Pierce, different. 2

3 312 Fillmore. 1

U? 313 Breckinridge, rev. Pts. House. 1

3 314 Fremont. 1

3 315 Douglass, all different. 4

*/ 310 Andrew Jackson, rev. The Nation’s Good, rare. 1

3 317 W. II. Harrison, rare lot, all different. 10

3 318 Zachary Taylor, U. S. of America, 1847.
3 319 Lewis Cass, James Fisk, Jr., and others, all different. 13
3 320 George Washington, rev. Monument.
-3 321 George Washington, rev. Lincoln, niter, pierced.
7 322 Washington, rev. born 1732, died 1799, silver; pierced.
3 323 Washington Calendar, brass, defective.
/ 0 324 Independence Hall, rev. Liberty Bell, silver, pierced.
325 Enclosed stamps, Irving House. N. Y., 10 rts. Kirkpatrick «&
J Gault, No. 1 Park Place, 5 cents. 2
4 826 In Memory of the Centenary, rev. George Washington, 1870,
very rare. •

^ 327 George Washington, Father of bn Country, rev. Our Country,


A 328 Washington and Independence, 1783, United States.

/y 329 Maj. Gen Win. H. Harrison, rev. Battle of the Thames, cop
per size 31.
yJ* 330 Same, in silver, very rare.
6 331 Marriage Medal of Silver Wedding, March 5, 1855, rev. 2

hands clasped, Julie Thomas, copper, v. f. s28. ,

J~0 332 Marriage Medal, very large and handsome, of Ferd. II. and
Maria Theresa of Austria, King and Queen of Sicily, busts
Jugata, rev. altar, dove, Cupid, Venus, etc., bronze, has been
gilt, size 70.

SO 333 Marriage Medal, Louis NHL of France and Ann of Austria,

crowned heads, etc., 1010, old, curious, fine, but pierced.
5' 884 Same, different busts, rev. similar but different.
J 335 Old Dutch Engraved Marriage Medal, and another. 2
V 330 Russian Medal of S. G. Hermelin, Counsellor, etc.
<2j'337 Famine Token, 1816-1817, prices of bread and beer, rev. wo-
man and child. Give me bread. 1 am hungry.


Si 338 Marcus Aurelius, poor.
2. 339 ‘
Hadrian, rev. tig. stand’g, v. g.
2.J-340 Julia (Pia) Augusta, fair, etc.

j :J4l Geta, only fair, but rare.
| 342
ft/l ''
Julia Mam sea, rev. Vesta, fine billon.

/7/t 348 Gordinnus Pius, rev. Livtitia Aug, v. g., large.

/ 7/,344 Commodus, rev. female sacrificing, v. g.

a Qi4R
I a 345
Septimus Sevcrus, legend gone.
/ 0 340 Gallienus, billon, PietasAug. and Aetermtoz. 2
/ -4 4,347 Alexander Severus, rev. Viet. Aug., fair.
/i z 848 Salonina, rev. Pudicitia, Modesty, v. g., bill.
io 349 Phillip, very fine, but broken.
350 Phillip, rev. a lion. Sa-culares Aug., refers to Secular games,
rare, rev., very fine.


3 & 351 Peace marching, in beautiful preservation.

Phillip, rev.
J O 352 Antoninus, and 2 others, poor, one pierced. 3
J 0 353 Tacitus, Provideutiaj, coppery, fine.

Celliberian, Imitation of Head of Roma, rev. Pegasus, size 25.
7 355 Sy racuse, Chariot, etc.
/ . JD 356 Alex’r the Great of Macedon, head as on silver, rev. club,
etc., patinated and fine.

3-/Z 357 Macedon, Alex., 4, similar head, cavalier, corroded.

J~0 358 Egypt, 3 coins, 1 poor, 2 v. g. 3
/ & 359 Carthage, horse-head and palm tree, good.
6~0 360 Greek coins, poor preservation, all different. 7
/ 0 361 Another lot, little better, all different. 8
/ 0 362 Another lot, better, all different. 9
/O 363 Another lot, different. 6
/2^ 364 Arsacidse Kings of Persia, small, but rare and curious. 2
Jy.j-D 364a Alexander the Great, silver tetradrachm, very good, bold im-


/ 365 Claudius, 2d B., poor.
JO 366 Nero, 2d B., Victory and Globe.
// 367 Vespasian, 2d B., all different. 3

0 368
i Domitian, 2d B., with title of perpetual Caesar and another. 2
/J'369 Antoninus Pius, 1 B., rev. funeral pyre Consecratio.
JO 370 2d B, rev. Mars, and another. 1

10 371 Faustina the Elder, 1 B., rev. Augusta.

!V/ 372 Julia Soemias, denarius, very poor, but rare.
Z-j'373 Julia Mamsea, 1 B., pat. and good.
d'Q 374 Maximinus, 2d B., Genio Pop. Rom.
/^375 Gordianus Pius, 1 B., poor and 2d good. 2
0 376
/ and another.
Gallienus, 3 B., rev. a Stag, 2

Zr 377 Tetricus, rev. Spes publica, very fineand one other. 2

/<L 378 Claudius Gothicus, 3d B., Victoria Aug.

75-379 Pax Aug., denarius of billon, silver washed copper.
(pD 380 Claudius Gothicus, billon denarius, etc., all different. 3

(p0 381 Probus, billon denarius, bust to II., rev. Jupiter standing, very
good and rare.

Z5'382 Billon denarius, bust to R., Vertus, Probi Aug., war-

rior and captive, coppery, very good.
ro 383 Bust to R., Virtus, Aug.
QO 384 Diocletian, 2d B., rev. Genuis of the Roman People, good.
385 Billon denarius, Victoria Aug., v. f.

/So 386 same, Jupiter standing.

/.m> 387 same, rev. Peace.
7J-388 same, Jupiter, preserver of the Emperor.
/6' 389 Maximianus Hercules, billon denarius, rev. Peace.
/J 390 variet}r .

/ 27. 391 Emper. in helmet, head to R., Pax.

//' 392 Bust to L. rev. etc., Pax.
J5 393 Salus Aug., very fine.

n'/ju different figures.



0 395 Galerius Valerius Maximianus, billons denarius, Pax.

Jj' 390 3d 13., Concordia, fine.

L+y 897 Licinius, 3d 13., Jupiter, the Preserver, extra fine, and
another. 2

/‘i, 398 Maxentius, 2d. 13.. Aetemiatus Augg. N., 2 warriors and horses,
fine and rare, and rev. a temple, fair. 2
JZ l 399 Magnentius, 2d 13., Reparatio Hcspublicae. and another. 2
/ 0 400 Constantine, Constans, etc., good to fair. 5

/7 401 Gratian, 1; Ilonorius, 1, 3d 13., small, but rare. 2

yt/, 402 3 Roman Colonials, one of Antioch, with the Stone God, “el
' — Gabal,” and 2 others, 3
/ O 403 Miscellaneous Roman, 1-3 13. 13

Description from Coin Collectors’ Journal. Numbers refer
to Marvin’s work.
/./ 0 404 58G5-G8, Logo dcs amis Philanthropes Latonia standing, rev. ;

offices of the Lodge, (M. 209), bronze, 48.

~b./D 405 58GG, same obverse as last, rev. in honor of Master Jules
Anspach, “for truly Masonic conduct,’’ (M. 210), bronze,
scarce, 48.
oJ 400 Bast of Baron do Stassart to left, rev. a ribbon connecting
three wreaths, (M. 190) bronze, 50.
J /O 407 5832, Commemorating the foundation of the Grand Orient at
Brussels, a phoenix, rev. inscription of eight lines, (M. 188)
bronze, 45.
3./0 408 Bust to left in G. M.’s collar, of Eugene de Facqz, gr. mait. de
L’ordre Mac., En Belgique, rev. an altar, sword, Bible, club
of Hercules, bust of Minerva, etc., below Gr. or. de Belgique,
(M. 198) copper, plated, 50.
<5'0 409 Masonic Satirical, a hog surrounded by rays, on a tablet, amis
commo cochons, ordre djjs Agathop., menagerie, rev. Martin
le Singe, elu iiime, G.M. etc., bronze, size 27. The Society
of Agath ipaedes of Brussels is said to date back to the 15th
century, but has been recently a burlesque on Masonry.
410 Medal of the Order of St. Michael, France. St. Michael de
stroying the dragon, legend, regius Sti. Miclmdis ordo
nulccxxix., rev. Minerva, silver, 41.
/.tn> 411 Modal of the Order of St. James’ Arms of order crowned with
date 1400, rev. sword, pilgrim’s hat, staff, etc., 1789, fine and
rare, silver, 31.
Go 412 Crown supported by 3 altars numbered 1, 2, and 3 ; rev. inscrip-
tion sic crit firmis sima, 1726, fine and rate, silver, 28.
/V 413 Large compasses crossed by ribbon inscribed misurati rev. ;

naked female with one foot on a globe, “ Conduct thyself

with reverence.” (M. 44G) silver, 29, rare.
Lf 414 “ Lodge of Osiris, founded Nov. 2, 177G. Orient of Moscow ” in
Ecclesiastic Russian, the Serpent of Eternity in a circle, rev.
an eye above the the phallic emblem, “ Mysterious representa-
tions of Osiris,” in same characters, (M. 4>) silver, cxccdinglv
rare, 36.

9 415 Amsterdam, “3d Centennial of the Cologne Charter. ” ten-line

incription circle of stars,
in rev. triangle and inscription \
(M. 18), bronze, scarce, 52.
£'0 '410 Mailed arms, with hands clasped ns if in prayer to Hebrew
name in clouds; cornucopia on each side filled with flowers
and fruit rev. an old woman seated with man in front, very

curious, and rare, tin, 30

o ”;

/./> y 417 Pierre Van Humbeeck, fine profile, portrait to left; rev. inscrip-
tion, being an extract from his installation speech (M. 496),
bronze, proof scarce, 51.
T>./ 418 5760, L.D. ST. J.S.L.T.D.D. ST. L. D. L.M. D. F. R.
a beehive and swarm between two pillars rev. emblems (M. ;

604), bronze, fine and very rare, 30.

Z.ZsO 419 Loge Chapitrale des Arts et de L’Amitie, Paris serpent ;

coiled about a cross, on -which is a rose rev. an altar (M.343), ;

bronze, fine, 35.

3 6' 420 Loge des Disciples St. Vt. De Paul St. Vincent holding a ;

child,advances towards another who sleeps rev. eye, ear, ;

mouth and hand between pillars (M. 154), octagonal, brass, 32.
To 421 Same Lodge; .Teton de Presence, a serpent; obv. an open book,
band and dagger (M. 155), bronze, 29.
6~o 422 “ Supreme Counsel of the 33d, in France; God and my right;
crowned double eagle rev. inscription in nine lines (M. 183),

bronze, 31.
f4 ' 423 Loge des Amis Bienfaisants, O. de Paris beehive and bees ; ;

rev. a temple (M. 223), bronze, octagonal, 30.

424 5777, La Concorde, or. de Sens., wreath of oak and rose leaves;
rev. radiant triangle (M. 234), brass, nonagonal, 27.
f 0 425 5802, Loge de la Trinit e, o de Paris rev. pillars, altar, etc.

(M. 166), lead, bronzed, rare, 28.

64~ 426 Lodge of the Disciples of Minerva, head of Medusa (M. 74),
copper, scarce, 29.
JLo 427 Lodge Isis-Montyon, double-headed eagle ;
rev. coiled snake
enclosing a cross (M. 80), white metal, 24.

3. JO 428 Triangle within rays, INRI in cipher rev. five standards ; ;

Struck for the Grand Council, 33 grade, prior to the winter of

1829 (M. 185), silver, rare, 24.
Z .&, o 409 Profile of Chas. A. Boethiger to left, rev. a man seated before
a pillar, on which is a winged sphinx (M. 3), bronze, good, 40.
/. U- 430 5744,David and Jonathan, Masonic implements to left rev. a ;

beehive between two trees. “ I hate the profane populace and

keep them at a distance,” (M. 5), fine, rare silver, 37.
Harpocrates with cornucopia of Masonic emblems, “ Keep
/ 0 4 431 Si-
lence ” rev. six
rough ashlers, (M. 12), silver, rare, 23.

V-6 432 Bust of John Chr, Ant. Theden, rev. inscription in ten lines.
Master of Concord Lodge, Berlin, bronze, proof, 36.
3. iy 433 Portrait bust of Frederick the Great, founder of Freemasonry in
Berlin, (M. 365), bronze proof, beautiful, 50.
3./C 434 “ Scottish Lodge of Perfect Equality, Orient of Chalon,” square,
compasses and surveyor's level, (M. 526), brass, proof, 28.
6 'SV 435 Bust of Wieland to left, rev. a sphinx in garland of roses, Lodge
Amalia Weimar, (M. 418), very fine and rare silver, 33.
/ O~0 436 Profile of Christoph Martin Wieland rev. a serpent, mirror

and staff, utile dulci, very fine, silver, 42.

Zfrv 437 Bust of Louis, Grand Duke of Ilesse, rev. a temple, John the
Evangelist, of Harmony, Orient, of Darmstadt, (M. 382), silver,
very fine, scarce, 39.

3 6o 438 Bust of Guiamcau, rev. an altar, Berlin, Nov. 7, 1824, (M. 359),
bronze, very fine. Scarce. 41.

<2. 439 A pyramid with Time flying to left, unio latmor francof a. m.,
rev. inscription in nine lines, silver, very good, 51.
/<+/£ i 440 The earth with sun below and moon above, facies supromie-
adem, arms of the English Freemasons, struck about
1741 to commemorate an important Masonic event, (M. 52)
silver, in good condition, extremely rare, 30.
This is one of the oldest Masonic medals.
J ' ;


J. J0 441 Apron with Masonic implements, rev. open book with eye-
glasses above, (M 720), silver, very rare, 21.
$6 442 5852, Bonaparte a bee, rev. square and compasses, (M. 623),
brass, 25.
S* 443 5820, Orient de Toulouse, star in triangle, rev. square and com-
passes, (M. 661), brass, rare, 23.
70 444 Bureau de placement de la Bastile, rev. square and compasses,
(M. 716), lead, pierced, 17.
3-/6 445 L’Amitie orient de Nemours, 587, rev. star in radient triangle,
(M. 532), copper proof, rare, 31.
J,(TV 44<> 1790, Prince of Wales halfpenny token, arms of Grand Lodge
before the Union, (M. 62), copper, very good, 30.
6'd 447 1790, another variety, not quite as line.
to •i 448 Mary Commandery, Mary kneeling at the feet of the Savior, rev.
inscription in sixteen lines, shield shaped, (M. 101), white
metal, 37x48.
3 .<rz> 449 5752, Fredericksburg Lodge, rev. protile of Washington to right,
(M. 271), only twenty-five struck, copper, fine, 28.
J HD 450 Socrates a, rev. Masonic emblems, (M. 282), white metal, fine,
(»S~ 451 Lake City Lodge, Fla., rev. all seeing eye, plumb, level and
square. (M. 290), brass, proof, 28.
Z/ '
452 Holland Lodge, N. V., arms, rev. historical inscription, (M. 302),
copper, proof 32.

j j 5 453 Solomon’s Lodge, Poughkeepsie, profile of Washington to left

in square and compasses, rev. inscription, (M. 30i), copper,
/77 D 454 Square and compasses, with letter G, rev. the Lord’s prayer in
smallest space ever put on metal and struck in Centennial
building, cruciform, (M. 325), silver, tine, 20.
J~D 455 Egyptian Obelisk, rev. Masonic emblem, “ corner stone laid by
the Grand Lodge F. A. M., State of X. Y.” (M. 727), bronze,
proof. 34.
- J '
456 ? Masonic emblems, rev. Baillie’s card, (M. 723), copper, fine, 28.
* v J' 457 Square and compasses enclosing G; rev. “union forever ” in
wreath (M. 725u), nickel, 19,
/D 458 Square and compasses, thirteen stars above rev. Johnston’s ;

card (M. 726u), copper, 19.

Z i459 Obv. same as last rev. Burgemann’s card (M. 7266), copper. 19.

/J " 460 Square and compasses, Frank Bresford, Cincinnati rev. ;

card (M. 728), copper, 19.

' HO 461 English War Medal granted to Robert Hill of the 1st Bat. 52d
Regiment foot for service at the battle of Waterloo, no clasp
otherwise; very good for piece, silver, 36.
7 O 462 Centennial Commission Medal, bronze, fine, 38.
463 Peopleof Washington to right, oath of allegiance medal, bronze,
fine, 30.
6' 404 Nassau Water Works and Siege of Boston white metal and

copper plated, sizes 85 and 32, fine, 2 pieces.

i' 465 Cast in red of Centennial, Wesley and Jefferson medals, curious,
3 pc<.
/PC 466 1732, Crown of Empress Anne of Russia, fine portrait, silver,
very good, rare.

J.7J' 467 Bonaparte, Premier Consul, fine portrait to left rev. Republique
Francaise, 20 francs yold. fine, rare.

/.bO 468 Frederick Augustus, King of Saxony, portrait to right rev. ;

arms, double, thaler, good.

/ 3 469 English Queen Anne shilling, Holland 1690, and Danish Ameri-
can silver, 3 pcs.
Z.J-D 470 Knights of Malta, 1774, Grand Master Fr. Ximenez deTexada,
portrait, bust to right ;
rev. arms, scudo, silver, good, rare.
J 471 1769, G. M. F. Emmanuel Pinto ;
rev. full length figure
of St. John, 15 tarins (1-2-), silver, good, rare.
ho 472 1768, same, portrait to right; rev. arms. 4t., silver, good,
3r 473 1780, G. M. Emmanuel de Rohan, arms 6 1., silver, good.
3 0 474 1776, same, 2 t., silver good.
475 1778, same, 1 t., silver, very good, rare.
/3" 476 1706-86, different Grand Masters, copper, fair to very
good, 6 pcs.
bZ 477 Hebrew shekel so called, copy, old and curious, brass.
/J ~
478 Another, different, white metal.
<ro 479 Roman denarius, 81-96, Domuian, fine profile to right, fine,
70 '480 98-117, Trajan, portrait to left •
rev. Mars ^walking to
left with victory and trophy, fine.
73*481 138-101, Antoninus Pius, portrait to right, fine.
GO 482 161-180, Marcus Aurelius, profile to right, very good.
73- 483 193-211, Sept. Severus, portrait to right, fine.
J,(TD 484 Hosidia Family, head Geta to right; rev. wild boar trans-
fixed by a spear fine, rare.

73 ' 485 Hadrian, fine portrait to right, first bronze, very good.
/ ZS- 486 John Zimisces, portrait of Christ rev. inscription “Jesus

Christ, King of Kings,” first bronze, very good.

/O' 487 Faustina, first bronze, Nero, second bronze, and other, rare
ones, good to fine, 4 pcs.
0* 488 Lot third bronze, AureMan Maximianus, Constantine the Great,
Constantius Postumas, etc. 9
Z 489 Lot foreign coppers, including Liberia, Greece, Netherlands,
1565, etc. a very good lot, fair to fine, 30 pcs.

Zd *490 English, 1813, threepenny token struck for Birmingham very ;

fair, rare.

& 491 Good English and Irish tokens, some rare.

lot 8
3 0 492 United States, 1834, a Plain System Void of Pomp very good ;

for this rare Jackson token.

/ 0 493 1838, “ Am
I not a, Woman and a Sister,” very good.

3 494 1834-7, Jackson tokens, good. 6

ZO 495 1783, Washington cent, very good.
/ 0 496 Another, with a Fugio 1787, good. 2
497 Connecticut cents, all different, some rare. 9

6 6 498 New York cent, nova eborac, very good, rare.

hO 499 Virginia cent.

Zt 500 Voce Populi, good.
3 501 New Jersey, 1786-7, all different. 5
ZS' 502 1794, Talbot, Allum & Lee, very good.
/ 0' 503 1783-5, Nova Constellatio, two varieties. 2
/y 504 1783, “ small U. S., good.
!X 505 Half cents, 1803-53, all different, including 1810, which
is rare, good. 7
506 Cents, 1795-6-7, all good. 3

/y 507 1800-1-2-3-5-6-7, all good. 7

l.lo 508 1804, date plain and warranted, genuine original in
very fair condition for this rare cent.
H 0 509 1809, fair, rare.
it 510 1808-10-11, all good. 3

// 511 1808-11-13, all fair. 3

// 512 1816-38, both very tine. 3
5,3 1798-1857, a nearly complete set, including a few var-
r/i ieties of dies, fair to very good, 84 pcs.

t+o 514 Histoire Metallique de la Republique de Hollande, Bizot. Con-
tains a large number of beautiful plates of coins. Vellum, 2
515 Ilistorische Munz-Bclustigung. Historical Numismatic Amuse
ment. Splendidly illustrated, vol. III. complete in itself.
>a o 5io Essay on Coins, “ Hoffman ” in German, giving engravings of
20U rare coins, all named above. A very useful work.
Small 4to.
L<n> 517 De Goude en Zilvere Gangbaare Penningen der Graaven en
Graavinnen van Holland by Kornelis Van Alkemade. Folio,
231 engravings of rare coins.
/.STD 518 Atlas Typographique. Gives plans of the different cities, with
their arms very useful in locating city coins.
; 1 vol., 4to.

/J-f 519 Treatise on the Knowledge of Medals and Coins of all ages, in
German. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, well bound in vel-
520 “ Sammlung Verschiedener Merctwurdiger, rarer und anderer
Thaler.” F. M. Jacobs. Also bound with it an Essay on the
Select Coins of Lubec. Illustrated. 8vo, well bound in
/./ <^521 “ Johann Peters von Ludewig. Einleitung zu dem deutschen
Munzwesen mittlerer Zeiten.” A very good work on Bracte-
ates. Illustrated. 8vo.
/ 522 Auction catalogues, unpriced. 13 pcs.
Jfessrs. SCOTT Jc COJ£<PA J?Y
New York

(Please purchase for me at auction to ce held in

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lots named below, the prices annexed being my limit


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Among the short articles may be mentioned Well illustrated papers on the coins of St.

Domingo, Roumania, Greece, Liberia, Ionian Isles, Jersey, Guernsey, Bermuda, Balia
mas, Barbadoes, France, Newfoundland, Westphalia, Sierra Leone, Austria, Hamburg,
Denmark, South America, Spain, &c., &c. reviews of all coin auctions during the year,

with prices realized interesting answers to correspondents. 96 illustrations, 188 pages,


large 8vo, bound, uniform with last. Price, 50 cents post free, 56 cents.

This contains part of Vol. IV. also, so as to give the commencement of the valuable
article, “The Coins of the United States,” a wonderful monument of perseverance
painstaking research into the copper coinage of the United States. Gives minute de
scription of every die used in striking the cents and half cents, and exposes some coun-
terfeits which have long deceived collectors. Contains also descriptions of a large
number of foreign coins." Well illustrated. Price, 50 cents post free, 56 cents.


This volume is equal, if not superior, to any which has preceded it. The striking
“ U. S. Bank Tokens,” 1837, or Jackson
feature is a complete illustrated history of
cents, as they are variously called. Many of these tokens, which before the publication
of this article sold for a few cents, or two dollars at the most, now sell as
high as $46.
and number ot
It also contains the usual amount of miscellaneous information a large
illustrations. Price, 50 cents post free, 56 cents.


be had published
This standard publication has not been reduced, but can at |

price: cloth, $2.50; paper, $1.00.


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